I've been wondering for a long time what Seiken Densetsu 3 would have been called in English. Looks like we're finally going to find out.
I've been wondering for a long time what Seiken Densetsu 3 would have been called in English...
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I'd go with Withering of Mana, considering numbered entries change their titles internationally.
Why considering that?
Played both SD1 and SD2 for the first time over the past 8 months or so. Would be nice not to rely on a fan translation for the third one. No Switch though, so hopefully it comes to other platforms.
They'll probably just stick with SD3 since that's what people know it as.
Full image? Cute boob upshot.
Minority opinion I know, but I'll be disappointed if they don't give SD3 the same sort of update SoM got. It wasn't the best it could've been, but I still appreciated it. Meanwhile if I want to play SD3 in the SNES style, I've got it loaded on five different devices.
>a whole new era of Riesz obsession
little closer
The fan translation is quite fine despite being one of the oldest fan translations of all time so you don't have to wait for this. But I would be surprised if it didn't come to Steam considering Square makes a point of porting everything to Steam.
Is this just pretty much just a collection of roms? They didn't fix a single bug, did they?
fuck off enix stop milking square IPs and do something new for once
People know SD1 as Final Fantasy Adventure but that didn't stop them from renaming it to Adventures of Mana. They'll come up with something.
it was blatantly a mobile game that looked uglier than the snes, no
It would have just been called Secret of Mana 2 if it was released at the time.
Like bring back Wonder Project J
Finally. I've been waiting for this English switch release since forever.
Well this is quite literally just a collection of the three games in their original form that came out in Japan two years ago so even if they ever do remake SD3 this is not the place you'll be getting it. It's just a low effort thing like the Castlevania one.
Primm and Angela confirmed for best girls
I'd be more annoyed if they did fix the bugs, they're more useful than they are annoying.
You mean multiple stats not working correctly? Luck for example only affects the chest wheel. How is that useful in any way?
Not him but I was never expecting SoM to get a remake in the first place so I found it hard to truly be let down. I knew they were never going to make a console budget game out of it. Hell, the original game itself was notorious for being unfinished. SoM was always this weird little game that turned out amazing despite all the odds being stacked against it.
How do you know it wasn't meant to always work that way?
>people want another shitty low effort mobile port
I've read it online that there are remnants of code that impy it. Also Agi does NOTHING, only raises the damage of traps which only good Hawk classes get
This, the game is already easy enough and you want to make it easier? C'mon.
It's pretty much my favorite game of all time. Luck was meant to increase crit rate and agi was meant to raise attack speed. The developers clearly didn't get it to work and balanced the game around what they had.
I would really love for a rework to fix these problems and adjust the difficulty accordingly.
>Agi does NOTHING
>proceeds to explain that it does something
Took so damn long that I already have a repro of the snes game in english.
Might get it anyway though, I imagine the load times of SD3 on the switch are hella better.
I love the game, but those load times are awful.
Well that's fair enough but I think people would be bothered if they tinkered with that in a collection that's supposed to be a straight port. If you want to play a version of SD3 with those things fixed there actually is a patch for that already.
It does nothing but that one useless thing then, holy shit. Only 1 out of 6 characters can make any use of it, and then only if you take certain classes. Said character has the best growth rates in both agi and luck, useless stats.
Why the fuck are people defending bugs?
speaking of mobile games, I wonder what people thought of Egglia since it deliberately takes design cues from Legend of Mana
Reminder that SD1 is better than SD2. I'm even talking about the original game boy version.
Here's a real hot take, Sword of Mana is the best version of SD1.
I forgot this game existed. Mobile games are weird, they enable devs to continue making games that don't require an enormous budget but interesting little single player stuff gets drowned out by the sheer amount of gacha or microtransaction riddled Candy Crush-ass nonsense so most people don't even know it exists and even less people actually talk about it. Even though I'm told piracy for these games is really easy so anyone can play them.
I wish Sword of Mana wasn't so pathetically easy. Improved enemies would make it honestly perfect.
I love Haccan's art.
But user, he's gotta show off his epeen by trapping you in a "gotcha" moment!
Never mind that even in the best of situations luck only causes less mild inconveniences with trapped boxes, or that the only class of the only character that can make use of agi is also one of the worst classes in the game.
I do agree that the game is balanced around these stats being broken though.
If you could, say, choose between a standard mode and a mode with the stats fixed and the game rebalanced around that then I'd be for it, but just fixing the stats and stopping there would make the game a snorefest.
There's quite a bit of art at least. example being what a Redcap is supposed to look like normally (You're one with your horns broken and lost both your memories and desire to murder)
oh and egglia itself is wholly singleplayer and was a premium game or something. I think they put out a version of the game that doesn't require online anymore
Wow I had no idea this guy has drawn so much stuff I'm familiar with. Pretty good artist.
played the shit out of sd3. Being able to buy it and have an official translation will be nice if true
His mushihimesama stuff is pretty sweet.
Watch them cut SD3 like shitheads.
That's sadly not out of the realm of possibility. It's not like it's a text heavy game but they would have to do their own translation and this is Square we're talking about.
yall know its gonna be a gacha mobage right?
The game came out three years ago in Japan, it is literally just ports of the original trilogy you HOTHEADED FOOL.
I played the first game recently and it was bad. Are the sequels any better?
Much better. Also which game did you actually play?
The remake for phones and the vita.
That’s game 2
What's the first game?
Not necessarily, he may be talking about Adventures of Mana.
First game is Final Fantasy Adventure/Sword of Mana/Adventures of Mana which are all fairly different from each other, second game is Secret of Mana. If you did indeed play Adventures then I will say that I hope you learned from it and don't make the mistake of playing the Secret of Mana remake. Just play the original.
>If you did indeed play Adventures then I will say that I hope you learned from it and don't make the mistake of playing the Secret of Mana remake. Just play the original.
I did play Adventures and was about to play the Secret of Mana remake. I'll follow your advice and just play the original.
Good man. Plus it's not like SD3 has a remake so there will be more consistency in your experience to go from SoM to SD3, and optionally SoE.
If it has online multiplayer i will buy it.
Or atleast fix the peoblem that stopped you from moving because someone got stuck in a corner.
>If it has online multiplayer i will buy it.
Just so you don't get your hopes up, it does not.
patches that fix SD3's bugs (and nothing else) are notably harder than the unmodified version
Why is that?
iirc, the Kevin dealing double damage at night after getting hit once is a big nerf
If it's on PC you could use parsec at least
Yeah I'll just hook it up to the flibbertygibbet.