Why didn't he just kill them from the start?

Why didn't he just kill them from the start?

Attached: IMG_6980.jpg (838x996, 144K)

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Because he wanted to use them as a test subject. STARS are elite team, he was curious how well can they defend themselves from zombies. If the majority of STARS and BRAVO teams are killed, it neans that virus and B. O. W. are ready for black market.

Long con, wanted to fuck them all.

they were all part of his game

Needed to test their bio-weapons...Which makes no sense since all the zombie bullshit was a side effect of the T-Virus, which was intended to create Tyrants which you don't fight until the very end of RE1.

*means, not neans

Spoilers for RE1, it's because CHRISTHISWAY

The whole point was to test the BOWs.

The zombies were a happy accident that they were willing to take advantage of

He knew he had to put up with fucking Jill and Claire to get at Rebecca


All is said here.

He didn't have the heart to kill her

Attached: becca_face_concerned_2.jpg (500x549, 41K)

Muh combat data.

Why didn't he kill Claire here?

Attached: clairexwesker_bullychoke.webm (1920x1080, 2.03M)

How the fuck do you propose to saturate them if they're already dead smartguy?

He has nothing against claire, ve just kick women for fun

Hostage for big bro

He was crazy.

In RE3 there's a note where an UBCS supervisor was throwing around the idea of injecting POWs with the t-virus, releasing the POWs, and timing it so that the infected POWs turn into zombies once they get back to their units.

judge me

Attached: D79Jti8V4AAm0ue.png (1200x675, 1.07M)

>automatic rifle
>not going for the regular one and upgrading it to the exclusive so it has a power of 30 and can kill any boss in just a handful of shots.

you dont have to correct, everyone understood

>five different guns


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He wanted to fuck her.

Is this your first playthrough?


Attached: ah AAAAAAAAAAAAH.png (547x391, 149K)

He had a boner like you wouldn't believe

>bullied Claire
>took lewd pics of Becca
>enslaved jill
Is he the most chad videogame character of all time?

Attached: becca_face_worried1.jpg (390x355, 36K)

Wesker, you're pathetic.

Sell those nades, the most you'll ever need is three of each and even that is overkill. Also the TMP stock and the rifle scope are wastes of space, those weapons are fine without them.