Happy pride month, Yea Forums! What are your thoughts on video game companies trying to appeal to gay people?
Happy pride month, Yea Forums! What are your thoughts on video game companies trying to appeal to gay people?
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have sex
this is the true face of capitalism
acquire virginity
I like it because I know it makes the /pol/niggers seethe
In my country gays are put to death
I do with men but christfags say that doesn’t count.
I dont care
im a girl btw
Lame and cringe
Can i move there?
>demand acceptance for muslims
>shove gay pride in their faces
move to the middle east you'll love it way more than the christian land youre on right now
90% chance your leaders are secretly gay then.
If they are just pandering to them as a side thing just to please LGBTs so they shut up and don't involve the pandering in the important stuff (the games) then I don't really give a shit
>gays are all leftists
Why the fuck does every normalfags think this.
basically a large majority of them are
you retarded?
Didn't care either way until the companies starting pushing it into our faces.
It's fine but only if they do it in a cool way.
Like Rammstein for example: >youtube.com
Painting their symbol in rainbow only makes them look like clowns
No they fucking aren’t.
yes they fucking are.
Luckily in my country Islam is about to tear LGBT faggots a new one.
like pottery
you're dumb as fuck
kill gays
The idea of "LGBT" as a singular community is a straight invention. Imagine taking whites, blacks, asians, and hispanics and then lumping them all together into a single WBAH "community", and then acting like they're a collective. That's literally what people do with fags.
>Bioware died before they finally did gay Krogan romance
Not a single company gets it
>Blacks kill everyone before themselves
Selfish fucks
They should at the very least take the T out, they're completely different things
I'd think it would be nice of it wasn't skin deep and only for wamen and lesbians.
I can't think of a single triple A game with a lead gay male relationship.
It feels more like these companies use "virtue" marketing to people like me for deflection purposes.
They'll find internet weirdos to defend their scummy business practices just because they "said" they support gay people like they're fighting the good fight and not trying to sell products.
People eat it up, I mean look at the Epic Store, the whole premise is "for the developers" when all they're doing is offering less resources like multiplayer tools, steam workshop, and the likes but it's ok they're good people because the publisher have to pay less.
It's all so tiresome.
>I said no so it must be true
>Luckily in my country Islam
its called averages, in general, tend to, usually are, stereo types, rule of thumb you faggot.
i have never met a right wing queer
>EA killed their series with the wrong type of pandering
Who will buy up the IP when they collapse?