Just face it

Just face it.
There is not a SINGLE character with more influence over gaming that isn't already in Smash.

Attached: 220px-Doomguy_(Doom_2016).png (220x352, 102K)

Bj cuckowitz

the pong ball and paddle

DOOM was one of the first game I've ever played, but Minecraft has a bigger influence over modern gaming.

*blocks your path*

Attached: spaceinvader.png (698x289, 1K)

Doom is what got Notch into video games and made him make Minecraft

And SM64 is GabeN's favorite videogame, but we don't see Valve games released on Nintendo consoles, how is that relevant?

Honestly we probably would be seeing Valve games on them these days if Valve didn't forget how to make games

Space Invaders
Tennis for Two

The more popular son and well known son

Attached: doombutbetter.jpg (545x545, 95K)

user you just posted the same character again

not nearly as influential, unknown outside of NA

Glad to see you concede that Erdrick is already in.

>character that is well known for spawning an entire genre vs. Squeenix's most literal who character

People play vidya outside of America?

Attached: pingpong.jpg (1000x550, 71K)

according to the image you posed yeah

Pyongyang is full of foreign embassies.


Attached: shhh.gif (310x262, 260K)

imagine still thinking eardick is in lmao

Attached: 1548622043248.png (763x972, 403K)

BASED. Doomguy? more like Doomgay desu

Attached: chiefdab.jpg (500x567, 37K)

Nah, Team BRAD.

And you think Doom is well known in Asia too? Lmao

Master Chief.

JFC, first money-hatting Indies, then port begging (lulz, wanting Halo Infinite and Ori) and now screeching for Character stealing for Smash?
Fucking Switcher Snakes. Burn in Hell.

Not even part of the same family.

>The more popular son
Not after Halo 4 and 5.

He's still more popular. He's also the son of the Security Officer, not Doomcuck.

>He's still more popular.
I'd honestly say that's debatable now. Halo 4 and 5 have knocked the series down a few pegs in terms of relevancy, where as Doom 2016 and Eternal will just end up doing the opposite.

Also Doom 2016 and Eternal are/will be playable on Switch, making Doomguy more relevant to the crowd who actually plays Smash.

It's not, Doomguy is nowhere near as popular as Master Chief.

Attached: MCvsDG.png (1859x769, 63K)

Technically that is in smash

Gordon Freeman

fite me

Attached: laracroft.jpg (1404x1090, 140K)