Imagine not being in love with Lucina

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Luci's voice warms my heart when nothing else will.

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Wanting to rape Lucina and loving her are pretty different things.

Because I want to get laid to a real woman and not a cartoon girl who’s nothing but a voice in your head
Have sex

I want to cum in Lucina if you catch my Tokyo drift

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Alternative thread title:
>Imagine having more than one molecule of testosterone flowing through your body

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I wouldn't betray spiderman like that

Yeah, it's called having taste, OP.

>trying to bully luci's voicefriend

Grow up and have sex

cute butt!

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I just want to wake up beside her

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Based warmsmyheart Lucinafag

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Silly user. Such thing is not possible!

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How can my main possibly be this cute?

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>tfw they nerfed her in the update

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Literal perfection

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Undeserved and uncalled for

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She is still a top tier in my heart

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>being attracted to girl marth or any nu-FE character

Horrible taste. Get a grip, loser.

I want to hold her hand

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Imagine liking Fire Emblem


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I wish she was

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They nerfed her so I'm hacking my switch, so I can pirate three houses.

and i bet she is still the best marth

It doesn’t matter if she’s good or not. The only thing that matters is whether you like her.

Pretty much. They're probably nerfing Lucina to make Marth look good but all know that will never be the case because of how awful his tipper mechanic is in Ultimate with how it plays.

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Sex is way overrated.

That’s because her first cousin once removed is hotter.

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Marth main here. It showed their poor understanding of the characters how the launch distance was reduced on fair. This means that she can now combo with more ease, and get more damage done which is the advantage Lucina has on Marth in the first place. F Smash kills less thsn 10% later so the change did fuck all.

Tipper is not really a bad mechanic, problem is that why would you try and fight around a tipper when Lucina has tipper damage and knockback on at all times.

Lucina strikes me as autistic is she?

i love someone else

Don't have to imagine not loving the thing that brought FE's downfall. It is quite easy.

You're not truly in love with Lucina if you don't want to feed Lucina.

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I’m sorry for ever wanting her out of Smash...she more than deserves her spot...


imagine unironically liking such a shit waifu

flat lol

Have you ordered this off etsy and hung it up yet?

>Fat Lucina

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This is my wife.
We're very monogamous.
Say something nice about our undying love for each other.

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I hope you live happily with her...I’m jealous of you user.

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gonna draw some lucina

my waifu isn't lucina, but she seems pretty nice. i hope your life is filled with all the joy love can bring!

And then breed her afterward I hope.

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The feed to breed combo is a combo that rivals knee to falcon punch.

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Shut up.

I don't have to imagine.

Walk the plank.

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I want to live a normal, content life with Lucina.

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>when your main gets nerfed but it's actually a buff

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>obligatory visit from boobfags
You are uncapable of love.

Gentleman I would greatly appreciate if you would keep your comments about my daughter to yourselves.

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Holy fuck, this looks so much better than my edit.

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post more cute flat girl

Me and your daughter are going to have some "fun" for the night

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Would you pay money for Luci's moans?

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idc as long as she's cute

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What kind of panties do you think Luci wears?

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>page 8

Blue with her brand on it or just white

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Every day that comes by and for every picture of Lucina I come across I imagine Lucina being stabbed by Marth over and over while she's crying and questioning why this is happening to her as she looks her idol in the eyes as he turns and leaves her to die of blood loss so she can suffer all the way through

Why does fanart unanimously agree that Luci has a really nice butt, despite the facte that this is never once even implied in her game?

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Of course I love her. She's my daughter.

Don't know why it has to be implied in-game because it's not a big subject that has to be talked about. Honestly she likely has a good butt but it hasn't been shown off enough. What she lacks for chest, she makes up for her ass.

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Huh. I usually just like to imagine her naked, but whatever makes you happy I guess?

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And for my final post, here's naked Luci.
But you can't see anything, so I won't get banned.

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Imagine fucking your best friend's daughter. Imagine having to call your best friend dad.

She's a T-1000, made entirely out of blue liquid metal

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Literally built for fucking in a myriad of positions.