Catherine: Full Body's western localization will remove Erica's deadname in the credits...

>Catherine: Full Body's western localization will remove Erica's deadname in the credits, transphobic lines of dialogue have been changed too

Why do they do this? Why do they keep catering to people who don't buy games?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why haven't you joined the winning side yet?
>A Hat in Time raises awareness for trans rights in a thoughtful and respectful way to the mainstream gamer population
>Apex Legends is one of the most successful games of 2019 despite /pol/ screeching
>Atlus censored away the transphobic content from Catherine Full Body
>CDPR Twitter guy that made disrespectful jokes got fired
>Even Sony and Valve are censoring loli and rape now
>Hbomberguy raises 340,000 dollars for transgendered children while streaming Donkey Kong 64
>Great writers like Brian Mitsoda and Chris Avellone would rather write with progressive developers like us than with shitlords that "want politics out of video games"
>Klei takes out character based on white colonizers because it's culturally problematic
>NetherRealm Studios alters the female character's designs to be classier and more sensible for the new era
>Nintendo censoring Game&Watch offensive native American mimicry
>RDR 2 sold 17+ million and makes fun of racists
>Speedrunners that are too "redpilled" got taken out of the speedrunning charity shtick
>The Witcher Netflix series has African American and Indian women in major roles
>THQ Nordic apologized after hosting an AMA on 8ch
>Ubisoft bans people for using toxic language in their chat (Including the n-word)
>We have based people making their own games, just like they were told to 4 years ago (The Last of Us 2)

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ResetEra strikes again!

based as always

>We're winning so much we're policing content and banning people

You're gonna lose to Johnny Reddit tonight again, ya simp

get fucking lynched


Ya sizzlin'?

Because they don't care about the sales number as long as can projected their faggotry to localized product.
Cannot wait for all Commiefornia Faggot localization company to die.


Nice job alphabetizing your talking points

I really hope you guys at RETARDERA will buy the games as much as possible cause no one else will buy this localized shit.

Boiling harder than Kevin Nash's asshole in the summer of 92


kek what a bitch

Did they ruin the steam release?

They ain't ruining shit. It's called localization, simp.

lol np. Enjoy your censored games then dude (If you still care enough to buy this Katsura Hashino transphobic crimes)

Hold up there were trannies in a hat in time? Where?

>Muh censorship

>CDPR Twitter guy that made disrespectful jokes got fired

I'd be fine with this if the trans community did what the gay community did in the 90's but they prove to be just as problematic as furries.

So no, you retards aren't getting my support and I'll openly mock you if I ever meet you in public.

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/pol/ jobbing clean to ResetEra once again. Pin in the middle of the ring.

>Klei takes out character based on white colonizers because it's culturally problematic

Ironic shitposting is still just shitposting.

This is our industry. You're living in it because we allow you to.


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The only need to localize is to literal translate the language to English, thats it. No need to adding some American faggotry additional flavor to it.

such cancer

Uh listen "localization" is when they change the sentence structure because not everything goes from Japanese to English perfectly, like Senpai means like 15 things over there. Removing content from a game no matter how lame or unnecessary means I'm paying for an inferior version and I want to spend my money properly

>shittendo and xbone losers are so asshurt sony absolutely demolished them with the death stranding reveal that they are falling back to "muh censorship" arguments.

also I hate trannies and I don't want them referenced in my game, jokingly or otherwise, glad they removed it.



>Apex Legends is one of the most successful games of 2019 despite /pol/ screeching

But it was a gigantic failure? It turned out that EA just bribed some Youtubers to play it, which caused a bit of a spike in popularity, but once the contracts run out everyone left.

>thats the level of RETARDERA's user argument?

Based Sonychad seeing the bigger picture. Nintendo also bent the knee to ResetEra when they censored Game&Watch, but Yea Forums is very quick to forget when that happens. But when it's Sony bending the knee, we never hear the end of it over here. SAD!

>Demolishing them with a Walking Simlator

>19 IPs
>31 posts

>Even CDPR has bent the knee to them
This is based tbqh

>NetherRealm Studios alters the female character's designs to be classier and more
sensible for the new era

It was also revealed that NR management constantly bullies all female employees, and their shitty working conditions literally gave people PTSDs. Why are leftists always such monsters?

>your game
Who are you? Atlus Shareholder?
This is your kind of game, just play it. No need to ruin others for your shit taste

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Just google "Klei culturally problematic"

>I consider other cultures to be inferior to my own
>But I won't play games from my cultural circle
>Instead I'll just play foreign games, but terribly butchered in order to not offend my sensibilities

Based retard

>Why are leftists always such monsters?
Because they're cultural Marxists masquerading as being progressive/woke individuals.

>A few lines changed in a conversation
>One name change in the credits
>Horribly butchered
Why are /pol/niggers so over-dramatic? You lost, get over it.

They're sizzling that they don't control the industry like us based reseterachads do


>I hate Japanese culture and everything that's related to it
>Will I avoid Japanese games or perhaps explain why Japanese people offend me so much
>No I will just throw racial slurs because I'm an edgy virgin boy

Based incel

Thats is as far as we all know for now. How much you want to bet there are no more? So because we only know this little (according from you), we cannot critic their decision?

>Crying about racism in Yea Forums
>While also crying about muh censorship and how oppressed them Japs are
Wow, you managed to be the worst of both worlds. The fuck is your pussy doing here?

So there's no more indication she's trans anymore? Thank goodness

I wish they’d dead themselves too

You can criticize whatever you want. We're in a free country. Personally, though, I suggest you learn to live with the fact that we're in control.

they change things because if the game released as it was gaming news sites and reviews would all be "OMG TRANSPHOBIC! DO NOT BUY THIS GAME" rather than "its ok. buy it".

It has little to do with gaming news websites. A fair amount of Catherine fans are trannies or tranny-adjacent. This is a move to curate the content and make it more enjoyable for them. Based Atlus US looking out for their fans.

So all you care is to spreading yor faggotry everywhere without care about the games itself. lol serves Atlus US right to be going under then, Cannot wait for all EOP Atlus gamers fans to learn Japanese in order to play their games.

You realize that by acting more like a virgin edgelord you are not helping your case?

So your real name?

Daniel I love you but the racial slurs and the rape jokes have got to stop.
They're offensive, and Maggie and I don't want to hear them anymore.
Also I don't want you saying "cuck" around the kids. Are you serious?
You have got to grow up or we're not going to have you over again.

>Atlus US is going under
Delusional cope.

It's actually because Sony is trying to strongarm industry into being more politically correct and safe.

Fucking hell, man. I wanted to be an elderly man that destroys everything and just wants to get rich.
The name was a good pun too.

That's part of it too. Based Sony looking out for the feelings of their fanbase. Absolute chads.

What I need control from your American? Just because I'm EOP country too? I'm from SEA btw.
Why American must speaking for all english speaking country? just because of their localization base at California?

For free publicity

Because even reassignment surgery can't do anything for such pathetic cunts

If the game censored, and you RETARDERA still not buy the game so who will?

So happy that they cut this trash out, gamers need to chill and have sex insted of being biggoted transphobes

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>That's part of it too. Based Sony looking out for the feelings of their fanbase. Absolute chads.

They don't care about "feelings of the fanbase". If they didn't they wouldn't push paid online, which is one of the most anti-consumer practice in existence. They also wouldn't do other shady shit like turning off Gravity Rush servers early or block cross-play between platforms.

what did the gays do in the 90s? dance around in the street in fetish gear and fuck eachother in the ass?

How do you guys not understand this? They change a game to make sure it meets some minor arbitrary tranny bullshit which is not big enough to change the game but big enough to upset the weeb playerbase so they won't buy the game. After a year or so has gone by and the game hasn't sold nearly as much as it should have the trannies go apeshit saying that it's proof sexy weeb games don't sell because they are misogynistic or whatever. They got you in the long run.

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How much do you sure that will make more additional sales for every lost one?

>and you RETARDERA still not buy the game
Delusional cope.
Inb4 you cherry-pick a few people saying "I'm not gonna buy the game" as if the majority of them isn't gonna buy it.

>After a year or so has gone by and the game hasn't sold nearly as much as it should have the trannies go apeshit saying that it's proof sexy weeb games don't sell because they are misogynistic or whatever.

So the answer is obviously to support uncensored weeb games on Steam. Gaben will become the savior of gaming he was promised to be.

>but big enough to upset the weeb playerbase so they won't buy the game
Nah. The average vidya weeb isn't gonna miss out on good vidya because of a few changed lines. We're not all OneAngryGamer cucks looking for outrage bait and caring about le ebin "Culture War"

It wasn't hateful in any discernible way, but who cares. /pol/cucks are even worse than those triggered idiots, so I'm glad to see them crying rivers over nothing.

What's wrong with a character being transphobic in a game? That's just a characteristic trait.

Steam has censored countless loli rape games at this point.

I wish the snowflake protection program would end already, how long do we have left to go?

Seething much, pedophile?

>A fair amount of Catherine fans are trannies or tranny-adjacent.
I always wonder why trannies or pro-LGBTs in the west are obsessed with Japanese dating sims. I mean, it is the genre that is fundamentally based on sexism and made for male otakus since it was born.

hmm and you tranny gamers need to chill and have sex too instead of being fascist heterophobes

>Catherine: Full Body's western localization will remove Erica's deadname in the credits
This is fine. It makes no sense to refer to someone the player knows as Erica for the entire game as suddenly Eric in the credits.

>transphobic lines of dialogue have been changed too
Literally what lines??? There aren't any transphobic lines in Catherine!

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Trannies love anime. And it's not like it doesn't make sense. Anime has always been degenerate.

Until World War III is declared or San Francisco and Los Angeles are destroyed in a catastrophic natural disaster.

>be against censorship


>A fair amount of Catherine fans are trannies or tranny-adjacent.

what percentage of cathrine fans would you guess are trannies? 0.5% maybe?

>It wasn't hateful in any discernible way, but who cares. /pol/cucks are even worse than those triggered idiots, so I'm glad to see them crying rivers over nothing.
Unless devs start altering games because /pol/ says so then, no they are not worse. The very purpose of bringing games from another country over globally is for the players to see different perspective on things, even if it's considered crude of offensive.
It's just like that time when Sailor Moon censored Uranus and Neptune being gay in some dubs.
Anime (and related media) got fucked by retarded censors back in the day and it's getting fucked now. There's nothing to celebrate.

>Steam has censored countless loli rape games at this point.
Steam is a normal store, porn games shoudln't be there in the first place. Gaben actually allowing any porn games to be sold there is a miracle.

Why is this always spammed here? If you find Yea Forums "problematic" than why not actually go back to where you came from? Why continue to occupy a place you know you hate?

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>I always wonder why trannies or pro-LGBTs in the west are obsessed with Japanese dating sims

Because they think that traps / femboys = trans, pretty much every feminime character in anime is trans now and its not helping that crunchyroll is also forcing this

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More than people who are gonna go "waah, muh censorship" and not buy the game because of it

You are completely out of your mind if you think me or anyone else isn't going to buy Catherine with online multiplayer because they changed Erica's name in the credits.

>Anime has always been degenerate.
yeah, for that reason, the media has been based on sexism and it is a charm of them. I just hope these twisted mind western fanbase stop being degenerate and consuming these things until they admit they are so degenerate that love these things.

>Why do they keep catering to people who don't buy games?

I'm not saying there's really enough of them for it to be profitable. But transes definitely play games.

/pol/ annoys me more because they shitpost here more often.

>kotaku link
>twitter screenshot

Perhaps you should look twice before posting because these are not from resetera website

>Why are leftists always such monsters?
Because it's buying indulgences to cover their misdeeds. Same reason why Silicon Valley is whole hog on intersectional leftism in spite of being monopolies dependent on hordes of underpaid contract workers and blatant tax evasion to function.

It's why Smolett got a pass for literally committing a felony by falsely claiming he was a hate crime victim and then trying to leave his accomplices out to dry.

He's another retarded spammer without any social life. He's been posting his shit over and over again to the point his brain does't work properly anymore. Just another Akagi or gayfish spammer.

like all their outrage of Japanese games. They know they like Yea Forums (or Japanese games), but they cannot tolerate their culture so instead follow/play another sites/games they demand Yea Forums or Japanese games to be censored.

This. I can tell that people are trying to rile me up to care about this censorship or whatever, but I'm just gonna buy this because it's still a great game. I'm not gonna be a part of your cringe personal army to rise up against SJWs or whatever.

>/pol/ annoys me more because they shitpost here more often.
If you care about Yea Forums more than actual vidya you should seek professional help.

Stupid westerners, you're censorship loving subhumans.

Greetings from Japan.

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Summon the Tailsposter.

Where do you think you are, nigger?

How have you gotten this far and not learned to laugh at the retards and never let them laugh at you?

anyone else more concerned about "changing the conversation lines" to be more American friendly.

>Censored:full body

So it's just ANOTHER mentally ill spammer on Yea Forums. how much does that make this so far? You cant go a day without some mental breakdown from some autist on this board.

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This, anyone who says pol is worse it probably a tranny. The problem is the censorship. The name changing in the credits is fine but the rest is not

I've always been there, and it ain't gonna change soon

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>People actually think I'm gonna cancel my pre-order because of a few changed lines
That's hilarious


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If you keep buying it, they'll keep censoring games

If they ever censor something that ruins the enjoyment of the game for me, I'll stop buying it, but until that moment, I don't care. This is small potatoes.

If you pre-order games at all nobody here cares what you think or do.

The leaked script wasn't transphobic at all, I am startng to wonder if the Left even cares about reality anymore, god I wish the Libertarian party wasn't such a joke.

dont worry these kids will grow out of there /pol. phase soon and make irl friends

you're literally such a faggot who watches no bullshit if you care about this censorship shit lmfao

Hey spammerfag, you've already posted MAGA Wojak in this thread, get some new material.

Why is "localization" still even a thing? Do we hate other cultures that much that we have to scrub out the Japan-ness of games? Like if an unfamiliar term comes up can't you just consult your mobile phone?

FYI, the JP version of Full Body also changes the name in the credits compared to the original Catherine:
Jp original Catherine: "Eric Anderson (Erica)"
Jp Full Body: "EricA (Eric Anderson)"
So the Western version will probably just be: "Erica Anderson"
DESU, I don't give a shit either way, I just want to see some nice art of Catherine as a Bride or some wholesome Catherine-Vincent family art.

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i wonder if the two groups might cancel each other out when it comes to game sales.

I've made some normie friends and they are even more /pol/ than me.

I agree, why even translate it at all in the first place? Just get google translator lmafo

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>The amount of people falseflagging and samefagging ITT
Always without fail, I sincerely hope you people actually don't bump threads like these and respond to all this bait. No wonder you always see the same bait and spam day in and dayout and wonder why it keeps happening. I wonder if people even know about sage posts considering how many people are newfags and underage.

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Because google translate spews-out gibberish half the time.

>Anyone that disagrees with me is baiting
That's pretty cringe ngl

Why do these mentally ill freaks have so much power anyways?

i wonder if they realize how easy it is to see they don't belong here

As long as they erase any indication that she's trans they got my money. I'm tired of seeing that shit shoved in my face.


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Yeah, they don't fit our safe space echo chamber thinking, it's really starting to piss me off how they think they can just waltz in and disagree with us based and redpilled gamers. Mods?

I probably have more friends than you and most of them are pol too, there's only one guy who's really sjw. Tbf I don't live in americuck where most people are mentally ill

I'm sorry Hitler, you were right after all.

Literally liberals used to care about censorship until they becane fascists. Where were you when the NRA and Reagan attacked the second amendment because the Black Panthers were legally arming themselves. Fuck off compliance is what killed this country.

Nobody will not buy the game because of those changes and they avoid negative press.

>Comparing serious political issues with minor dialogue changes in a video game

I don't have a PS4 but I'm going to buy a physical copy to support physical copies.

you're group of faggot white friends whose only personality is gaming are irrelevant desu

That's pretty fucking based.

Im happy the PC catherine classic doesnt have any of this cancer

>trans shit is not a mental illness

>gaming addiction is

we live in a backwards world.

The lines were changed because people argued that it was legitimately dangerous to public safety. Aka a political decision


Ironically if they just remove all trans references and as a result make erica into a full woman sjws probably wont see a problem with it.

>Sony accomplishing trans erasure

BASED, one less reminder that these people exist

No. The lines were changed because there were people offended with them.

>shitty characters make shitty anti-trans comments
>get rewritten to be more inclusive while still keeping every other shitty quality in tact
I'm honestly not sure what that says about transsexuals desu. Vincent and his group aren't the best characters, and a random dig isn't out of character

You could wax and wane about fragility, but if even morally bankrupt villains aren't allowed to make fun at their behalf, you're babysitting a infantile group that demands a constant positive feedback loop in all contexts, even if it's fictional fucking characters joking about anal. Not buying of course because AtlasUSA are dogshit

Dunno about west, but here, in Eastern Europe everyone hates faggots and other subhuman scum like niggers.
It's a normal casual thing to laugh at minorities with coworkers.
I have internet friend, who lives in Arab Emirates and he telling me that they have same mindset over there.
So yeah, this "winning" thing only works on dumb brainwashed western whites.
East will will kill you if you try your shit here.
I mean literally kill you.
Some faggots attempted a gay pride event recently, locals beat them up, 1 i coma, 2 dead.

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Yes, and many of the people offended by them were arguing that its LITERALLY a threat to trans lives to remind people of their sex

Whatever. Atlus changed the lines to better conform to its userbase, not out of fear they're killing anyone

>Where were you when the NRA and Reagan attacked the second amendment
>implying any one but me was alive then.

Except just because someone disagrees with you, doesn't make them /pol/, Reddit. It's called being normal.

Wow, you live in the third world? That's so based. Do you have no plumbing around either?

Yeah, you're wrong about that.
Catherine Classic is actually the only version of the game so far that has credits which simply says "Erica Anderson" but because no one has made a big deal out of it (and rightly so), no one gives a shit because it's not a big deal.
Have some more Catherine art.

Attached: Catherine Novel 2.png (769x1078, 503K)

the fact that these people send death threats in reaction to anyone getting misgendered or deadnamed probably helped

I believe you will make friends soon dude. you can do it

yes how dare we not be inclusive towards people mutilating their bodies to make a faux vagina.

these people are SO normal!

like chris chan for example.

Lot's of people in America hate fags too

based knowledgeable user that actually gives a shit about Catherine and isn't just using it as an excuse to cry about politics on Yea Forums

>Implying I only have one type of friend
>Implying me and my friends are white without knowing anything
Maybe you should fix yourself first you seem to suck at making real life connections. Your resetera "friends" aren't gonna be there forever

This may surprise you, but people who aren't from /pol/ tend to have MORE friends, not less

>implying they've never read a history book
I bet you fell for the lies that history doesn't matter, it's the only subject that truly matters

>muh /pol/
You RetardEra trannies really are obsessed, huh?

ive had the same mates for 15ish years, i think im good.

Jokes on you, I've had the same friends for 17 YEARS! HARHAR!

Then why are you so insecure and have to project your inability to make friends on other people

it's fucking wild how "gaming addiction" is considered an illness by the WHO but turning yourself into an abomination (tranny) is not considered an illness.

isn't that batshit insane?

This but unironically.

he said i didnt have friends
i said do
yea im seething, hard project

Warsaw baby. Beautiful city. Love it. No fags, no niggers, only my Slavic brethren.

Also good cheap internet compared to USA.
I pay like 15 usd for 300 MB/s with no data cap.
I heard you guys still have data caps, i pity you.
Yeah but there is still leftist shit in the air. You have to think twice before you can say something that doesn't goes with narrative or else you can get fired.

Why are you assuming this fellow gamer is white and only has white friends? Are you implying that only whites can play videogames? Niggers, chinks, spics, suicidebombers, Redmen, pajeets BTFO'd

Tranny shit aside, it makes complete sense that a certain level of gaming addiction is considered a mental disease. They aren't saying that anyone who plays vidya is mentally ill, you retard.

>There aren't any transphobic lines in Catherine!
Tell that to trans people. Vincent "You'd have to be a woman, first" line (in response to Erica saying she wants to take part in women's wrestling) is, by definition, transphobic.

because he is confirmed /pol/ fag and his friends are too.

They should both be considered an illness

So. Playing too many games is "illness" but chopping your dick off to make a pseudo vagina, is not.

How does this make any sense.

Most sjws think racism,homophobia,transphobia is ONLY capable by white people.(which is probably themselves projecting) When in reality pretty much normally NOBODY is as politically correct as they imagine, most people really arent but they arent open about it either. Everyones just sort of acts like political correctness is how we should be acting even though for the most part we also all kinda know thats not the truth. Political correctness is just a face we put on in public.

Don't care, I'm in it for the online ranked versus matches.

A large amount of /pol/ are cringe minorities larping as white nationalists. You should have seen their meet-up. It's a garbage board all the way down.

Like I said I don't live in americuck so most of us aren't white no mentally I'll like you guys are. But I guess you're too up your own agenda and fantasies to realize that

It's not just fags you have to be careful around it's also women because now sexual jokes can be considered harassment. Do you know what decides this? If the woman thinks it's funny or not. Pretty much you just can't have a good time with anyone but your bros at work.

Bruh if I could flip a switch and turn every gender dysphoric abomination magically into whatever sex was appropriate and eliminate the trans identity overnight, I would in an instant.

My post is mostly assmad at the artistic inflexibility moral busybodies are imposing with their asinine policing if not protection racket imposed upon developers these days.

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Civility is also a face we put on in public. If we put no faces in public, we'd be no different than animals.

Vincent and Erica are friends user, it's a joke.

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Are you implying only whites are right wingers? I have bad news for you do you how conservative the middle east and most parts of Asia are and they would throw fags like you off of rooftops

Yikes, most of these comments... like a pizza cutter, all edge and no point.

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Occasionally going too far in your jokes and offending someone in the process is a relatively normal occurrence. It's how you act after that matters.

Because the changes don't negatively affect the quality nor content of the game, it's just removing dumb, offensive shit that shouldn't have been in it in the first place. It wasn't culturally defensible, it's not commentary of any kind, it's not actual content. If you're offended by these changes, you're a shithead, plain and simple. Further, your views on transexuals are not video games, even though transexuals are the topic. Funny how that works out, but you invited this unfortunate paradox yourself. You could have just not made this thread and saved yourself the trouble, but no, you had to be "smart".

>transphobic lines of dialogue have been changed too
This is a fake quote from some random faggot on Twitter. Nobody will read the article, nobody will check.

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She didn't seem to take it as a joke, though.

Japan doesn't give a shit about SJW nonsense.

This is purely a western/American problem. "Social justice" dictating the dev cycle or content.

>Comedy is supposed to hurt

That's not what I said at all, you illiterate mongrel.

I have news for you user, someone with XY chromosomes is not a woman, never will be.

>post tfw you own the original game on PC with no changes whatsoever
Who here PCbased and uncensoredpilled?

Also if full body does come to PC, I might still be modable, they are already doing stuff with the original game.

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Realizing that you only live once and choose to live in a body you're comfortable in is an "illness" but being such a sociopath that you lose sleep over what someone else does with their body somehow isn't.

How does this make any sense.

Don't forget about Africa. The most retarded Christian fundamentalists are in Africa.

How to dab on ResetEra niggers:
1. Never reply without sage to their threads.
For newfags: write "sage" in options field, it will prevent from bumping the thread when you reply.
2. When you reply never link to their posts. They don't deserve (you)s. Use @ or >> to mock them.
3. Attach to each of your posts picture of beautiful women. Preferably real ones.
Trannies seethe and hate real beauty because they never will be like them. This is why they try to censor it.

Screencap and spread the message.

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>I'd agree that censorship is bad, but the content hurts my feelings, so go fuck yourself

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Nature has proven this narrative false with hundreds of species which are either genderless or can change gender. Nice try, though.

Lemme ask you one thing, can trans give birth? No?
There you go.

I think trannies have a mental illness, but you're right that the /pol/tards obsessing over them definitely have one too. This "culture war" shit has given a lot of people brainworms.

I think it's this occurs mostly in the west. Most of Asia still makes those kinda jokes and now one gets "triggered" over it. We make gay insults to our gay friends and he doesn't act like the words are killing him. Honestly that's how it should, outrage culture has gone too far

sociopath? i'm not the one ignoring fucking biology

you will never ever be a woman, ever. EVER.

It affect the game negatively bu replacing original vision with a corporate censorship. Games are not an educational tool and it's ok if some characters sometimes say something that somebody might find offensive. Everyone who disagrees is a lunatic.

Imagine seething this hard.
Imagine thinking anyone gives enough of a shit to rise up against threads they don't like
Just hide the thread and move on with your life, dweeb

Have sex.

Yeah too bad we are mammals and not fucking fish. Get the fuck out clownfish

You sound obsessed.

hundreds of specials also eat their own young. Are you sure you want to rely on non-humans to rationalize your behavior?

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>it's just removing dumb, offensive shit that shouldn't have been in it in the first place
I played the entire game and could not come across a single example that could even be vaguely construed as "offensive". Vincent and his friends are totally welcoming to Erica, and some extremely light hearted ribbing is not "offensive" unless you're too doped up on hormones to have a reasonable response.

Even if the game was offensive, so what? That's the viewpoint of the writers. Does a story really need to be changed for another culture because the idea of trans people not being the gender they think they are is considered "wrongthink" by nutjobs?

I hope your house catches fire and you fail to be dragged out by a FtM firefighter because she doesn't have any muscle mass, while you watch yet another MtF tranny win yet another female competition with ease on TV.

That's happens naturally retard this isnt. Fucking hell did you fucks even graduate high school. No animals inject their bodies with hormones that aren't supposed to be there. Humans aren't built to change genders like clownfishes are

>replying is sign of obsession



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>I hope your house catches fire and you fail to be dragged out by a FtM firefighter because she doesn't have any muscle mass, while you watch yet another MtF tranny win yet another female competition with ease on TV.
This kind of thinking is about as mentally healthy as being a tranny. And it kind of negates the rest of your post where you're crying about how totally not-offensive the content is. You don't seem like the best judge to decide that.

Did you just call trannies frogs

That line is banter between two friends who have known each other since at least high school. Notice how Erica didn't cry and run away to start a smear campaign on Vincent after hearing his comment.

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>replying to posts is an obsession BUT NOT WHEN I DO IT

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You realize people like you are why they can't show Billy and Mandy on TV anymore right? I can't wait til the muslims and blacks rise up and wipe you degenerates from the history books. I'll be there to help them because we have much more in common than you have with any of us.

Sure, if you want to cherrypick. :^)

Have sex.

Do you think Olympic gender segregation is just a mark of the patriarchy or something? Men and women are different. Taking some hormones does not change the rest of the massive differences between the genders.

You want to put on a skirt and be called a girl? Whatever, go for it. You want to do that, and then compete with real women? You're scum, plain and simple.

Yeah Hank Hill was right women shouldn't be firefighters let alone mentality ill ones

Larp harder fag it's funny. Make an actual argument internet casual

i'm not.

i'm just tired of this "I can be anything I think I am" bullshit. That's like me saying I am Goku and you have to accept it as absolute fact.

I'm not very well informed on the subject, but I think I agree with your overall point. Men transitioning to women and then beating up other women that were born that way seems like an unfair advantage to me. That has nothing to do with the subject of this thread, though, so I'm not sure why you bought it up.

No it does not. You don't make to arbitrarily decide what sentiment disqualifies his post from the conversation.Especially since you yourself support some of the most appalling practices in media.

You're not wrong, but for the most part with the blend of social media in real life and blurring the lines between online and "offline" personas we allowed people to show more of their "real" selves. Since people are now more open with themselves nowadays now we have many "Politically incorrect" opinions out there and people thought to police it, through social shaming. The reality of the situation is nobody is politically correct it's alright to have intrusive thoughts or think a racist joke is funny as long as you dont actively 'for real' harm people for it. but people are really afraid to admit it for fear of social shame. This sjw cult in itself is built on self shame,fear, and the policing of oneself. It might pass in a decade because its overall goal is futile.

Two years ago I would have agreed with you, but Sony's recent move to California and suddenly demanding Japanese developers cut content, communicate solely in English officially, and wholesale avoid male-centric fanservice leaves me with no confidence devs won't simply make an all inclusive version for the lowest effort. Nintendo's Treehouse is the villain of yesteryear at this point.
Where simply a few costumes or bits of dialogue would be changed due to literal prostitutes in Nintendo's force, now devs like Takaki of Senran Kagura fame are leaving outright due to Sony's new arbitrarily enforced rules mainly aimed at Asian devs whilst allowing Naughty Dog to have lesbian teens make out while talking about how much eachother stinks before cutting away to a murder montage

If they honestly applied their modern set of standards to their biggest moneymaker(FGO), Sony would buckle under hypocrisy and quite literally go in the red overnight

This outrage culture has gone too far. People should be allowed to make insulting jokes with their friends

What original vision? Lay it out for me, cuz I'm not seeing it. I'm not seeing some beautiful work of art with brand new shit smears on it, I'm seeing typical dumb jap crap get slapped like it should be. Japs don't think transexuals exist, they think they're either confused gays or okama. So basically, it's time to nip the Nips. This isn't them taking fat titties away, this is them pushing back against genuine prejudice. Games are not always meaningful works with important subtext, sometimes they just have dumb shit in them that is fine to fix up or change. No one is missing out on anything valuable or beautiful, nothing important is actually changing. Changes can be a slippery slope when they become actual censorship, but because the original intent was simply innocuous, not malicious, no censorship took place. No offense was meant by the things being changed, so ultimately changing them changes nothing for the worse. If the writer or director or whoever was actually a transphobic piece of shit and Vincent went around calling Erica a tranny faggot all the time then yeah it'd be censorship to change all of that, but it turns out that's not the case.

So again, try to tell me what the original vision was. I think I might have a better handle on it than you do.

They are. No one is tapping people's phones and sending spies to eavesdrop and try to destroy people for saying no-no words.

Nah you really just life finds a way with trannies, Bro. You called them frogs.

Yeah, I hate when sjw nonsense affects games. You can mass murder 100000 people but titties are so much worse!

It's the basic focus of the thread. The "offensive" things that Vincent says are just pointing out the basic fact that Erica was not born a woman.

That's what trannies are upset about, facts. The reason Eric is in the credits is because he appears in the game now, in flashbacks and in one ending where he stays a dude. The basic fact that this character is called Eric is offensive to trannies.

Unironically based post.
Let's be real for a second, people are only crying about this because they want to see trannies getting triggered and being offended by a video game. No one thinks the game's quality is harmed in any way by this and all this posturing is transparent.

Vincent making a joke is being censored

How come no one complained when Resident Evil 2 was censored in Japan?

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And of course you bring some sanity to this discussion but look at the people replying, it's pretty obvious that they don't give a shit about censorship and are really just here to wage their culture war. Tired of these unironic polshitters doing everything they can to co-opt Yea Forums. It's a sad fucking day when the go-to is "I unironically hope you die in a fire" when all we're trying to do is talk about video games.

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People have gotten in trouble for saying an off color joke decades ago. Not to mention there actually are sjws who hunt down information on people just to shame them for it. Its ridiculous

>It's the basic focus of the thread
It really isn't. The only thing in common is that we're talking about trannies in both.
>The "offensive" things that Vincent says are just pointing out the basic fact that Erica was not born a woman.
And trannies get offended when they're reminded of that fact. This is completely different from fair sports competition. You're not preserving any fair competition by having that line stay.

>Comparing a work of media being watched by thousands of people with an actual couple of friends hanging out by themselves in private
You just went full retard

How is the game transphobic? Fucks sake, they call it a dead name. That shit is so stupid.

Yea stop generalizing. I'm okay with changing the credits but censoring a joke just cause you fucks think is offensive is retarded and it'll only get worse from here

Because their rating system makes it impossible to sell games with that level of gore in Japan. If the Japanese want that changed, that's on them.

>English imageboard
>complaining about Japanese censorship
sasuga Yea Forumsirgin-dono

CERO are still retarded, beaten only by Australian and German efforts

That post is literally just ad hominem, you faggot. It doesn't attack the argument at all.

Japan has had strict laws on gore.

Just because you don't think a joke is funny doesn't mean it isn't. Stop censoring that's all I'm saying why does it need to be censored,are you fucks that thin skinned

>muh slippery slope
Call me when anything actually relevant gets censored. This is just like how a few years ago we were crying about the Fatal Frame girl having a Metroid Prime skin-suit instead. It's the most innocuous shit.

Funny how people cry about "outrage culture" when they're just being part of it.

Do trannies pretend games hurt them when minorities don't give a shit most of the time from stereotypical portrayal

Go fuck yourself culture warrior. I'm not here to talk about your shitty views on transgender people, I'm here to talk about video games. You don't get to tell me I deserve to die and then turn around and pretend that I'm the fucking problem here.

Gamers in Japan complain all the time about gore censorship and bad Call of Duty localizations. Do you even read 2ch?

>Just because you don't think a joke is funny doesn't mean it isn't
Sure, I don't believe in objectivity when it comes to jokes.
>Stop censoring that's all I'm saying why does it need to be censored,are you fucks that thin skinned
The trannies are offended by it and Atlus doesn't want to offend them, so they changed it. Seems perfectly normal to me.

I'm aware of that, but over such a big stink made over this, it feels odd that this was mostly blown over, at least in the Western world. Both games are censoring themselves by the branches releasing the game in their home countries in order for it to sell better.

Does censorship only matter when it happens in NA?

When's the last time Basedny release any original games? Cinematic walking sim doesnt count.

>You're not preserving any fair competition by having that line stay.
No, I'm preserving reality.

By removing even LIGHT HEARTED CRITICISM, you paint a delusional picture of the world that feels utterly farcical. Vincent and his friends are, in my opinion, overly accepting of Erica. Which makes sense, the game is set in the future, social norms are a little different.

The problem comes when you try and take this a step further, and insist that a character must be perfect and flawless because they happen to be a tranny. When you change lines because you really want every character to be asking "Where's Erica?" whenever she isn't on screen for a second.

Well, for one, we don't speak for the Japanese.

>it's pretty obvious that they don't give a shit about censorship and are really just here to wage their culture war
Yeah, it's as I said before. People here aren't worried about the quality of the game, they just want to see trannies seething. So now they're the ones seething because Atlus changed the content to cater to them.

I'm talking about censorship in video games but I wasn't the one who insulted you tranny
Are you living under a rock? Sony has been censoring alot of crap recently

The original vision is what was in the original game. Suits inteferring in the dialogue in order to remove the content they seem offensive is censorship. Doesn't matter if author was "innocous" or "malicious". You don't get to arbitrarily decide at what threshold of corporate meddling it's censorship.
Sailor Moon censoring characters being gay is censorship, removing crosses from Castlevania was also censorship, so was cutting all references to death in Yu-gi-oh dub and so is the new Catharine situation.
Thinking that censorship is only bad when it happens to a "beautiful work of art" is pointless because people who decide to censor media will always consider them to not be beautiful works of art.
If you think that Japnaese games are crap and should be "slapped" whenever possible then just don't play them.

It always matters you faggot, but you're raising a stink in Canada while bemoaning the fact the modern Canadian has no sympathy for an Australian aboriginal's plight

I'm allowed to bitch about American censorship primarily, and occasionally bitch about Jap's legally not getting to see a protagonist cut in-half ingame while staying logically coherent due to one issue affecting my media consumption far more than the other

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>No, I'm preserving reality.
Reality is that trannies were offended over that line and Atlus changed it so now they're happy. Catherine is not a particularly realistic game, so on the grand scheme of things, the line that was changed has a minimal effect on the world's believably. You can posture all you want, but it's pretty obvious you're just crying because you hate that developers cater to people other than you. It's pretty childish tbqh

>the line that was changed has a minimal effect on the world's believably.
I think changing stuff like this has a huge effect, though. It's far more insidious than shit like removing swastikas.

Yet trannies whined about said lines

You would think that. I'm sure you spent hours crying that literally WHO no longer considers trannies a mentally illness.
They're the new boogeyman, after all.

No, he's complaining because the game is being censored. Most fans of Japanese media wanted the translations/localization to be as faithful to the original as possible. Sometimes to the extent to fans retranslating the games that were already released in English. This is not a new thing or a /pol/ thing.
Stop trying to make it a debate about something it's not, and stop trying to twist his words in order to have a better argument.

>it feels odd that this was mostly blown over
Most people here dont speak Japanese.
Japan censorship is also different in that that would carry an equivalent AO rating over there while the censorship here is mostly because someone complained hard enough to get someone to change it.
Most of the time whats censored here would absolutely pass the ratings board.
>Pic related wouldnt be allowed on ps4 nowadays

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I mean, they're cunts, yes

>EOPs BTFO once again
Oh no what has the world come to?

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Yeah, this is the retarded treehouse bullshit all over again. People have no understanding of how localizations work. Only now they're crying about trannies on top of it.

Did you just insult the best version of Yugioh? 4Kids also made the best version of One Piece

The DSM lost all credibility the day they stopped calling homosexuality mental illness, so reclassifying trannies isn't something I gave a shit about. It's sad, but that's the world we live in. Basic science is censored and oppressed because it doesn't mesh with the current social values of the world.

I'm sure there were people screaming about the Earth being round for hundreds of years before the general public woke up, but crying isn't going to change this kind of stuff. All you can do is ignore it and get on with your life.

Censorship of entertainment is a totally different thing, though. It's utterly indefensible in any context.


The best version is obviously The Abridged Series.

>You can mass murder 100000 people
LOL, check this faggot out. Thinks zygotes are people. Probably believes angels are real, too.

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Maybe it is pretty great