The most embarrassing launch in history

how the fuck did they get away with this? why should anyone buy another bethesda game ever again?

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Greed and speed. They didn't get away with it though, they felt that launch in their pockets for sure.

>how did they get away with this
Normies are forgetful and they will inevitably buy the next game they launch, sure some of them will be more cautious but for the most part not much will change

Smae destiny for TES 6 but, fucking normies gona buy that shite and say "Oooh this is awesome 10/10."

Fucking retards.

The fact that the new elder scroll is on same engine and they will do the same bullshit hype for it make me wanna vomit.

Redditors still defend this game.

Get some friends losers

That was Anthem, OP.

this game

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Every Bethseda studios game has had an awful start with bugs or w/e, sure F76 was a shitshow but it normies will still gobble it up. They can't wait for Skyrim 2.

>how the fuck did they get away with this
Um, user, they kinda didn't. The poor reviews, the class-action lawsuit, the nylon bag fiasco, the nuka dark rum fiasco...
Even prime Bethesdrone shill Mr. Matty called them out on their bullshit.

It'll all be forgiven and forgotten by the masses as soon as Skyrim 2 drops though. So in that sense they will get away with it in the long run like they always do. At the end of the day people still buy their games, and that's all that matters.


>most embarrassing launch in history

just how old are you?

Not even close. Pretty transparent cash in. Greedy fucking Bethesda.

Anthem had the most embarrassing, reputation destroying launch ever. This game has practically destroyed the Bioware name.

When a Canadian studio falls, it falls hard. Bigger debacle than Too Human.

Bioware will never recover from this.

Bethesda will survive Fallout 76 and can recover its reputation.

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Most embarrassing launch was probably Culling 2

This whole thing slong with EA bullshit is the reason the fucking government the literal GOVERNMENT is in full swing action on making a permanent law that will make all lootbox, microtransaction, early access launch, pre order, premium pass shit and evrrhthing else that have been the result of shit like Bethesda, Ubisoft, EA and so on be an instant AO rating and force companies to either remove them from games or literally be thrown in federal jails for predatory actions that would be equally the same as being charged with pedophilia. Hell even the people that corporate would use to get them to help them out to curb around in their favors ARE LITERALLY SUPPORTING THE GOVERNMENT AND TOLD THE GAMING COMPANIES TO FUCK OFF WHEN THEY CAME BEGGING FOR HELP.

Can't fucking wait and once this passes they plan to file charges against the ESRB for extreme negligence and fraud.

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Why is this a good thing. No one is supporting this and it's going to get veto or turned down because that's government abuse.

>tfw you bought this game at launch because you were starving for Fallout content and you really thought it might be good

jesus fuck I played it for maybe a grand total of 7 hours over a span of 3 days and just never touched it since. What a fucking garbage money-leech it was. Boring repetitive content and constantly being bombarded to pay for shitty skins.

Couldnt even get a refund. Everyone should have just mass-refunded in protest for this shit.

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>how the fuck did they get away with this?
They didn’t. Their reputation suffered greatly from it, which has been a fucking long time coming. Everything since Morrowind has been a downgrade.
>why should anyone buy another bethesda game ever again?
You shouldn’t. Definitely never preorder anything and always wait until after launch to see what you’re getting.

There's a good game buried somewhere within the foundation of Anthem. That can't be said for F76.

Good one, everyones reaction to this means that there will never EVER be a Fallout 5

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>why should anyone buy another bethesda game ever again?
You could ask this same question after every Bethesda release within the last fifteen years. Bethesda has cultivated a fanbase that tolerates trash no other community would.