What is CJ looking at Yea Forums?

What is CJ looking at Yea Forums?

Attached: CEEJAY.png (400x263, 42K)

Attached: 3ae.jpg (680x452, 32K)

Attached: 1558118647961m.jpg (768x1024, 56K)

Attached: 1556480519708.jpg (768x432, 63K)

holy fug

Attached: 144607678.png (482x436, 175K)

yikes, not even showing cunny

delicious brown

what's this from?

Attached: 1559346384220.png (640x420, 302K)

The state of current souls threads

Attached: 1557374927099.png (2949x1765, 1.89M)

Attached: asdfgf.png (643x374, 228K)

Attached: funny meme.png (1037x529, 146K)

whoaa.... this is truly... meta...

Get the fuck out of here
You DO NOT want to know.

the stupid pic of e3 squillem having a heart attack that is up 24/7

It's a series of animations involving that machine tearing apart anime girls in various horrifying ways. It's gore porn.

The "Japanese humor" Xenoblade webm

Attached: memes.png (608x467, 204K)

Attached: 1.jpg (450x420, 81K)

Worst place in the world, rolling heights Ballas country

Attached: 0fa94fd66b97.gif (560x315, 2.97M)


Attached: CJ_doing_it_to_pizza.jpg (595x595, 309K)

It's so goddamn horrifying... I yearn to look away... Yet I dare not!
I guess what they say is true, trolling is a art

Attached: obligatory.png (800x600, 703K)

Attached: br.png (479x360, 218K)

what's this backrooms meme? i keep seeing videos for it on youtube but avoid it because they're all 20+ mins

saw this and literally thought "aw shit, here we go again"

Attached: Adobe_20190601_011222.jpg (610x343, 31K)

Attached: 1514622920906.jpg (691x500, 234K)

Reddit creepypasta meme.

Attached: gtasa cj ah shit here we go again - tmnt nes.jpg (480x360, 65K)

Attached: ZHE.jpg (814x1024, 391K)

something someone on Yea Forums came up with about the existential horror of being lost in a slightly damp smelling empty office complex that goes on forever.

Attached: here we go again.png (1313x823, 358K)

Attached: hello reddit.jpg (720x600, 106K)

Attached: gtasa cj ah shit here we go again - d2 duriel.jpg (512x368, 56K)

Just like old times..

Attached: vergin.webm (1920x1080, 802K)

/x/ OC with potential that is being pushed by leddit

Attached: dank.jpg (780x407, 190K)

Where can I find it?

that film is kino af tho

Attached: fgo.png (1326x741, 1018K)

Attached: TDKR-min.png (2560x1440, 1.16M)

It's unnerving having that many blind spots around you, imagine playing a shooter and having to move around in there. You'd never be able to check every corner before something got you from a side you couldn't check.

Attached: gtasa cj ah shit here we go again - 911.jpg (900x652, 126K)


Why does San Andreas have so much meme potential? It continues to be relevant even in 2019.

Attached: dd1dagd.png (1486x744, 800K)

Attached: Ok_go_-_here_it_goes_again.jpg (400x263, 131K)

you have the clean webm?

*birds start singing*

Attached: sunrise.jpg (1000x667, 100K)

nah, I made this one

Attached: 1546044881731.png (239x211, 12K)

Attached: timetodie.webm (960x540, 1.72M)

Ask around on /gif/, I'm sure they'd be happy to supply it.

the adventures of new and newer

Attached: 1558880235108.gif (577x474, 1.15M)

nice reddit/youtube/twitter meme

Attached: 1553324872345.gif (202x360, 1.84M)

Attached: literally.png (843x553, 866K)

oh no

excuse me what the fuck

Attached: 1515443580595.jpg (1536x1152, 226K)

there it is

Attached: 1514283316775.jpg (741x486, 42K)


Dr. Pavel, I'm missing.

Attached: 1375494013933.jpg (252x240, 8K)

Attached: TellMeTheresGod.png (496x372, 163K)


Attached: 1532780781679.gif (577x474, 1.25M)

god, i wish that were me


still makes me cringe, every time

>It's a series of animations
Got more?

still makes me erect, every time

Attached: 1550376450088.jpg (540x705, 53K)

Attached: 1531101416949.jpg (781x714, 113K)

Is that Brian Wilson from the Beach Boys?

I just wish it said "Ah shit, lookin for Bael again"

I've clearly been here too long that this does nothing to me anymore

thanks doc

post the other two

imagine the pain

Attached: CJ.jpg (1920x1080, 744K)

Thanks doc

at least she got ice cream after


im so glad i made this that day,
ive got an updated one if anyone wants one with less empty space

Attached: 1a3028945702.png (2939x1769, 2.23M)

can you post the plane template?

I was in the thread btw. It was another "kino moments in vidya" thread, OP's was the painter loli dialogue.

Attached: 1557360772065.png (640x710, 564K)


Quick OC.

Attached: gtasa cj ah shit here we go again - ksp.jpg (797x596, 137K)

Attached: aw_shit.png (400x263, 229K)

She gets better.

The only boss in the game i beat on the first try. Still have no idea how I pulled it off.

thank god its not the gif

Attached: 1531796642004.png (1024x640, 926K)

Attached: 1555642348293 copy.png (843x553, 535K)

reminds me of that one map in halo ce, shotguns only free for all. The one with a teleporter in every room

Who the fuck made this?

Attached: 0747B6E9-0741-4CD0-97B1-41B502281577.jpg (500x428, 85K)

What the fuck is this!?

Attached: Untitled (2).png (1003x928, 139K)

Attached: 1_nqy7LjuHOadsdsdpgadV5TM6mg.jpg (451x288, 37K)

Gracias medico

Attached: 1541532433751.png (1920x1080, 1.65M)

Yup. That’s it alright

Attached: EB7CCB6C-10F2-4E65-B9E3-24148315AEDD.jpg (1280x720, 521K)

>other two

Attached: 1520550290324.jpg (228x227, 9K)

Very nice.

Attached: 1557610720596.jpg (640x1138, 92K)

their is somebody who unironically get off on lolis getting brutalized which is probably the worst part

Attached: Saber_Pouting.jpg (400x257, 23K)

What's even worse is that there are people getting off imagining themselves in that situation getting brutalized, like

>all these newfags
Yea Forums truly is the worst board

I don't get this meme, what's the supposed joke? Is it just shitty zoomer humor?

post the one where shes eating ice cream or was that another gif by the same guy. its a stunt loli shes alright.

Haha i'm using the exact same monitor right now.

holy fuck

Attached: 1512767151401.jpg (640x480, 34K)

>all the newfags that have never seen this

Attached: IMG_0455.png (526x471, 330K)

That got me thinking, what would really happen to your body if you were to remove the whole skin. Would you die in a matter of seconds because of all the bacteria and hemorrhage?

Attached: sned.jpg (512x384, 107K)

what the fuck is that image

Attached: lac8OjKnFniZdAn4jE90EG8dlSwLlwOou6XKmj0.png (960x606, 788K)

>San Fierro

the joke is the tone my dad uses to wake me up is the same as his im about to beat yo ass blue tone

i wake up erryday for college HOLY FUDAD SORRY JEEZ

Attached: xcvbxvcb.png (422x250, 82K)

Attached: sonic the hotdog.jpg (504x427, 125K)

Fuck me that map is old, I remember the autismfest that was HL2RP in its heyday

Attached: 1549661617726.gif (389x286, 1.12M)

Attached: dead space cj.jpg (874x492, 276K)

San Andreas had so much SOUL

Attached: polis massa - death.png (777x629, 512K)

Attached: eye.jpg (874x546, 200K)

Attached: KOTE.png (1600x1024, 1.02M)

Meh, I thought it was something worse

What a bunch of soibois

Guess I expected more

Attached: 1548694028065.png (296x389, 39K)

Post the others.

Attached: IMG_0736.jpg (1280x720, 71K)

does anyone have the "I lived bitch" edit?

cj used to be a white guy ;)

Attached: ceej.jpg (300x400, 122K)

>all these newfags finding this shit shocking

Attached: 1553829090601.jpg (228x365, 35K)

danke herr doktor

I've stumbled upon this thing before as a kid, can't believe there are people who never seen this, on Yea Forums of all places


ikr, i hate gore of any description but those gore porn gifs have been posted almost everywhere now.