>dude let's just DROWN the player in ""content"" LMAO
what the fuck were they thinking
Dude let's just DROWN the player in ""content"" LMAO
you fags will moan about anything.
its a great game. probably top 5 of 2018. I must have put in over 60 hours on it.
Sailing gameplay finally back makes it
is it historically accurate? not even close
>game has barely any content
>woww they expect $60 for this
>game has TOO much content
White claws 5% alcohol by volume, 100 calories, black cherry.
Origins was so much better.
>I put in X hours so it must be good
Hard seltzer.
well I enjoyed it was the point I was making.
my other point was moaning about too much content is a joke
The game looks pretty nice and honestly if it was linear and like 10 hours long I'd buy it and probably really enjoy it, but I just don't fuck with open worlds.
It's one of the few open worlds worth exploring, but only if you're into the idea of exploring Greece.
Contentfags are retards and enjoy eating shit as long as there's tons of it
I think it can be a valid complaint depending on the type of content
One of my biggest problems with Xenoblade is the avalanche of garbage sidequests it showers you in that you have to complete at least some of to stay at a halfway decent level. Because grinding must be a part of JRPGs even if there's no experience points, apparently
Sort of, but I've never played an open world game I like. And the idea that I'd do it just to "explore Greece" is hard to justify. I know it isn't full price anymore, but upon release it's 1/5th the price of a long weekend holiday in Greece.
He's lying anyway
it is good exploring the map until you realise you have to get to the islands and the Corinth Canal doesn't exist
dude let's just put the best content in dlc.
It's definitely not going to be something that will make you like open world games.
It follows the same formula as all of them.
Yes I am lying about it being an opportunity to explore ancient Greece in some way.
>Let's remove realism and add xp and leveling
>let' remove cool outfits and replace that with loot grind
>lets remove super fun combos and replace that with shitty magic abilities stolen from Shadow of Mordor
>let's remove cohesive and interesting storytelling in favor of random side quest tier narratives
assassins creed games are dead, user. deal with it
these are historic rpgs with difficulty scale and levelling up
But why the fuck didn't they keep them the same like AC2 or AC4?
The rpg bullshit is lame as fuck compared to older games.
>slog through a good chunk of the game
>get to the part where you hunt the mythological creatures
>go to the minotaur
>have to do like 6 more tedious quests to even unlock the fight
I dropped it right then and there. I couldn't do it any more. I think I was actually close to the end too.
It doesn't really "have" an end. There are like 4 separate endings to each separate story.
The main story literally goes nowhere.
>unlock a clue for the cult leader
>women involved in Athens politics
Man I wonder who that is
They were just desperate to cash in on The Witcher 3 style adventure but didn't know padding couldn't be substitited for good quest writing.
Sad thing is they succeeded in cashing out from the normies.
bring cod ghosts back
I had fun with Odyssey. I got 110 hours out of first-run content including DLC.
I'd say I got my money's worth, given I paid $20 for it including DLC.
And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. The game doesn't force you to play everything it throws at you. Almost every city/hamlet has it's own set of side quests with a fair bit of variety and none of them are essential for progression. You can play them if you want to or do bounties or clear forts to level up, both of which are extremely well done. Almost every fort in the game has an unique feel to it and the level design is pretty great, which kinda sucks because it is not complemented by the parkour system which has been downgraded. My only gripe with the game is it's terrible movement system and the mediocre combat mechanics which renders the player virtually unbeatable in the later stages of the game.I should also add that the bounty system can lead to some pretty awesome moments.
75+ hours here and loved every moment of it.
Started playing Origins because my friends wouldn't shut up about how awesome it is. Two hours in, and it feels just like a goddamn offline MMO with the most generic fetch quests ever and yet another goddamn revenge of the oppressed plotline.
mythical creature fights are nothing compared to the Kalydonian Boar. That fucker took some work
I put in 80+ hours and enjoyed it, but I understand why other people might be bored by it's bloated repetitiveness
>You can play them if you want to or do bounties or clear forts to level up
I just kept looking for battles on the map, fast travel there and pick the easier side. Quickest way to level up. Combat got really fun as well when you reach level 3 on certain perks
i was so pissed off that i looked up how to beat it
just get some bounty hunters on you and bring them into the fight
so i go get lvl 5 bounty but the fuckers wouldnt follow me, only one decided to follow me finally and he was able to tank the boar while i shot it with fire arrows.
they ended up dieing at the same time too so i didnt have to deal with the hunter.
really? You can just nuke all the legendary animals with devastating shot + fire arrows. They clearly had no idea how to balance ranged combat in this game considering nothing else even comes close to the sheer raw damage bows pump out with headshots. And multishot explosive arrows just straight up breaks the game
>>lets remove super fun combos and replace that with shitty magic abilities stolen from Shadow of Mordor
>>let's remove cohesive and interesting storytelling in favor of random side quest tier narratives
those were never in any AC ever tho
Your mistake was trying to beat the boar so early into the game.I did it when I was level 35 plus and it was a cakewalk. Arrows are way too op in late game especially with the right bow(I don't remember the name but there's one that makes normal arrows poison). Just do
>Odyssey doesnt have a good story
what? it was better than origins
10/10 world trapped in 1/10 game. A perfect game to "play" while listening to some podcast. Gameplay is so bland you'll fall asleep if you just try to play the game without some additional stimulation in the background. Maybe get your dick sucked while you play it or something
man that was pretty much the highlight of the game
when i got the quest i knew i was gonna be the one to fight so i was interested in how i was to end up being the fighter.
Wait so if you play as a wemen do you also just take his role? How does that work though, wouldn't you be competing in a different category
In AC2 you could fight 3 dudes with your bare hands, kick them to the ground and stomp them, disarm them, counter kill them, etc.
In ACO you have to chop their health bars until they die.
In AC2 you had Ezio who went on a saga of vengeance with loads of memorable characters and some good villains.
In ACO you went on an MMO grind fest with a legion of literally who's.
I hate how this "non-linear" story only really has 1 correct choice and everything else barely works. I didn't kill the father, my character proceeded to imply the father's dead. Yeah he shows up later, but other than that everyone behaves as if he's dead for some reason even though he literally had ZERO reasons to go into exile. What does he care that we're alive, how does that change anything for him?
you will end up killing Stentor if you bully him enough
there are different endings
But why does he go into exile? He abandons his life's work because his kid isn't dead? Huh? Maybe if he quit his job to join you on your quest, that would make sense, but why the fook would he go into exile? That felt forced as fuck
>That felt forced as fuck
it did I agree. Dont see why he couldn't have become a permanent lieutenant on your ship from that moment
at one point dude was saying i spared monger...no i didnt i fucking killed him
then later in the story i killed lagos and the same dude mentioned that i let him go...wtf....
i killed all them fucking cultists, i wasnt gonna let a single one of them live to risk them seeding the idea into a future person. not even my brother
there's that poison set that triviliazes every fight by reducing a poisoned target's dmg output by 90%? or some shit
The creative lead at Ubisoft doesn't want to be told a story. He wants a game world filled with thousands of stories that he can explore and discover at his own leasure. You just pick a direction, start walking, and you'll discover people and places and problems that need solving.
If anyone ITT is only planning to play it, do yourself a favor and use a trainer. The game is a boring grind, remove the shit "gameplay" with cheats and just enjoy the sightseeing, I promise it will be an improvement.
Problem like "find 10 boar skins" and "kill 10 boars". Great job, mr creative lead
The literal only good character in AC2 other than Ezio is Leonardo. Can you stop pretending already, it's pathetic.
>Problem like "find 10 boar skins" and "kill 10 boars".
???? Did you play a completely different game?
Oh I'm sorry I meant problems like "raid this bandit camp" and "raid this bandit camp" and also don't forget the "raid this bandit camp" missions
since this is now an AC thread can we discuss the possibility of next game
the leak was Rome during end of Marcus Aurelius reign. I hope it is true but taking out the boat gameplay would be a YUGE mistake desu.
The leak said it will only release in 2020 and also said Watch Dogs 3 will release this year with London location. If that ends up being true from E3 then Rome seems confirmed practically
Wasn't there a viking leak? Now that would be extremely shit.
>that spacing
Hello marketeer, yes let's continue discussing the IP
>Oh I'm sorry I meant problems like "raid this bandit camp" and "raid this bandit camp" and also don't forget the "raid this bandit camp" missions
There's a reason every single mission in Far Cry 2 is some variation on "Go here and kill/steal this thing". It removes the sense of scripted mission design in favor of the emergent player sandbox.
game is good, tons of stuff to do
why bitch about lots to explore in an AC game?
first time Ive spaced like that but whatever cry all you want just leave and hide the thread then :-)
if that is true then good. they need to keep the sailing part of the game
>graphics are worse than previous game
What other games do this?
Except why the fuck do even need a mission then? Wouldn't it be more fun for me to JUST raid the bandit camp if I feel like it? For what purpose do those missions even exist? To create an illusion that you're engaged in a "story"? Name one MMO where that works.
>they need to keep the sailing part of the game
No they don't, it has literally 1 gameplay mechanic and they already made like 5 sailing games with that 1 mechanic. It's time to stop
origins/odyssey are good games and make use of the AC climbing mechanics well, as there is a ton to explore.
I hope the next one is in Rome, cause Greek/Italian history is top tier.
Those games literally don't use climbing at all. You literally can complete both of them without ever climbing anything
but assassination is much faster than going into combat, sneaking around is more optimal. otherwise you get like 50 guys on you at once.
>AC climbing mechanics well
it has been simplified too much. I would say it was better in AC2/AC3
no its not
Odyssey i mediocre shit, a 6/10 at best and i say this as someone who played and enjoyed all AssCreed games
the world is also shit, there is nothing interesting and tombs are just copy&pasted garbage
Origins had a 10/10 world in a 9/10 game
they should have made an extra season pass for big expansions to Origins instead of making this shitty Odyssey
Ubisoft Quebec should'be dismantled and nobody rehired ever again
Assassinations don't work in this game sweatie. Climb all you want if you didn't run around for hours killing random people, you won't be high level enough to actually kill the dude with a stealth attack.
over time you can one shot, you just need to collect more +assassination gear rather than hunter/combat
Haters gonna hate.
postan sceenshots
i hated all the stupid rpg lite mechanics i want to go back to the asscreed 2 combat system
>that LOD
It's fun.
top comfy in some parts 2bh
Can't wait for next gen asscreed tbf
The "content" is copypaste bullshit and litterally repeating quests to stretch out gameplay.
The health bloat, the bounties, the collectables needed to unlock higher skill ranks, the forts, the entire war mechanic where once you lead one side to win in an area it just resets for you to do all over again. MOST of the game is bullshit that is only worth doing once until you're forced to repeat it for a quest.
And?Play enough so you have your fun then drop when it gets boring, wow that was hard.
Killing this in highest difficulty while smoked some weed was sime shit. Those fucking little boars were so rng.
god it's ugly, look at those tracks, those trees
a gigantic map with nothing to do and ugly shit all over it
>Play enough so you have your fun
You literally can't because the fun is spread out in small chunks around 60 hours. You have to go through 10 hours of boring shit to get 1 hour of good shit. That's modern game design.
One of the few games I can't bother to finish. Honestly don't get how people can and I played like 45 hours. Doesn't help that my save got fucked 8 hours in and I had to restart, so like 53 hours total. Just clearing 50 billion forts or whatever with the same tasks. Kill 2 captains, loot 2 chests, burn 3 supplies, over and fucking over literally nothing the fuck else. Only a fucking mouthbreather can enjoy that shit. Bullshit bounty system with psychic mercenaries in fucking 500 bc, tedious ships, world looks the same all over, janky ass r1 r2 spam combat, menu music really awful with that 'OooooOOOOOOOOoooooooOOOOOOOOOOoooooo' bitch. I like the older games better, and am done with the series if this is what they're doing now
Typically, when someone says they've spent a fair amount of time in a game, it means that they enjoyed it enough to stick with it.
Imma guess that was prob built in the 19th or 20th century, like all the other great canals in the world. Not the fucking 5th century BC
How is your default sail red on white? Mine is gold on red.
>no shields
>predecessor had shields
Into the fucking trash it goes.
my last save got fucked 17 hours in, so when i eventually play again i will just do the main story and fuck all the side quests/completion
Does this game even have to do with assassins or creeds? Or is it just name branding?
Rome 2 TW (compared to Shogun 2)
Last generation, gamers would complain about spending $60 for linear 6 hour games.
You wanted bang for your buck.
You wanted freedom.
You wanted games that didn't lead you by the nose through narrow corridors, with no cutscenes interrupting you every 10 feet.
You got your wish.
I would take a Heavenly Sword over this empty open world piss fest any day of the week
Last good open world game was Witcher 3
No, it's about mercenaries and cultists. The assassins creed aren't even mentioned
Witcher 3's open world and gameplay was dogshit.
Cool """opinion""", bro
>10/10 world
>9/10 game
>Lol caesar is a templar and all the senators that stabbed him are assassins! BASED FUCK LE TYRANT
Just kill yourself
You get this outfit and can play around in it for the rest of the game.
It's true though, zero incentive to explore it's all the same shit.
how do you get that?
when i went to a party in the game and got to wear a nice dress it seems i couldnt wear it after that, what a disappointment
I thought the viking leak was confirmed fake?
The only quests worth doing were the main quests, the Alkibiades and Barnabas quests and the mythical creatures/legendary beasts.
All the other content was generic shit designed as copy-pasta padding, it's a slog to get through and you have to to get enough exp to level up.
After you finish the Olympics questline. You need to go into your chest armor visual settings and choose the "oily Kassandra" look or something. It's not an actual "item" as such. You also get a version without the oil/sweat layer, but who would use that?
I-I t-totally enjoyed it!!!! I put s-so many hours into it!!! T-that means that its good, r-right, senpai??! >w<
absolutely based
Exclamation mark quests are good each island has it's own theme, but the black gray quests are indeed generic useless shit only good for money or xp gain.
Nah, even most of those are shit. Only the ones centered around the more interesting characters are worthwhile.
Game is fine. Only complain is certains secondary quest feeling less like random NPC-attatched. I mean, you complete´em and makes 0 impact on´em.
>Oddysey 6/10
>Origins 9.5/10
What are you doing bro
They were thinking "it worked for Witcher 3 so why don't we copy and paste that shit?"
And it worked for them too, the game sold really well.
If odyssey was actually like witcher it wouldn't be such a shit game
I thought there would be actual quests. Instead i got 5000 ubisoft forts to clear
Odyssey is better than Witcher 3
You shut the fuck up, you tasteless piece of shit.
Let's stop pretending this series is any good. It's pathetic.
>but taking out the boat gameplay would be a YUGE mistake
No, fuck naval meme combat. 4 was enough, they have to stop forcing it
But Witcher 3 is the exact same dogshit. Maybe with more cutscenes though.
This. Every single AC game has sucked major ass, pretending it was good for a brief moment because of basic bitch ship combat is pathetic.
It is kinda overwhelming at first. I remember I'd been playing for hours, just met the Wolf of Sparta and opened the map to see there was a whole fucking huge world.
The combat's just boring for me, personally. I started on hard, and it seemed like I either steamrolled enemies, or they'd kill me in a couple of hits. Ended up dropping it down to normal so I'd stop randomly dropping dead due to arrows.
The grind was kind of annoying though. I finished the main "Family" story at Level 45, whilst the remaining cultists and other story missions were Level 50, which is enough of a difference for them to tank whatever you throw at them, so I had to run around doing a load of dumb side missions.
Story was decent enough though, even if they are leaning into "WACKY SCI-FI!" even more. And I'll never get tired of boarding other boats, and booting the captain over the edge.
Unity got the combat perfected then Origins had to fuck it all up
>Remove cool outfits
I dunno user, some of the armour sets are pretty neat, especially with the addition of being able to change their appearance to whatever you want.
I spent most of the game running around dressed as a Persian Immortal, was pretty neat.
for me, it was Theseus armour
I always lose interest at the 50h mark ... gets boring
Where in witcher 3 do you do nothing but clear outposts? Where do you fight the same enemy hundreds of times using the same 2 attacks? Witcher 3 is an actual adventure game. Try playing it before comparing it to this trash
So it's a modern open world game?
It's blatantly a high-ish level quest they give you too early. He's a real cunt, and the way he spawns baby boars is utter shite.
It's fucking shite. How the fuck can you spend 60 hours doing fetch quests, listen to terrible dialogue and irritating voice acting? Not to mention how bland and plastic the world looks and feels.
>Where in witcher 3 do you do nothing but clear outposts?
It's absolutely fucking littered with bandit camps and monster dwellings.
>Where do you fight the same enemy hundreds of times using the same 2 attacks?
All throughout the game.
>And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. The game doesn't force you to play everything it throws at you.
I absolutely DESPISE this philosophy. I hate developers who punish completionists. Games should be designed to be 100%. If the content isn't designed to be completed, it's bad content and the developers shouldn't have put it in the game.
Yeah, the lack of shields really annoyed me, considering we were a Spartan. Supposedly they thought they slowed gameplay down in Origins, but who gives a fuck? Let people play how they want.
>calls out one enemy type in Odyssey
>to refute Witcher 3 being more diverse, you mention more than one enemy type to begin with
Witcher 3 had several types of camps and combatants. Whether that's bandits, soldiers, monsters, cultists, or whatever.
It's so dumb, and I don't want to play it because of that
>cant RP as Achilles
>cant even RP as Hoplite
>can only RP as ADHD riddled dual sword wielding retard
Where is the fun in that?
>Climb onto Zeus's dick for a laugh
I did use that one for a while, with a different helmet though, wasn't feeling the headband. Loved the golden fleece though, cool as shit.
>It's absolutely fucking littered with bandit camps and monster dwellings.
The majority of which are optional and not required to continue the game
>All throughout the game.
Odyssey has soldiers and a few animals that come out of nowhere. That's it. Compared with witcher's dozens of monsters of different types, multiple attacks and signs
It's dumb as well, because the Spear moveset is essentially all shit from 300, lots of jumping jabs with it etc, and then you have the "Sparta Kick" ability too.
On that note, any of y'all ever play the 300 PSP game? I feel like it's probably way worse than I remember it being.
thats still 2 interesting characters more than Odyssey
No you didn't?
It was on rails as fuck moving around a gigantic map that's mostly empty doing that same shit quests at hideouts to level up so you could do the next area
>lets remove super fun combos and replace that with shitty magic abilities stolen from Shadow of Mordor
Old AC's combat was trash. ACO isn't amazing in that regard, but it's an improvement over the canned animation, press X to win bullshit of the previous games.
>let's remove cohesive and interesting storytelling in favor of random side quest tier narratives
Only like two AC games had good plots. ACO is pretty par for the course all things considered, but the sidequests add some much needed variety.
Oh if that's all it takes then Odyssey had a lot as well, agile dual wielders, standard spear wielders, big brutes, captains, generals, mounted enemies, archers, wolves, bears; not to mention it had multiple actually useful active abilities, stealth options and weapon types to make the combat inherently have about 1000 times the depth of witcher 3's quick attack and spin-dodge spam.
>Retards defending old AC
Does nobody remember how trash 3 and Unity were. Odyssey is safe and kinda bland, but the series desperately needed a reboot.
>game where you play as a spartan
>i cant fight with a shield/spear combo
>im forced to use Leonidas shitty spear tip
this ruins the combat
And shields were as important to Greek warfare as the phalanx was. It's really, really stupid. Typical Ubishit.
How is anyone surprised? This is the Ubisoft "formula". I had fun with it in first 2 Ass Creed games and FarCry 3 but then it got tiresome and I stooped buying their yearly games.
I can see the appeal for some people though
honestly >this
Open world games aren't the problem, linear games weren't the problem back then. It was always unispired devs making mediocre games that was the problem. Though that being said I do find it funny people are now starting to turn around and act as though games like MW2 and Gears of War were masterpieces.
I've never understood the complaint that TW3's map is a samey ubisoft map. There are alot of repetitive objectives, but they are skippable. The reason people like TW3's map is for all the interesting sidequests around every corner and the varied landscape.
+ good writing and characters, and sense of achievement because the rewards aren't MMO tier but rather you're building up resources to craft THAT ONE set of armor you crave, not to mention the hunt for Witcher armor sets
i guess that not even close to maxed out
won't be much of an improvement, the game is built ugly, there's no art to it
Probably because it's based on real locations which have no art to their design... If you want artistic landscapes play a game with a fantasy setting.
only if you like playing as nigger
Odyssey is fucking garbage.
I have never seen such a bland open world filled with unrewarding side "quests".
funny comment, they butchered the real locations with ridiculously oversized statues, some of them complete fabrications
ffs just look at the trails, the grass, the trees, they're ugly, pasted in place and the rare few animals running around in that are a total joke
ubisoft québec is not a competent studio, everything they've put out was always a downgrade of previous games
I love playing a slut
i ended up using the full set against the minotaur with a spear
dont know if it had hidden abilitys or not(like that one guy said he survived being hit by it)
tho i mainly used fire arrows and poked him when i could
Ubisoft Quebec are the worst studio, ever.
Basically, based.
kek is this real?
How did you get that hair?
cant use shields pissed me off
completely forgot aboot the parry block shit for 70 hours, just dodged everything
parry block seemed useless anyways since enemys mostly just power attack you which breaks your block anyways
>Origins was good
>Make Odyssey the same but add more health bloat, more copy paste side quests and much much more tedious sailing bullshit
As always Ubisoft goes too far in the sequel after having a successful game.
Played all of the games except for Odyssey, and imo Origins is by far the worst of them
Odyssey is only good for playing dress up.
It was.
What the fuck is wrong with you people
I fell for it.
Haven't really started on the various DLC yet.
I enjoyed that part, doing the fakeout minotaur first and feeling robbed only find the real deal, loved the maze too. Just a shame that only the minotaur has a buildup like that.
>It'll bitch about lack of content and then bitch about drowning in content.
Yea Forums
It’s not real content though. It’s artificial content
we aren't in Yea Forums's circlejerk but instead prefer to form own opinions based on personal experience and preferences
content is content, you can't say it's only artificial
Name a worse character than the Muslim mary sue "chosen one".
Bayek was likeable shitskin, watching Egypt was the best thing about this game through.
dae love witcher 3, like the best game ever dude
>I-I t-totally enjoyed it!!!! I put s-so many hours into it!!! T-that means that its good, r-right, senpai??! >w
Is that the fucking boar that farts throughout the whole fight? That fucker was such a pain in the ass.
Nah, that's the other one. That was a piece of shit too, but only if you fuck around and draw out the fight, otherwise you're caught in constant fart clouds.
The one in the other post is the one that spawns a small army of smaller boars to attack you in the ass every few seconds.
I found that fight with the spawning boars much easier than with the farting boar. Fighting with the spear and or 2 handed weapon really worked well on the hoard.
I loved Origins but hated Odyssey.
How come?
You loved Bayek and the setting of Egypt.
you like black people
Origins is the much better game with actual unique locations and better narrative, sound and even graphics.
Odyssey is just one giant bloaty mess of copy pasted shit everywhere and the ship combat is extremely downgraded and bad compared to Black Flag.
They might have added more abilities for combat but it’s just a slog when the enemis are bullet sponges and the weapons have no impact at all. What is the point of the gear system when you have to switch it out every level anyways?
Dialogue choices added nothing to the game, it just diluted some already weak writing even further.
It wasn't 90% filler like Odyssey was. Plus Bayek was a good character who didn't get hamstrung by having player choice in the story and having to make sense being gender swapped.
Grindfest: the game
>It's not worth playing if it doesnt have 300 hours of content
>inb4 "wow are you really complaining about TOO MUCH CONTENT"
I know exactly what OP means, its this "ubisoft checklist" videogame design that every game is now copying, I'm getting tired of it aswell, its just a bunch of checkboxes everywhere designed to waste your time with miniscule shit, instead of actually designing interesting quests, missions and levels
Totally disagree. I was just talking about this with a friend yesterday. Origins was a boring snoozefest with an ugly world. As soon as I finished the main story line I was happy to put it behind me. We both agreed on this. Odyssey is a glitchy mess but it’s fun so I want to keep playing something Origins lacked. Elysium is beautiful the Greek world is beautiful. The people who think Egypt looks better are on fucking crack.
is there a way to cheat the cash shop ?
Cheat Engine, search for AC Odysseys cheat table.
Origins is only good for its setting. What does Odyssey offer?
Pretty boring unless playing on nightmare
I really liked it. Looking forward to finishing up the post game this summer.