Why do left-leaning devs always feel the need to crudely paste their ideology all over their games and indoctrinate...

Why do left-leaning devs always feel the need to crudely paste their ideology all over their games and indoctrinate children?

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>lolicon pandering
This is what Yea Forums wanted to talk me into just because they don't want to buy a Switch for Odyssey. Amazing.

because the left is like that, people naturally tend to be right-wing.
left needs propaganda and censorship to survive

>the trans flag is six feet under
Really makes me think.

Is this true?

Don't like it? Make your own game


>i-in truth...they are redpilled and epic, just like us, they aren't SJWs at all! XD
>unite up, based pedopedes

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yep, tribalism is human nature which is something the left doesn't like

We should strive to be more than animals, don't you think?

Dimensionless platitudes prattled by morons. Are people incapable of manifesting interesting ideas. It all just comes down to catch phrases that have high social media value, do people think beyond these ideas.
>Trans rights
>Freedom of speech isn't freedom from consequences
>There is no ethical consumption under capitalism
>Trans women are women
God it's like being trapped in a room with a parrot.

>The book is found in some degenerate's basement
>Both pieces of tranny graffiti are found in a fucking sewer full of low-life cats
>Lefties apparently still keep screaming about JonTron's two lines on an NPC you only ever see once

This is a whole nothingburger isn't it?

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Kinda, yeah.

>if you find fault with something, whether it's a car, a movie, a road, a doctor or a hotel, you have to spend 10 years studying and researching and creating/serving yourself to voice your sentiment
I, too, do this, user.

reminder /pol/tards are retarded and lack empathy

It's funny that they still have to hide things like that as easter eggs and can't make a character openly trans since they know no one will play the game lmao.

Are you retarded? The left is all about class tribalism. It's literally the basis of the entire ideology.

Why bother? Humans are like a tiny dot in the universe.
I respect nature, we're inconsequential.

What has /pol/ to do with anything? I made the thread and I don't go to /pol/. I just made the pic myself.

>people naturally tend to be right-wing

imagine believing that unironically

It's not really that hidden in the slightest. There is an actual easter egg and a minor boss fight in the same massive level, though.

that is correct

What the fuck are you talking about isnt Jon Tron in this game?

anyone got the brain magnets image?

I have no idea what "class tribalism" is supposed to be, but he said tribalism, and the left resoundingly and stridently rails against that at every opportunity.

>grow up questioning modern narratives of racial/gender equality and sexual identity
>have it all pounded out of me throughout high school and university with sob stories and guilt tripping
>feel like shit for who I used to be and am so glad to now be an enlightened progressive
>real world experiences in the past 8 years slowly chip away at my new beliefs until I came to the crushing realization I had it right the first time
Common story.

>A social division in a traditional society consisting of families or communities linked by social, economic, religious, or blood ties, with a common culture and dialect, typically having a recognized leader.
Hm... Are you sure?

The devs are 200iq gigachads who're doing this for the free publicity. Not taking out Jon "Pulling Triggers on Niggers" Jafari's lines made Yea Forums-tier retards buy it because LE BASED AND REDPILLED and to spite the essjawdubyas because twitter retards would not shut up about, now the tranny flag generates free word of mouth publicity from shitters losing their fucking mind over sewer graffiti and gets those twitter retards from before to buy it to spite le nazi alt-right drumpfliobtopsuja;fbg.

Like it or not, the devs played you all like a god damn fiddle. Get fucking dabbed on

Right-wing in terms of being tribal, prefering your own, wanting traditional gender roles? That's a fact. Most people still are like this and the government literally spends hundreds of billions to change it.

Living rent free in your head baby.

Prove it you defensive, streached queer. You're a fag, /pol/ are fags.

imagine posting an "unironically" meme because you're too incompetent to come up with an argumentative measure

>the government literally spends hundreds of billions to change it
epic fucking retard lmfao

Because indoctrination is the only way their suicide cults can reproduce at replacement level.

>castigating others for having no empathy
>caustically insulting people and raging because someone doesn't like his video game

probably because it makes you dipshits angry and creates the "look at these shitty morons that don't like our game, probably buy it," grassroots marketing campaign for them, or they just love listening to you whine over cultural battles you lost over a decade ago. either way we're gobbling it up over your autism

there's no need to make an argument when you haven't made a point user
your job is to prove your point. my job isn't to prove your point for you

/pol/ is the idea of right wing idiots being obsessive and hateful people that get triggered by playable women, gay people and flags.

Can we go one day without a politics thread in Yea Forums?

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You are the only one who sounds hateful here. In a thread about a video game.

All sorts of ideologies are pasted all over nearly every game made.

That's what we're here to do on Yea Forums, play all the video games.

Not sit around sucking /pol/ cock and pretending we're your personal army you stupid dumb retarded election fags.

>Hat in Time devs playing both sides of retards

The absolute mad lads.

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>feel like shit for who I used to be and am so glad to now be an enlightened progressive
>real world experiences in the past 8 years slowly chip away at my new beliefs until I came to the crushing realization I had it right the first time
Yup, pretty much my story too from 2012 to now.

Well which is it Yea Forums, are the devs based and redpilled for not pulling Jontrons lines after he slipped and showed his powerlevel or are they cringe and bluepilled because theres a flag in the sewer?

Like the left does you, gaiafag.

This is your brainlet eroded by memes. Natural instincts aren't necessarily the best bar to reach for. We've evolved way past what a lot of our so-called "natural" instincts coded us as originally and we will continue to do so as we chnage and shape society, as we've done for the last 7000 years.

>/pol/ is blah blah blah blah
Go back there if you want to talk about /pol/, dumbass. /pol/ isn't people, it's a board.

the internet has been shit since the 2016 presidential election. I miss it.

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Only coherent post in this thread

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Because they own everything.

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>A social division in a traditional society consisting of families or communities linked by social, economic...
>a system of ordering society whereby people are divided into sets based on perceived social or economic status.
Hm... Yes, I am.

>I started browsing Yea Forums when I was 15: the posts

why are people like you living in their fantasy worlds, only seeing things they want to see

This but unironically, lots of people start out liberal and become more conservative with life experience. When you're a baby and lack a capacity to think you don't question why you learned about the Holocaust five separate times in school, or why all your smart teachers have the same annoying pretentious attitudes about topics, or why you're not allowed to question things like "racism is bad" despite history showing certain groups have literally never done shit and others simply couldn't compete with others every time they tried. Then even in high school you don't question it because all the funny comedy men have the same opinions about stuff too. Then college it's even worse and they even make you scared to think conservative things.

So much liberalism is the result of indoctrination in education and propaganda. Too many liberal ideas can't stand on their own and can only be dismissed by nebulous arguments like "das racist" or "don't talk like that". Fact is, why are niggers so dumb? Why do they score 200 less points on the SAT then whites? Why the fuck does reality not match up with up to what liberals have been saying for the past 60 years? It's why Gen Z is conservative, they couldn't be indoctrinated because they grew up seeing Muslims do depraved disgusting shit and then go to school to be told "nah it's white people" and that argument makes no fucking sense to them.

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Not after GG and especially not after 2016, welcome to Yea Forums - E-celebs and politics

>indoctrinate children
>implying children know what any of these references means, or that they'd be so interested that they'd Google it

/pol/'s whining about this shit at least ten times more annoying than devs doing this shit.

We just need to make "/pov/- Politics in Vidya" and quarantine these fucks so we can actually discuss games here. It can be used for discussing e-celebs too.

Are you 12?

>daddy, daddy what are subsidies?
>what are promotions?
>what are lobbyist?
>what are like literal special units to identify loopholes to hire ANYTHING but whites and east asians
>what are mandatory "diversity"-training sessions (cct). recruitment programs targeting minorities


Why are most lefties literally always so blatantly low-IQ yet caustic?

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>wants to take over the world
Do people actually eat this shit up?

>tfw crossdressing fetish + autogynephilia and only partake of it in my own home away from society
>tfw trannies make my fap time political

>there's no ethical consumption under capitalism
>everybody stops buying your game

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