Sequel never.
Sequel never
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Zwack an Sticky...
A sequel would take effort and likely need to be on the Switch, and Capcom is deathly allergic to both of those concepts combined.
>Needs to be on the Switch
Just like Monster Hunter, right? ;) LMAO.
I owned this game on Wii but never beat it because I'm a brainlet. IIRC with later levels it's very easy to die or get into unwinnable situations. I'd love to see them port it to the Switch; they could recreate all the motion stuff with the joycons. The art style should upscale beautifully.
Well if you want to figure out how to implement pointer controls and waggle on the PS4 or XBox One then be my guest.
Waggle is a bad thing you retard. look at Star Fox Zero or ARMS
You need to be asking for that shit to be removed entirely.
I don't think you're in the right thread, this is about Zack & Wiki.
I'm on Treasure Island right now. I have no idea what I'm doing.
This game looks amazing upscaled. Hasn't aged a day.
You'd think Capcom would realize this and port it to every new system. That's the major advantage of this art style.
If you have the means to emulate it properly then you really should. The artstyle does in fact upscale as beautifully as you'd expect.
Like many Wii games it's effectively un-portable (to other consoles) since nothing comes close to the speed and precision of the IR pointer. How didn't that become a standard feature of every console?!?!
The PS4 controller has a touchpad and motion support
>nothing comes close to the speed and precision of the IR pointer
How about a mouse
Genuinely curious, how well would the PS4 controller's touchpad work as a precision pointer?
The wiimote did what a mouse does, but you could use it comfortably on the couch, plus it had '3d' motion functionality. It should have become the standard.
If it was the standard across consoles TV makers could build IR positioning lights into all new TVs (eliminating the need for a 'sensor bar')
The Switch actually has the IR camera to do it on one of the joycons, there's just nothing to 'sense'.
It really is one of the biggest shames of the games industry. The massive stigma leveled against motion controls has almost completely destroyed any desire on the part of developers to take advantage of pointer or gyro technology to drastically improve gameplay experiences.
That plus the IR camera faces backwards and AFAIK is only used on 1 2 Switch and Labo shit.
It's literally a laptop touchpad
You could just hold the joycon backwards.
Fucking loved using it with metroid prime and other shooters
This is throwing me back to being super comfy playing Zack and Wiki 11+ years ago. The Wiimote really was great when it wasn't a pain in the ass.
I haven't played a console shooter since the Wii. There's just no going back.
I actually much prefer shooters with fully touch controls (on a smartphone). It's ridiculous that these games controller better on an iPhone than a Playstation/Xbox in >2019, but that's how bad joysticks are for aiming.
Good you faggots don't deserve it, you guys became the cocksleeve of Malstrom the evil shovelware developer, he brainwahed you into supporting shovelware as it would kill off the "evil" hardcore gamers, but all "hardcore" gamers actually wanted was games with quality and soul put into them that both casual and hardcore alike could enjoy like Zack & Wiki. Shovelware killed off games like Zack and Wiki, casual shovelware caused the atari crash which Malstrom said was caused by hardcore gaymurs and Yea Forums ate up his lies. Malstrom said if we didn't put up with being anally sodomized to death by shovelware being pumped out by evil greeder boomer CEO's at Activision and EA or whatever than the videogame industry was going to crash like the Atari, which was caused by shovelware anyways (The fuck????). Malkstrom was a shovelware developer who could only make garbage and didn't want Nintendo to crack down on him and force him to compete with actually talented devs, you guys were mentally raped by a communist anti-competitive shovelware developer and crucified me for wanting hardcore games with soul and quality.