Nintendo Direct: E3 2019

- Animal Crossing: Summer Vacation
Nindies Segment:
- Super Meat Boy Forever
- Kerbal Space Program
- Cadence Of Hyrule
- Shovel Knight King Of Cards
- Rivals Of Aether
- Goose Game
Nintendo Labo Toycon 04 VR Kit:
- Super Smash Bros Ultimate x Labo VR
- Beat Saber
Upcoming Nintendo Switch Games:
- Ghostbusters: The Video Game Remastered
- Luigi's Mansion 3
- Astral Chain
- Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order
- Halo: The Master Chief Collection
- Spyro Reignited Trilogy
- The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
- Dragon Quest XI: S
- Pikmin 3
- Pokemon Sword/ Pokemon Shield
Super Smash Bros: Ultimate Character Trailers
- Challenger Pack 2: Erdrick
- Challenger Pack 3: Banjo and Kazooie
Nintendo Switch Experiences Montage Video:
- Fire Emblem Three Houses
- Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare
- Kingdom Hearts: The Story So Far
- Apex Legends
- Super Mario Maker 2
- Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga
- Plants Vs Zombies: Remastered
- Overwatch
- Grand Theft Auto 5
The Legend Of Zelda: Link's Awakening Segment:
- A short trailer for link's awakening is shown. More shown in treehouse.
Town Segment:
-Game Freak's "Town" is demoed. More to be shown in treehouse.
Closing Bayonetta 3 Segment:
- Short Bayonetta 3 Trailer

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what possesses someone to pretend to be a leaker

May as well have just called Goose Game "Groose Game" so at least there's a little bit of something funny to this already obviously fake leak.

Would be very solid, but I'm still going with this being too good to be true.

They clearly have a soitch so they already have to much soi intake

>Beat Saber
Check my 5, OP.

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>Animal Crossing: Summer Vacation
Stopped there, better luck next time.

>Grand Theft Auto 5
>on the SWITCH
Just.. stop.

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>Summer Vacation
that's the best you could come up with?

>beat saber

Right on fucking time...

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>two characters who were literally deconfirmed

>Plants Vs Zombies: Remastered
Don't you toy with me you fucker

It was on the 360 and PS3 bro. Use some common sense.

Nintenkids honestly are embarrassing with how much fanfiction they write.

fuck off

>Challenger Pack 3: Banjo and Kazooie

Cope harder Banjofag.

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>- Animal Crossing: Summer Vacation
That's the most unoriginal name ever AND it wouldn't work with a game like AC. You can do better
>- Super Smash Bros Ultimate x Labo VR
That garbage is already out and not even worth trying
Not reading the rest. You still have much to learn

>Over 30 games
Someone obviously hasn't been studying what Nintendo actually does at E3

I am. As if your shitty tablet can handle gta5.

I appreciate that you didn't put a life story at least

It's extremely easy to spot a fake leak when you don't include a single never before heard of game.
Most of you fake leakers end up doing this. Put some effort into it next time and use your imagination

>Animal Crossing: Summer Vacation
>Not including the other seasons

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>- Challenger Pack 3: Banjo and Kazooie


Thinking anything western will be added into the FIFTH smash game, especially when Shovel Knight was made into an assist trophy and instead we get fucking Inceneroar(another character that shithead Sakurai wanted)

>- Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare
Dude, come on

Other seasons are DLC

Such odd choices...
Doubtful, but odd...

>Animal Crossing: Summer Vacation
t. Someone that's never played Animal Crossing
Why the fuck would they name an Animal Crossing game based on one season?

animal crossing isn't releasing in summer so there's no way it'd be called summer vacation, mario maker is their summer title.

Where the fuck is rune factory

>Plants vs Zombies Remastered

>Nindies segment starting E3
Stopped reading there

I love this man.

>TFW the games you want don't even get to be included on fake leaks


Ok, why the hell is this so believable lmfao, this is so good to be true

Enough of these shitty "leaks". What are your pipe dreams? Mine are
>Mach Rider reboot
>Kid Icarus shit
>Earthbound retellings/remakes

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