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Microsoft Cancelled a Perfect Dark Sequel that would have been like the Original Deus Ex
Microsoft are niggers.
Except that's now what the rumours are saying they're saying it's still in development as close as 10 days ago. Fuck off shill.
Microsoft have been ruining video game since they launched their first console
It's a great shame. I can't say I'm a fan of Seavor's approach to Joanna Dark, but I'm pretty confident PD: Core would have been an amazing game.
Understand that while MS were killing PD Core, they also turned down Crysis because in their minds they didn't need any FPS games that even vaguely resembled Halo. Extremely short sighted of them.
From the article
> Rare's cancelled Perfect Dark Core would have been built around an "open-ended sandbox" that felt similar to Deus Ex, an ex-Rare developer has revealed.
> "I wanted to get away from the go around the corner, shoot, on rails kind of game, which a lot of games are doing now. If you look back at what games were like, like GoldenEye and Perfect Dark, all the old games like Deus Ex (2000), you compare how complex they were in terms of the multiple paths, first-person shooters now have gone backwards in time in terms of design, but way ahead in terms of graphics. It's a bit of a shame. But I was trying to get it back to that more open-ended sandbox feel to first-person shooters."
> [Deus Ex is] one of my favourite games. I really like that game. I thought, if you could get something like that but make it look amazing, you're probably on a fairly good direction to having a hit."
> Seavor added that the game would have felt like first-person action-RPG Deus Ex, and wouldn't have been "as narrow as something like Call Duty, where it's like, walk, cutscene, walk, cutscene.
> There would have been a Mirror's Edge feel to the game, too, Seavor suggests, saying that "it had some nice mechanics. We were doing all the parkour jumping from walls stuff."
> "Plus, Microsoft were reassessing the market at the time. They were looking at the whole spread of games they had across Game Studios. And they had Halo, which was a pillar game. They were thinking, well, we've got that. We've covered our bases with that. So why do we need another game that's like Halo? Really, that was it. And they just went, look, close it down."
> Seavor revealed that Kameo 2 and Conker's Bad Fur Day 2 had also been in development at Rare, but were also cancelled
If Nintendo bought Rare, do you think they could bring them back to their glory days? Because it's clear they at this point that Microsoft has held them back for nearly 2 decade
>Except that's now what the rumours are saying they're saying it's still in development as close as 10 days ago. Fuck off shill.
OP is talking about Perfect Dark: Core, which was a Chris Tilston/Chris Seavor project that began development after the dumpster fire that was PD: Zero. It was going to be a sequel to Perfect Dark with a much darker edge. Chris Seavor recently posted some pictures from the design documents on Twitter.
The Concept art was god tier though
I'm gonna assume that "Agent Sable" was Mr Blonde under a new human identity. IIRC, the plan was for one of Joanna's closest teammates to be Mr Blonde waiting for his opportunity to get revenge on her for bombing Space Mecca.
This, i don't understand why Sony gets so much shit when Microsoft always gets a free pass
That Chris Seavor was fired from Rare and is now working in mobile stuff is really a testament to how AAA game development is a meat grinder. Venerable game talent is tossed aside in favor of the next batch of bushy-tailed recruits. If I were in a charge of a new Perfect Dark project, I'd want every bit of feedback from the likes of Chris Seavor, Chris Seavor, Martin Hollis, David Doak, Karl Hilton, etc that I could get. Instead, those people are almost certainly entirely out the loop. The next Perfect Dark might be a good game, but imagine making, for example, a sequel to a movie and cutting literally everyone involved with the production of the first film out of the loop. That would be nuts.
They just renewed several brands for Perfect Dark last year
Sure, but the point is that the new Perfect Dark is likely made by a team with absolutely no connection to the original. And given how nobody who worked on the original seems aware of anything to do with the sequel/reboot, they likely haven't even bothered reaching out to them.
The chances of them getting Grant Kirkhope to write the soundtrack is basically next to nil, for example. At best they might get David Clynick from Rare, who wrote the cutscene and MP music for the original and also the score for PD Zero. More likely it's just some random people who convinced Rare to let them make a Perfect Dark game.
I wish we had some leaks around PD because I am concerned about the direction the project will take.
Im sick of open world games
Yeah right
What do you mean "thoughts" ?
As far as I know none of us work at Microsoft. We don't know the whole story so our thoughts on the topic are fucking irrelevant
The FUCK ard you talking about?
Talent in the industry come and go. Rare is shit because all their talented employees left the company. Simple as that
But user... microsoft bad...
>Microsoft are poo niggers.
Not surprising considering Zero was a dumpster fire
How does that have anything to do with the post?
Sounds absolutely amazing on paper.
BUT this is nu-Rare we're talking about and they're among the worst developers around.
Because no one actually cares about Xbox or Microsoft. They are just used to shitpost and trigger Sonyfans.
The original Perfect Dark had a fair bit of design overlap with Deus Ex in part because GoldenEye was a huge influence on both Thief, which influenced DE, and DE itself. DE names GoldenEye in its original design document, and really the stealth genre/spy genre as we understand it nowdays is rooted in the design ideas GE/PD explored.
As for Mirror's Edge, Rare were working on Mirror's Edge-esque first person locomotion systems, but this was before Mirror's Edge released. Long story short, yes, PD: Core was going for a hybrid of PD and Deus Ex, paired with high levels of mobility where you could wall run and stuff. Think Titanfall 2, I guess.
It was probably shit.
Calling it now...
> 343 Industries/Saber Interactive co-production
> Uses Saber or Halo engine
2-3 year development... capitalizing on Feminazi movement.
He got to the the word "open" and his autism kicked in making him scream about open world games.
>BUT this is nu-Rare we're talking about and they're among the worst developers around.
Many, many senior Perfect Dark developers worked on Zero, and were working on PD: Core. The problems with PD Core stem from its extremely troubled development and rushed release for Xbox 360 where they were printing the discs before the game had even passed MS QC certification. PD: Core would have been fine without that pressure.
Halo Infinite 2020/2021... XBOX 4 launch title.
Perfect Dark: 2019 or early 2020 release.
That fucking sucks. I unironically loved Perfect Dark Zero and have always wanted another. MS and Rare are such trash.
What the fuck are you talking about? PD: Core was developed by Rare. Originally headed by Chris Tilston, who was in charge of PD, and PD: Zero. Chris Seavor took over the project. He worked on PD to some extent. Did a lot of the voices. Any guards in PD that sound like weasels from Conker are him. Big Deus Ex fan, which is why he was pushing the project in that direction.
MS's neglect was why the project died. Same deal with the Conker sequel.
>Microsoft cancelled
What's new?
Watch them cancel half the shit they announce in a week as well.
Ken Lobb remarked back in 2015 IIRC that he thought it would be interesting if Joanna Dark returned in 2020.
Is all of this just concept bullshit? Did this game even reach a development stage? It's easy to say "our game was gonna be a mix of games X and Y that everyone likes, we swear!"
Fucking kek, too true
no, because they'd be buying a withered husk of a studio without any of the talent it used to have.
How many people would even care if a new Perfect Dark came out?
microsoft doesn't even care about gaming. they just started spending money on it when it started becoming hip and trendy with normalfags. they basically came in and smeared their shit all over the foundation that nintendo, sega and sony built.
the shills can spam about microsoft's so-called "comeback" all day and night, but the xbox brand will still never produce anything worthwhile because it's been soulless from day one.
>Is all of this just concept bullshit?
The game was in development for a few years, but MS gutted their team down to a skeleton crew which slowed progress.
This is all the leaked footage we have from the project although it comes from various stages. Very late on, it was starting to turn into a completely different game with a male lead which was fucking super bizarre change in direction. Most of this footage seems to be of Joanna, though, especially the first person locomotion stuff.
>Watch them cancel half the shit they announce in a week as well.
Unlikely. MS back in 2006 was a very different creature to MS today.
Duke Nukem: Forever says hi. Just because the developer was good at making games with a small team, it doesn't mean it will have a smooth transition to a new generation and having to use a larger development team.
Fact is that the game may not have been that good.
MS has other first party studios and relationships with independent studios that can make good first person games.
They could easily get 343 and Saber Interactive to reboot it.
I've never liked Perfect Dark so I'm indifferent to this.
>How many people would even care if a new Perfect Dark came out?
How many people would care if a new Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines came out? Perfect Dark is a game that is very fondly regarded by its fanbase. People have been waiting for a follow up for years. PD Zero missed the mark. TimeSplitters 2 didn't really have the same vibe and pacing.
A new Perfect Dark announced with a nostalgia-fetish trailer would be extremely well received. That classic logo. Those rainswept alleyways.
Remember that Perfect Dark and Deus Ex are basically the only high profile cyberpunk videogame franchises, unless you cheat by counting Cyberpunk 2077. A new Deus Ex is a long time away.
Pretty much this, I've legit hated them for coming in like they did, from the XTREME marketing to the retarded controllers and more. I don't really like the idea of a two system, well, system, but Microsoft have one steep fucking hill to climb. Europe has always been Sony country and Japan has never viewed the Xbox as anything more than a novelty, the fact that they're basically dead in the only remaining market that will have them makes me wonder just how many more years of losses they're willing to put up with. Fun fact: the Xbox division has lost money every year its existed, it's never been profitable, not even during the 360 era.
>They could easily get 343 and Saber Interactive to reboot it.
Those would be slightly odd choices of developer since they seem kind... multiplayer focused. To make a Perfect Dark game, you ideally want someone like IOI or a developer who has some experience making games where the entire point is to NOT shoot people. Because that's what Perfect Dark is. It's a thinking man's FPS game. The shooting is secondary to the objective solving. The risk with studios like 343 and IOI is that they think of the FPS genre as being about running around shooting stuff. It's like giving the Wolfenstein series to id Software. They turned it into a simplistic FPS game, in a manner of speaking.
It's very likely this game comes out this year or early next year. MS is pushing female protagonists. New Gears has a female protagonist.
Spencer was pushing some "woke shit." E3 is gonna be filled with vagina games.
Lots of games with fem protagonists on the docket at E3.
I cheat by being older than twelve and remember Syndicate.
Reminder that the original Perfect Dark features the Pond Punk strip club. This is a blatant reference to:
Mike PONDsmith
That's the kind of thing modern game devs don't get because Rare's games were intimately crafted affairs created by smaller teams.
It wouldn't be.
Perfect Dark is praised to this day while being a horrible poor man's Deus Ex.
The sooner PD as a name dies the better, developers not need to be bound to this shit series when they try to create something on those lines.
I reckon the MP impact on consoles though.
I loved Syndicate 2012, but I'd hardly call Syndicate as a series high profile. The original game sold in the low hundred thousands. Perfect Dark N64 sold somewhere between 2.5 and 3.2 million. The Xbox 360 remaster sold over 500,000 copies, I believe.
>Perfect Dark is praised to this day while being a horrible poor man's Deus Ex.
Perfect Dark has better weapons and cyberpunk aesthetics than Deus Ex. Elvis > Deus Ex's Greys.
deus ex isn't open world brainlet
If you don't know what Cyberpunk is, sure.
The big selling point was the Goldeneye like multiplayer.
How many open world and FPS games can people fucking buy? Every time a cookie cutter Far Cry game comes out I am like who are the fucks that buy these?
>My vaporware was exactly like Deus Ex!
How does this matter when Deus Ex already exists and is great game?
But why microsoft?
Perfect Dark is cyberpunk. It's literally about warring corporations in a rain-swept dystopia and its central plot revolves around an AI that goes rogue because it has moral objections to the task it was given.
>The big selling point was the Goldeneye like multiplayer.
What does that have to do with anything?
>How many open world and FPS games can people fucking buy?
What do open world games have to do with this thread?
What part of is not cyberpunk to you?
No surprise given Microsoft and Xbox’s track record of buying companies and properties of value, and then letting them rot because they have no idea what to do with them
Sony didn't want anything to do with gaming until it became a viable market. Nintendo didn't want anything to do with the hardware market until it became a viable market.
You guys should actually just shit on anybody that wasn't the first to do something because most who weren't made their product to compete in a new, viable market. Fucking edgelords.
Perfect Dark Core wasn't vaporware. It began development in 2006-ish, and was cancelled in 2008-ish. We've known it was cancelled for years. But we've only started finding out details about the project fairly recently.
True but you can’t deny that their talent would be more likely to stay if they were working on their franchises with Nintendo instead of constantly butting heads with MS and being relegated to Kinect shit
>>The big selling point was the Goldeneye like multiplayer.
>What does that have to do with anything?
Linked wrong post.
meant this one.....
We don’t know for sure if it’s being resurrected on switch but either way it reflects poorly on MS
Perfect Dark's multiplayer is by far the least interesting part of the project compared to its singleplayer and co-op. The world is full of PvP multiplayer games. We hardly need yet another one. What makes Perfect Dark unique is its object-driven semi-sandbox mission design.
It has a 97 on Metacritic, so obviously people would be extremely excited if a new one came out
So we could have had that instead of Sea of Thieves?
Fucking hell Microsoft.
>There are people on Yea Forums right now that haven’t realized this.
I don't believe that shit for a second. If anything it makes me angry that one of the best games of all time is now a sales pitch "this shitty game that's nothing like deus ex is like a spiritual successor to deus ex!!!1"
>with hints of Mirror's Edge
Yeah, I'm glad it was cancelled. It was shit. I'm calling it.
Have you ever played Perfect Dark? They released months apart. Deus Ex exists in large part because of Perfect Dark's predecessor.
Nah I'm more sad about Conker's Other Bad Fur Day
Sea of Thieves was greenlit in 2014-ish, I think. The situation was starting to change by then.
I played it. I can see plenty of people looking at it and go "I can do something better".
>I played it. I can see plenty of people looking at it and go "I can do something better".
Yet to this day nobody has managed to surpass it. Not even the former Rare devs at Free Radical could do it.
There's literally nothing to surpass. Its legacy is being "that *other* shitty overrated fps on the nintendo 64". That's all. What are these things anyways? I'll bet you anything I can name several games that have done "Perfect Darky" stuff better than Perfect Dark.
>What are these things anyways?
Incredible weapon design.
Fantastic interconnected level design where each level took ages to figure out, but could be finished in literal minutes, and figuring out to them quickly was encouraged.
Deeply humanized enemies who surrendered, feinted, and died in a manner only seen in Metro: Exodus since.
Extremely useful melee combat system that allowed users to snatch enemy weapons.
Unique British cyberpunk aesthetic with a take on Greys you won't find anywhere else.
An incredible soundtrack where every single track is pure kino.
Flawlessly integrated cooperate play.
Wonderful objective-driven mission design that was handled far more elegantly than GE/TimeSplitters 2 due to the use of far more comprehensive visual hinting and hints through dialogue.
Perfect Dark is a thinking man's FPS game with a unique blend of elements nobody has managed to recapture. Some games come close. Metro Exodus recaptures some aspects of the game, but it falls far short in others.
It's a spy game. There aren't a whole lot of spy FPS games. It's a very distinct subgenre where it's not a stealth game but it has steath. It's not a shooty-shooty bang-bang game, but it has amazing feeling weapons and visceral hit reactions. (But also non-lethal options.)
It has a focus on what Martin Hollis called cinematic realism. The world behaves like a film. You shoot people and they tumble over railings. Crates explore when shot. Bullets do that "zing" thing when they go past you. Enemies dramatically flourish, fall to one knee, dive out of the way, stuff like that. It's an aesthetic. One that only really GE and PD nailed properly.
Perfect Dark's weapon designs and animations are unbelievably creative, and no game since has topped them.
>6 years ago
Kill yourself Snoy tranny
That's all you ever have, Xcuck. Kill yourself.
Imagine if Perfect Kino 3 was announced at E3. I can dream.
>muh reddit fanfic
jesus christ, xfags, is that any level of seethe you won't stoop to?
Going by this thread, you seem to be the only one seething since Microsoft got 14 games and Snoy only has 1.
>DLC, rehashes and low-budget indie shit
>Xcucks doing a victory lap over that
Fuck I knew things were sparse for you retards but I didn't think things were this desperate.
>this coping
oh dear
>just the tip uncle phil
>no no no no no not that far ow ow ow ow ow ow
>i still love you, uncle phil
fuckin JEJ
My thoughts are that it's completely made up clickbait like 99% of anything written these days
>My thoughts are that it's completely made up clickbait like 99% of anything written these days
The lead developer has been posting design documents from PD: Core and Conker 2.
>conker 2
I can only imagine the horror of what that will be if it comes to fruition
Can't wait for Final Fantasy VII remake to be announced for Xbox at E3 this year.
>It would have been just like Deus Ex and also good!
No one at Microsoft had the talent to pull that off
It will never come to fruition. That's why Seavor released the plot, characters, and various other documents.
>Deus Ex by ex-Rare
Let's be perfectly candid here, It wouldn't have lived up to expectations and would've been a b-grade game at best..
>FF7R going to destroy Cuckbox crumbs at E3
>Gets a PC port a year after PS4
>Fucking nothing for Cuckbox as usual
Can't wait for the usual seething and begging.
Ex-Rare? Most of the Perfect Dark team was still at Rare when Zero/Core were in development.
kek just like the rest of your shit games
>Being this delusional
Most Rare key members left the company ages ago, some of them started leaving even before the MS acquisition.
So, no even if Nintendo would had bought rare, their franchises wouldn't revive magically
>Most Rare key members left the company ages ago, some of them started leaving even before the MS acquisition.
This is untrue for the Perfect Dark team.