So now that the PS5 is confirmed to require a mandatory internet connection at all times, how willing are you to get one?
>sony copying once again
who could have forseen this?
The tweet didn't say that but ok
So is steam, who gives a shit
fuck flyover states
God I hate Sony so fucking much
Doesnt that imply a steady server structure rather than always online?
Dont get me wrong, though. If this shit is always online I'm skipping on it
didnt the xbone almost die because of this?
>I'll tell my mom I want an Xbox instead.
>so is steam
but that's not true
You can play steam games offline
But can't you play games in offline mode on steam though
No it isn't you stupid nigger.
Steam's online only to play multiplayer, achievements, and to buy stuff or download stuff.
Things that would be online anyways
Steam doesn't stop you from playing ANY of your games offline even multiplayer ones (even though it probably wouldn't work with online matches, wouldn't prevent you from playing LAN I think or playing against bots).
Actually he means with apps and streaming you can always be connected to PSN and play games, you should read the interview
Why the hell is Sony acting so stupid all of a sudden?
Honestly, 50/50 between that meaning always online and Sony actually investing in a halfway decent internet infrrastructure
We're at that point where Sony niggers will eat up anything Sony throws at them and will force themselves to like it like they're doing right now.
It doesn't even remotely suggest always online, but Yea Forums doesn't care. This thread will get hundreds of replies because they are so obsessed with Sony.
Damn is Sony about to pull a fucking Microsoft? How the turntables have turned.
I'm done after this generation.
imagine being this pathetic
That sure showed me :(
Fuck Sony I'm done with this cancerous company
someone tell nintendies they should have a third grade reading comprehension level before posting here
Read the thread retard, its bullshit
Dumb gimmick , people don't game outside of their home
t. switchlet samefagging
arrogant sony again? this, the censorship and the SJW propaganda are raising lots of redflags
>Sides with California
>Company goes to shit
what a shock
People really don't care. Microsoft was like a year early.
lol dumbass. Adults don't play console. Unless they're high school drop outs and can't afford a laptop or desktop. Greater than 75% of console players are under 18... 90% of this board is under 18. You expect me to believe my statement wasn't true?
Yeah fuck Sony they keep getting worse every year.
but that's wrong you fucking mongoloid
Burger internet still isn't up to snuff for always online, many people still deal with data caps, 3rd world internet speeds, and spotty service.
Doesn't matter to me, they burned me for the last time with ps4. I ain't buying into their shit anymore and just sticking with pc
Not sure If I'll be getting it always connected or not, games have gotten to the point where I buy more remasters than new games, not enough good shit coming out.
>lol dumbass. Adults don't play console
The vast majority of the market does.
>Greater than 75% of console players are under 18... 90% of this board is under 18.
They'll balance it out by making online subscription-free. BASED SONY
for praising pc's you're sure incompetent at using google
this wasnt added, its literally in new york. Why are you fags scared of gay dudes?
>That guy in the bottom left corner
"if only you knew how bad things really are"
wow, you people are fucken retards
I think I liked it better when Sony was copying Nintendo and not MIcrosoft.
I'll need some proof of this, I'm nearly 30, all my friends are nearly 30 we all play on console, I literally know 1 person with a gaming PC and it's my furry faggot brother inlaw.
Let's make a list of all the shitty things Sony has done
>killed Sega
>ps classic running an open source emulator for $100
>ends all back compat support for future Sony consoles saying "who would play old games"
>adoption paid online AND making it more expensive than the competition for an inferior service
>having to pay for background downloads in rest mode
>psvita memory cards
>anti consumer policies like denying developers to have crossplay with other consoles despite the servers not even being Sony's
>saving millions of PSN account details on a .txt file allowing hackers to easily hack and obtain it
>pushing homosexuality in their biggest games in a disgusting agenda
>The vast majority of the market does.
Try again.
Spend 10 minutes on this board and tell me it's not 90% under 18. Just look at the catalog ffs.
>Retards not understanding the statement
This is talking about how Sony is planning to launch a streaming system for PS5 games for those who don't wanna buy a console or want to play away from home
Streaming will be a major part of the next generation
Yes. Pretty much everything Microsoft has gotten shit for, they've stopped, while Sony started doing the same things and no one seems to care
So much for that lending a friend a game advertisement they had.
Where does it say always online?
Read the interview you mongrels. It was in context of the streaming services.
PS4 was already always online, unless you turned off all the automatic online features.
It's true you retarded gabe bootlickers. I've had times where I had no internet, and I couldn't boot my steam games because it required to connect to internet for patch checking. Zoomers should really fuck off from this site, seriously.
>because they are so obsessed with Sony
Well, obviously. Why would Sonygaf not be obsessed with their master?
They are just looking for any excuse to hate Sony, it's amazing. Probably because they keep winning.
>Spend 10 minutes on this board and tell me it's not 90% under 18. Just look at the catalog ffs.
You've missed the obvious: 90% of the people here are far too retarded to be indistinguishable from children with their posting. They're old enough, just highly unintelligent.
Xbox and Nintendo are just as shit, get real fanboy
Go back to resetera faggot
3rd worlders btfo by based SONY
Aaaaand my interest just went from "intrigued" to "can't care anymore" with the announcement of a single feature. I wasn't sold by Xbox One's bullshit, I'm not falling for this too.
This is literally a reddit Nintendo board, fuck off tranny
I'm so fucking tired of twitter screen caps
You may have a point there.
>I don't know how to configure Steam so it's shit
Lol tech illiterate retard
So you're saying you thought that when xbox was trying to do the same thing six years ago it was ok? Or are just a typical hypocrite snoy fan?
I'm not.
You are a fucking retard.
Explain how I just booted MGSV, SFV, and Civ VI offline then.
>dodging the question
sasuga snoy
>he doesn't have a continuous internet connetion
delete this now. We are chinks and not trannies
What happens if the internet is off?
Why do people desire to be offline? Just connect it to your home network and never think about it again.
Whats up with the recent surge of Sony shitposting? Death Stranding wake the Switch fanboy hive?
I'd be upset too if I only had that nogames tablet with garbage ports.
Sony truly is the shittiest videogame company right now, their fanbase is also the most retarded and annoying one in videogame history, so that's that.
Fuck them, both of them, with a rake.
Buy why?
Why does everyone want an always online connection to be mandatory?
I can only hope that this backfires on Sony.
Y-You don’t own your games! HAH!
Nothing, this is all FUD propaganda by the Switch tranny discord in preparation for the PS5 to dominate again.
That doesn't change the fact I can still play them offline.
ITT: retards and samefagging fanboys who pretend Sony is "evil"
Fear, uncertainty, and doubt (often shortened to FUD) is a disinformation strategy used in sales, marketing, public relations, politics, cults, and propaganda. FUD is generally a strategy to influence perception by disseminating negative and dubious or false information and a manifestation of the appeal to fear.
Its even more funny when the PS5 dominates desu.
If this always online bullshit ends up being true, try to justify it, I fucking dare you.
thanks for being informative user
Yeah, Sony's been pretty idiotic for the past year. This isn't just fanboying, proplr are upset at how Sony is making games worse for everyone while they chase profits.
>All the gullible idiots believing OP's faggot ass
Its a tactic to overplay flaws and create uncertainty in a brand.
On this board, Switch fanboys have shitposted extensively:
- red dead 2
- spiderman
- god of war
- MH World
- Death Stranding
You will notice lots of threads that samefag, boost eachother with replies, its very often the same fanboys that do it everytime that have no jobs/lives.
You are an embarrassment to Sonybros
>>ends all back compat support for future Sony consoles saying "who would play old games"
then launches a ps1 classic that runs like shit with a stolen emulator and shitty games
>how Sony is making games worse for everyone
Are you part of the 1% that plays kusoge?
>It's completely okay for PS5 to do the same bullshit Xbone tried to do just because it's several years later and it'd trigger trannies
Amazing how people take this one retarded OP so serious to the point where several people ITT are "done with Sony"
How fucking dumb are you to think this is the case
>If this always online bullshit ends up being true
It isn't true. If you weren't a console warring nigger and think logically, you'd know from the interview that it was referring to the streaming services.
Look at the OP, user.
>”without disconnections”
tell that to a poorfags and third worlders
Dominate what? Sales? Who the fuck cares about sales besides snoy faggots like you? Because that's the only good thing Sony is for, peddling their shitty console with their shit movie 'games' for normies and retards.
Fat UnderDogs :3
>posted from pooland, california
>you'd know from the interview that it was referring to the streaming services
Look at all this delusion.
I'm a poorfag thirdworlder and my internet rarely goes away.
Nigger that doesn’t mean you’re forced to be online all the time, that just means when you are connected to the internet, your connection won’t be spotty or shit regardless of where you are.
I don’t know how you could have interpreted it as the same as Xbox One’s online fiasco.
What the fuck happened? why did sony suddenly become so assedbackwards?
Thanks anons@
I interpret it as the Xbone fiasco being repeated because "perfect connection regardless of location" is impossible.
>Look at all this delusion
Yeah, look at the state of you lmao.
>get called out for making shit up
>"w-w-well if it was true youd be sorry xd"
Based retard
Snoy is a tranny platform and trannies like always online.
I never said Sony wasn’t exaggerating in their bs promises.
>still dodging the question
>Look Mom I posted it again!!!
Kill yourselves
That is fair, and I understand I came on a little strong. But getting this new console is a hard no and I'll be sticking with my PS4 until I get further explanation from Sony themselves.
>always online
Honestly don’t see a problem with this. It’ll be like MMOs
Whatever Switch tranny. Go lust after the BBC.
PS5 confirmed to be the final Playstation.
Nintendo won.
I don't. But I do care when it makes people like you upset.
Nintendo fans are mentally retarded, and I say this as a Switch owner.
PS God of War was better than any game on the Shitch. Maybe Nintendo should start making games.
Says the Switch tranny, literally the tranny console of choice.
>and I say this as a Switch owner
>PS God of War was better than any game on the Shitch
You're not even trying to be subtle you piece of shit snoy
>and then i woke up
Well... let's take a hard look at our beloved hobby.... "gaming." First let's consider the types of personalities drawn to certain genres:
>FPS PVP / Sports Games: Douchebags, Potheads, Highschool Dropouts, "Frat Boys," Edgy Teenagers, YouTubers capitalizing on their 14 year old subscribers. Typically below average IQ in their respective society.
>MMOs, some RPGs, "Dark Souls:" Neckbeards, but typically higher in IQ and usually educated (at the collegiate level). Can be arrogant and elitist. Will rage out if you dare insult their genre of choice and will refuse to admit that "Dark Souls" is only "hard" because of its absolute shit tier controls.
>Anime Games: 14 year olds and pedophiles.
>Battle Royale: See "Anime Games" above.
>Metroidvania / Platformers: Usually higher IQ (as with the MMO types), also can be elitists; however, do enjoy a challenge and are appreciative of the "good ole days" when games were games and not political propaganda overloaded with loot boxes.
>Nintendo: Huge consumers of s o y products. Will masturbate furiously to anything Japanese and 2D.
>Indie Games: Often people who wish to be perceived as "sophisticated" and "intellectual" and will scoff at any triple A or "mainstream" title (yet, will play said title in private). Although, some Indie game players do tend to be higher in intelligence and are less tolerant of pop-culture bullshit.
Now that we've established the typical gamer, let's consider the console player v.s. the PC player.
>Console player: Too young to pay for their preferred platform and have to rely on their parents (who aren't going to shell out $500 for a decent gaming PC when they can get a Shitbox One for $180.00 for their little fuck trophy), or douchebags (see FPS PVP players above). Uses "Exclusives" justify their purchases and fanboy'ism..
PC: Master Race.
Seething snoy
Get a load of this dipshit
cause they're based in california now
Subtle about what?
The Shitch is shit. I dont shit talk consoles I don't experience/own. I just know its a garbage console, and yes, God of War is better than anything on it atm and its largely a nogames machine.
You can't deal with sony being #1
>and it was exactly as I said.
>PC: Master Race.
'nuff said
But that term has been taken by the reddit faggots too, so I'll just keep playing on my PC while I watch console kiddies trying to rip each other's asses like I've been doing for the past 19 years.
Also, Please Epic stop trying to ruin the PC with your bullshit, k tnx bye.
I really like how this guy probably thinks the term "fuck trophy" is really clever and he's really hoping people like his cool phrase he came up with.
Literal fake news
man they're putting some strong hallucinogens in these onions today
>owning a console you hate just to try to look 'objective' and 'mature'.
>still calling a shit movie 'game' like GoW good
The absolute state of pathetic snoy faggots.
Well, Xbox Anaconda and Nintendo Switch it is then.
Go to bed Mr. President.
Good thing I didn't eat them.
I've been playing offline for like 4 months without realizing it.
spotted the burger
>Bought a console thinking it would be good
Okay child. You should look in the mirror before calling anyone pathetic, I'm just objective. I enjoyed plenty of Nintendo consoles, the Switch is just shit tier.
>still calling a shit movie 'game' like GoW good
Play the game, it has better combat than any exclusive on the Switch atm, and is extremely rewarding.
Hey look, more Yea Forums false outrage culture. Who woulda thunk.
uh oh the tendie is mad
Bayonetta 2 is far better than GoW shitposter kun.
and comes from someone who played the trilogy of GoW at the time.
GoW only have repetitives combos with a single button and children's praise it.
As someone who actually enjoyed God of War I have to kinda disagree, at least on a gameplay standpoint.
>muh h8 boner for snoy
Drone culture has really taken off.
>m-my decade old port is better
I'm guessing your stepdad called you a "fuck trophy?" Hits a little too close to home?
Not at all, Bayo 2 isnt even exclusive.
Its a downgrade from 1 in every way.
>and comes from someone who played the trilogy of GoW at the time.
There are 7 god of war games, sorry child.
>GoW only have repetitives combos with a single button and children's praise it.
Bayonetta literally has dial in combos, real men play DMCV (also not on Shitch)
As someone who doesnt care what you think, please consult the vast majority of people who played it.
Nice edit
>not an argument
whatever shitposter kun
>killed Sega
LMFAO, imagind believing in this bullshit, Sega killed themselves with their stupid ideas, you can't blame Sony by the 32x, Sega CD and Saturn failure.
you sound like the nerd who got beat up at school
That's not what that tweet says though
I don't know what this "seamless feature" is, but presumably it's exactly that
A feature of the console
Not the console itself
Looks like I'll be getting the Xbox One X 360.
Indeed my dude. It is entertaining watching the console kiddies and man-children argue about their shitty plastic boxes. BUT, I do want to disagree with you on one point. I think Epic might be healthy for us. Competition is usually a good thing. While I do love Steam they do tend to screw devs. Let's face it, without devs we have no hobby. Anyway.....
>Sony in 2019
Nah, I'll just stick with Nintendo and PC until they get their shit together.
What console do you use?
>sony-haters lack basic reading comprehension
xbox, ps4 and pc. used to own a switch too
What's your favorite FPS?
>my game riddled with quick time events is better
there fixed it
mmm sony commies! more commies please daddy I demand more cummies!
It's summer.... you should be used to it by now.
Honestly I don't care how powerful the PS5 is, it's just going to be SJW machine. Switch/PC is my platform combo going forward.
Everyone who agrees respond with "Down with Sony, Burn all Commies"
down with sony, burn all commies
I guess arma 3, half life 2, bioshock, MW2. Whats your favourite third person shooter?
So what japanese anime games do you guys see coming to PS5?
down with niggers
>I let Yea Forums culture think for me!
It sure is summer.
All of them, uncensored, or none if they don't comply with Sony's new guidelines.
How does that refer to the ps5 being always online?
>anytime, anywhere, without disconnections
These cunts can’t even imagine how fukt Ausfalians Internet is sometimes. Top kek you slopey fucks.
>While I do love Steam they do tend to screw devs
Devs realizing that they're making shit games that don't sell isn't steam screwing with them mate.
so 28% of faggotst hated it too?
Seething nintendildo, cope. How's third place and less 3rd party support than the xbone?
so what happens when the service is over, you can't use the fucking console at all? is the subscription mandatory now too?
Just consume the product then get excited for the next product
Nintendo pioneered this. Just fuck your consumers (turn off wii online, no way to download your digital purchases or play online games) and have those retarded consumers defend your shitty company.
The wii is 13 years and 2 generations old. That is reasonable.
And maybe you don't remember the original xbox live shutting down in 2010?
This is why Sonyfags are the biggest cucks in the world. Sony could literally kill your family and you people will still buy their shit.
Feels good that Switch is taking all your anime games pony.
Imagine buying a console that won't even function 10 years later because its operation is entirely reliant on an external server authorizing its existence.
Glad to be one, USA!
So the final PS5 will be 10tf then.
That's why I went the PC route.
Is this the intelligence of an urbanite?
Nintendo suffered harsh backlash from all that treehouse censorship bullshit during the previous generation, but that didnt stop Sony from doing the same censorship today.
Why are you so obsessed with Nintendo?
>Enter this generation loving Sony, despising Microsoft and hating Nintendo
>Almost at the end of the generation and I really don't like Sony anymore, love Nintendo again and genuinely like what Microsoft have become
>Have a strong PC and Switch (and can use Steam to get XBOX games now)
>No desire to get a PS5 in the foreseeable future
What went wrong? Fuck, I'm more excited to play Halo on PC as opposed to TLOU2.
Are you me? This is exactly how I feel.
>Why are you fags scared of gay dudes?
they molest children and carry lots of diseases, also they are the enforcement class of globohomo
Streaming is always online you turds
Most of you aren't old enough to remember 2005 Sony.
The vast majority of people don't give a shit about game design, like Sony. The vast majority of people enjoyed the Transformers films.
At best that tweet describes using mobile networks, not mandatory always online. That might also mean paying to use their own but it's too early to tell yet.
I'm not obsessed with Nintendo. I'm just frustrated with Sony's stupid logic with doing dumb shit people clearly showed they dislike.
>ever gaming on a console
You literally have to be dumb
Imagine living near brown people
>Board has an encyclopedic knowledge of how Steam works
>No idea at all how the other consoles function yet have the gall to shit on them for apparent faults
I agree. Fuck Sony.
Death Stranding is legit confusing as fuck and I worry for Hideo's career with how much it's hyped up for it to still be so convoluted.
>implying this isn't the next step
lmao if you though win 10 was bad just wait
the ultimate goal is to turn everything into an eternal renting service
Of course you fucking moron, what I'm saying is that the console itself won't be always online, but the streaming service will
>You lived long enough to see consoles become evil
will it let you stream roblox? that's the important question.
Yes you can you fucking troglodyte
Good thing I won't be gaming by then :)
Oh so when xbox did it 7 years ago they were assholes but when Sony does it they're based. Fuck this shit sometimes I go places without internet and I live in America fuck always online that's why I have a PC.
Yuropoor here, America's view of city life has always confused the hell out of me.
I constantly see big cities being elevated as the pinnacle of modern living, with the opposite being disparaged (eg: "Flyover" and "country hick" being go-to insults).
Yet, at the same time, I see cities being offered as an example of BAD living, with terms like "Inner city" being used to mean niggertown (even though the city center should be the most expensive part of it?), and with the same connotation used for suburbia (Niggers, worse houses, poor people, etc), even though they're opposite things.
So which one is it?
Is there ANYWHERE that's not commonly accepted as "the worst place"?
It's quite bad that the first thing playstation gamers attack is switch, a handheld made for children, they can't touch PC and their only argument against the more powerful xbox is "muh exclusives" something 90% of PS gamers don't give a fuck about because they just wanna play fifa and shoot some niggas
Suburbs are also shit because the way traffic is filtered in Burgerstan is permanently fucked and designed from grounds up to waste your fucking time and money.
Or maybe it's because you're the only developed country in the world without a working public transport network.
It doesn't help that you have been brainwashed by car propaganda to believe that taking the bus is "for poor people".
Suburbs are the not worst place.
You live in neat rows of houses where only people who can afford a big house live, in other words, Asians, asian-indians, white people, and Africans (not African-americans).
>developed country
No need for flattery user.
It's quite easy AMD makes an CPU and GPU and playstation 4 uses freeBSD an open source OS they choose to lock down. The fact you can run linux and play steam games seamlessly on it is proof Sony hates you because they could see a console that pushes freedom of choice but they care more about money so that'll never happen
>without disconnections
So how will the lawsuits come into place if it ever happens?
Sony needs another lesson in humility like when they pulled their CD shit back in the day.
>who could have forseen this?
HQ is in CALIFORNIA. It ain't copying it's straight up being enforced, bub.
The rural parts are the only good parts of America even the capital city of DC is secretly a crime ridden ghetto
The cities have subways and trains, you can buy a junk car for 500$ pay for cheap ass insurance and go anywhere, city slickers are stoopid
Since when is Yea Forums this reactionist?
It's obviously wrong, OP is just a retard who can't read words.
Grow a brain morans
Yeah this is kind of a dealbreaker for me, so I really hope the community as a whole can supress the urge to mindlessly consume this time and actually stand up to it, like against lootboxes.
That explains a lot desu
Americans dont have 24/7 internet?
Hello, 4G is a thing...
Not American, even if I had 24/7 internet, I wouldn't want this to be a thing.
>playing games on a hotspot
My drug dealer does this and his ping is always like 85
It is the future
Okay so what happens if I don't wanna connect my PS5 to wireless?
Offline single player games like Dying Light 2 are gonna stop working?
It doesn't have to be if you stand up against it too.
Yea Forums has resorted to flat out lying about sony now
fucking pathetic.
Newer games could require newest firmware
Its 2019, get some fucking good internet already and stop bitching about being always online.
>this thread
Xfats need to be gassed
Same here. Once the new AMD ryzens and gfx cards hit I'll build a steambox and just play emulators for the rest of my life
Make me.
It's not about having good enough internet or not, it's about the principle.
To be honest, mandatory constant internet connections in 2019 are completely mundane and normal. In 2013 it was a lot shittier with monthly download limits and Data and Wi-Fi wasn't as good so it deserved more criticism then.
I went all PC since 2015. Best decision of my life. Fuck consolefags.
Yeah it's the consumers fault that they need good internet to play games now.
I wish I had a time traveling machine so I could be thrown to the 90s and just stay there forever.
fuck off bootlicker
Imagine being this obsessed with Nintendo
They were always stupid. They hide behind corporate bullshit and the sheer size of their company.
I bet I got better internet than your gay ass doesn't mean I want some gay corporation slowing it down because the console is sucking it all up sitting there
Rural parts are trash, why the fuck would you want to live in Rural america.
t. grew up in rural North Carolina.
This leads us to big question: can PS5 play used games?
Just wanted to congratulate you on a successful bait, and keeping the thread alive.
I can see the snoy consolefag tears from here
Because you can look actually see the stars away from the light pollution. And you can go outside and hear silence. You can shoot guns 24/7 and the cops won't send the goons to your house. You can go into the woods and relax. Why would you want to live in any major city where you can't even have a CCW yet almost all crimes are done in the city.
t. A guy who's been to nearly every city in America
>good internet
did they raise the data cap yet?
Not til we get 5G and we all get cancer the next month
So it's okay when Nintendo does it. Don't complain when others follow that example.
Because I want to actually have a job that has good pay and enjoy eating out with friends at a variety of places. My life doesn't revolve around gun ownership though its legal where I live.
I guess it's just convenience stuff (close to everything). Also having fiber internet is nice. Rural south sucks ass, but rural midwest was always nice from where I have been.
Haven't bought a current gen console since the Wii. And that was a fucking huge mistake.
You are the bootlicker
Nintendo also did not suffer any backlash for region locking all of their previous consoles. Get fucked. Sony didn't get praise for having free online last gen.
And I started pirating when PC went digital only because of Valve.
Console players should resist digital only while they still can. Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo are using the same tactics Valve used over a decade ago to push Steam and digital only. Paying for a fucking download should have never been normalized or accepted.
Imagine seeing Nintendo where nobody mentions itKeep defending your jap overlords, nintendildo
>how willing are you to get one?
Not at all, shill.
Who the fuck would still buy a Sony console nowadays.
How? You're the one saying always online is ok.
user... from how this is presented, it looks like you insert the blu-ray to download the game(which is what every modern system does now) just to stream the game. which implies always online.
People who play video games. Have fun with no games on your shitch.
What ? steam have offline mode
Are you retarded. It's saying there are multiple ways to play games.
I think it's fine for you, the consumer, to choose
You want to force companies to do stuff... using the government... cause you're a fag-boy bootlicker ham sandwich
That's not what it's trying to show. The idea is that the PS5 runs games physically, via digital download or it can stream them. Of course that still requires always online anyways so...
>microsoft wants an always online console
>everyone goes mad
>sony wants an always online console
>everyone is okay with it
>that it was referring to the streaming services.
which is what the next gen system is being built around. the disc is only going to unlock access to stream the game, similar to how current gen systems have it so the disc gives you access to download and run the game.
>People who play fifa
Ftfy dont pretend that you run anything else on that oversized dust collector
This is why i think the USA is a glorified third world country
When did anyone bring up getting the government involved? People simply do not want always online. People are trying to force companies to bend to them by boycotting the company, nothing to do with the government
>paying for internet twice
>blu-ray to download the game(which is what every modern system does now)
>so it has to stay this way or get worse
that drone mentality is why gaming gets worse and worse
You guys have been boycotting always online the whole gen, and guess what baybay, it didn't work
You are entitled to boycott the next gen too
You are the bootlicker for wanting to force companies to do what you want. Same thing as always, private companies having to deal with entitled idiots who want to use the government to control them
Thats why I pirate, I already pay for my internet, I'm not going to give Valve a donation to use the internet connection I already pay for
It isn't hard to avoid playing games if you're not even a real gamer to begin with LOL.
>Oh I'll just not buy a playstation
>Oh I'll just not buy an Xbox
>Oh I'll just not buy a Nintendo
>Oh I'll just not use Steam
Yeah we get it, you're exactly the same as those girls who call themselves gamers because they play Sims once a month
>You are the bootlicker for wanting to force companies to do what you want
Don't use words that you don't know the meaning of, you fucking bootlicker.
I didn't say it has to stay that way, I'm saying that's what the current system is, I think it's stupid that nearly every modern game requires a download even if you buy the physical version and it's even stupider if it turns out that all the game disc does is give you streaming access in the next gen.
Not sure if that's what the tweet is implying, but I switched to Sony BECAUSE Microsoft was pushing for this; I'll switch back if the tables turn.
If they're both retarded I'll stick with Sony, I guess. I don't want a separate purchase to be 100% reliant on whether or not something cuts off my internet, this isn't complicated.
>You guys have been boycotting always online the whole gen, and guess what baybay, it didn't work
Guess what, my xbox works without being connected to the internet. But yeah, it didn't work, did it?
And again, nobody has brought up the government until you did. Nobody wants the government to do anything about this
>you're a bootlicker for not wanting to bend to companies every demands
>Oh I'll just not use Steam
That is really easy to do, just pirate
Only casuals financially reward cancers like being charged for a download
But that's exactly what you're doing you dumbfuck
Keep bootlicking
>Pretending you aren't a samefag and the only one mentioning FUD ITT
We are talking about next gen, bootlicker
You're retarded
You don't gotta live in the middle of bumfuck Montana you can just live 45 minutes away from a 200000 pop city and have that same job. I eat at many nice restaurants too
>You guys have been boycotting always online the whole gen, and guess what baybay, it didn't work
You're right. I didn't want Valve's cancer yet paying for a download and using some console wannabe platform is now the only legal way to play new games on PC.
So many bootlicking casuals wanna force companies to do something they don't wanna do -_- Retards.
why is this man telling blatant lies?
The all the Sony consoles were also region locked. The only people that effects is like Weebs and I've always hear them bitch about having to own a JPN Ps2. And the playstation 3 received great praise for being free online and it was a damn shame they got rid of that
>if you don't have a strong internet connection 100% of the time we do have a product for you; it's called the PS4
This moment when?
I've literally not been able to login to my PSN because their password recovery system is broken and does not send a recovery email.
Googling brings up posts reporting this issue since 2015.
Yeah fuck right off.
>only argument is "n-no ur the bootlicker! n-no ur the retard"
absolutely pathetic
>We are talking about next gen
Great, and where do you see ANYONE saying the government should intervene? NOBODY said that. People are saying that they should boycott sony for pushing always online. That's not bootlicking you absolute retard.
One of those good Keighley moments, like BTFO Enraged Enrique.
Dorito Pope is usually shit, but when he's good, he's good.
You know you could've pirated disk games right? That argument doesn't make sense when steam digital sales brought the prices of games down likely preventing piracy, I remember how many games I burned to CDs and DVDs back in the day, I only pirate old shit because I don't have any desire to play 60$ garbage and the occasional game worth paying that much for I pay for to support the dev. I miss physical too but the consoles don't need it anymore because the full games aren't on the disk anymore and the console doesn't read the disk to play the game it downloads the files from the disk
It's more like a 2nd world Dystopia, vast technology, vast wealth, major poverty
This is terrible if true, given Sony's recent hard-on for censorship this system can put you at risk of your PS5 being a fucking paperweight if you get banned or some shit for being a meanie or posting lewds.
Yes it is you fucking dipshit XD Show me one objective definition that proves that bootlicker doesn't mean what you're doing right now
Low IQ faggot casual smfh
What a load of bullshit hahaha, I spent 6 months in Brazil with no internet and my laptop played games the entire time.
Case in point no response as always...
Bootlicking retards.
>it's a "Sony gets too cocky and kneecaps their console before it's even out" episode
Listen if Yea Forums let me use emojis you know I'd end every shitpost with them ( . Y . )
>be me
>buy brand new PS5 game
>go home, so excited
>wait two hours for it to download
>that's cool, will cook dinner
>storm rolling in
>internetfags not prepared
>internet goes down
>can't play game
>night ruined
>prove a negative
first off it would be your job to prove I am a bootlicker, not the other way around
but for the sake of your dumbass:
A bootlicker kisses corporate ass just like you're doing right now saying that always online is ok. A non bootlicker would take a stand against corporations and boycott their products
>all of a sudden
Shortly after the xbone always online blunder there ware reports that Sony planned something similar with the PS4 but they dropped the idea after seeing the backlash and quickly recorded that this is how we share games add. I very much doubt they would implement it now though, so Im calling bullshit.
Um you just pulled that definition out of your ass... Post a real definition or just shut the fuck up cause I'm getting annoyed now.
So it's going to be like the Xbone before they rectified due to the blunder?
If this is true it depends on the response.
Both companies REALLY want to do this, they'll keep trying until people just buy it.
Whoah there man, there are sony fans in this thread, cover those up, please and thank you.
>there ware reports that Sony planned something similar with the PS4 but they dropped the idea after seeing the backlash
Why the hell do people still keep pushing this discredited conspiracy theory?
Only saying I'm getting a ps5 is if the disc based ps4, 3, 2, and 1 BC turns out to be true.
Sega was pretty much killed by Sega of Japan being butt blasted by Sega of America. Sony just finished off a near walking corpse at that point.
they usually only copy the good stuff tho. I live in a place where internet is really inconsistent, so the PS5 would be as good as a paper weight for me if I can't even play a single player game offline.
>I hate this company because my shithole doesn't have the capacity for constant internet connection!
>Uses the 'lol just dont be poor!' argument
Snoytards, everyone. This is why they want to push streaming over downloads and physical copies on consoles
Yes as someone who has a very expensive PC and good internet I'd be so fucking pissed if that thing was a brick because I snorted the internet money that month.