I attened an ERP event for the first time in FFXIV and not a single person wanted to talk to me. This is a new low.
I attened an ERP event for the first time in FFXIV and not a single person wanted to talk to me. This is a new low
There there.
damn son that's pretty sad
Have you tried making a nice character but also talking to them first instead of being a virtual wallflower?
Someone post the Hugo Boss Reich glamour witht he new mogstation hat pls
At this point everything is called generic. Pick what you like, your bun looks good.
I introduced myself to several people but was just straight up ignored. I went in there not expecting anything and its dumb bullshit but y'know I'm actually kinda upset. I was invited by a friend I met and even they ignored me. What the fuck.
look on the bright side, you can still get out before you start fapping to fat dudes larping as catpeople
>play a male elezen
>just standing around Limsa waiting for queues to pop
>cat bois being played by fujos and fags keep coming up and asking if I'm interested in "role play"
>Geuno is spamming invites again
See you say that, but if even fat dudes larping as catgirls ignored me, I mean where do I even go from there?
Damn and I thought I felt like a loser. Thanks OP.
That sucks, I'm sorry to hear that user.
>There are people who deny the truth that is delicious chocolate
RDM pill me on Enchanted Reprise
If you need to be in limsa, stay in the upper decks.
>oops 100 mana
>all these fags declaring X class has more dps than Y class based on theory crafts
How easily people forget.
Scathe equivalent, you won't use it too much but you'll love it when time comes to use it
Your rabbit looks like shit and replying to yourself makes you look like a fag
It's literally useless, the only time you will ever use it is when you fuck up and somehow end up with >50 black and white mana right before Manafication is up and even then you might not.
For real the more I'm thinking about it the more legitimately upset I am. Am I that unpersonable?
None of the current tooltips are obvious typos though
Well you could try making an attractive character for starters
someone rank the races in most to least gay i haven't played in years but don't want to look gay
I miss when we were discussing leaks, skills, and even theory crafting. These threads are starting to reach /vg/ levels of quality
cut your losses in finding gaming love and find a fat chick irl or something
the point is instead of going way further down youre at a good point to back out and go up
What's going to be the most braindead dps in ShB? I assume it will still be RDM
There's no summoning bell, and waiting in the mist feels to far to go back to mael hq to turn shit in for seals
If they gave us a GC npc for housing I'd never leave my house
Do you have to be a shota catboi to get erp attention? I don’t wanna play a shota or a bara roe. I wanna be an Aura or Elzen.
So who's got the updated jp build tooltips? I already saw one faggot post something for GBK
Nobody likes scathe though
I'm going to be a lalafell dancer and triggering as many people as possible with the DNC AF and no one can stop me.
MNK devolved back to ARR age
women like au ra and elezen
Roes > miqote > aura > midlander > elezen > lalafell > highlander
based XD
Do you even know what shota means you stupid faggot?
>has like 7 FCs filled to the max
>Still only has 5-6 people in a cliche in each and the rest of the hundreds of people get ignored
The only thing those faggots from G' ever did right was run Snow off the server.
I personally don't RP with anyone that doesn't have a profile of some kind I can gloss over. People straight up ignoring you is rude though, they should at the very least tell you they aren't interested.
highlanders are incredibly gay, almost every one i inspect has " + " in their search info
Monk until they fix it by adding an instant stack generation to anatman and lowering PB's cooldown by 30+ seconds.
Imagine being this delusional.
How to attract the honeys? Do I need to fluff my neck? Do a dragon inspired mating dance?
Truth be told I don't even care about the love part, just wanted to see if it was any good for a fap, I just wanted friends to play the game with. I'm geuinely kinda reeling in shock right now.
>i don't do content more difficult than normal primals, and even then i stand in the orange
go back to /vg/
Yea Forums threads are good without your ilk
Even worse. At least we had internal release, howling fist, and steel peak back then.
What does that even mean?
Air Anchor still does for example.
If you want to call out on my shitpost, at least put some effort into it faggot.
anyway since someone was asking or complaining about it or some shit in a thread earlier today
dk + leaden fist bootshine = 656 potency
2 bootshines = 641 potency
both rounded to the nearest whole number, and assuming base crit rate and that dk will never crit (it works out to about 15 extra potency if you assume base crit rate + multiplier, but it's already ahead by a good bit so who cares)
so yeah dk is still worth using even without the blunt down debuff
Get wrecked, scrub, I use it when I'm forced to move or there's some hair of damage I have to inflict.
make me you little bitch
>TK rotation
Where should I make a profile?
How so?
t. "I really want to play monk but it's too hard for me"
You dont play MNK.
That's what ERP is for? You either had an extremely ugly character or you were too autistic.
When's the next info dump?
>erp in video games
>no luck
>erp on Yea Forums
>get anons to help fap instantly
Don't associate my shit with the cancer that is /xivg/.
I meant potency typos.
I don't get the hate towards TK and why the dev team tries their hardest to make it useless. Was the TK rotation just a fluke? It was nice having a more complex rotation option while you can still get through content with the regular rotation. Getting that as your 70 ability in HW was incredibly underwhelming so it was nice to get some use out of it later in SB.
>"typos" on made-up numbers from dev builds
>Yea Forums going up in fucking flames every April Fool's or other sitewide event
>literally the only board that has widespread trap/gay ERP problems
>even /lgbt/ becomes less homosexual than Yea Forums during events
use the bell in the inn or get some of those tickets that tp you directly to maelstrom command.
Shit I was in Ice for a while in 3.0. I tried to get a minimum ilvl group going but snow got involved and took over. Had these retarded faux tryouts where he only picked people he liked. Rejected a WAR with a Gordias clear, so I just ducked out.
also someone was complaining about ir being gone not giving them enough mantra stacks compared to the new 70% trait but that's so fucking stupid i didn't bother i actually did bother and the new one is better by a lot, obviously
TK rotation was intentional but you know how this playerbase feels about complexity and Yoshida doesn't want anyone to be 'stressed'.
>trannie jannies doing their job
>ERP in game
>know that tgeres at least a 5% chance it was with a girl
>ERP on Yea Forums
>you're now gay
they would if it were 300 potency
RPC, Carrd, or F-list if you're looking for something more ERP focused rather than regular RP. You don't have to make it super fancy, but a short summary with pictures of your character/an inline image and avatar as well as various other information like your interests and writing capabilities goes a long way.
Just put a link to it in your search comment or a /c/ for f-list, it's subtle and anyone that uses it will know what it means.
For what purpose?
0-4 break EB
5-9 take a nap
You literally managed to avoid trannies and suicide, what are you complaining about? Have you SEEN what FF XIV's ERP has done to people?
>a 300 potency ""scathe equivaent'"
this meme needs to die. Scathe wishes it had this much damage.
I can't decide between making an Elezen or a Roe female as an alt.
I probably prefer Elezen but I've seen so many horrendous looking Roes that I'm tempted to try my hand at it.
what does the /c/ mean?
It's like 30% of it being a girl on XIV. Even if it's a landwhale. The last time I ERP'd on balmung I got a girl(girl) that wanted to webcam for me.
TKlets are even more annoying than machinist apologists. I know how to do the rotation, it just sucks ass and I won't miss it.
if you're going to miss gcds for any reason whatsoever, use it. this is what's going to separate the really good monks from the rest in shad
i've seen way too many naked lala boys using /playdead to stick their asses into the air.
Slow down, take it easy, smell the roses.
Which UCoB weapon looks the best?
>I won't miss it.
This. I'm looking forward to what yoshi added in its place.
oh wait.
I just wanna find a friend who'll give me ironic brojobs when we're waiting on queues. It's not gay as long as they're playing the girl, scientifically broven.
But how do you explain it when you also play a girl character?
/fit/ is still the gayest with their love of buttplug squats.
Well, the faggot is still up to his old shit but on Gilgamesh this time. He's still just making the FC Diamond Dust be his epeen strokes and still trying to get his FC house to be premiered on FFXIV Cribs. My red flag while in was basically him spamming FC chat about how everyone had to be at the FC manor for the showing.
There he goes, posting his fflogs.
It's objectively pointless because we have RoE and Anatman to manage GL. Ideally it will be reworked in 5.1.
Oh, so it's the new TK. Cool. TK is useless again.
why is the dps for midgardsormr so much lower than the other fights? i'm not a raider so just curious
yoooo this thread fucking sucks my man
I get the feeling the TK rotation was intentional, but Yoshida wasn't responsible for it. Most likely, Yoshida handed the "fixing" of monk off to someone who knows more about how the job works and they came up with the TK tweaks, but now that Yoshida is in charge of the monk buff when he clearly doesn't know how the job functions or even what ANYONE wants from it (as shown from him simultaneously failing to meet absolutely any Monk player's wants for the job adequately) and as a result we had too many cooks in the kitchen. There was also the "issue" of monk having a bigger disparity between bad players and good players than other jobs, and you know how much Yoshida hates jobs having a high skill ceiling.
It's basically just HW era TK but better.
i'm in but only for FC buffs
what's wrong with it
What is up with nins in pvp? Why are they so damn unkillable and they have a fucking stun for some reason while no other dps has one.
>damage control intensifies
Most women are inherently bisexual/open to experimentation dude, this isn't any relevating news. In the case on XIV, they usually don't care and just pretend you're a guy anyways. That's pretty much what futa is but looks nicer to look at instead of the ugly male characters in xiv.
TK is still better be ause you arent delaying your GCDs . TK is now a DPS loss, but SSS is even more of one
It's part of a link for F-list profiles. You'd type in /c/Character Name at the end of the website to find the profile.
friendly reminder that enchanted reprise is essentially a dualcast verthunder when you don't have dualcast up.
what the fuck does the + even mean
he spends a lot more time up in the sky doing divebombs and other miscellaneous horseshit. your uptime is much lower.
downtime before and after adds
Only the axe look good
>I self insert as a woman with a dick
It's a really aids fight on savage with a shitty add phase
for when the boss jumps away or when you do a mechanic
Constant downtime because the fucker flies off for a long time in the middle of the fight and there's a bunch of shitty "run away from the boss" mechanics.
>I can either use this skill and be useless for 5sec or use this other skill and lose all my GL stacks
Are we just assuming that the Ultimate Fights are gonna have to be cleared with 5.0 job reworks after 5.0 drops or what? How will the fights even still be balanced to all the job changes even if they stay synced?
And you lose 20 total mana for it
Just slidecast like a normal person
You're a bootlicker.
so you have to stare at the animation they worked so hard on making for it.
>Self inserting meme
look at this dude
So what the fuck is TK for now?
Says the guy who is literally doing damage control for a billion dollar corporation's fuckup FOR FREE.
it's 10 mana you retard. And sometimes you don't have time to get a cast off for dualcast whether you slidecast or not.
For using as a DPS gain 3 minutes into the fight and every 3 minutes after that.
He mentioned in chat once about he was trying to become the biggest FC in the game. Cesspool FC.
>lower PB cd to 60s
>lol jk
Basically as I said, the FC leader if it is the same guy I'm thinking of, is the kind of faggot that is trying to be an e-celeb. Back in 2.0, he demanded to be apart of every single static in the FC and had alts for each one. He wasn't a very good player so a lot of groups got stuck with an eh dude trying to get a spotlight. He was also a huge sperg so that didn't help matters.
10 + 10 = 20 you retard
Nice job copying someone else's post but nobody who actually plays monk would be excited for the job being dumbed down to the most braindead DPS in the history of the entire game AND being made 100% useless in raid even more than in Heavensward.
It's not just PB, this was my entire reaction to the job after doing the math on SSS. Losing IR, HF, and SP is just salt on the wound
Your character probably looks generic as fuck.
>He wasn't a very good player
Dude clicked his skills.
Yes, it seems likely. I mean even if synch old content you still have shit like Direct Hit that didnt existed before. Ultimate is bound to be easier with tanks having strength gear again and 20% mitigation always.
>offer any kind of criticism
>"you don't play X" or "you've never played X in Y scenario"
This cop out response is getting as tired and played out as you people claim that the devs are.
You don't just add them both together and say "hurr see it's 20."
That's exactly what you do.
generic is not an argument nor is it a criticism. Generic is very often better looking than ""unique"" because retards like to make ugly as fuck characters in a desperate attempt to be different. see poopnoses.
what the fuck did monk do to deserve this kind of job destruction? We finally get a way to be half way relevant in the later half of 4.x then yoshi comes along and stomps our shit into the ground worse than we've ever been.
this dumb shit has been going on for like three days now, just let it go at this point
the skill is good and anyone who doesn't realize it is a dummy
Saying that the job's rotation is something "only weenies care about" when literally everyone who plays the job is sad to see it go since it's being replaced with literal nothing is not criticism, it's being a fucking retard.
>unironically saying bootlicker
You have to go back.
I'm pretty sure the one trying to act like an orange parser doesn't know his class and is now trying to pivot away after being shown to be a fool is the one on damage control.
oh well I don't really know any people in gil to get into a better FC
Yoshida doesn't understand monk as a job at all and has no idea what to do with it, but still insists on meddling with its design even though it's obvious that his staff are better at that than he is and that he should just let them handle it.
They're going to rebalance them and will be disabled until they do. Slight relearning but overall shouldn't be anything new
B-b-but GL 4!
Why does v like dark bunnies if they hate BLK ppl so much
How did ever run him off?
>Have some minor nerve problems in my left hand
>If anything is too far on the right side of the hotbar (past 6 or so) I have to click, leave mouse around there naturally as a result
I have oranges and two gold parses actually, but that's not relevant because literally anyone who played the job seriously would not be happy to see the rotation gutted and replaced with
have you considered not being such a weenie, user?
There's a good balance to it. Nine times out of ten heterochromia and facepaint looks like shit in this game. Being a fucking regular-skinned cat, lizard or hyur isn't going to stand out at all.
most people using standard hotbars leave anything important to the left side of their hotbars man.
So this is the legendary Red Mage IQ.
So your post was just horseshit and you're just being a contrarian retard, got it.
FFXIV rpers are mostly pretty shitty. You have a few exceptions but they aren't worth your time, believe me.
>MNK finally gets GL4
>their whining is on par with SCHs
And despite their whining, MNK is now the fastest job in the game, while SCH has the strongest, most broken healing toolkit in the game.
What am I supposed to do after using SSS, unload all my ogcds during the century long gcd?
When actually scathe gets buffed to do almost as much damage as a fire 4, then you can compare reprise to scathe. Until then, fuck off
reminder that you are the cancer that everyone avoids in mmos, 99% of you are ugly fatass men or baby dicked twinks who will kill themselves before 30
you will never be women and will never make genuine friends who like you for anything more than you being a pushover faggot who would probably buy them things from the ingame store out of desperation for attention and affection
What Shad renditions of FF3 themes do you want to hear?
viera have always been tan-skinned since their inception in 2003
I want to make a chad ffxiv character that will get noticed by all the cute girls(males). What is the key to making cool, totally-not-gay characters?
>crying on a szechuan hugbox because a rotation based off a glitched ability that requires sub-100 ping got removed
so that's a no?
>monk finally gets GL4
>it lowers your damage output slightly so it's just a glorified double-edged haste buf
>it's also tied to fists so you're still awkwardly stance dancing
>RoF also still slows you down even though there's literally no reason for it to
>Monk also lost half its kit and had them replaced with useless and/or redundant skills or inferior versions of removed skills
If Black mages got fire 5 and it was a 50 potency move with a 10 second cast time and they lost literally all of their other skills besides Blizzard 1 and Transpose in exchange, they would complain and they would be right to, and you stupid contrarian retards would still be whining about them doing so
>Phoenix regen literally heals for 300s
what is the actual point...
MNK isnt whining because GL4 you dumbass, we lost more than we gained. I literally dont care about being DNC ideal partner anymore considering how soulless the job is now
Yeah, I was starstruck at first too. Then I read tooltips and saw what was removed.
Gratz to Alphinaud for finally realizing his dream and becoming WoL healslut.
Make an Elezen, for starters. Elezens are the chads of the setting. Literally everyone loves either Aymeric, Haurchefant, or Estinien.
rent free
Here's a cat I made once, what think?
I've always been tempted to go cat on my main but I've never pulled the trigger on that.
you use it when you're going to be away from the boss for any length of time, where you would not be using gcds anyway
you do not use it as part of a regular rotation
it is a situational skill, for use in a relatively common situation
how do you not understand this concept yet
Just go play SF5 if you want to throw around broken punches and kicks.
>crying on a korean rotoscoping bathroom stall because someone else complained about an expansion doing the opposite of expanding
So you're just a retarded tranny?
Your cat looks extremely similar to my, OP, cat.
if you want to attract girls(males) your only options are femcats, femaura and viera. only girls(female) care about male characters.
Here's your you. Now maybe consider not being the same as the retarded trannies you think are everywhere and stop letting them live in your head rent free.
We're already confirmed to be getting a version of that remixed with eScape. It's in the job action trailer.
>only pld are happy
what a blunder
I forget the EXACT shit that went down, it was so long ago and I've only seen old imgur posts on it back as it was happening. From what I remember G' went out of their way to spread rumors and lies about Snow and that faggot FC leader and tried to snipe as many members from Snow as they could. Eventually the Snow FC lead got extremely booty blasted and started to sperg out in /tells. I think Snow FC lead was also banned from a lot of public runs, too. It ended with the Snow FC Leader kicking everyone out of his FC and moving servers.
>DNC ideal partner
Well since monk now has the lowest raid DPS in the game, it's not DNC's ideal partner.
Is every dungeon final boss gonna have an OoT intro? That is going to be hype as fuck in the main scenario dungeons.
TKtards don't understand that certain skills are meant to be situational, not spammed on cooldown.
>yoshi trying to imply there's some hidden monk rotation waiting for us to discover
Motherfucker, you didn't leave enough in the kit for there to be any kind of depth. There's no hidden anything. It's fucked.
All cats look the same
Don't go overboard with shit like heterochromia eyes or hair highlights, sometimes simpler is better
Dont dress like a slut, this will just attract male Roes and cats.
Don't all final dungeon bosses have intros already?
It's just flavor. The alternative would be for it to either resurrect someone who is dead or give the summoner some kind of instant cast buff on their resurrection. But that would be stepping into RDM's niche.
I'm fine with the SAM changes solely because there are so little. Everything else sucks nigger dick.
they dont live in my head they live in faggot mmos like xiv
Yes and I can't wait. I wish they'd add that to past bosses too.
I just wanted to link that version and added a question make the post more interesting.
All of you people complaining are still going to be playing first thing on early access morning.
>how do you not understand this concept yet
I understand the concept. It's TK's concept. But TK is already in the game.
>well you'll be using TK once every 3min
Cool. I guess.
>Castrum Abania
>trying to finish up leveling AST
>tank just ignores adds and lets them come kill me twice
As a tank main this infuriates me even more, the adds were on me for like 20 seconds and he made absolutely no effort to peel then off. At least I'm almost down, fuck this and fuck Mhiggers
sam was fundamentally changed though, unless you're one of those people that never hits hagakure and uses aoe combos in single target to get sen faster
Oh and BLM changes for the same reason.
>Have a board for general threads
>Still come here and basically make a general anyway.
XIV players really are the worst.
Don't let it get you down, user. First of all, ERP's not all that great to begin with. I've messed around with it on a whim since I figured cooperative jacking off might be enjoyable but people almost always take it way too seriously and take it as actual sex rather than "Hey let's beat off together via text". Second, ERP's usually an incestuous little clique thing anyway so it's not at all unusual that nobody scooped you up right off the bat. It also requires a degree of being forward. Much like in real life nobody's going to fuck you/let you fuck them if you're blending into the background and they don't even notice you.
Overall you didn't really miss out on anything that great in the first place, and if you're still interested then just keep at it and you'll eventually rope someone into whatever it is you're looking for. Just remember you're doing it for fun and don't let it fuck you up, since it unsurprisingly ends up fucking up a lot of people.
Like TK is now?
DNC cares about speed for its gauge, so MNK is ideal. But yes, because brotherhood is paltry compared to TA, eye, and litany, DRG+NIN are still meta in SHB
>faggot obsessed tranny lover still trying to perpetrate this meme
Yeah but this time they included their name and a badass title.
So now monk has two situational skills meant to be used when the boss is away or if you have to move away, SSS and TK. Nice. Exactly what monk needed.
thanks urza
Most girl(females) like male aura or the other female races. Never seen any of them bother with any of the other manlet races.
How are you at reaching left? I switch from WASD to ESDF and rebound GTRWQA for abilities on top of using 1-6, plus a shift modifier for everything. Could also consider using a controller, it's not really all that bad
Sorry that this thread killed one of the many smash and death stranding threads. Thoughts and prayers for it
Holy fuck kino
It also has two skills designed for maintaining stacks during downtime, which are both also redundant for each other. Meanwhile it has only one way to generate stacks and only every 2 minutes
Oh, that's pretty neat, I always liked boss titles.
Your character probably looks shit.
Oh shit this is new new to me
Looks fucking dope, bossfights are the apex of this game
DNC is going to care more about buffing a bigger DPS than getting an extra 800 potency from its gauge over the course of an entire fight.
WAR here. Happy as a pig in shit.
The functionality is still the same, it's just more accessible.
You're supposed to bring a date you dingus.
I am glad I don't have to sacrifice seals for energy, it didn't feel right that that was a DPS increase through your OGCDs instead of your big dick finisher, that is now followed by his big brother with an even bigger number.
>loving things you hate
you don't need to project your daddy issue's onto me, tranny
just go dilate you'll feel much better
Evening Elvan or get the fuck out.
Dilate motherfucker
I was one of the people G' sniped from Snow. The harassment that some people in G' were slinging towards the Snow faggot was so fierce and often the G' FC leader had to step in and tell them to stop in fear that they could be banned.
Leviathan, actually.
I'm over 30. Guess you feel stupid now, don't you?
>ahego and haga
its whatever..
BLM, SAM and the vast majority of SMN are also happy.
Can someone correct me if I'm wrong? With WAR's new Feller Cleave, it's a big DPS loss to infuriate mid-IR right? So you'll have to plan out a bit more when you use IR if I'm understanding this correctly
so you're the fat one instead of the tranny hahahaha
With crits, which MNK is the most reliant job of.
You mean it went from being the only thing SAM had that required brain cells to being a braindead "push for damage" button.
I'd fuck your cat if it's any consolation lmao
I'm a WHM main and I'm perfectly content.
But would be better spent on a job that will do more with those crits than the lowest rDPS job in the game.
No problem buddy, hope you take it easy and have fun!
>some faggot starts a thread about fucking erp
>doesn't get immediately told to fuck off or kys
Reddit really has invaded this piece of shit board
looks like a tranny
I'm a very happy WHM with wings.
Yes. Never infuriate during IR. With the new charge system, it shouldn’t be a problem.
thanks, also what's the secret tech for your EDH deck once modern horizons releases
Nah that sentence was inclusive, they were just completely incorrect. Now go back to your WoW thread and kill yourself when you realize classic isn't actually fun.
I mean let's be real, sure, you can open a can with just a standard knife. But using a can opener is faster, more efficient, safer, and more reliable. And that's exactly what SAM is getting.
Fobidden chakra's recast is lowered to 1 second. A good crit buff would help monk throw those out like candy. Too bad yoshi took IR away from us.
Infuriate gets charges?
Honestly, as people try to keep XIV threads to just 1 and not several like the WoW threads, seems better to me to just ignore OP and talk about the game as most did in said thread.
holy batman the amount of projeciton. seek a therapist, mentally ill faggot.
I do wish the WHM wings were big and fluffy, instead of just being a clone of the wedding emote wings.
Yeah but it's more like opening a pickle jar by twisting as hard as you can vs. having your mom open it for you, rather than opening a can with a knife vs. a can opener. One is satisfying even though it requires a bit more effort and the other is lame and emasculating.
SAM here. I'm happy.
Right, but in a non-meta comp where MNK and DNC exist, it goes to MNK over any other job. The only reason it doesnt go to MNK in meta is because NIN and DRG already take the two melee spots.
>Look guys I replied to everyone in the thread, that'l show em
>wtf its april fools why is the entirety of Yea Forums ironically erping???????????????????????????????
I bet you are literally shaking right now hahaha
what are you gonna do tranny
fling your inverted dick mucus at me?
you will never be a woman
seething coipe cringe and yikes
you sure do know a lot about trannies. almost like... you're obsessed with them
me on the left, you on the right you fat virgin erping autist faggot
I wouldn't play with myself, user. That'd be weird. It's one thing to jack off with someone online, there's anonymity involved, but to sit down to play some EDH and play with myself? Hell no.
And more specifically I only play Arena since I quit MTG around when Urza got killed and it took Arena to drag me back into it, in large part 'cause I don't feel like spending the money paper Magic requires. These modern formats like EDH and cube sound pretty cool but I still haven't dipped back into paper.
I must have left before all that shit. That's some funny stuff; two cesspool FCs going at it. Hope you found a better one.
Bros.. My really drunk friend told me he gets off to my lala all the time in pretty hefty detail. He's usually a super serious guy and a huge normie. I don't think he remembers telling me. Should I bring it up? Last thread wasn't useful.
Incels, dilate. Fucking trannies.
Yes, 2. My guess is that the way to manage them will be to keep 1 in reserve for the most part, and/or use 1 when IR is nearing cooldown. If you don’t have one, you don’t need to worry about its cooldown finishing and sitting there while in IR, because the cooldown will just continue after giving you your first charge.
No one in this thread actually wants to be a woman.
Neither do I, I just play EDH against bots because I miss it but don't have a playgroup in my area.
no, but dress your lala in slut glams
Would I get more erp play as a male character?
Roe females are real easy to make look good, you just need to put in the absolute bare minimum of effort with face options. Flattering hair-color too
DRG is still meta with eye and litany
nigger plenty of people replied to you last thread, if you didn't find it useful then you clearly already know what you want to do. Go do it.
Oh neat, I didn't notice that. I was wondering what you were supposed to do when Infuriate was at 20s and IR came up.
me on the poster in the back
Don't care about any of those. Wondering why you don't just go on /vg/ instead. At the very least Death Stranding has an excuse of being a new 'game' with no general for it.
I consider myself very straight irl, but I'll happily roleplay knowing the other person is a guy as long as they play a girl. In my experience in erp, which has been like a fucking decade, guys pretending to be girls are almost always better at erp than actual girls
how do I get better at erp
I haven't done it before honestly but have done lots of dirty talk and cam stuff with people over discord, but that isn't the same as erp
>did i light up my sen before pushing the button?
come on, user. this is the hill you're going to die on?
Shadowbringers is a new game with no general
I went to Fairy Tail, got tired of some of the weeb faggots in there and made my own FC.
When it's a job completely devoid of any thought or planning beyond that one gimmick? Yes
just wear black mage artifact gear
because real girls don't want to erp with a virgin loser like you
they'll have sex with chads and ignore faggots who sit at a computer talking to other men all day instead of talking to them
>cam stuff
Tell me more.
Whatcha mean against bots? In Magic Online, or something else? I know there are some free MTG clients out there with the full card list, but I gather they're a bit of a pain in the ass to use (Clunky) and of course with no handy matchmaking you basically need to round people up to play with them anyway. Which is another thing I like about Arena, just being able to load it up and play any time at the drop of a hat.
Pretty sure most are aware and don't care about the gender behind the player for either RP or ERP shit, no matter game or location. It's called role play for a reason. If you can't keep it as a fantasy you are probably very insecure.
The one I have saved right now is quite plain. I prefer it that way though.
but 90% of people that ERP are skinny lanklet fuckboys though.
That's basic RP etiquette to begin with. Player gender should have no relevance in RP. Everyone benefits from keeping IC matters seperated from OOC bullshit.
If only more people actually respected the fourth wall, there'd be a lot less drama.
t. Balmung normie
>simpler is better
>just because I didn't make my character look like an actual fucking clown people in my FC thought I was an actual female (female) for the first few months based on my name/character
Neck yourself, tranny fag. You're just as much of a fucking autist as the Barneyfag.
t. faggot who has never had interaction with a woman pretending to be a chad
There is no hope for crit/drg meta anymore. Piercing is gone, all crit buffs were nerfed and the job most reliant on them no longer is, and old eye contributed less than a fifth of what old litany does.
there's a mod for it that makes you look slutty. he's trying to make you dress up like a slut for him. come dress up as a slut for me instead.
Watching guys jerk off user, what do you mean
So what exactly is wrong with making jobs executionally easier to perform? You should be fighting the boss, not your hotbars.
Learn the basics of writing with someone else first. Always know how to play the scene, don't be overly submissive/passive or rely on your partners to move the story along. You can still take things into your own hands or be a super slut if you know how to make moves or set up options. Be confident and always try your best also.
Hope her crafted weapons glow won't be as disappointing as Sophia's.
Oh so you only watched people on cam. Not get on cam yourself.
of all the sets why that one
Most people assume that the female characters that aren't dressed like total sluts are real females because they tend to prefer dresses or full sets of clothing.
It's mostly true but obviously not 100% like they seem to think.
The thing that surprises most people is how many real females are actually playing male characters.
delete SMN
Can't talk about FFXIV in particular but generally speaking, no. Even if you want to play a (((futa))) you'll still get more bites than as a dude. The exception is if you're a dude that wants to fuck other dudes, especially top/dom. There seem to be a lot more bottoms when it comes to ERP for whatever reason. I only ERP as a dude myself since I only get anything out of it if I'm self inserting at least a little bit. If I'm completely detached then I could just read some fucking erotic fiction, which is almost always far better written since it doesn't have both parties jacking off while writing and then I can focus entirely on reading it rather than trying to think up erotic shit to type.
quality posts, this is the kinda shit that makes me want to try RP for myself. I always hear the best way to learn is to listen a bunch before participating. is that all there is to it? just park my ass in the QS for a few hours and lurk?
Practice makes perfect. It's not a hard concept just type what you would do, but write it in terms of a story or character actions.
>girl online would dirty talk and send me nudes constantly
>knew she was real because she'd let me request videos and draw on her
>try to erp with her and she had absolutely no idea how to
I mean it's not that hard
The general is filled with off topic circlejerking avatar faggotry. If you want to talk about the game there you get flat out ignore most of the time but post your OC donut steel and everyone loses their minds.
Literally wearing full plate except the helmet and I still get hit on. Fags seem to have low standards.
undelete cleric stance
Time to git gud. You drop good RP and people will come. Literally in some cases.
How come every time you come around my London London Bridge want to go dowb?
Avoid making cats and lizards. Don't go crazy with highlights and shit. Don't go heterochromia. Pick a couple of customization options, not every single one. Pick a normal hair color.
Don't go around shirtless like a manslut with leather pants like every fucking male character player.
With Forge which apparently has multiplayer now. It's a bit clunky to use but not too bad, though they are slow to fix bugs. I do play Arena mostly but I really hate having to grind my least favorite format (Standard) just to play draft.
>except the helmet
Very nice. Now post Trayvon.
>and the job most reliant on them no longer is
But I was just saying that MNK still exists
It's boring and the bosses are already easy. We're almost 4 expansions deep, they ran out of new boss encounter ideas awhile ago.
The thing that bothers most people is that it's almost 100% certain that the changes were made so that there wasn't such a gap between shitters and good players. The problem is that no amount of changes will ever reduce that gap. It's not just that shitters don't know how to play, it's that they don't even care to try and learn or put in the slightest amount of effort.
That was just an excuse to oust one of the most obnoxious trip/avatarfags the general has. Context is important.
That can be true, but it also can help if you have someone to ease you into it. I'd be happy to add you if you wanna drop your discord
>tsukuyomi crafted weapons
6.5 prease rook forward to it.
Sophia's were a major disappointment. If I'm not mistaking Zurvan's should be next. Here's hoping they don't fuck those up.
because XIV's lazy ass devs make it so that every piece of armor you have is a lego piece that they insert onto your limbs + head instead of making gear mesh onto your gear naturally. So modding in this game are tied to usually one size of a body (unless other people make resizes/ports) and with how popular XIV modding is currently modders are trying to find other sets to fill instead of the stand lvl1 glamours, because there's a good amount of decent lewd mods to keep installed now. Sometimes its merely just a bone issue with the models too.
>mfw I discover one of my irl friends (female) plays XIV as a male au'ra with a hilariously giant modded dick
I have a glam set with a full helmet and I still get hit on in that too. I'm not even on an RP server.
you're either trolling or ridiculously misinformed if you think monk's crit reliance is comparable to bard's
Did everyone make sure to downvote Mister Happy on reddit?
I suspect there's a reason male elezen and male au ra players are notorious for being bad at the game. A good portion of them are probably female.
It's also why female lalafell are notorious for being good, because they're all neckbeards. Literally all of them.
I absolutely do not recommend the QS for learning anything. It's primarily a hub for ERP. My suggestion would be to see what player-hosted events are going on that day (there is a RP calendar for both Mateus and Balmung) and go lamp.
Shitters will always be shitter. If anything this will greatly help the midcore players since the midcore crowd at the ones that mostly play this game.
You're either making shit up or doing something else that you're not telling us
I don't have a plebbit account and I won't make one just for this fat bald faggot.
Yeah, if you're not a fan of standard I could see that being a hassle. I guess on the bright side you only really need to knock out the 250 and 100 gold dailies so the grind shouldn't be too extreme and you can get probably a couple drafts a week, roughly. You think you'll be a little bit more into Arena when rotation hits and they get "Arena modern", which is just everything that rotated out on Arena? Heard a rumor that it's going to include the sets that rotated out in closed beta too, like the Amonkhet stuff.
Is her EX fight really hard and to learn?
>PLD 50% judgement blade 800 pot with no fall off
I'm not you silly bitch
I'm standing by the market boards because I'm trying to jew people and I get emoted at
It'd be different if I was walking around the Quicksand regularly
rng for your crit rng? Yeah it certainly is in 5.0
Why are you people so obsessed with this fag?
No, it's other people you need to worry about.
The hardest part about EX Tsukuyomi was that Mr Happy made a guide video with a shit strat and some retards still insist on using that instead of the JP strat that makes 1000x more sense
i'm convinced that every single elezen, male or female, is a 30 year old woman in real life
Hey all of the guys I do RMT with are from Wanderer
Thanks but no thanks, I’d drop my ‘cord if we were literally anywhere else. I do play with some guys who do RP somewhat and actually have tagged along and tried my hand at it with them, a few times a long time ago, but I think it went poorly. Bad enough that I’m really not excited to start writing again, but I still want to at least try.
>Dualcast Foul
>Shantotto probably makes you let her step on your dick for both.
I can go close to infinite with drafting, too, the problem is that I hate War of the Spark and Ixalan drafts and I'm not a big fan of GRN drafts either, so I only really feel like drafting when I can do DOM or RNA. Once they include almost-Frontier I might be more interested, and I'd definitely be down for it if they included almost-Frontier EDH, although I think they'd have to implement a few pre-poo-in-loo cards to make that work (mainly Wastes). I'd definitely enjoy almost-Frontier since my biggest issue with current Standard is that the only existing combo decks are kind of shitty so I'm forced into playing control, which I don't dislike but I also don't really enjoy playing the "archenemy" deck of the format either. I'm pretty disappointed that Arena won't be getting Modern Horizons though, even if that was a foregone conclusion due to the nature of the format, it would still be nice to get something fun to draft.
Would you change your mind if I dropped mine?
>I'm over 30 and doing gay rp
That's really sad.
No amount of new shit will heal the wound caused by the removal of The Arrow
I have someone I regularly get on cam with together and jerk off with user. Didn't know I had to specify if I got on cam or not either. I received a 2.95" butt plug from him 2 months ago.
Thanks anons! I know some people who are into erp so I could try with them. They're nice so I could tell them I'm a beginner.
>Caring about what someone does in their free time
even sadder
thanks for the heads up. I know it’s known as erp central but I thought that was exaggeration. from the times I’ve passed through there, it didn’t seem like it was ALL erping, but what do I know. probably figured there’d be a few diamonds in the rough with that many people in one spot.
SAM will be the highest DPS in ShB
Probably not. I really do appreciate the gesture, though.
SAM's and BLM's are blood brothers, even if they don't want to admit it.
Im 25, but I like hanging out with cakes
Doubt that seeing as we don't have to pay the turret toll.
Won't matter because everyone is still going to take DNC/NIN/DRG/SMN for the rDPS
God bless Trick Attack
Shiiieet user, where do I find a cute fap partner like you?
Casual groups caring about the meta is a real pain in the ass.
As long as there's no dupes you shouldn't be worrying too hard about it in such an easy game.
In the flames of hell you filthy animal.
*Hardcore Savage, World first Ultimate groups and wannabe's trying to make up for their own lack of skill
Hurts just a little.
Definitely don't blame you on skipping the WAR drafts. I usually tend to ignore draft (Though I do make sure I do enough to get a single bronze ranked pack reward 'cause why not) but WAR seemed kinda bad for it. It's irritating enough that drafting a bomb can carry people super hard in limited as it is, but WAR feels like it's got too much bomby shit. That said I still managed to go 7-0 with a dumb white/black "Nerds that beat you up" deck without any big fancy bombs so lord knows.
Whatcha mean by wastes? Wasteland? Searching wastes itself shows that they did colorless basic lands at one point apparently (Which seems weird but I assume there was a reason), and the only other card that comes to my addled mind is Minion of the Wastes since I played the hell out of Tempest.
Oh well. I hope you end up having a good time when you do get into it
What is the JP strat?
Oh good, I was for a moment that I would have a hard time as a tank for this.
Those 3 groups are a large amount of the people you are going to be raiding with if you want to clear Savage or Ultimate. I don't like it either, but that's how it is.
There's definitely regular RP there as well, but the quality tends to be pretty poor. I'd definitely recommend lamping some community events instead.
Since shadowbringers has a rock theme it means the final boss of the nier raid is going to sound like this
Most guides will have the JP strat. As long as you don't use Mr Happy's you'll be fine.
I play male Elezen and I'm a guy.
it's funny how many people jump into erp thinking it's easy
Thanks fren.
Will do. One last thing, what the heck does lamp mean.
does the weakness debuff effect limit break damage?
actually it was a subtle nod to "i put on my robe and wizard hat" but ok
I'll miss you awareness I'll never forget that time you did absolutely nothing.
You severely underestimate the amount of groups that just want to clear with their buds.
I give my commends to other elezen
I compliment elezen if I think they're handsome or pretty
Elezen are wonderful
elezen are ugly
Lamping is just another term for lurking a RP scene without actually participating.
WAR draft has too many bombs, it's just entirely predicated on who draws and plays their walkers first with protection, or who was lucky enough to pull a God.
>Whatcha mean by wastes?
Colorless basic lands that were added in Oath of the Gatewatch. They were added because Eldrazi in OGW required specifically colorless mana to cast. it's why mana rocks say "Tap: Add " now instead of "Tap: Add ". If they didn't add that and added EDH to Arena with only KLD-> cards, you probably wouldn't have enough lands to run Hope of Ghirapur as your commander (assuming it would still be 100-card and not 60-card) without Wastes.
Oh, well yeah, if you're running with a static this shit doesn't matter at all. I assumed that was a given but I should have mentioned it.
I like to play too many other games to really be in a dedicated static so I'm stuck with the PUG life.
I commend lalas only
don't be rude to awareness, there were some guaranteed crit attacks and also you could meme with raw intuition
pfft, pleb, I get hit on with my fullface helm on.
Do you think we will end up getting nier cosmetic weapons since the raid can't include actual weapons? SCH and SMN can have Weiss and Noir. WHM can have a metal pipe. BLM can have Emil's staff. NIN can have Kaine's swords. MNK can have Emil heads on their hands.
Great taste fellow Elezen.
If you want guaranteed ERP, you just have to advertise yourself as a dom. A good chunk of ERPers are subs. It's kinda like how queue times are longer for DPS you know? I have a lot of ERP experience in MUDs so I know my way around the block.
Okay, that’s what I would’ve guessed. I assume it’s really common practice then?
How does one find a guild to raid in this game?
I've never done it before on ffxiv
Party Finder advertisements for static openings or 3rd party websites.
>TFW the H@ man and his cronies are going to die a painful death
Why do fags erp in FFXIV? Why not just use second life with all the other losers and lonely housewives who want to live out their slut fantasies?
Why didn't you save him user?
Power Slash hurts the most. What a badass animation.
forgot about raw int but nah I always saw it as a joke mitigation
cat girls, lizard girls, and soon to be bunny girls
What difference would it make?
ffxiv looks a lot nicer than the mess that is second life also.
>gauss barrel
>He didn't do the questline that allows him to survive
Its dead.
Because the plot demanded it.
>Tfw you just stand there behind him so he can't turn and let the bolt slide off his shield
I'd sooner ERP on F-list than Second Life.
>Lose thirty frontlines as flames
>finally have enough and switch
>flames win next thirty frontlines
Ohhhh, I see. So cards like Zhalfirin Void would still count, it's just that colorless basics are important in that/those set(s) since there are cards that specifically require it, rather than the usual colorless of "Anything". That's kinda cool. It would be nice if they added EDH to Arena since it sounds like a fun format, but I definitely could see it being fucky without a larger card pool simply because of the 100 card singleton decks and having a commander slot. Without having a access to a massive card pool it'd probably get really samey in a hurry.
Fortunately for you we've got Dominaria draft currently and then I think next in line is GRA, then it's back to WAR. Either that or it was WAR thenn GRA. Guess I'll check. Damn, yeah. June 7th it goes back to WAR, then you get RNA on the 21st.
whose dick i gotta suck to get scourge back
Now you're going to have to wait for New Game+ just to save him and get him as a Trust. Good going retard.
where are the cute lalas
Sometimes it's just a consequence of regular relationship RP, user. It's when you go out to the Quicksand for a quick fuck that it becomes a problem.
Yeah, it's a fairly common thing. Anyone asks you, just be honest regarding being uncomfortable about joining in.
Too bad they don't look like that in-game and have ugly man-shoulders and giant necks
i know, but who the fuck is mourning gauss barrel being dead?
Hmm, there seems to be a pattern here.
No, you're ugly
I've noticed that myself, but I've also backed off from it almost entirely after bumping in to a lot of crappy subs. Seems like dom/sub just leads to the dom doing all the fucking work so it's better to either ignore ERP entirely or wait until you hit someone where you're on equal footing and both have a good time.
I haven't played since ARR. What's the quick rundown on black mage? When I played it at level 50 cap, it was fucking boring. If I remember correctly, you basically had a single target and AoE rotation. Then you'd wait for a proc and hit your free cast or something. I could be misremembering.
Pretty sure sl has that and more
Well for starters it's cheaper in the long run and some of the shit in sl actually looks decent
Do you somehow think you are better than sl erp fags? Both are degenerate losers
literally the best dps in the game
he lives on in your heart and in one of your job crystals
What's the point of Umbral Soul when Transpose exists? Another button you need to hit when in Enochian?
You are a stationary turret. You goal is to sit in one spot and nuke the fuck out of your enemies while moving as little as you possibly can.
Sounds boring but it's actually sort of fun to try and optimize your movement for each fight. Not for everybody though.
blizzard 3, blizzard 4, thunder 3, fire 3, fire 4, fire 4, fire 4, fire 1, fire 4, fire 4, fire 4, blizzard 3, blizzard 4, thunder 3, fire 3, foul, rinse and repeat
there's your BLM rotation at lvl70
>what are stacks
Umbral Soul effectively replaces Enochian and serves to maintain umbral hearts and astral ice III during downtime
It's a straight improvement
>we're going to the first shard where light is consuming everything
>PLD is stronger than it's ever been
>DRK has went to complete shit
It makes perfect sense if you really think about it. In fact, shouldn't minfilia (who is still possessed by Hydelean) be a fucking demigod on the first shard? Why can't she just Holyaga all these sineaters away?
It's to get Umbral stacks out of combat so you don't have to slow cast Blizzard 3 at the start of a pull.
I'm asking what's the quick rundown on changes over like 6 years.
even if you don't like the class, the job story is still very good and worth doing
I don't like the 50 rotation either. That being said, if you found that boring, you would still find current BLM boring. The current rotation is a better version, but follows the same pattern of "press the same button over and over"
Here's the rotation after your opener.
>get Dun Scaith on 24 man roulette with no Awareness
Why do you do Bliz 4 before Thunder 3?
Doing Thunder 3 first gets the dot damage going and thunder 3 costs more mp, which might become and issue if you switch to fire before you get an mp regen tick
Wastes matter because you legally can't run colored basics in a colorless commander deck. I don't think KLD through WAR has enough colorless nonbasics to fill out a 40-land manabase, but maybe I"m wrong since rainbow lands count as colorless.
>DOM draft currently
Nice, maybe I'll start grinding standard again to do some drafting.
>It's when you go out to the Quicksand for a quick fuck that it becomes a problem
Yea Forums erp posting is like sex and the city. Bunch of haggard sluts talking about slutting it up. Any "relationship rp" never gets told online because there is a sort of respect between the people.
Explain the Fire I
Fucking retard. Umbral soul is a faster way of refreshing and gives you umbral stacks. It btfo's transpose
fire 4 doesn't refresh astral fire, so you use fire 1
Fire IV doesn't affect Astral Fire, you have to use Fire 1 or a Fire 3 proc to extend the Astral Fire timer.
Fire 4 doesn't maintain astral stacks.
>Any "relationship rp" never gets told online because there is a sort of respect between the people.
it's kind of like the meme that only balmung does erp. They are just the ones looking for quick fucks in the street. ERP is fucking massive in this game but it's all behind closed doors with friends
I hung out in a bar house in Mateus in the Goblet ward. It was actually really fun I've never RPed before.
I got kicked out when the bar tender came over and gave this long text full of beautiful prose to me, essentially asking what I wanted to drink.
I put
/em takes another rip of that vape. Yep, it's time for another round of Fortnite!
Oh yeah, I forgot that part of EDH, where you can only run color-appropriate cards for your commander. So if you're a colorless commander then... That's probably a pretty fucking hard 100 card singleton deck to build. I guess with some set(s) built around it it likely helps though.
I fucking wish it was me. I got the feast one done in forty matches, but frontline is just a fucking coin toss.
I don't get why you'd extend the timer with no hearts. I Guess that's why I'm not a minmaxfag.
correct me if I'm wrong, but while under the effects of enochain and umbral ice, meaning you can't use it before the pull. You can still use it during downtime of course.
Wait where the fuck am I right now? Is this Yea Forums or /tg/?
Because you get more fire 4s you fucking retard. It's not about minmaxing, it's ab0out doing more than 4k DPS on a job that should be doing 9k
Because you still have a mostly full mana bar that needs emptying.
Oh it would be terrible in Arena EDH if it ever happens, at least until they go back to New Phyrexia like the story's been teasing. However colorless decks can be a blast in traditional EDH, especially with nu-Kozilek at the helm so that you can still interact with the stack.
you still have mp? why wouldnt you
it's not even minmax fagging you shitter
dropping astral fire means you drop enochian which means you don't get foul so you lose out on a free 0 mana 650 nuke.
Is there any way for me to gear up my alt jobs to get ready for ShB since genesis is still weekly cap?
Is there any DPS job that requires brainpower?
You don't stop to get gas when your tank is 2/3 full, user.
I do, with my big brown futa cock.
HOLY FUCK this is why you see fucking 3k dps blm
Right now? Monk. Come 5.0? We'll have to see but definitely not Monk
be elezen
You can go full autism with MCH if you want.
huh atonement seems pretty good, who would have thought a 550 potency attack that you can cast three times in a row would do a lot of damage
>World of Darkness
>someone gets the purple marker during 5 headed dragon
>runs away from the group and dies because it's actually a stack mechanic with a spread out marker before there were stack/spread markers
Apparently BLM because of retards like
based and redpilled
so has yoshi been questioned about how hard he's fucking up some jobs?
Is there any use for Flare? Just leveling Black Mage so I'm unsure if it gets used in aoe rotations or if it's not worth it
It's usable out of combat, so if the current pull dies in the middle of your astral phase you can prep for the next pull with it. Unless, you know, you dropped Enochian.
>get the little dragonet tether
>drag it to the healer
WHM main here, so used to playing a baby-ass easy job that the thought of having to learn a rotation is worrying, but most DPS players are actually braindead.
What's a good job that isn't RDM to dip into for the role? Same for tanking.
try to do the triple cast flare transpose foul thunder iv bliz 4 shit
>not enough mp everytime
NIN by far
MNKfags like to pretend their job is complicated because you can stretch the rotation out to like 100 buttons per rotation, but its basically just several very simple chunks in a fairly obvious order.
NIN, however, is by far the biggest brain melee dps.
Calm down buddy, nothing wrong with some wholesome MTG talk in an ERP thread.
I do hope some New Phyrexia stuff happens. There's a huge swath of Magic history I missed while I wasn't playing and I completely missed out on that, but since I always enjoyed fucky Phyrexian stuff with all my Urza shit I'd dig seeing the new stuff. I did learn that they fucked slivers up though which is a shame, making them humanoid. But it's not a wholesale thing, and I think the new Modern set has some proper sliver-ass slivers in it, right?
Actually speaking of "New" stuff, I sorta hope they do more with sagas. Planeswalkers were the biggest hurdle for me when I started playing again but I'm pretty used to them now, but I really, REALLY fucking like sagas. No idea if they'll remain a one-off oddity for Dominaria or if they'll use them again but I hope they do since they're pretty cool.
>me press trick
>me use TCJ on CD
>durr hard
It's basically all you use on aoe pulls, spam it as much as you can
Yeah aoe rotations
Before you get the lvl 68 trait you finish your astral fire mp with it, then transpose then thunder then back to fire
Once you get the 68 trait it's your only aoe fire spell
futazens taste the best...
I was assuming raids, but yeah it works in dungeons.
Poor little racelet, Eorzea is our land.
BRD. Soon to be DNC.
Your AoE rotation is almost entirely flare. You want to use ethers, convert, swiftcast, triplecast, and so on to spam flare as many times as you can.
NIN is easy as fuck on all counts bud
>me use suiton or TCJ for trick attack
>me use specific ninki order
>me big brain
>Hearts just let you free cast
>Offer no other buff
>Exist solely to keep you in the leylines longer turreting
Well that's dumb.
Thanks for reminding me why I don't play BLM.
you dont need to "get ready" for new expansions, quests and dungeons will give you all the gear you need
just grind ghymlit dark for gear and ex primals for weapons if you're reaaally anxious about it
Nin is easy now, but it's going to be real big brain in 5.0
flare is pretty good still and it'l be better in shb
sam and war are relatively straightforward
I've seen that DNC is pretty much just chasing procs and remembering to play DDR, but why BRD?
LOL I play both, NIN is incredibly easy even if you have 100 ping. MNK is far more technical
Read a fucking tooltip, you have no idea what you're saying
use that thing that lets you dump some of your HP into MP.
The concept is still the same. It basically means you're always prepped and you should be extra ashamed if you drop Enochian now that you can maintain stacks indefinitely without having to use transpose which can be inconvenient based on timings.
>only ever talking about trick
typical MNKfags who've never played the job and don't know anything about it outside of trick attack
i am simply not surprised
I disagree, to get good dps you need to understand snapshotting, when it's the "best" time with your party and it's also a pain in the ass to play whack-a-mole. I would suggest SAM instead, really straightforward rotation aside from Hagakure optimization.
stay gone, brainlets can't play BLM
You might be actually fucking retarded in the brain I'm not kidding
that's because there literally is nothing else to talk about
the only thing you have to keep in mind is not to waste mudra when trick is coming up
that's it
everything else is used on cd and you keep up a dot and huton meter
BRD is super simple and flows together well. You also have refresh so you should know how that works as you are a healer already. But really BRD is just > pop buff > sing a song > apply dots > fish for procs. Rotate the songs when one runs out and you can't fuck up.
That's exactly what the tooltip says. I'm sorry your job is basic bitch stuff.
>finally finish the Lux version of my anima weapon after weeks of work
>realize that it looks fucking stupid
Is there anyway to back-track this thing to an earlier form?
>Someone grabs the tether for Cerberus
>They just stand next to it and never actually tether him
During the Dominaria story Karn is searching for a Mana Cylix to nuke New Phyrexia with. He joins the Gatewatch only temporarily to deal with Bolas since he was being a threat to the entire multiverse, and during that battle Tezzeret defects from Bolas' service, thanks Karn and his partners (Ob Nixilis and Dack Fayden) for helping him "break free" of Bolas and implies that he has some sinister plan of his own now that Bolas is dealt with, which is heavily implied to be related to Phyrexia. Not to mention we haven't had a proper artifact set in Standard for a while now.
>I did learn that they fucked slivers up though which is a shame, making them humanoid. But it's not a wholesale thing, and I think the new Modern set has some proper sliver-ass slivers in it, right?
Depends; they backpedaled on the retarded Predator ripoff design for Slivers, but the new Slivers in Modern Horizons are still asymmetrical in effect, so they're functionally identical to the Predator Slivers. Still, it's not a big deal to me, I hated the art more than the casualization of the mechanics, but it does remove a bit of depth and flavor from the tribe still. At least the Modern Horizons slivers are powerful.
>Actually speaking of "New" stuff, I sorta hope they do more with sagas. Planeswalkers were the biggest hurdle for me when I started playing again but I'm pretty used to them now, but I really, REALLY fucking like sagas. No idea if they'll remain a one-off oddity for Dominaria or if they'll use them again but I hope they do since they're pretty cool.
I think sagas were well-received enough that they'll bring them back, but they're probably waiting for an appropriate setting (either another Dominaria set or something like Kamigawa where they would fit flavor-wise) before they do, and likely want to see how the current round of sagas interact with their standard environments before they take a crack at them again.
hearts just reduce the mp cost
Hearts lower MP cost which means you cast more Fire IVs.
The literal only thing stopping anyone from mastering ninja is ping
The casts aren't free you nigger it just lowers the cost
None of that is difficult to grasp as BRD.
It's not, you don't get free casts in any context.
It offers another buff.
Ley Lines has 33% uptime, you are usually not in them.
You turret constantly no matter what you do.
Stop talking and you'll stop getting shit on.
brd has essentially four attacks (three in shb) it uses at level cap, which is balanced out by a shitload of procs and ogcds
you can do decent with it just by playing proc whack a mole and there's a lot of optimization you can do if you want to get better, so it has a low skill floor and a high skill ceiling
It's a free cast of fire, and what else are you going to cast besides Fire IV?
They're just mad their job is faceroll garbage.
how is this guy having trouble with the idea of "you want the maximum amount of EXPLOSION"?
hence why it is the most difficult job, as adjusting for ping is substantially harder than anything else you do in this game.
reminder to stop fuma'ing now and start practicing your raitons.
If you're leveling crafters definitely make full use of the world visit system to find the servers with the cheapest materials. Turns out my servers crafters are a bunch of turbo jews and I can usually find leveling materials for way cheaper on a different server. I'm terrified of them finding out.
Also I hit the 2000 character limit, but you didn't miss much in terms of Magic storyline while you were gone. Only the Ixalan and to a lesser extent Dominaria storylines were interesting, although the latter felt a bit too much like marketing for cards for my tastes. Every other storyline was awful Jacetice League bullshit and the War of the Spark book was absolutely fucking dreadful.
Read it again, it nullifies the MP cost imposed by Astral Fire. You still have to pay the base MP cost.
Using a VPN isn't substanially hard and both MCH and MNK get fucked harder by ping than NIN.
>Nullifies Astral Fire's MP cost increase for Fire spells
you are an absolute fucking retard
I mean, reducing the mp cost of astal spells is all it does
Nothing beats a futa Au Ra.
there's a robot in Azys Lla that sells replicas you can use for glamour.
>Only reading half a sentence
>Missing the part where it says it only nullifies the MP cost INCREASE caused by Astral Fire
I've long wondered how people are so fucking shit at BLM when it's so piss e asy to understand, but then I saw you user. You are the cancer I run into in DF that can't even out dps ice mages.
Imagine being confused by Black Mage's rotation
Imagine struggling to put on your clothes in the morning
>MCH and MNK get fucked harder by ping than NIN.
I don't know how you even function if you lack such basic fucking literacy
Which is the bulk of the spell cost, which is why they need to extend astral fire to continue facerolling.
I'll say it again: Basic bitch job.
>no balls
that mod was so whatever
what a fag
Yeah actually they do you stupid narutard
MCH and MNK both have their DPS absolutely raped by clipping or drift and NIN doesn't give a shit about either as long as they land their trick since that's the majority of their DPS. Meanwhile MCH and MNK both have to be played at the skill ceiling or they're contributing nothing to the raid
Some people here actually think playing a brd is hard. This is Yea Forums on xiv.
>sub about to end
you can't use the market board with the free week, right?
>clip a lot as MNK
>still getting purples and oranges
you can, but you need to be unsubbed for 30 days before you can use the free login so it's a moot point
I've never played Black Lives Matter, but isn't the idea of their rotation to dump as many Fire spells as possible for their damage, then swap to Blizzard spells to regen MP, while fitting in a Thunder somewhere for the DoT?
>MCH and MNK both have their DPS absolutely raped by clipping or drift and NIN doesn't give a shit about either as long as they land their trick since that's the majority of their DPS
but le raiton/fuma!
Heard a little about Kamigawa, even though I'm not really weeb-inclined myself I have to admit the bit I've read up on the set and the associated cards did make it seem pretty cool. I do like when Magic goes off on a weird tangent like that and just throws an off the wall themed set out there. And I definitely hope they bring the sagas back, wish there were more of them to play around with currently.
Yeah, the little bit I've learned about the lore and fluff with what's going on (Mainly War of the Spark and associated Bolas shenanigans) didn't excite me all that much. Enjoying the cards of course but none of it was getting me very worked up. Especially since Nicol Bolas to me was just a dork reading a book. I don't know much about the Ixalan story but I did enjoy the flavor of the Ixalan cards themselves, especially the conquistador vampires. Kinda wish I started playing Arena sooner, I was in on closed beta but I almost completely ignored it until the stupid Game Awards code for some cards which inexplicably got me started on it, then I've been playing daily for 6ish months.
>but you need to be unsubbed for 30 days
completely forgot about this detail
nvm then
Exactly, good job
you should always use fuma over raiton
>proceeds to never double weave a single time
for now, but not in ShB
yes, some retards don't understand that though
Not in ShB (at least with the currently known values) friendo
You have. You're just one of the autismotrons getting eternally btfo by semantics right now.
There are no ERP events.
NIN and SMN probably have the most complex gameplay of all DPS. NIN is fast on top of that.
>he doesnt know
is there a version with balls?
asking for a friend
remember to check your windows at night