>play game
>actually liking it
>go on Yea Forums
>everyone is shitting on it
>have to shit on it too to fit in
Play game
Other urls found in this thread:
but it is shit, ellie loses all of her appeal
Yes, its shit
No idea why this gets so much hate, it's unironically kino
wait, this is already out?
is that the actual cover
woaaahhhhhh main character with a gun looking to the side woaahhoohhhh
fuck you
>fitting in
>on Yea Forums
In case you haven't noticed, there is nothing but arguments and shit-flinging here.
Are you from the future? it hasn't come out yet
you can see on the cover how shit ellie is now
>watch movie
>actually liking it
>go on Yea Forums
>everyone is shitting on it
>have to shit on it too to fit in
>Only on Playstation
dude i just know humans and there is no way a female makes it far in any post apocalyptic scenario
like she is captured and used as a sex slave in under a week
if the game isn't that then it is asking too much of my suspension of disbelief
where did you get an early copy faggot
>play game
>dislike it
>go on Yea Forums
>everyone dislikes it too
>Find threads to discuss other games I actually like instead of being angry
She's special, she probably has mushroom strength from being infected or some shit
>being that insecure to voice your real opinion on an anonymous board
>actually have to pretend to fit in to the general hivemind
Are you really THAT pathetic? That's the opposite mentality you shouldn't have on Yea Forums
>they gave ellie tatoos
where the fuck did she get them?
at what point did she think "hmm yes I shall get some fucking tats lol I mean I know everyone's starving and people live on rations but surely there's got to be some tattoo artist around here"
they already fucked up her face and now they're ruining everything else
Nobody takes the opinion of waifu fags seriously. Especially not cunny posters
>shitting on something you like to fit in on an anonymous image board
Get a load of this fucking coward.
when she was young she was protected, now she can protect herself but no one would fuck her
>play game
>actually liking it
>go on Yea Forums
>everyone is shitting on it
>call everyone a seething nintendie and proceed to double down on shitposting
Should've stayed as a fourteen year old.
>and I am gonna kill every last one of them
Why is this fucking psychopath of a bitch praised and celebrated so?
>attempting to ‘fit in’ on an anonymous Chinese tiananmen square peaceful protest
Toppest kek you beta fuck.
because she's a stronk LGBTQ&A female
holy shit macaulay culkin looks like THAT?
yea nobody but a rapist would fuck her even if she were straight. She's got the brain fungus
bought Last of Us day 1. Took a week to complete. Thought it was fantastic but never bothered to play it again.
should I bother?
Its just an extremely overrated game. Its still good though. My problem is that some of the biggest fedorafags i know hyped it up before i played it.
>Game is not even out and you already like it
Considering how all they've shown of it is Ellie being a lesbian and some roid using woman, you'd have to be quite a little bitch to be looking forward to it.
>hehe lets get girls to get degenerate arm tattoos
propaganda/10 this game is pure prop
>game has insane cutscene to gameplay ratio
>nothing happens in the story
excellent, it's a slightly better version of trails in the sky 1
its to cover up her bite scars
>play 1 Remastered
>actually really enjoyed it
>think 2 looks impressive from a technological standpoint
>but looks completely fucking bogged down with political garbage from Druckmann
I don't want it to be shit, but this has every right to be shit on. Don't blame people from being wary of that faggot
Trails FC is pleb filter, the world building & character development is flawless
tattoos have been around for thousands of years
tattoos also don't have anything to do with whether or not people have food
>play game for girls
>actually I'm a huge casual
>go on Yea Forums
>realize I have shit taste
>stay and complain instead of fucking off somewhere else
The problem with Druckmann other than the fact that he's a jew is that he's also a Gen Xer and they've basically taken over western media with their progressive political shit.
it's decent but nothing special, a lot of the stuff is generic geopolitics you can find in any other medium outside of the small amount of ancient tech which is just a watered down xenogears
>character development
lol no, most characters are the same at the start of sky as they are in the end
Stop being a fucking pussy, this is an user board, speak your thoughts truthfully you spineless faggot. Movie meme aside, Last of Us was fucking fun as hell. Great set pieces, great graphics, gameplay was fun. I don't care about all the cinematics, the game was enjoyable and I actually cared about what was happening. The sequel looks like a fucking SJW spankfest, though, so that's unfortunate.
>wasn’t impressed by the game
>people get triggered by this
Who gives a shit either way?
Angry Lesbian of Murder sounds like a fun character, user-kun.
>Comment Section
>99% “I’m a simple man. If I see X, I click on it.”
Snoy ponies are R*ddit incarnate I fucking swear
>>go on Yea Forums
>>everyone is shitting on it
>>have to shit on it too to fit in
Jesus fucking Christ. Like what you like. Don't be insecure. Yeah people will shit on you, but people will shit on everyone and everything here regardless. At least you're genuine.
I loved Ellie, but now I hate her, and when I play the game I think I'll hate her even more by going off the current state of nu-Naughty Dog
Druckmann is a troll and TLOU is his baby. I bet the actual game will not be about what people are speculating at all. Joel is not dead, he will reappear midgame as playable for a few parts, and the Jewish kissing girl will betray Ellie and cause some bad shit
>play game
>dislike it
>go on Yea Forums
>it’s everyone’s sacred cow
>calling it bad gets you a dozen (you)s saying that you are a zoomer faggot
shut up Michael
American education, everyone
nigger it's a post apocalypse
i need you to understand that people are so focused on surviving that shit like tattoos isn't on anyone's mind
the equipment you'd need to get a tattoo and someone being skilled enough to give a tattoo like that that isn't pure amateur shit makes zero sense in this world
where did she get the tattoos?
how did she get them user?
>falling for OPs shitty beight
You dumbfucks no one here is spineless enough to have that mindset in the first place. It’s a fucking anonymous Chinese board.
>no one here is spineless enough
are you retarded, did you even play the game
that tattoo is covering up her bite mark
Ellie is infected, it may have been her only option for getting into a settlement. no one wants an infected person living in their camp
there's more people alive than you think, plenty of people alive from before shit went down. you only need one half decent artist and prison tats are a thing
Joel probably did it himself for her safety
You can be surprised user with the reddit plebs shitting this place up. Like that retard who say that he hates undertale despite never played it and only because Yea Forums is hating it too.
Yes, frogposter #9999999
i mean redditors are just a bunch of SÖYBOYS after all, so i am not surprised
>Ellie is a lesbian and I don’t like that
I dunno probably the same way tribals do it? You don't need a fancy tattoo parlor to get a tattoo
>gotta beat Avatar
Why do bootlickers exist again?
I hated it when Yea Forums was still sucking its dick though. It's a shit game.
I haven't played the last of us in like 5 years since there's zero reason to replay it, I thought they just gave her tattoos for the sake of giving her tattoos since they made her ugly too, forgot about the bite mark
Pic unrelated, right? Cause that's a movie, not a game.
I thought Rebbies loved Blundertale
>reading comprehension
I agree, but also want to point out those abandoned tattoo parlors could still have supplies and easily raided by Joel and Ellie if wanted
This is one of my all time faves
There you go, you’re fitting in now!
nice meme
>when people pretending to own a PS4 forget the release dates of the PS4 exclusives they want to shit on/shill for
TLOU is not a horrible game, but it's not a masterpiece like the industry says it is. It's an 8/10 at best.
8/10 is a high praise
You're part of the problem then, faggot.
>play game
>actually liking it
>go on Yea Forums
>everyone is shitting on it
>describe the things I liked about it
>have a meaningful discussion and not just a shitpost
These somehow still haven't stopped being amusing/puzzling
Reminder that /vint/ revealed that the majority of port beggars and console war shitposters are BRfags and other 3rd world poorfags.
>But muh leafs
Yes, they're shitposters as well, but they shitpost about everything else other than video games.
Post the nose
I enjoyed the first game but I have zero interest in playing as Ellie and zero interest in muh dead goblin gf plot. I'll pick it up used at some point for multiplayer if they haven't fucked it up
This is an excellent game despite any flaws and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
>play the game
More like i watch the movie
>go on Yea Forums
>everyone is shitting on it
Becosue is more a movie then a game
>love DMC as a series, played all the games when they were first released on the ps2
>love DmC
>get called a zoomer retard contrarian if I say anything slightly positive about it