I just bought a PS3. What are the best games?
I just bought a PS3. What are the best games?
Other urls found in this thread:
Demon's Souls (rip online though)
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle
ni no kuni
Atelier Totori
Demon Souls and Marvel vs Capcom origins
Ni no Kuni a shit.
Buy the whole MGS series
not much reason to play 1 or 5 on PS3.
Sell it. Buy a rope, find a nice thick branch high up on a tall tree, and....
what the fuck was that game on the right?
Ico/Shadow of the Colossus HD
Hotline Miami
Wipeout HD
>Demon's Souls
>Infamous 1 & 2 (first has a better story, sequel has better gameplay)
>Ni No Kuni
>Little Big Planet
Pretty much all of the great exclusives. There's the God of War series too, but I never really cared for them.
Far Cry 3
Off the top of my head
Demon's Souls
Metal Gear Solid 4
Siren Blood Curse
Ni no Kuni
El Shaddai (one of the few multiplats that had the notably better version on the PS3)
Katamari Forever
inFAMOUS 1 and 2
Sly Cooper 4
Tokyo Jungle
>Shit ending
>PS2 port
>What the fuck is that?
Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby
this joke is 13 years old. it's time to let it go.
Tokyo Jungle
Lolipop Chainsaw
Killer is Dead
No More Heroes: Paradise
Yakuza 3-5
Demon Souls
Siren Blood Curse
Asura's Wrath
El Shaddai
Tokyo Jungle
MGS collections and 4
I think only one or two of those is an actual PS3 exclusive
Folklore is a gem and considered a cult hit by many. It's becoming rarer by the day with no digital version to be found
don't be posting e-celeb videos so nonchalantly, user. what the fuck are you doing?
no more heroes is much worse on PS3 than anything else. even the 360 version has most of the quality of life improvements and runs much better.
it's a videogame review from a videogame fan
eh, I was really only just posting seventh gen Grasshopper games, I definitely prefer playing NMH on my Wii no doubt but maybe OP doesn't have one
>no more heroes is much worse on PS3
you can also say this about any PS3 multiplat or port in general