Now that the dust has settled what is the verdict, Yea Forums?
Devil May Cry 5
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Devils Never Cry / 10
Sorry Yea Forums, i have to enter shill mode for this one.
Its a really fucking fun game.
Good for people who dont know the series, and great for people who are fans of it.
Easily a 8 or 9/10, and honestly deserves GOTY imo
She looks like she fucks white boys
sub-human sucks!
A rare example of the cosplayer looking eons better than the actual character
I wonder if these women really play the game.
V fucking blows and Dante's music sucks too
they probably played the first 2 missions and watched their boyfriends play the rest
DMC 5's graphics are so disgusting even real life insta thots look better and more stylish.
they don't, they see character they want to cosplay and spend full time on dressing up and makeup
>tfw you'll never marry marry a qt black girl
not with that attitude
More than you do, that's for sure.
>Subhuman sucks
Shit taste
sauce plz
Of course not, they just dress up to get patreon donations from betas.
And seeing the OP pic, it seems she spends half the money she gets in makeup.
Look at those reflections, look at those eyes.
God, R34 has come so far.
Kay streams a lot of the games she cosplays but go off sis. Don't let real life get in the way of your roastie rage.
As an alt-righter, thanks. It will make my job easier for when the day come.
>nobody searched for Nico
where can i find a qt nigger gf bros?
Daniel I love you but the racial slurs and the rape jokes have got to stop.
They're offensive, and Maggie and I don't want to hear them anymore.
Also I don't want you saying "cuck" around the kids. Are you serious?
You have got to grow up or we're not going to have you over again.
>As an alt-righter
lmfao the utter cringe
The ghetto. Bring a knife to protect yourself while searching though.
>Fucking Trish
who gives a fuck.
cope. Trish wins this time. Nico is soulless
Never mind that, I was more questioning who in their right mind would want to fap to DMC5 Trish, seems really strange to me
Wow, wow, wow, she tried her best
is bad
>Tips fedora
Dios mio...
the face tattoo is backwards
what a dumb post
I'd fug
Kaybear is so insanely good looking. Pity about all the cut marks on her wrists, though.
good lord that skindentation
i've honestly expected more
the last third in the demon tree was boring
>shitting on Nico
Why does she have the best porn then?
all of the tattoos are backwards
thats what happens when you have the iq of a caramel sundae
femcels spotted
Not sure why anyone would look up trish/lady either because they look like goblina monsters
I fucking hate mutts.
Not a very memorable game because so much of it is rooted in 1, 3, and 4. Some of the "modernizations" and more ambitious elements hurt the replayability a little, too.
>that pignose piercing
Reminder that this mentally unstable nigger has a lot of wrist cuts. On top of tattoos and piercing ofc.
V is a shitty character to play as. They shouldn't have included him and then not include Vergil as a character or at least a Vergil skin. Also, the controls should have had a profile system so you could use all the characters optimally. Everything else was alright, though.
She needs the freckles. It just feels odd without the freckles. 9/10 though she cute
But all the characters already have unique button configs that don't conflict with each other.
Don't the keybinds stay the same, though? I changed some inputs when I started and didn't bother looking back.
soulless and forgettable.
Alright, I'll check this out later. Thanks.
they only play sims and phone games, their brains can't comprehend more than single button actions
professional esports reflects this well as does any professional environment that requires skill or dexterity
If there is a DMC6 and it's just like 5 in the same way 5 is like 4 then I'm not buying. I hate what the series has turned into.
3 > 1 > 4 = V >>>>>>> 2
there won't be DMC 6 because Itsuno's last game will be DD2 and after that he will retire.
That's not how it works. RE kept going long after Shinji Mikami left, just because one person was key for some of the games doesn't mean they won't give the title to others. It's how he got it in the first place.
even a nigger is prettier than Nico goblina. Can you believe that?
One of these days I will have her in my dungeon shackled to a concrete slab aching from hunger while I spray her off with a fire hose like Rambo in first blood.
She is mixed, not black, right? Too many caucasian facial features.
It's amazing but 3 is still my overall favourite. 5 is a close second
If I were to draw a line from the tip of your nose to your adam's apple I bet it wouldn't touch your chin
No shit. Have you never seen a purebred nigger?
It's great but not better than 3, don't buy into the "It's shit because new" meme
you can't fool anyone fujonigger
she has ~8 four second sfm clips the fuck you talking about
everything where you can use dante is awesome and thats about it the other 2 is meh
Just keep posting frogs, one will turn up eventually
Game has some weird slowdowns in cutscenes on my rig, so my verdict was a refund.
Good cosplay, still a shitty locking char. Atleast the cosplay however isn't uncomfortable to look at. Something about the DMC5 character design is off-putting.
Switched the language to nippon because I couldn't stand her voice.
Keyboard and mouse was much better too.
Why the fuck you know this.
Why people follow this shit.
My verdict is that I LOVE Nico
Fuck tatoos and fuck piercing.
They are all ugly.
The fuck do you mean, retard? Look at all this good shit she has. Where the fuck were you looking?
Thats just videos. Dont forget all the static images either.
She beats out Lady and Trish by a ridiculous fucking margin. Only Kyrie really compares.
gomen nasai I guess I am a retard
this is a really pleasant surprise
V has ez gameplay on auto and we will get Vergil as a dlc
Most American black people are mixed you retard
Never underestimate the power of southern fried pussy. Didnt Rogue teach you anything?
God I want a trashy southern jewish gf
Why are the tattoos mirrored?
She's not Jewish though
why do you think she's only mimicking the pose thats the first result when you search up nico?
Enjoy getting shot.
Even women who do play video games don't play them as much or as well as guys. Women just don't delve into those kinds of hobbies the way men do, just like how men don't get so into makeup and fashion as women do, more often than not.
>knew a trashy looking but cute girl who was also genuinely nice and liked to talk about her sex life back in highschool
>Talked to me a lot
>once brought up Zone animations unprompted.
Came to post
>has a network system
>doesnt put coop bloody palace despite having a prototype of it (mission 13)
I seriously hope they fix all that shit in the SE.
I still say Nico was ruined by making her boobs too small.
tfw no nico gf
Fuck, she's ugly even when the pervs try and touch her up.
It's all good that she gets all of these, but I can't believe people missed out on Gloria, bitch makes me diamonds, and all those opportunities for BLEACHED out the window. Fucking hell, man.
needs more sfm love
Literally just seen this on reddit, yet you autists will still pretend reddit doesn't have better memes and content lmfao..
I liked it but having beaten it, I don't really get why people online were so blown away by it. I know it's not a story game, but the plot was a lot of build up to a fart in the wind kind of ending. While the gameplay was fun, I never felt like I got enough time with any character.