Post pics of you mom.
Four times the mountains
1/64th the roleplaying
Actually, in all fairness, Todd seems legit passionate about gaming and the products he is in charge of. I know most of you are too stupid and young to know any better, but Todd isn't the final say... he has to answer to ZeniMax Media. What you retards don't understand is that the publisher has the final say and while the developer (Bethesda, et al) may have a certain vision for their product, the publisher can come in at any time and force them to make changes.
will he be at e3 this year?
t. Todd
t. independent video game consumer
Don't listen to that other guy.
wtf are you talking about. You sound like stupid fucking kids... I mean seriously, how truly dumb are you? I'm not saying that Bethesda hasn't made mistakes, but do you really believe they're entirely at fault?
Do you even know how the game industry works? The developers are at the mercy of the publisher... whether it's EA, Activision, Vivindi, or ZeniMax. The developers may have a certain vision, but the publish can come in and order them down a completely different path (whether they [the developers] like it or not).
You're both either trolling, or you really are truly stupid.
OMG you told me to COPE. Holy shit.. what do I do?
lmao have sex
goteeem *dab*
Maybe Todd shouldn't make so many crazy promises in public then.
Anyone have the "Todd and his sweet little lies" music video with the original music? Not the karaoke cover.
no, todd, pls, i just finished the 4x detail, pls no
Again, how retarded are you? So, Todd works for Zeni (I know you're still in high school and haven't had a real job, other than Burger King), but lets say ZeniMax tells Todd to sell 76 at all costs... what the fuck do you think he's going to do?
>but do you believe they're entirely at fault
yeah I'm pretty sure that the game designer is at fault for piss-poor game design (talking about FO3 & 4 here)
do you think that Zenimax came to Todd and said
? yeah I'm pretty sure FO76 was Zenimax's goof, but Todd was a horribad game designer even before that
Fallout 76 makes me wonder how they manage to make huge maps like this.
I keep wondering how long and how expensive it must be.
But then they make a huge map and they don't put a game in it.
Literally how the fuck does this work?
Is making the map offshored to the third world with a few concept art and mockups from unpaid interns to guide them and then there's a bunch of overpaid senior game designers that went "you know what? maybe we don't need to design another game at all. maybe it could just be the map and you shoot other people. also town building.".
Imagine defending Bethesda.
Maybe they did. How do you know they didn't? Companies like Vivindi and Zeni don't give a fuck about us (the players) they only care about money. So, how do you know they didn't? Is it because you watched an AngryJoe video and are no convinced?
just don't buy their games, it's that simple
Don’t worry bro just hold the L
>yes I do believe that the publisher cares about how specific the gameplay is of a game
t. Pete Hines
also gj bringing up an e-celeb that I dont even watch
Fallout 4 was actually a really good game (despite some of the bugs). Fallout 4 had something on the scale of 1.5 MILLION lines of code. Humans make mistakes, so maybe a few mistakes were made in those 1.5 million lines. Does that mean they're a horrible company?
>I know you're still in high school and haven't had a real job, other than Burger King
You must have had a really fulfilling life if you're getting your kicks out of pretending to be superior to people on Yea Forums.
Top-tier shill imitation, unironically.
B-team. A-team was and still working on Starfield
Not about being superior. It's about directing the anger and the blame to the appropriate target. You are all blaming Bethesda and Todd, when I'm simply pointing out that it might be more of an issue with the publisher. And, yes, I actually have had a fulfilling life and this isn't about "pretending" to be superior...
Are there any details on it yet?
>Fallout 4 was actually a really good game
>non-existent RPG elements outside of the faction choice with one faction being one dimensional goody two shoes
>homogenized builds
>piss poor enemy variety
>piss poor weapon variety partially thanks to the mod system
>all the content being at the start of the game, with all the other areas being VERY noticably more barren, especially the "endgame" areas
>majority of areas being generic dungeons with generic dungeons with generic loot
>somehow less content (especially quests) than fucking FO3
>combat still being a piece of shit
>building system not allowing you to get rid of shitty clutter, making it impossible to make certain buildings look actually pristine (the minutemen castle being especially bad for that)
>kill. loot. return. the game
oh fuck I just realized I fell for the bait
>You are all blaming Bethesda and Todd,
Dude, I work in the industry, I know how this works.
You're confusing memes with reality, Todd is a figurehead. And a very notorious one for his exaggerations. It's just fun to shit on him, it's not like people are actually sending him death threats.
>Fallout 4 had something on the scale of 1.5 MILLION lines of code. Humans make mistakes, so maybe a few mistakes were made in those 1.5 million lines
I think it's actually 1 million lines of Morrowind and Fallout 3 code, 200k lines of Skyrim code, 200k lines of Fallout 4 code, and 100k lines of Fallout 76 code
>Yes, Fallout 4 was actually a good game.
>Non-existent RPG elements? Hmm deciding whether to do BOS, Railroad, Institution… finding "my son," etc..
>"enemy variety" - yeah... let's see.. Death Claws, Super Mutants, Raiders, Wildlife, should I really go on?
>Piss poor weapons variation: are you trolling?
>Dungeons? You mean the open areas vs the factories vs vaults.
>Less content: a game that take over 100 hours if you play it as a completionist.
>I'll give you combat, not the best.
>I'll give you your clutter argument, I actually agree.
>kill. loot. return... this is different most other games, how?
BGS-made Fallout was never good. Starfield I have no idea, they havent tried making a new IP in ages. TES is what they're good at
You may work in the industry, as what? A programmer? A manager? Are you privy to what goes on behind closed doors with the upper management? I KNOW Todd is a figurehead. That's my point. While Yea Forums shits on him and Bethesda...how can we be sure he wasn't marching the beat of the Zendi drums?
Reminder that Bethesda is also an ebil publisher.
What now Todd?
I'm assuming you misspelled "evil" by typing "ebil" or you're another underaged faggot trying to be cool by speaking "teenager." So, dipshit, tell me how Bethesda is "ebil."
I like the game but let’s not kid ourselves, the game has problems with the main story mainly because the writer is extremely shitty at making a grand story. He did well with the Oblivion’s Dark Brotherhood story but for Fallout 3,4 and Skyrim story? Not so much. Monster variety is a legit complain as well. Ghoul, Glowing ghoul, bloated ghoul, glowing bloated ghoul. The only interesting ones are the ones added by Far Harbor since they can sometimes hide themselves as a tree branch or a glowing flower. VATS also needs to change or go away too. Pseudo pause with RNG doesn’t sit well with an action game. And for some reason you can only crit using VATS (and crits is a resource that you can “banked” and save up for when you absolutely need to destroy something with a few clicks)
I think you're misunderstanding what I'm trying to say. I don't disagree with you on many of your points. What I'm saying is that maybe it isn't entirely his or the actually code monkeys' fault. What I'm trying to convey here is before Yea Forums brings out the tar and feathers... let's make certain "who" is at fault. Again, the devs hands are bound by the publisher. If Todd IS to blame, I'll be right there with you.
Were they even really missleading about this game though? Did Todd really say this "16 times the detail" thing?
I wonder if he's going to apologize at the start of the Bethesda's E3.
I would. I'd have to.
"16 times the detail, 4 times bigger than fallout 4"
Fallout 4 had code from the future?
Todd Howard is a retard who thinks removing features from sequels makes his games better
He didnt apologise after all the other times he lied and the fanfaggots ate it up regardless
Brand loyal consumerism is a disease
>Sorry about how last year we lied about everything. Now please listen to an hour of us promising things.
Will never happen.
I don't expect him to ask forgiveness for lying, but to say sorry about how 76 was absolute shit.