>Nintendo is now the home for weebshit
What the actual fuck happened? No seriously, playstation use to be the place for anime pantsu games.
>Nintendo is now the home for weebshit
What the actual fuck happened? No seriously, playstation use to be the place for anime pantsu games.
>Sony censorship
>nips prefer handhelds
Blame California
SJWs are winning sadly. Expect NoA to join in soon.
Sony's video game division is an American operation now. Nintendo is the only Japanese console left on the market.
they always prefered handhelds, its just they needed a new home since the Vita is no longer in production.
Glad you morons think all of these problems lie with just one state. Makes things alot easier for us ;)
After the success of Splatoon Nintendo realized they need the pedo audience
NoA has no power over third party games and NoJ could give the fuck less about western feelfeels over anime highschool pantsu RPG, do you seriously think they'd piss off their japanese audience because of stupid ganjin?
To take over? Just burn a few trees
>NoA has no power over third party games
Explain Braverly Default and Braverly Second censorship then.
Better get to it then, apparently that one state is the source of all your problems ;)
Playstation is now an American company run by SJWs nu-commies.
NoJ is gearing up to do this shit too, all the companies are. The spotlights on Sony, but the real problem is the 2020 olympics. They're trying real hard to clean up their "lolicon" problem and anygame with school aged characters is getting the hammer. Notice how the omega labrynth characters were all aged up and not a trace of school uniforms in the new version.
Sorry, but japan is cucking itself for the olmypics....hope it's only temporary....but we'll see....
and not a single fuck was given. have sex.
Guess you faggots should go find a new hobby to ruin then
NOA didn't localized them.
It was binari sonori.
Has the olympics ever done good for an area? They just seem to build these huge new stadiums and then let them fall apart afterwards.
damn. i can taste your mad through the monitor
No, literally every town/city that's run it has been in disrepair and crippling debt ever since. I seriously do not understand why cities even go out of their way for the chance. You get one small period of insanely boosted revenue from tourism surrounding the actual games and then a lifetime of problems afterwards.
Ever since the Switch released treehouse has been told not to censor or change games, just translate. It’s a newer thing but certainly a good change.
acquire virginity
I'm actually pretty happy you guys think it's just California.When one of you deranged incels decide to go shoot up a building to kill SJWs it means I have nothing to worry about.
Translation of the Sony and journalist mocking part
>Journo: This game, I can't play it in front of my family and friends in the living room, it's too embarrassing...
Hinata: Thank you for your concern. If there is no way for you to enjoy jiggling oppai. We will look after your needs as well. For those of you with this problem we introduce to you, Labyrinth Life.
>(Crowd goes Ooooo)
Hinata: Even if you are not a family, you can still enjoy this. By the way interviewer-san...(gets cut off, full question would be how many friends or family would watch you play this)
>Journo: Just me, Just me.
Hinata: Is that so? Then please make yourself at home(alluding to the journo joining the last family shown so he doesn't look so pathetic and lonely)
Already handled that’s when NOA had power before NOJ bitch slapped them
Nigga that was square and that didn't effect the JP release of bravely games
Not joking, It literally is because California
>Sony opens Headquarters in California
>Translation team and such is now full of feminists and LGBT
>They despise the will of male fantasy and games and are slowly changing the image of the company
California is literally the most cucked state of the United States. It rose to be the cream of the cuck and is bringing the rest of the United States down. Wyoming and Ohio are literally more attractive to visit then California now.
Nintendo published them worldwide moron
Nintendo combining their home console and handheld was a strategic victory for them in Japan.
Sony is going full Snoy
Literally fake news.
>Sorry, but japan is cucking itself for the olmypics....hope it's only temporary
It's always temporary.
>Notice how the omega labrynth characters were all aged up and not a trace of school uniforms in the new version.
It's a way around saying they are children. This has always happened in the West.
It was always Treehouse that fucked everything up not NOA.
Okay, they just aged up the characters and removed all references to schools for no reason, I see
Ahh, so you're the Right arm of Satan.
Don't worry, just because I've got Stalin in my vision doesn't mean I don't have Hitler in my peripheral.
>It's a way around saying they are children. This has always happened in the West.
Yeah except they're doing it for the JP release moron, that's the point. They're self censoring because of the olympics
Post your sources faggot of the characters being aged up.
You are just salty, OP.
Stop complaining.
Into the trash you go.
Have sex
I only know of two cases in my life. I forget the first, But the city of Calgary benefitted from the sport
Facilities are still open for use and draw in many customers still or places to practice. Then again, Calgary is rich from all that Oil and Beef plus they host the worlds largest Rodeo.
>ITT Former Calgarian
>P.S. Fuck Edmonton.
Have sex fatty trannies
isn't Sony still majority Japan?
why don't they just get the fuck out of America
No need to get a stick up your ass you faggot. Like I said it's temporary a few months after the Olympics are over they will revert everything back to normal.
>not a trace of school uniforms in the new version
Do you hit your head with a giant hammer before posting?
No really
Two things:
1) Sony's official explanation - we are afraid of SJWs (getting #metoo'd, or even the possible backlash that certain games foster and abet sexually predatory behavior) so we will appeal to their tastes so we don't get them mad. We care more about the international audience instead of the our home country's. Plus, we are afraid sexually suggestive games hurt our sales (while ignoring, as OP pointed out, we had a monopoly on ecchi games/ ecchi VNs).
2) An American made the PS4 a big success, so perhaps it would be wise for them to make executive decisions for the company. We don't really care that we hand the company to Americans that either don't understand or care to understand Jap culture.
Sony's censorship shit doesn't bother me because I think VNs and tit games are shit and I would rather fap to actual porn, but their moves and excuses are retarded. MAYBE this shit could have flown in the 90s, but with the internet, cultural barriers are more easily broken down and understood. I imagine that only literal boomers could look at an ass in a video game and be aghast; even the biggest normies don't bat an eye at anime shit; if they care for anime shit, they buy it, if they don't they ignore it. Catering to the vocal minority of SJWs is a stupid move, but again, I imagine Sony fears backlash from famous people rather than from actual consumers. But even knowing all this, all the Sony exclusives I played and loved had little to no sexual shit in them, and the biggest thing in one of them would be Kat's nips in her casual outfit from GR2; it wasn't my favorite outfit, but having those removed would make me ask why, I guess.
It's clearly a sonyfag trying to make nintendo look bad
Make friends
Oh, well he should just go make some friends so he can stop being so pathetic and alone.
Why don’t they just keep the Olympic Games in Los Angles or Georgia where they have the money to keep these places nice?
Source on this image user?
iqdb and google show nothing for me.
Have you not been keeping up with anything to do with Sony, OP? Thanks to what people think are some triggered blue hair types at the Californian branch of Playstation, games with cheesecake lewd stuff are getting heavily censored on PS4. So now a lot of them are just putting their games on the Switch now because Nintendo aren't being so anal about it.
Sony thinks appealing to the 1% will get them 99% of sales.
This is why boomers should never be in charge of anything.
Because Los Angles doesn't have the money to look nice anymore.The only way to do it is host the sport in places that already hosted it and kept the buildings in good condition,
Nintendo already had their dark years from 2015-2016
Any sources besides 3rd world shit countries?
Sony grew up
>weeb games were super popular on the PSP and Vita
>Sony kills off the Vita
>weeb games move to the latest mobile platform, the switch
It really shouldn't come as a surprise that nintendo is the new weeb platform.
Why can't /ps4g/ just accept sony is awful now? /vitagen/ accepted it long time ago, just let go lads.
>Success goes up
>Amount they care about their image goes up
>Selectiveness goes up
>Success goes down
>Willingness to accept more "risky"/non-family-friendly stuff goes up
This has pretty much always been the case. If nintendo becomes the leader next gen, I would bet you money that they will start caring much more about censorship and being family friendly, and sony will stop caring as much.
why not have the world cup in a country full of stadiums like england, france, germany, spain instead of LITERALLY THE FUCKING DESERT?
NoA was literally disciplined for the shit they pulled in the 3DS and Wii era.
Sony headquarters moved to California, which is LGBT and SJW central.
>SJWs are winning
With that petty distraction, yes.
Nintendo is a japanese company, at the very worst their first party games might be affected, but third party games I extremely doubt will be affected.
This but that 10,000% tourism increase for a month then 15 years of Economic slump must be worth it
Imagine seething because 2D girls are out-competing you.
>You get one small period of insanely boosted revenue
Well there's your answer. Take in the cash and bail with whatever you could snag right afterwards.
I’d rather keep our fucked up system instead of give EuroNiggers a cent
Sony is also a japanese company. But more importantly, do you not remember during Nintendo heyday a few years back when they were censoring things left and right, and ps3/vita was consistently putting out anime waifu games? And now that sony is incharge and nintendo has fallen behind a bit it has swapped. When a company is doing well and has many more eyes trained on them they care much more about their image, and are willing to forgo the niche markets. The vis versa applies as well.
So... How much did it cost for you to sell out the world?
I just wanna know how much your soul was worth.
>literally talking out your ass
>they're trying real hard to clean up their "lolicon" problem
I highly doubt it, Akihabara will still have lolicon doujin posters out in the open as they always have, even during the Olympics and that area will definitely be full of tourists.
If I were an optimist I would think that this means that there will always be big anime titty games because there will always be a company lagging behind.
>Sony is a japanese company
Not anymore, they left japan. Nintendo is staying in japan.
>do you not remember during Nintendo heyday a few years back when they were censoring things left and right
Not third party
A combination of Sony going full tumblr, betraying Japan, and Nintendo making one of the smartest decisions they've made in years.
i don't get it. Will the ps4 version be censored?
Yes, half the content is removed from the PS4 version.
>he goes to /vg/
I own both a PS4 and a Switch. I will accept Sony is awful once they lose a lot of third party support and when they stop making fantastic exclusives. Between the Switch and the PS4's entire library, I think the PS4 has more games I want to play, and also better ones. The Switch is still great, but I bought it primarily as a first party machine, and it is currently a better portable indie machine. I'm hoping this year turns that notion around.
I would say you are probably right. Might not be sony or nintendo directly releasing them but the niche for those games is probably never going away, considering how willing weebs are to throw money at anything with waifus in it, regardless of quality. Just look at gatcha games, they're pretty much just thirsty weebs emptying their wallets for jpgs of anime girls.
Because we might rape someone if we see anime cleavage.
Well yes, of course it will.
Nintendo prob would have censored third party games if they had any worth a damn.
Whatever happened to the good ol values of advertising? Where some guy is out to give ya some beer and let you play some games like pic related? At least NIS did this for one of their games but what does America do? Jack shit.
Senran says hi.
Nigga I haven't liked sony mostly all this gen, last thing I remotely enjoyed from them was the vita, the PS4 in general is just a disappointment, even before the censorship meme and their exclusives going multiplat.
It's all the vita's fault it was supposed to be the weeb console but it fucking failed, the only game that actually sold here was persona 4 the rest of the library is shit because even the weeb games have better versions in ps4, pc and now switch
it needed to have way more Visual novels and lewd games but instead the vita is full of shitty ports and indieshit
That doesn't make sense, these third party niche games aren't worth a damn either, but here sony is censoring the fuck out of them.
Try up until last year. Their censorship has been rampant for decades.
>When the Wii-U was unironically more enjoyable then the PS4
y i k e s
>Ever since the Switch released treehouse has been told not to censor or change games, just translate.
People keep saying this and never provide proof.
The real problem here is that Sony views themselves as the industry leader. All eyes are on them so they think they have to drop all the niche markets and present themselves as a family friendly platform that is inclusive for all. Nintendo tried this back in the WiiU era on the back of the Wii's success and failed miserably. They are now trying to pick up the markets that Sony has attempted to avoid in their attempt to be all inclusive. If the Switch ends up blowing Sony out of the water, the positions will be reversed. And so the circle of capitalism continues.
>Not third party
Fire Emblem is not first party, neither is Fatal Frame or XBCX.
>If the Switch ends up blowing Sony out of the water, the positions will be reversed. And so the circle of capitalism continues.
The thing about that is, even if they do switch and nintendo goes back to censoring their first party games, I really doubt they'll go after third party games, I just don't see NoJ doing that.
A few JPGS is hardly half the content.
This is some super fucking weak bait faggot.
>Views themselves
They are
/ps4g/ never defends sony anymore, they aren't even excited about the royal because they think sony going to just butcher it
>A few JPGs
Is that what we call player interaction now?
Do you have any idea what first party means?
They still have a bunch of extremely violent exclusives, so "family friendly" can't be the reason.
>tfw hacked 3DS and Vita, Switch and Phone master race
Sony can eat shit.
They explain it very well at the end of the video
Do you retard?
>play-asia shills drum up a fake controversy
>all the incels and pedophile weebs swallow it up hook, line and sinker
It'd be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.
*teleports behind you*
nothing personnel kid.
Tranny, have sex.
>actually proven censorship
Fuck off back to retard era
This looks like a bad game.
Because sandniggers paid billions in bribery for that.
Resetera posters don't post here do they? That's just a myth right?
>fake controversy
ok sony
Look, user, I get it ok. You don't need to feel bad. I know you have no friends and your family disowned you and you need to have fake friends on Yea Forums. But you don't need to try so hard to fit in. It's ok. It's ok to feel pathetic and lonely but you don't need to take out your depression on others. I'm sorry you're incapable of being a mature adult and need to lie to feel better about yourself.
But maybe, one day, you won't be so sad.
We're here for you user.
>Resetera posters don't post here do they
Ever since Hiro hired ex-NeoGAF mods? Yeah
>last year
It's a decent Mystery Dungeon game.
please get me out of this hellhole LA god, I saw several homeless people light their shit on fire and asked people to see it as Art
Nips prefer mobile now. Honestly Japanese games are dead.
>Explain Braverly Default and Braverly Second censorship then.
Binari sonori localized Bravely not Nintendo.
Name of the artist?
Name of this Doujin is Poolside Secret, fuck you faggot.
Nintendo published but Square handled the localization. Square assholes are in the localization credits.
I did it for free. Why would I not? You people are sick perverts.
What did they do wrong and how were they disciplined?
Sony threw away their market like retards.
>implying disgusting weeaboos are a meaningful market
they have much bigger aspirations than us, user. Do you know how much money Avengers makes? That's who they're going for.
First party are games developed directly by Nintendo
Anything else is second or third party.
I don't have a Switch but I'll buy a physical copy to support physical copies
Weed shouldve not been legalized
>first two years of high school were in washington
>nobody ever talked about drugs
>last two years of high school were in socal
>tfw can't go fucking anywhere with anyone without weed being brought up
>every single other person in school besides me smoked
>SJWs are winning
>Nintendo selling erogi on there estore
This doesn't add up
>What did they do wrong
Censoring games for no reason other than they hate Japan and anime
>How were they disciplined
They now travel to Japan every so often for their input on Nintendo's first party game. This sounds like a win for them but it really isn't. Where they could say "Well the west doesn't like this so we're going to censor it" now they come up to the creators and say "we don't like this and don't want it to exist, change it" and the creators/artists/etc all turn to them and laugh in their faces and go "aw how cute, the gaijin thinks its people"
Basically it's gone from one sided favoring the SJW cunts to one sided favoring the original creators.
To put it in more graphics terms
The SJW fags are now gimps and the original creators are their masters.
The gimp says he doesn't like something, the master smacks the gimp's face and tells it to speak only when spoken to and to speak like the pig it is.
That's troubling, how do you know the creators are ignoring them? Why would they fly them over to Japan just to disregard them?
They need to make it seem fair(Japanese bullying is next level shit, they intentionally waste time, or make you do something only to throw it out and demand something new)
>How do we know they're being ignored
Because way too much as been getting through untouched that those fags would absolutely be against.
>XC2 in general
>BOTW Link going trap and his reaction to the bearded trap he gets the clothes from
>Fire Emblem's new designs
They get no say. At best what they get in response is a "We will take your advice under consideration" which is business talk for "Lol, you think we give a single fuck what you think?"
Times have changed, gramps
Same. I'll keep it sealed and sell it in 30 years.
We are destroying the rainforest for those little shits, letthat sink a minute.
the game wasn't censored in Japan. Unlike what snoy is doing now.
They wasted their misery life playing mobage and working 40+ hours per week
That attention seeking faggot has been posting those sourceless crop shit for years to get (you)s.
This is you, fagget
smoke weed and grow some balls already
>snoyggers still living in 2015 with bravely default, xenoblade or whatever western localisation to excuse 2019 Snoy forcing the japs to remove content entierely
>despite Nintendo changing their CEO twice since that era.
The only example we have at the moment is Smash
Y'know back during Jesus' ministry, there was a group of people called the Sanhedrin and ALLLL they did every day was accuse others of sin while beating off their egos and playing themselves up to be better than they actually were.
And you know what happened to them?
Jesus sentenced them into hell before they even died.
I want you to consider that for a moment. Jesus, the literal embodiment of God's forgiveness to humanity couldn't even find it in his heart to forgive them.
Let me tell you something buddy, God may hate sinners but he DESPISES false champions.
And let me tell you something else. Satan prowls this plant up and down and when he's finished he stands before God and accuses people.
I suggest you check yourself.
Yeah and I'm sure you're not playing into the hands of malevolent forces.
>Strike down the imps to serve the dragon
You're coward pretending to be a hero and that's all you'll ever be.
California happened. If you think SJW cunts online are bad you should see them in real life
It looks like a bad censorship.
>owing a fucking console
>Japanese games are dead.
Do I have to remind you again ?
The only non cuck option is PC but even then if you buy games you can't get a physical product anymore. The only non cucked option is to be a PC pirate. The industry is fucked.
Your retarded lovecraft from 5 years ago game will not take your beloced company mistakes, retard. This same thing we shit to Xbox and we prefer Sony for doing the opposite. Now Californian retards are chilling LGTB agenda and retarded censorship. You can act like tumblr and treat every jap game players as a "weeb pedo" bullshit all you want, but you will called tranny and ask you go to dilate, then. Being a corporated cocksucker to a retarded company will never be a good thing on Yea Forums. Ever.
They were on every market and just lose in nip.
>you can't get a physical product anymore
You can if you import eroge
>34no404 is still alive
why doesn't he use his twitter god damn
I think you are a pedophile too, but you spoke the teuth, user.
I don't care about what you play, but you summarized a consensus in a very good form.
Source? Because ive been on edge with those faggots. Still worried about the localization with Three Houses
>accepting anything other than Sonys cock
>t. Seething california cuck
Tomohiro Kai
nintendies are nothing lmao it honestly shows how they are if they thing anime titties are gonna remotely make them win the console war nah sorry good games does that and you have nothing
>SJWers trying to take away and censor games
>Right wingers using any chance to push their own agenda and shit post.
I just want to play these games in English, and in peace.
>Right wingers using any chance to push their own agenda and shit post.
Fuck off false-flagger.
>Right Winger proving they're more obnoxious than SJWers.
I'm putting my lot in with Nintendo, and you can continue your butthurt crusade.
>no argument
Thanks false-flagchan.
Is it finally time to update this chart?
>Needing an argument against right wingers
>Middle ground doesn't not exist.
Stay mad fag.
8 BIT INDIE SHIT 89438 (Fitgirl Repack)
>Be Nintendo
>Sony grabbing all the animu games, grabbing the dedicated otaku audience
>Sony moves to cali and libtards are now policing all of the games like the American scum they are
>Nintendo now the only true Japanese console
>indi developers love the switch
>uncensored versions on switch everywhere
>only company not making the jump yet is atlus, probably due to contractual reasons to do [X amount of things on Sony]
>Persona 6 will most likely be a multiplat unless Sony locks it down
Nintendo brought them into this world, and it will be them that takes the playstation out
cope snoy
>This delusional
As long as Snoy has Naughty Dog shit no one is taking them out.
Nintendo actually fired a lot of the people who censored games during the Wii U/3DS era.
>Persona 6 will most likely be a multiplat
Not happening. Atlus is loyal to Sony.
Were these Jewcob'd, or are they just untranslated?
Sony now letting SJWs control them meanwhile everything about Splatoon and the latest note that the girl with the biggest tits in Fire Emblem Three Houses is FeMC.
Iwata was a good man, god bless him, but the new guy in charge seems a lot more OK with sex appeal in Nintendo games than he did.
Ghostbusters Remake happened.
Sony is cucked by SJWs, and it deserves the loss of profit it gets.
>don't know shit
>act like a piece of shit
You're an idiot. Go skim through any news source and you'll see multiple articles highlighting all the crap they're doing to accommodate for the Olympics. Changes to transportation, removing smoking only zones from FF chains and adding English signs everywhere just to name a few.
>more obnoxious than SJWs
Nobody can be more obnoxious than people who are censoring and blackmailing devs in the present times. You are just intellectually dishonest and now looking retarded.
I've seen the natural SJW habitat. It ain't pretty.
Nintendo is the only Japanese console company left. Sony is American now, in every way that matters.
I've always hated Nintendo but I guess I'll have to learn to like them now because I will never play a westcuck made game.
>What is SMTV
get raped by niggers
nooo i don't wan to be raped by black gorls ahhhh
You're living proof you're more obnoxious than them
Home consoles were never the home for weebshit ever since the PSP. Sony refuse to make a new handheld and Sony have new "standards" for PS4 games, so all the anime pantsu devs moved to Switch.
I wasn't talking to you, namefag
I'll show you obnoxious buttboy:
>Deadspin, Gizmodo/io9, Jalopnik, Jezebel, Kotaku, Lifehacker, Splinter
>worth 1.5 Billion in 2006
ok we get it you hate sony being woke. can we talk about another thing? just don’t buy more playstation and buy more nintendo, isn’t that hard
Tfw people on 4chanNEL these days are so young that they can't even remember London. Smh
Thanks Kimishima for being a based President!
sauce on that pic?
What the fuck...
Wyoming is beautiful but Ohio can go fuck itself.
>he goes to /vg/
/vg/ is where you go if you want to actually discuss video games. Yea Forums is for posting porn and acting like you're on Yea Forums or [s4s]
>Some dumb gaijin family goes to tokyo
>Go to Akibahara and enter into a shop with cute girls and nothing in englsih written.
>See a full section of lolicon stuff
>News of " Family discovery how Japanese people are pedos".
Imagine having shittier streets than India in a first world country.
Add Super Neptue RPG to that image, the Sony version has 2 censored CGI scenes.
- CEO says consoles are out (mobile is king)
- Sony looking to improve ways to curve gaming addiction
- Increasing the cost of PS+ (PS3 and Vita support already dead)
Nintendo is the normal one here. Sony has gone off the deep end.
Hey, Control Tower Simulator is a great game.
That's bullshit though. Sony had essentially no quality control whatsoever in the height of their success in the PS2 era. Recently, Nintendo was extremely censor happy with the WiiU where they were failing in the market. So you'd lose that bet.
It seems to me that you're just looking for an excuse for Sony's intolerable practices by pretending it's somehow not endemic to them. Instead, you should be complaining as much as you can directly to them if you care. That was the actual reason why Nintendo ended up changing their policies.
You're just desperate to lose, SJW's think their losing
In reality no one is "losing" games are pushing boundaries in what they can and can't get away with, That has always been the case.
Something like the Hot Coffee mod today no one would bat an eye while back in it's time it was a huge controversy.
Japanese game were always censored (less so now even) The original Kingdom Hearts was even censored, As were the Pokemon games.
Actually go outside, I live in a very very left leaning city and people still shout obscenity at trans people, My manager even often refers to stuff as retarded and people as cunt's as a joke, another co-worker teases my black co-workers all the time who are really "bluepilled"
Sony should have not moved to the West. Westerniers are retards. They all are brain washed by politics and SJW shit.
They should be like the japanese that only thinks of what makes the most money and that everyone has the freedom to make games that are offensive. Sony will regret the this shit next gen when they go broke.
californiaaaa I'm fiiiine
They'll go back to sucking everyone's dicks when some form of competition shows up and wrecks their shit in sales
I wish their competition wasn't pretty much non-existent at this point
Ohio already gets plenty of sex thank you very much.
>Omega labyrinth
No, user. Weebshit is stuff like code vein or Neptunia or puyo tetris.
Omega Labyrinth is porn for people too stupid or young to get porn
>code vein or Neptunia or puyo tetris
No, that's normalfag shit retard
>you should be complaining as much as you can directly to them if you care
But I don't buy shitty console-bound eroge
>I am a fucking retard please rape my face
The Olympic should exclusively be in Greece.
God damn, I need to buy a Switch.
>muh eroge
Just read a doujin or h manga and self insert retard or look at some game GC 95% of the scenes are shit anyways
>anime dark souls
>not wannabe normalfag shit
>Making joke about the gaijin showing the White female and Diversity friends.
Greece can pay off its debts by using money from mostly Mid East and Asian tourists through the Olympics. They don't have any resources to exploit for a stable economy geographically, so might as well make them a fitness nation like their gay ancestors opined they should become.
>angrily restating what the person he's quoting said as if it were the opposite of what he said
Yup, retarded.
>first world country
Yeah, I'll give it second world at best
Barcelona was actually profitable and rebuilt half of the city.
This has to be fake
>it real
Why though, i'm a third world shitter and people don't shit on the streets here. Is it a homeless problem?
Not necessarily, plenty of cities filled with homeless in USA on the same level, but without the street shitting.
The real hilarity though is that the cities and states with the biggest class divide and homeless being treated like shit while upper class wall themselves in are... blue states and blue cities.
>everyone shits on Ohio even though its a great place to live
lmao imagine being so upset about living in Ohio just because you need a travel in car to get anywhere and the sky is almost always gray 10 months of year because of the lake effect weather we get
One also shouldn't forget that gaming media has become highly political and will always try to paint fanservice games in a bad light if they're geared towards men. Sony has no doubt noticed how well gaming media will speak of them when they're being progressive and the backlash they get when they're not.
The ps4 did great so they used that as an opportunity to go full retard.
source on that crop?
I have wonder how many of these niche games are even known by the general public.
Hell, I wonder how these journos even stumble upon these games. Plus it's not like they can just purge all the fanservice games that have been released on PS4 prior to this policy. (I would say Vita but I doubt that's even on their radar).
objecively true.
What would you rather have happen to you:
1. Somebody presses boobs against you
2. Somebody gouges your eyes out with a knife
Sony is not japanese anymore
this Olympics boogieman again lmao
None of those games are good though
You have no fucking idea what you are talking about do you.
Lolicon stuff are passion projects that will never stop, now and in the 60s
Big companies never liked it, nothing will change, stop fearmongering
now all we need to do is get the athletes and visitors to complain about pixelated porn and hope the gubmint relaxes the laws