Enemy goes by many different names

>enemy goes by many different names

Attached: Bugge.jpg (500x375, 229K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Ah sick, a Rolly Polly!

You mean pill bug

pretty sure you mean nugget nuisance

umm actually it's a armadillo beetle??

cool terrestrial isopod bro

What the fuck i thought it was just rolly polly


What's the real name of that big inflatable bouncy thing for kids?

I always called it lunch!

Rolly Polly is the only right answer

circle lad

Terrestrial isopod

Speaking of bugs, what are the bed bugs of video games? Something that, even if you are rid of them, you still have a irrational fear that never goes away? Something that causes panic if you feel anything small touch your leg?

Chad Daddy
Big Papi

Bouncy Castle.


Curl Ball

>they're crustaceans, not insects

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Save corruptions.

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women can't do shit other than suck dick

Is that a Armadillidium vulgare? Those are my favorite

pill millipede

Inflatable fun pad


Bug threads are always comfy

Isn't it true that Rolly Pollys taste like shrimp?


movie prop

Its clearly a bicho bolita you negros de mierda

>cheesy bobs
>cheesy bug
>chiggy pig
>chucky pig
What the fuck? Why don't they just call it a slater like normal people?

he's here

Attached: buggyboi.webm (320x178, 2.65M)

Yeah, but these aren't.

Attached: giant isopods.jpg (800x450, 69K)

Attached: file.png (557x488, 295K)

that's not an enemy. It's also not an insect

Potato bug

species gamma! it's species gamma!

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>enemy's lair goes by many different names

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my dick


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The end piece (of the bread).

that's amazing and also fucking disgusting
burn all of them

Spic here

Here they call them "Cochinillas" and "puerquitos" which mean tiny pigs

plenty of movies use doritos as props

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Holy shit that's amazing

Dirty woodlouse

jumpy/bouncy house

Thank god that's somewhat beautiful. I feared it was gonna make me leave the thread.
ctrl+s next time

the end peice
or an end/ the ends


I just call it “the end”

Jump Castle. Because it's a castle you jump around in. What the fuck.

evolution my ass. This is too many kinds of nuts to be random happens in nature

Butt bread

How do you guys not know this? It's called the heel.



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>boss has long, impressive introduction cutscene
>dies after one or two attacks

I need heeling

Michael Jackson's house

So user, did you play bugdom back in the 90s?


Attached: bugdom.jpg (640x480, 57K)

>Burning atltas bros
They're just big cow bugs that make cool wrestling matches.

>cute tiny grub turns into fat disgusting grub turns into badass rhino beetle capable of incredible feats of strength
fuck, bugs are so damn cool

Attached: 1539129156229.gif (320x288, 16K)

Pill Bug

Bounce ____ (fill in blank for shape of object)


Any other responses are incorrect. Apply yourselves.

My friend!

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>I just call it “the end”

woah............... deepest lore..................................

I always called it lunch!

Here let me cut that for you.

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bugs are the eternally overlooked reminder that intelligence doesn't mean shit and makes nothing significant

don't you mean cum-dads

we always called them boy ticks

sometimes they'd go by "stinks"

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Billy baker

gay nigga detected

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Is "butt" a Eastern US only term?

Frogs really enjoy riding things.

Attached: tumblr_pca6pnQkIm1t1ig6no1_400.gif (320x401, 802K)

Is that a mosquito?

Attached: ants.webm (400x268, 1.21M)

Ahem it’s actually a woodlouse you inbred fucks

I love this picture

god i want one

In Australia we call them butchy boys

keep on rolling

yard sale or garage sale

firefly or lightning bug

coke, soda, pop,or cola

tennis shoes or sneakers

crawdads or crayfish

'y'all' or 'you guys'

I'm Coloradan, and I call it the “butt”

Shrimp are literally the roaches of the sea.

Take that as you will

I want an rpg about this story.

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Chanchito de tierra

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>Enemy is just tired of it all.

Attached: sad turtle.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

what the fuck is that thing

>intelligence makes nothing significant
Humanity has done very significant things with its intelligence. As a whole, we've changed nearly all of the Earth's ecosystems to suit our needs, we've extincted and handcrafted hundreds of different animal and plant species, and we're in the process of developing space travel, which will eventually enable us to spread to other planets. Because of our intelligence, we'll be able to guarantee that the species survives Earth's destruction by becoming an interplanetary population. That's anything but insignificant.

I say all of those except crawdad, cola or y'all


Blew my fucking mind when I first knew about this.

Bread ear

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garage sale
lightning bug
yous guys

Mom's share.

God, you can imagine how absolutely fucking satisfying it would be to step on that fat grub as hard as you can? Or like, jumping from a table directly onto it. It would make the most fucking delicious squishy noise ever.

>enemy is a hypocrite

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>only one result for "potato bug"

you guys


Attached: wriggle and writhe.webm (640x480, 2.96M)

here user I'll write the story for you
>artist wakes up in comfy small town
>catches some insects outside!
>almost forgets to catch live frogs too but adds some to his inventory!
>then he sprays painful chemicals on the animals to freeze them in place!
>then he breaks their bones while still alive to pose them!
>cute pics!
>you win!

We’d be a different species the minute we travel to their planets in order to adapt to their environements. So we practically lost the title of humans the minute we set foot outside earth

>New enemy is just a bigger version of old enemy.

Attached: fat bee.webm (1280x720, 2.37M)

Dig up apple tree roots. You will likely find large beetle grubs there.

the sad thing about having beetles as pets is they only live for like a week in their final 'beetle' form.

they spend most of their life as grubworms, then they finally become giant awesome beetles and then immediately die

it's not fair, they'd be cool pets otherwise

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Already from the thumbnail I remember how nightmarish that monstruosity is

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But that's a woodlouse

I just assume that's a really small flower but I know there are some fatass bees out there.

That is one BIG bumble!

I really should go to bed but I can't stop buggo posting

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North American Land Lobster

garden sale
sugar water
you all

I wish I had saved that video of a bee stealing a noodle so I could subtitle it
>enemy can steal your items


came here to say this
what the fuck did we mine by that

Gay Nigger Bitch Tits

>Australians type phonetically

Here's a sea potato, user.

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I don't fucking get it but i am absolutely terrified of worms/grubs/slugs and other similar shit
It awakens a deep primal fear in me each time

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based newfag

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Only a week, but that week is an eternity to them.
To some greater species in the universe, our kind only live for a mere week before we immediately die.

Attached: frog1.jpg (499x499, 191K)

100% still less gross than actual bugs.

Aren't those brain parasites

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Why does this evil fucking exist?
ANd it's not the only mind altering parasite in existence

>which will eventually enable us to spread to other planets. Because of our intelligence, we'll be able to guarantee that the species survives Earth's destruction by becoming an interplanetary population.
Accelerated climate change
Global bio diversity collapse
Mass extinction event
12 years to point of no return
get out of that scifi delusion


>Enemies can be charmed.

Attached: scratch.webm (640x640, 1.41M)

OK Fucking based

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Attached: swamp_doge.webm (720x1274, 2.94M)

dumb frogposter

Retard alert

Just so everyone knows that shell it bursts out of is made of poop

I don't think that a human population's genes would be changed thoroughly that they would be considered a new species within such a short time span. But even if they did, it doesn't refute my central point that intelligence is a direct cause of the interplanetary space travel that will allow the population to leave a dangerous or hostile planet, boosting its chances of survival. This therefore makes intelligence a highly significant factor in said organisms' survival and their impact on the universe around them. In the real long run, humanity's intelligence and ability to create and use advanced tools makes it superior to any insect species.


>Boss gets taken out by a stronger boss.

Attached: Grouper eats shark.webm (854x480, 2.39M)

cool pet tbqh

Yard sale for yards, garage sale for garages
fire fly
you all

>ANd it's not the only mind altering parasite in existence

Hey man cool it with the antisemitic remarks

This is the only correct one.

Fucking hell, no wonder they keep dying when I was trying to make them as pets when I was a kid, they keep dying so I thought I was doing something so I stopped and thought I was a bad caretaker.

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I just wrote a story off the top of my head
if you don't like it tell me why

Apparently they do it so that they look like caterpillars, making birds come eat the slug. The bird poop later will contain the eggs of the parasite that the slugs get from eating the poop.

Soft drink or soda
Runners or sneakers
Texter or marker

>"One more like that mr. bug and you'll have to spend the rest of your life in the iron butt"

>living things finding ways to survive is evil
t. delusional vegan

If an apocalypse starts to kill the world, you can bet your ass that people will find a way off before they die. The only case in which literally no one would escape is if it's something that comes completely without warning, like surprise nuclear strikes and retaliatory strikes ending the world in radioactive hellfire overnight. Stuff like climate change and extinction of several important organisms won't be fast enough to stop at least some people from leaving to Mars or the moon and figuring out a way to sustain life there. When I said the human species would survive, I did not necessarily mean the WHOLE species.


The Amazon is full of these zombies

thank god this popped up when I Ctrl-F’d.

There's always a bigger fish

This is why I hate cats. That guy probably ended up without a huge chunk of skin.

Isn't real basedboy

Attached: Tomopteris.webm (1280x720, 1006K)

>t. parasite

I guess it's nature's way to curb the slug population by making them easy prey for birds

Man evolution gets wierd when you're deep underwater

That's what they're referred to by officially in the inflatable industryh.

I often forget how many crazy types of creatures there are out there. Earth is pretty cool sometimes.

>tfw you don't get the ones that roll up into a ball

Attached: c2d.jpg (663x579, 39K)

That's a big fucing croc (or alligator?).

bounce house

Its interesting seeing the forms they had to evolve into to survive the crushing pressure of the depths.

There's a bug crawling on you right now.

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Attached: Diplomatic Victory.webm (720x404, 2.39M)

sorry what?
I've seen blue. black, white, and even pink roly polies
every single variety rolled into a ball
genuinely curious what youre talking about

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H-Hey guys, I can join in right? I've got eight legs just like spiders!

Attached: octopus.webm (700x394, 2.74M)

yard sale
you guys

What the fuck is happening there?

I see it

Attached: octopus clear.webm (480x270, 616K)



I called them rolly poly when a was a kid in ohio. Moved to VA when I was in middle school and everyone called them potato bugs or pill bugs.
But the people here call giant fucking roaches "water bugs" so I think they are the retarded ones.

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Maybe in captivity, but I'm certain they live much longer out in the wild where they have purpose. Where their great weapons are put to use in duels with rival beetles. Where they can stake the future of their proud bloodline on whether they triumph or get tossed. Where they feed on the tree sap of Valhalla after a day of brutal work. That's the life a captive beetle misses out on. A warrior without a battle might as well be dead.

it's pretty common that ants kill snakes. If you see an ant colony that means there aren't snakes nearby. Thank ants

chill out user, that cat isn't attacking him. cats will lightly bite you when you push them around, but they won't try to damage you or anything. you can train your cat to stop its biting by giving him a big hug and smooshing him a bit. he won't like it and will try to push out, but if you calmly persist then he'll give up and recognize that you can fuck with him however you want and he can't do shit about it. then he won't fuss so much when you're just trying to handle him so long as you aren't beating him up for shits and giggles or anything like that

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Can someone explain to me what this thread is about? I'm getting more of a national geographic-vibe rather than a Yea Forums related thread.

fuck, those claws are scary

>tfw you are intelligent and useful creature but japanese people keep peeing on you, eating you alive and torturing for mere existence

Predatory Katydid. Not all grasshoppers and crickets eat plants/rotting stuff, some hunt for food.

It's called a cloporte you disgusting anglo freaks

>Rejoice in the glory of combat!

If people don't say bouncy castle or bounce house or any other variation of those two then they are completely and utterly fucking retarded and wrong.

its the /van/ thread fren

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Most scientists believe Octopi would rule the coasts if they didn't die after breeding. Octopi have been observed learning from observation so theoretically, they could pass on knowledge to their brood if the females didn't starve themselves to protect their eggs

This is why you have to raise generations of beetles so you can have the males fight to the death for the right to mate with the females. Repeat for 10,000 generations and eventually you'll breed super beetles that can bench your bodyweight and are immune to radioactive bullets and lung cancer.

>octopus have such short lifespans they'll never take over the planet
It sucks

las cloportes...

Technically you're completely safe as long s you're directly in front of an alligator.


Attached: Cuteboye.webm (853x480, 1.92M)

Fun fact, Termites have kings, they mate with the queens for life.

Or he did not. Some cats just take a light nibble to show affection or dissatisfaction. My cats don't bite or claw anyone or hurt anyone on any other ways either, what do you say about that?

The crust you stupid fuck, don't tell me there's multiple names for that.

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Moths >>> peasant bugs

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The scientific name is rolly polly you fucking retard.


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it's a football
i chiseled it

It's a sack containing flatworm eggs that mind hacks the slug and attempts to mimic a maggot so it can get eaten by birds.

Evolution underwater is THE easy mode, all you have to do for the species to survive is zerg rush as many nidividuals as possible.

Based Florida man accused of calling a pill bug a roly poly.

>enemy with instakill mechanic has very short aggro range

Attached: Rhino.gif (380x242, 3.83M)

It's called a jumping balloon. All other names except bounce house are wrong

anyone have this pic but after it shows a skelington behind the sign hoarding a bunch of treasure?

>enemy with instakill mechanic has very long aggro range

Attached: TigerStrike.gif (290x242, 996K)

>I'm a Chuckster!

Aren't rhinos supposed to be extraordinarily stupid?

I got this one.

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>smashes wings into your window at you
what do?

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Okay it's late as fuck, I'ma go to bed. Good night, bug and other animal bros.

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Yeah, but they're also extremely strong

is insect the new deepsea general? Because I have a deepsea folder I' haven't used for a long time.

Attached: LongArmSquid.jpg (342x400, 43K)

bye, based beetle brother

same, good night bug friends

>Technically you're completely safe as long s you're directly in front of an alligator.

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>these amoeba ass mother fuckers can into deep sea survival
>humans need to spend millions of technology and research just to build drones that can into the same environment
how fucked would we be if these creatures had legit intelligence

The heel

gators can't bite forwards. They can only bite by angling their mouths to the sides; they don't even have teeth on the front edge of their mouths.

Yard sale
You guys

not fucked at all, you see the only way they can live down there without being made out of metal and pressure tanks is their bodies being basically hard bone and jelly.
You bring a deep sea creature up here and it'll literally melt apart.

Depends on where the items for sale are located

I used to eat these all the time as a kid. They taste like a more sour cranberry.

Attached: Long-armed Squid.webm (712x480, 693K)

FUCK the deep sea so much

evryone's favorite here

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That thing's probably poisonous as fuck. Yellow things tend to be.