what is Yea Forumss favorite animal?
animal thread :3
what is Yea Forumss favorite animal?
animal thread :3
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Thats an easy question
I like skinks they seem like they'd feel nice to hold
this dog is morbidly obese, the owners are irresponsible
doggos of course
snow doges
Someone post the /an/ monitor of outdoor pest control where the monitor is offing a cat.
for me? its the stag
The author of that comic is a tranny. I saw them at a con from a distance and he is not even CLOSE to passing. It's disgusting and pathetic, even if the comic is pretty funny and heartwarming.
if that dog is morbidly obese, than this one is gluttony incarnate
Why are there never any coyotes in games?
Thought he was gonna get clubbed thanks for not depressing me even more tonight user
Its a different breed you fuckwits
Video Games
Got that bitch
how does that seal survive out of water?
are you implying everyone who thinks humans are animals are edgy atheists?
autistic loser
Humans are mammals they give birth to live young not eggs
imagine if humans laid eggs
My favorite bird
they are but more full of themselves than edgy because thinking like that in this modern world is quite passe
Haha imagine the smell of a human egg haha
im canadian and that guy is clearly a clubber, but too be fair if that was my job id relish the time with these little doods before i had to do my moneys worth
vulture kino
Gas haha posters
you are literally retarded if you think humans are not animals
and terrifying
Cute birds are living proof that animals have souls
Look at how much personality they have
Fucking beautiful dinosaurs these things are.
they just swam around right?
here we fucking go again...
fucking kek
That's a fucking chad bird right there
What's it called?
fuck I hate Canadian even more now
No wonder these things are endangered
What stats does your fave animal have in rpg?
>blue blood, +5 chr and speech
>low profile, 10% evade
Golden Pheasant
Here's my bird
Wow, what an amazing looking bear. The grizzly is pretty cool too.
stfu and kys fag
>white people
Thank you.
Wait a minute...
>fuck I hate Canadian
i hate you even more now you illiterate peasant
Post animals that are literally you
That's one pretty bird
there literally isnt one thing to like about canada
this gets me spooked every time and i dont know why
They are very silly.
what kind of country do you think would have the bearded vulture as its national bird?
Why is he trying to bit him?
Someone correct me but didn't they say that touching seals is bad for both parties or something? Something about bacteria and junk. I don't know who told me this but it's been stuck in my head for a while now.
>this whole thread
>just like a wolf but +dex, +int and -str
Let me tell you a cute story about elephants Yea Forums.
>literal virgin walk vs chad stride
surreal seeing art imitate life
seals are mammals, silly.
If he's a clubber then why does he have a green toy ball with him?
why cant they just give them more open landing areas
>those eyes
What's her name?
power stance
Large Cat
High Dex
Mid Strength
High Speed
Maximum Luck
Mid Intelligence
High Stealth
If a wild animal exists, some retard has said not to touch it
Is this a Jojo reference?
Y'know...the Felidae family is REALLY popular...Snow leopards are a great choice, tigers, always had a thing for cerval cats...
>Female Pit
Every time, it's always the males that are aggressive but, of course, you never see them getting flower bonnets or nanny dog stickers.
heavy but cute boi
Me and the boys are comin' over right now, ya hoser.
yo that nigga is high af lmao
>those eyelashes
weird looking doggo
i identify with the rat
What kinda question is that?
you know where people like you belong
I remember someone writing about this gif. A game about witch's familiars getting back to their master.
me on the left, your gf on the right
This bird has turned gore into a fashion statement.
all mouse and reptiles contain in this cat is endangered species.
and it's just only one cat. and Australia has millions of cats
40% of all bigfoot sightings can be explained with this.
sleep well pengo
After learning over 6 facts about dolphins, I can conclude that this was probably intentional
>when you realise only birds and humans are bipedal
I have used my beetle magic to make this a beetle thread!
_ ____ __ ____ ____ _______
This always fucks my mind. Even if I turn my head to see it correctly it goes back to being fucked up in a few seconds.
>hi im dolphin knoxville and welcome to jackass
I'll rake your friends up canigger
Well they are hoping to kill millions of them.
>beerus and bulma while vegeta is out
Would you fuck off back to Yea Forums? Thanks
Here, have some more facts.
ayy lmao
tell me more...
The chick froze to death, and the mother is trying to warm it back up, more or less.
the kind a stoned canadian asks at 2 am
Based kitto
The buddhas of the animal kingdom
Friends to all
Enemy only to snakes, the devils agents
I talk of course of the Capybara
The most zen species on earth
it must feel really nice
That wasn't cute at all
Eyelashes is a shit fetish
How can a clubber pet a water doge so kindly?
>Announcing a report
>Implying this thread is worse than the ten million smash or waifu threads
god i want to be raped/rape a dolphin so bad
Even crocodiles respect them
Would you prefer if we posted frogs?
Did you know beetles are good at drawing?
;_; rip Daryl
kangaroo's and gibbons are also bipedal
fuck these things and that stupid swamp
You mean enemy to geese because they're cunts to everything
Pretty sure I had this dude in my Yu-Gi-Oh deck when Blackwings were popular.
would you fuck off back to your third world country shitskin
Sadly I only have burgers.
Not true
Oh yeah, that too.
Also swans, but they're assholes also.
That was one hungry cat
Have you read up on your scalie schoolie yet?
They are also good at writing!
So don't bring a predator to aussieland, or accept that nature don't care about endangered status.
>you know where people like you belong
because they're cute idk
This man is lucky to have escaped with his life and limbs intact.
Probably a first time parent, didn't realize leaving the chick alone for a few minutes would be fatal.
since you know how to report, surely you know announcing a report is against the rules, right? :^)
now guess what my next move will be
go to bed robert
I love Kass!
I have a female pit and she shows remarkable restraint. I throw her chicken and ham bones once in a while and that bitch straight snaps them in one go, but when I roughhouse with her she is extremely gentle. In fact her most painful thing is her uncut nails, and that's mostly my fault. She plays with the kiddos very well too, constantly annoying them by pushing them over and licking their face.
The bad pit bulls are the ones owned by Niggers.
I heard he just got out of a military prison.
Why is it so feminine looking.
What the hell.
You know the only people who actually got anything from this are anarcho-primitivists