Japanese character design is goo-

>Japanese character design is goo-

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Fuck you Obata is amazing


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Looks better than the dull-grey designs of protagonists of most modern western games.

Why is Light Yagami in a Castlevania game?

A true dungeon master


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The design that turned him into a nigger was better

What is the Death Note of Vidya?

Same thing came to mind, this is really Light Yagami after he realized killing people with a notebook wasn't satisfying enough

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I've never played a Castlevania but all the Judgement designs are extremely badass, especially Death

Keep lying to yourself, the designs are fucking cringe

Because they hired Death Note's manga artist to redesign the characters in Judgement.

d, core idea is amazing just fix the arms and yeet the shorts, maybe tone it down on the spikes and chains

Being better than absolute trash doesn't mean it's not trash in itself. You're never going to improve in anything with a mentality like that.

Remember when Nintentoddlers defended these?


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I've only now just realized his fucking pizza cutter is transparent glass, fuck.

is this japanese lgbt art?