So whyy are people in to this again?

so whyy are people in to this again?

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It's an MMO that actually has RPG elements still in it and it's pretty fun.

I say that as someone who literally didn't touch WoW until Legion then played Classic on a private server for a few months.

>LFM Home, PST for invite

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Fun as fuck. If you need any more reasoning, then you're a retailshit.

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It's a much less expensive replacement for a gambling addiction.

Vanilla WoW is a great game to si nk a ton of hours in and forget about your dad pathetic life
It provides a false sense of accomplishment and friendship, which most of the incels here genuinely enjoy

The world feels dangerous and just like real life it pays off the work together. It feels like a real world and not a series of setpieces and hubs. And it offers real opportunites to create and experience your own stories, rather than presenting (and walking you through) meaningless ones to you.

>forced socialization
>time spent is the king
>slow paced
Perfect for NEETs

I went to the official blizzard classic forums today and was absolutely disgusted. Like 20 threads on that Asmongold guy (who I've never watched, or any other youtube 'personality'), and it's obvious that 95% of the people there never played vanilla.

Ideally I'd like a server where you have to prove you're over 30 to play on, but barring that I'm definitely gonna have to find out where these cancerous streamers are playing and avoid those servers.

The only upside is that most of these people will quit long before phase 2.

No idea. I prefer oldschool runescape BY FAR.

2006 runescape>vanilla wow>"""old school""" runescape

We're pretending nu blizz isn't going to fuck it up, even though we all know better.

>Like 20 threads on that Asmongold guy (who I've never watched, or any other youtube 'personality'),
Thanks for letting us know you fucking r*dditor. Try harder to fit in next time fag

Been here since 2005 (and quit playing WoW in Cata), but sorry to hear that your game has been taken over by e-celeb personality cults.

You wanna tell me about your favorite e-celeb who is 'actually pretty cool and knows what he's talking about' and 'isn't like the others'?



Just gank them and the fags around them, you fucking faggots.

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dilate you furryfucking cunt

Most steamers gonna play pve for that reason. It does not help their brain dead cult reports you.

>TFW can finally play on a server that's not chink or slav infested
The 15$ a month is a blessing really

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I've never played it cause I'm poorfag, but your massive efforts to try and fit in are hilarious to me but I'm k in da drunk

Fucking kys veddit zoomer.

Meant for


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literally the best MMO to come out in the last 5 years

>kill a streamer
one of his viewers invites him to his layer and rescues him
not gonna happen m8

>The world feels dangerous and just like real life it pays off the work together. It feels like a real world and not a series of setpieces and hubs.
Is this a fucking joke?

Recently ive been playing on a classic server and honestly its made me even more hype for this retail release.
Old wow just had so much more character with its jank ass rares and epics that are super specifically good to one role on a single class.
You just dont get that on the current retail version, everything is just so watered down and the quest design is really the only redeeming factor.

Literally too fucking stupid to even understand what he was criticizing you for.

I've been playing some retail in anticipation for classic, and honestly I'm enjoying retail. I don't think it's bad at all, though I still see the appeal of classic I like what they've done with the classes in retail.

Literally stupid enough to think that anyone who is shocked by how much streamer worship culture has taken over must just be 'trying too hard to fit in'

Don't worry user, over half of them will end up quitting. They underestimate the grind.

>The world feels dangerous and just like real life it pays off the work together

Except it was literally the most easy, solo-friendly MMO of the time which is why it was such a huge success because anyone could play it. Statements like this only reinforce my belief that the majority of people hyped for classic never actually played it and will just be tourists hopping on the bandwagon to abandon it a month or two later.

>Current record from 1-20 is 9 hours on the beta

you guys want to have some fun in vanilla, create a group of 30 rogues and gank streamers before they know what hit them.

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Keep telling yourself that. Blizzard was counting on shills like you to keep this from happening and you fucked it up.

How is it worse than grinding your shitty artifact necklace and mythic+? At least there is an apex you can achieve in classic. In retail you have titanforging which means you can never win.

NoooooooooooooooOooOoOoooO it was supposed to take 4 months to level up NoOOOOOOOOooooo BLiZzARddd

it says classic, not bfa you simpleton.

>name drop a streamer

Why is every user here so afraid of Yea Forums. Quit qualifying yourself and virtue signaling you bitch

ya, i had the same idea and checked out retail. I fucking hated every second.

>just gank them
>while a horde of idiots is following them around everywhere

>aging faster than they thought they would
>no more hope to reach fulfillment in the real world
>easy to play, lots to do to keep you occupied and keep the agony of everyday life at bay
>comfy music
>community filled with people in a similar situation
It's basically Second Life but with raids and dungeons.

>no more hope to reach fulfillment

you want to know how i know that you're a zoom zoom?

what MMO came out 5 years ago?

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WOW is at its very core a casual game, you just go home, sit back and grind, you complete quests and move onto the next, each offering different challenges such as mobs that 3 shot you with fireballs, mobs that come in packs of 3-4, mobs that backstab, throw nets, knock you down ect, but its all easy enough to solo, but still requires you to use your head or else the game will punish you with adds, OOM, ect.

Thats really all people want out of MMOs, grinding can be fun but only if the content that you're grinding is engaging and requires you to think, Monster Hunter is a prime example of this

And the biggest part of vanilla is grinding and engaging with the community to grow your character stronger and stronger.

Thats what nu-blizzard fails to realize with their games right now, D3 is an absolute mess because no matter how much you grind your character is never really challenged, you either blow through the content with ease or get 1-2 shot. And in BFA nothing you do on your character ever matters because the stepping stones of getting stronger gets removed every patch so if you're a casual player, which the majority of WOWfags were, all your grinding through normal mode raids, would be wasted time because next patch some leper gnome rare spawn will drop gear that vastly outdoes your gear and the dungeon ilvl is set higher then last patch's normal mode.

Seriously, in BFA you get ilvl 400 gear just for AFKing in a warfront for 20 minute, but an entire raid tier for a casual player (Normal mode) drops at most 355 gear

Oh no no no no no no no... you've missunderstood...
European servers are still going to be full of ruskis and NA servers will be full of brazilians

A party of rogues could easily suicide bomb them.

Because the grind in classic doesn’t give you shiny baubles unless you earn them.

>grind AP to max out your artifact
>Next patch the grind is nerfed/removed/replaced
>Grind m+, the only loot worth a fuck comes from the entire dungeon loot pool but you only get one piece from the M+ chest at the end of the week
>next patch m+ is updated so the exact same fucking dungeon drops the game gear but is 30 ilvls giving it 10% or more stats, so even if you got lucky with a god tier m+ chest drop, next patch its shit compared to a random LFR titanforged item

>grind for fucking anything
>grind dungeons for BiS drops
>New content comes out
>it doesn't invalidate any of your grinding, just adds more items for you to grind for
>new content isn't litterally copy pasted with more numbers, which is the entire fucking end game experience in BFA, world quests are just scaled up leveling quests, raids are just the same raid but scaled up, m+ is litterally just the same fucking dungeon with a random grift modifier from D3

Wow this bread has a lot of coping, twitch addicted nostalgia faggots, I’ll see you fags in 6-8months after it’s tanked

>streamer cancer
Just a friendly reminder that while stream-sniping or otherwise fucking with the streamer may seem like a fantastic idea, you're essentially creating "content" for them to react to, which then gets passed around, the zoomers eat it up, the e-celeb collects more subs and thus more money.
Practically any attention at all is good for their checking account, even if you imagine that you're fighting for a good and noble cause.
You may as well just donate your most hated e-celeb 25 dollars for all the good you'd be doing.
The only "winning" is to not engage, unfortunately. Pay close attention before launch so you can do your best to not roll on their servers, and really it's only a handful of them that command enough orbiters for it to be an issue.

I realize it's not a fun thing to find out but i'm just letting you dipshits know. You're welcome.

>professions matter
>no WQs
>stats mean something

That being said it has its issues, such as drop rates being what they are (basically to make you play longer), some mob clustering more than normal clusters (some will spawn like normal, other times you'll see like 2 crocolisks humping each other), also the rates for some mobs and items are dumb, especially at start when you're gonna wait like 5 minutes per cactus apple.

Still less problems than BfA though.

Classic was designed where quests weren't supposed to carry you through the entire game exp wise.

Professions and dungeons, and mount gold meant that you pretty much had to engage in mob grinding reguardless, and those activities had realistic goals attached to them, like getting an item upgrade from a dungeon like cruel barb or herods shoulder, or getting your professions up so you could craft new gear or consumables for yourself.

I leveled my warriors almost exclusively on professions, alchemy, cooking and first aid and got to 45 in a week of casual play because I cut running back and forth to quest givers from my leveling path

Is he based?

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its gonna be big. just watch

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Home fags need to be ganked on sight

Ok Assmongler