I’m sorry I waited for the sale and didn’t pay full price. I’m sorry I didn’t buy on launch day. I’m sorry I let other shitty games distract me. I’m sorry Yea Forums.
This is the shit though I can’t put it down. Buy it now.
I’m sorry I waited for the sale and didn’t pay full price. I’m sorry I didn’t buy on launch day. I’m sorry I let other shitty games distract me. I’m sorry Yea Forums.
This is the shit though I can’t put it down. Buy it now.
Piracy time
Way too short.
Tight gameplay, enjoyable and atmospheric story, short enough to leave you wanting more. Honestly one of my favorite games of the year and I feel really guilty for pirating it
>telling people to buy a game on Yea Forums
man I like the game too but what the fuck are you doing.
Does it benefit from using a mouse and keyboard, like Hotline Miami does?
Fucking GOAT soundtrack.
Been fighting Headhunter over and over again just to listen to Full Confession.
I played it with controller because it seemed like that kind of game, but after seeing some videos and trying out M/KB it's pretty obviously the better choice. There are a few mechanics (throwing and a certain spoiler-ey mechanic that shows up later in the game) that pretty heavily benefit from precise aim. Most of the game it's not a problem, but it matters a few times.
it's tone is all over the place, the story ends so abruptly, and the gameplay is eh at best
it's alright but i think you should only buy it on sale
>I’m sorry I didn’t buy on launch day
You shouldn't be, game isn't fucking finished yet.
Just had hard mode added, along with modifiers to turn off all cutscenes, slo-mo, and some other options. It's something that really should've been in the game on day 1. Nothing added to the story though.
nice visuals. gameplay's too repetitive
>he hasn't beaten hard mode
Defend yourselves
I don't own it on steam
Slowly but surely, I'll get it
I felt like Controller was actually way better for this game personally. I started off with kbm but switched after a few minutes cause it didn't feel very good to control.
Anime is a path I walk alone.
>hard mode only accessible through speedrun mode
why did they do this
>Steam -20%
>GoG - 17%
Sequel fucking when? I want to fight the Dragon and learn who the shinobi bitch is.
we're getting free DLC with more missions and content, something tells me it's just the rest of the story that didn't make the release deadline
I've been thinking.
The NULL were supposed to win the war, but What if the reason they lost wasn't the dead children, but actually their enemies had super soldiers of their own?
What if the mask fuckers are actually super soldiers with reality warping powers and now for whatever reason they're just going for the remaining NULL to get revenge?
>buying a game
Only nu-Yea Forums do that
Well it is most likely that the professors equipment had something to do with why they lost. Or it might be they just simply didn't gave enough NULL to go around so while they won the battles they lost the war.
OP here, just finished it, almost entirely in one sitting (I played like 10 minutes before work last night).
Damn this was a trip. I’m going to go through old threads and read some theory crafting before I go repeating points people have made. I know I’ve seen talk of a secret boss though so I’ll try to find him first. Any tips on that? Please don’t spoil it.
Also, how important are dialogue choices? Or mission outcomes, it seems like at first the game is keeping track of how well you comply but then it all goes off the rails anyway.
have you done the speedrunnning chevo yet?
dialogue choices have minor impact, it's just different banter outside of two cases, first, if you let V. use your sword for his drugs you'll have to do the first part of the studio level swordless, second, if you cut the psychiatrist's dialogue every time + do the opposite of everything he asks you to do ex.: Talk to DJ you get something extra
I'm working on it, my usual strategy of dying 500+ times doesn't help that much on it.
>bought the game on GOG
>hasn't been updated a single time
Why is this so hard? Needless to say I won't be buying anything from askiisoft again if I can just expect to be treated as a 2nd class citizen. Might as well just pirate it and get the same amount of support.
Adding onto how to find the boss you also have to refuse the Chronos the night after the DJ, and during the very first mission you have to repeatedly hang up.
>I can’t put it down.
you're going to have to when you finish it in under 2 hours. most of that is non-gameplay aswell.
if need help in getting a better time you may want to change your settings to this
>hitpause = 0
>text speed = 2X
>skip rewind = OFF
>restart FX = OFF
rewind FX= OFF
wait fug i mean Skip rewind = ON
They lost because super soldiers are inefficient. They can't be everywhere at once, so once the enemy knows a super soldier is at X location they go literally anywhere else.
So what's the deal with the creatures in the vats? The NULL project is over so what are those things?
Skips the rewind animation and simply restarts.
They lost the war because they got caught in a gorilla war against a bunch of savage apes who didn't surrender. When you started sending super soldiers to massacre villages, public opinion turned against the war and the politicians were forced to pull back the troops without a conclusive win against an inferior opponent. Hence a "loss"
>just had all this shit added
So it's early access but they don't have the balls to admit it's still "early access".
Basically. You won't find any bugs, and what is there is great but it felt unfinished when it came out and the plot is still just incomplete.
>He hasn't gotten hard mode platinum (0 death) speedrun yet
>pirated because all the threads saying it's good
>3 hours later
>holy shit this is fun I should bu-
>game ends
>...well shit.
Now play through hard mode :^)
>play through hard mode
>finished in 2 hours
>...thats it?
So you didn't play it
I'm with you on that one. And if AT LEAST it had an actual end, rather than some half-assed cliffhanger and "look, it's mysterious because we only wrote half a story, just like dark souls :^)"
If you used slomo ur a scrub
Tellming people they can't use an in-game tool because it's unfair is literally what being a scrub is about, shitlord
Seriously? It's 6/10. 3 hours with no replayability. Shitty controls. Mumbo jumbo story.
accidentally broke up my run in two segments and can't be arsed to do one again
>mumbo jumbo
are you braindead?
Please look forward to the DLC when you play as the Dragon for two additional stages :^)
speaking of...
SNOW never displayed any direct Chronos powers, so wouldn't it make sense she's on some of that good shit the shrink was on?
The combat in this game is fun but also shallow as fuck. The story is really good though. I'm pissed that it's incomplete
I'm not. Game should be cheaper for what little content there is,
Why the fuck are people saying that Katana Zero's story is hard to understand?
It's way more clear then Hotline Miami's plot.
>I'm sorry I waited for the sale
You seriously waited for a 20% sale on a 12 dollar game? Thats less than a 3 dollar discount. How much of a jew do you have to be?