Can we have downgrade thread? I'm still seething 20 years later.
Another one of these shit threads comparing E3 footage to finished games.
im sad that this is probably going to happen again with cyberpunk 2077
Another one of these shit posts being a corporate shill.
I must be retarded because I don't remember fighting this thing at all.
if u compare E3 demo footage to finished products ur a fucking retard that needs to be put down and kept away from reproducing
>we should lower standards for quality and allow companies to openly decieve and mislead us and not be held accountable
>"I-it doesn't count if it's E3 footage!!1! Leave these multi-million dollar companies alone!!! E3 footage is supposed to be deceptive!!"
Based low IQ retard. When we have less people like you, maybe the industry will finally improve.
>defend false advertisement by saying it's the consumers fault for expecting to receive what was marketed to them
Listen here fucking retard. E3 was always investors first, journalists second and gamers third. When they made E3 behind closed doors only at one point, only open to investors and journalists then public was pissed, so who's to blame here? Seems like retarded public and manchildren are to blame.
It's definitely going to happen considering they're still targeting the base Xbone and PS4. They should just delay it and make it a next gen exclusive, but they won't because they want to cash in on the huge PS4/Xbone install base
>Lying to your investors and the media is somehow better than lying to consumers
>game from 2015
>still one of the best looking open-world games even 4 years later
>people complain about downgrade
If every single fucking company does it then it's clearly working.
Clearly worked out for Anthem you retard.
Do you think a whore wears a fucking sign that says I have all stds? No you simply assume she has.
>Its working
>Therefore it is both ethical and good
Based retard
>No you simply assume she has.
If you live somewhere where it is regulated and controlled then no, you don't instantly assume so you corporate shill.
DaS2 let me down in so many ways. Such a sadness.
Guarantee those three rows are running on different systems.
May I see the webm?
>Ask for the webm
post it
the lizard one or the falconer one? I don't have either on my laptop; sadly. The lizard one he spins fast as fuck so you can't get behind him and it also launches a red phantom. The falconer one has a terrible running animation among other jank with the model. I do have this though.
You even get the "Fiend or Foe?" achievement for completing related contract.
I've never seen the falconer one but I'm familiar with the lizard. Haven't seen that either, though there is really no shortage of examples of the game's shit hitboxes.
Prostitution is illegal in most places, therefore my statement is true, retard.
>therefore my statement is true
You know, except in the civilized parts of the planet where it isn't you fucking shill.
wow, that compressed video by youtube looks bad! CDPR sure sucks!
Once we get rid of the pleb boxes games will improve
>inb4 the PS5 is gonna be a beast!
Irrelevant because a 1660ti is probably on par with the 2020 PS5 and it's a 280$ GPU right now
doesn't look that different from SotFS desu
not really
>let's all believe what ads are saying
OP is American no doubt.
>prostitution is legal in countries like Switzerland, France, Netherlands and Germany
>prostitution is illegal in countries like Iran, North Korea and the United States
He said CIVILIZED not NANNY state those hookers are their to distract you from the fact that the EU will be controlling the speed of your car in 2022
Sorry, can you repeat that in non-virgin? I just got my dick sucked by an Eastern European beauty.
>lives in the US
>thinks he can call anything else a nanny state
Your government has been taken to court for unlawfully monitoring and controlling peoples lives so many times. Not to mention all the legal ways they can manipulate it so you have no influence, such as shit like gerrymandering. The fact your citizens have such blind faith in their country while also losing their shit over things like "red vs blue" is a huge redflag as to how brainwashed you all are.
>he thinks I care about politics
Go read seige faggot I don't worship this country I worship the land I live on and if the feds wanna come and take it then they will just have to kill me and my legal militia.
Getting your cocksucked by a eastern European hooker isn't how you lose your virginity bro
>Getting your cocksucked by a eastern European hooker isn't how you lose your virginity bro
True, your mom already gave me that honor.
>I worship the land I live on
You mean, the land your ancestors stole?
>if the feds wanna come and take it then they will just have to kill me
That day can't come soon enough.
Cope harder euro I don't think America is the best place on earth but it certainly isn't any of the failed monarchies known as Europe
Don't you mean YOUR ancestors? I'm not the euro here. I know they only tell you what they wanna hear in those state censored textbooks but it was Europeans before even Christopher Columbus that found the new world
>bunch of redniggers fighting and eating each other
>come in and beat them all
He doesn't even know how many Indians bought guns from the whites to continue warring
blame weak consoles
So it's okay if I come in and slaughter your family? Gotcha.
Cute, he's trying to go reductionist on me. By that logic Europe is superior because they founded your shithole.
There's a good chance you got shot while I typed this.
>they will just have to kill me and my legal militia
>feds deploy a Reaper
>you and your legal militia are no more
>feds take your land for whichever reasons
I mean you Euros brought your old world bigotry to America and that's why the Indians were slaughter originally, if I had it my way we'd of merged cultures and created an intelligent culture that also believes in the preservation of the natural world and not the exploitation of animals. Sorry I can't control what happened 3 centuries ago retard
You're so fucking stupid how has the world greatest military been losing to a bunch of sandniggers with AKs then? You have to have have boots on the ground. How new are you this idea was already debunked by Japs on Yea Forums like 7 years ago
Someone needs to make a video of the hollow infantry that are armed with swords and shields.
Their running animation looks like they used some complete faggot for mocapping.
Human operators something something collaterals something.
A twat shack or a farm in the middle of nothing is an easy target for drones, specially if every single person is a hostile target.
Thank God I live in the woods, the cities will be the first to go, China or US shuts off the lights and the raiders will cannibalize each other. Good thing I got an 11000w generator for when they turn the grid off