Hey I’m not a stevefag but I do wanna ask something, why do you not want him in...

Hey I’m not a stevefag but I do wanna ask something, why do you not want him in? Like ignore Banjo and Steveposters for a sec and think about it, why do you hate this guy?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I don't have anything against him besides wanting Banjo in more

Having both in would be cool even

He looks soulless and boring

Plus Notch is a racist neckbeard idiot.

He is an ugly character, in an ugly game, and the games not even interesting.

who cares what notch thinks its not his game anymore

I don’t hate him but I just don’t realistically see how he could be implemented without an overhaul to his design which kind of ruins the point. Everything about his design is so stiff that it seems like it would be impossible to have attacks that telegraph well. And as far as his move set goes, Minecraft is such a basic game in terms of combat I don’t see how he’d be any different from a Fire Emblem sword dude with one or two wild cards like a lava bucket or TNT. I can’t picture it in my head.


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because i fucken hate minecraft

I do and certainly 4channel cares because Notch visits /pol/ daily.

This is why i love Reddit more and use it more often than 4channel. Everyone in Reddit isn't racist.

It's like putting in a Sim, and we already have Miis. Also 'Steve' exists about as much as Ash Ketchum does, and you know how that went.

>Think about it, why do you hate this guy?
The thing is any and all anger I used to have for Steve and Minecraft content in Sma5h is pretty much non-existent these days mostly due to the fact that I decided to put my head on straight and think about his chances as well as the good things he could bring.
>An Interesting building mechanic and maybe a crafting mechanic
>An end to Steveposting in two to three weeks
>A Fun randomized Minecraft stage similar to Mario Maker
I guess the only gripe I could have is a lack of personality which is something Sakurai sees as important

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>Plus Notch is a racist neckbeard idiot.

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Why do so many people seem to think "Fire Emblem Sword dude" is its own archetype? Even the most similar non-clones Roy and Marth have radically different playstyles.

Because of him I would have not cared if these fucking assholes made it impossible to talk about Smash. No, I'm not a Banjofag, shut the fuck up. I'm a neutral party who's pissed off that this guy did the same thing that what's his nuts did to the FF15 and KH threads.

hadn't made it impossible*

seething banjoke

Learn to read you insufferable fuck.

>I would have not cared if these fucking assholes made it impossible to talk about Smash. No, I'm not a Banjofag, shut the fuck up. I'm a neutral party who's pissed off that this guy did the same thing that what's his nuts did to the FF15 and KH threads.

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You're only proving my point.

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>You're only proving my point

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Banjo and Steve are two of my top picks because they come from good games and no amount of shitposting will change that

Where do these wojacks even come from?

>implying steve posting wouldn't get worse if he got in

I'm not a "stevefag" really but he does kinda make sense. He could have lots of varying moves and weapons from his game, and they could get really creative with it.
meanwhile Minecraft is possibly the most influential game of all time, at the very least of the last decade. It's popular all over the globe and everyone knows about it.
Imagine how many kids would want to play the Minecraft guy in smash bros. How many of them will beg their mom to buy the DLC with creepers in it.

Look at Plantposting.
Now look at Incineposting.
They all got there 5 minutes of fame and then fell of the map Stevefaggoty will be the same. The "Ironic Rosterfags" well move on to another character and drop them when they get revealed after two weeks of shitposting simple as that.

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Minecraft shouldn't be in Smash. "But muh reps and popularity dude!! Everything over a million copies ever made should be in!" is a fucking stupid meme, and Nintendo is especially stupid for adding so many non-Nintendo characters now.

because BROWN BRICKS and also minecraft itself is a boring game that has long since lost popularity.

Attached: brown bricks.jpg (1080x1080, 129K)

Next time make your bait less obvious

It's less about hating Steve and more about why the fuck does Minecraft need a character representation, when people think about Minecraft they think about the crafting

He's been around for ten years without having any personality, he'd feel like a waste.

Mario doesn't have any personality either and he's the main character. Joker doesn't have any either and he's a dlc character

He's not really a character and has zero personality.

I'd be fine with a Minecraft stage, but I would much prefer seeing Master Chief or Banjo as characters.

He's not really a character at all. It's just the default skin for minecraft.

I don't mean 'they're the main character and have the traditional hero personality', I mean Steve has none at all. No dialogue, no options to pick from in the game, and no canonical feats since Minecraft isn't a game that needs that. Even if it wasn't 'canon' Mario had the cartoon a few years into his lifespan to give people some reference for how he acted, Steve's never gotten anything like that besides memes.

Incredibly boring and ugly character, and this is coming from someone with a bajillion hours in Minecraft.

cringe and incredibly bluepilled

Minecraft would work fine as literally anything but a fighter

The abyss.

Fuck off.

I honestly don't care who gets in, I just care that they're fun to play since my two most wanted are all but deconfirmed.

I'm kind numb to Steve and Banjoposting and just wanna see who the next memed characters are.

I imagine his moveset would be very boring. Same for Banjo and Geno. I'm just a guy that knew he had to get the Smash DLC because it's fucking Smash, and I'm just along for the ride. I honestly don't remember Sm4sh threads being so cancer in general or people rosterfagging so much, much less during Japan Time. People seemed to be much happier with what they got.


Expand your vocabulary


his movement and animations would be stilted in way that wouldn’t justify a 5 dollar price tag in my mind. if steve was in base i wouldn’t mind but i’m not coughing up 5 fucking dollars for a character that doesn’t even look good in his own game, let alone in smash. and considering slots are very real for DLC he would be taking up a spot i’d rather give to anyone else. i do believe minecraft content should be in smash but i think it’s much better suited for stages, items and assists.

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I'm not a rosterfag and don't care much for smash but steve wouldn't work
the smash steve you autistic smashfags keep posting looks like it's meant to be a joke, like it's ironically making fun of it instead, it's the type of thing that if you look at and think it looks ok then you genuinely are just below the possibility of discussion
I like minecraft too, it's a genuinely good game even if it's own developers don't know jack shit about it, but I don't feel there's much reason for steve to be in smash
banjo would make sense if it weren't for it being dead, at least that would work in the art style and it has a reason, but banjo has been dead for about 2 decades now, it's good to let him rest, since he will never come back in any meaningful way

tl;dr you're both retarded and neither should be in smash

Good enough.
You need to expand yours now.

I can't think of anything interesting he'd bring to the table beyond a randomized stage with destructible terrain
>doesn't animate well
>barely any music to speak of
>no good choices for spirits outside of maybe a Creeper
there are far better Microsoft characters to bring in

Attached: cheef.jpg (500x500, 47K)

>Microsoft character
stop it

what's wrong, user?

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holy fucking based

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You need to have sex now.

Both sides are equally retarded. I wish these threads would finally die

C'mon, you can do it.

Perform coitus

Atta boy.

steve isn't a microsoft charcter

This is such a stupid argument
>he has no character so he can't be in!
>what is piranha plant
>what is villager
>what is POKEMON

He would animate like shit considering he can only do like 2 motions

There would be less hate for Steve if his fanbase was more based around an actual appreciation for the character and not just used to shit post. Its not unfair to say that Minecraft is an iconic game for an entire generation and that in someways a spot in the smash roster wouldnt be valid. But not many people really spoke about steve in minecraft until Vergeben posted it and the reality is that while I wouldnt be surprised if there were valid fans hoping for the character, most people just wanna post the terrifying Steve model and try and stir shit up. Banjo is pretty much the exact opposite of Steve in most ways which is why they get paired against eachother ((that and owned by the same company mumbo jumbo)). Banjo has classic games, and a fun design thats easy to put into smash, but he also hasn't had much screen time since Nuts and Bolts. Steve is newer, pretty much has everyone loving his series and has plenty of movepool potential, but the avatar itself is boring and almost non existent in the game if you get a custom skin. Plus his jointy stiff movement is a touch troublesome to make work considering he cant bend his joints at all. Really if it doesnt come down to personal preference, he is just hated for sheer amounts of shit posting.


>proving the point
if you consider Joker as a basis for what the rest of the DLC will be like Steve would seem like a massive ripoff with animations like that

Yet people would still buy him

A couple of reasons:
>Not a fan of Minecraft (not my type of game)
>Has no personality (minus custom skins I guess)
>More of a tie-in pick than a legacy character pick.
(So more of a Corrin/Bayonetta than a Pac-Man/Mega Man)
>Honestly, just a really bland name for a character. The fact that you normally have to say "Steve from Minecraft" so people understand who you're talking about shows that he doesn't stand on his own as a character.

Also it doesn't help that I've been wanting Banjo in this game longer than Steve has existed.

>if you consider Joker as a basis for what the rest of the DLC will be like
But I never said that user. What the hell are you talking about?