For what games have you gotten 100% achievements?
For what games have you gotten 100% achievements?
Final Fantasy 7, 8, 9, X and X-2
Literally did every single thing possible in those games, also used guides to make sure I didn't miss anything
17 platinum. But I stopped achievement hunting after switching from Piss4 to PC cuz steam achievements don't have a platinum equivalent so it seems boring now.
there's an achievement showcase option on steam and it displayed how many games you got all achievements for.
hmm, you've peaked my interest.
every dark souls, nier automata, dragon quest 11, sekiro,nioh and final fantasy 8
but you have to buy/trade cards to make badges to level up your account to gain access to those showcase things
the more things you want to showcase the higher level you have to be..i think every 10 levels or maybe its 5
so its still pointless
ive given up on platting games years ago
only Spec Ops the Line and The Messenger since they were both super easy
you can still gawk at the % achievement rates for each achievement
Dragon's Dogma and Nioh on both PC and Console, and bloodborne. Plat wasn't that hard to get for any of them, maybe a little time consuming due to grinds but hell Nioh still only took a little under 70 hours even with all the dicking around I did/waiting for clan battle glory.
Old lego batman and dark souls on 360
Don't judge me pls
post em'
>Look at global achievement stats for a game
>90% of players even finish the tutorial levels
>less than 50% of players even complete the game on any difficulty
It amazes me the amount of people who play a game and then never get any of the actual content of the game done, people that play for maybe an hour and then never play again.
Fallout New Vegas has to be the worst one I've looked at, it's absolutely pathetic. Only 10.8% of players completed Yes Man's ending. Only 7.3% did the NCR ending. Only 4.8% did Mr. House's ending. Only 3.9% did the Legion ending.
It's insane, these are the only four endings of the game, and just over 10% even bothered to do one of the endings.
>caring about achievements/trophies
>being underage
Only Bloodborne, since it was pretty easy and didn't require much repetition. I can't be bothered for most games that have annoying achievements.
I regret nothing.
Spider man ps4 only cuz they hand it to you.
Best part is, due to the 3.9% Legion ending, you know at least 3% of all of those are players getting all endings. Rarely does anybody do Legion on their first run.
Piqued, not peaked. Common mistake.
it's a doggy dog world
Why does that amaze you?
Estival Versus
I even aimed to 100% it on Valentine's Day, but I missed that window by 20 minutes
Batman: Arkham Asylum, Assassins Creed 2, and Sekiro.
I think thats it.
Terraria, West of Loathing, Bloodborne
The Witness, all both of its achievements
Better a Jblowfag than an achievementfag
is dead ahead on hard mode the biggest pleb filter?
same here buddy
name something more pathetic than caring about achievements. protip: you can't
>pleb filter
I mean yeah, if we're talking about the people who actually like hard mode. I liked 1 a lot better in general
33 plats (PS3, Vita and only one PS4 game on my list, Bloodborne). Stopped keeping track on completed X360 games and I don't really care about Steam achievements.
>Look at global achievement stats for a game
>most common achievement is the one for killing one of the devs in MP
Spelunky. A lot of shit on xbox 360. Nothing impressive