Oh shit! The pilots have disappeared! Will your thousands of hours in flight simulators let you land the plane safely, Yea Forums?
Oh shit! The pilots have disappeared! Will your thousands of hours in flight simulators let you land the plane safely...
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>a thread died for this
Go to bed instead of creating boring shit threads like this one
Probably not.
I probably killed a modern warfare thread, so it's not like anything of value was lost.
Probably, I'm a helicopter pilot. Just point me to the autopilot button, that's the only way you stuck wings know how to fly anyway.
im a pilot irl so i could probably land it just fine, with help from atc
No, but i might be able to make it do a sick DORIFTO
Absolutely. Find big open field with favorable wind, point plane into it, 30* flaps, throttle down, hold plane level
Fixed wing ain't so bad, with the ATC helping it'd probably be a cakewalk
I've never succesfully landed a plane in this game. I could probably crash land pretty competently though, god knows I have the practice.
As someone who isn't a pilot, why is there like 200 buttons and switches, and do you use them all on a daily basis.
As someone who isn't a pilot I believe they just switch them randomly to look cool when the flight attendants come in to ask if they want any drinks.
even as not a pilot i can tell you that they do not fuck with the majority of that shit
*points the plane at the new wtc*
>do you use them all on a daily basis.
Not necessarily, you might test a bunch of them during engine start and pre-taxi checklists to make sure they work but a lot of all those switches are there for troubleshooting in the case of an emergency. others might get used only once, like when you turn the engine on. but like i said, it's all on checklists.
the actual act of flying the plane uses only a few of those inputs.
Probably not.
Use the radio to have the control tower help you land the plane.
don't worry buddies i got this
Ace Combat is garbage.
I don't play flight sims, but if i can get an ATC on the radio they can probably talk me into at least belly landing the plane.
Aren't there books in aircraft designed to help passersby attempt a landing in the event of an emergency?
If not I'd just look it up via mobile (which you can do now on modern aircraft) and find out what the autopilot button is
>just look up the autopilot button
Yep we're all dead.
Seriously though I heard somewhere that much of the landing process is done by the autopilot now. Is that wrong?
Most regular flight is done by it, landing is still generally one of the only times a pilot is actually flying the plane. You also need to know how to use the autopilot, it's generally not as simple as 'press the button'.
This is a sim thread.
Not Call of Duty with jets.
Is this steam edition
Don't worry, Ace Combat fans don't like Assault Horizon either.
yes. i may not be a pilot but as long as ATC will guide me i'll be fine.
I would crash the plane into a tower.
>Squawk 7500
Eeerrrhhh laaadies and gentlemen, this is yooooourrrrr captain speaking. Eeehhhrr we will lads shortly eerrrhh weather is 20 degreees erhhh I hope you hade a good flight
Surely you can't be serious.
we know, Ahmad.
I do a 360 and fly away
No you wouldn't.
>autopilot =/= ai control
look man. your are not going to put the lives of maybe 200+ passengers on "autopilot landing" in an emergency situation.
Not like they can yell at me if I fail.
fucking based
and all those have redundancy on redundancy. once you know generally what your looking at then it becomes less impressive.
>I just want to tell you both good luck. We're all counting on you.
>mfw this thread
Crashing this plane after I shoot the survivors
Yes, I've learned how to use the auto piolet and the automatic landing shit. You basically just have to line the plane up with the runway using the auto pilot and tune into the towers frequently to land property, landing gear down of course.
you tell me
It'd probably be better than putting lives on some random user.
*Switches frequency to 121.5
The stock fsx autoland isn't even close to irl though.