Code Vein

Network Test is going on!
>Your character
>Weapons you're using
>Blood Veil
>Readers choice

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Other urls found in this thread:

You first

gib code please

>Sunset Halberd is great
>Ivy is objectively the best blood veil
>Io a best

Attached: Io Jiggle 05.webm (1280x720, 713K)

Does the combat feel any smoother this time around?

Pic related
Using Lost Bardiche because it's a decent enough weapon with a decent enough moveset
Using Queenslayer Thorn 2 because I've not found anything out in the depth yet.
Aset style is fun and does big damage. Wish there were some AoE skills though.
Game is fun but it's got some fucking problems.

Enemy variety isn't all that interesting at the moment, some of the animations feel slow and don't have enough impact.
Some of the animations in general look bad IE Female running animation. Movement feels floaty.
Don't know if I'm gonna get it at launch. Will probably wait to see if it has anything beyond what I've already seen.

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is this game on pc?
is there co-op?
is there pvp?
is io censored?
are there other dumbfuck questions I can ask to show that I don't really care about the game and just want to be a drive-by shitposting faggot?

Is it on PC yet?

Is there any spears or halberd weapons?

Anyone got any codes to spare?

Does it pander to waifufags or are they neutral towards the MC? If it's the latter's case then I can safely make a female MC for double the tits

Make the witch. Hurry!
Also post bodysuit butts. More games need girls in tight bodysuits. Where's my Taimanin game?

Attached: Crying Witch.png (700x438, 195K)

oh forgot
romance options?

post your waifus

We barely get to see any cast interaction or events since the only playable story is basically just the intro tutorial level.

I really like that all of the weapons have unique movesets so far.
Except the pipe


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My brother.
I wish you could remove the belt thing in Code Vein though.

Do you get anything from doing the beta?

>is this game on pc?
>is there co-op?
>is there pvp?
>is io censored?
Not yet
Can't really be floaty if there's no air combat so no.
>romance options
No romance.

Yes. A free PS4 theme. 10 percent off the full game on release and DLC skins

That's that tight shit!

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can you play the full game in the test or is it limited

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There's not much interaction in the beta but if it's anything like God Eater, which it seems like, you'll have one girl that gets pushed onto you (Io) and the rest are just regular friends.

Yes you can play the full game.
You have 3 days. Some people have already beaten it.

>Your character
Pic related pls no bully I will make a waifu in the full game
>>Weapons you're using
Lost bayonet +5 because there is no good magic weapon
>>Blood Veil
Asset or how is it called
I don't know what do you mean by that
>>Readers choice

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you can beat the full game if you're good enough

Are you seriously asking if you can play the entire game in a beta, when the actual game doesn't even have a fucking release date? Are you dumb?

It is limited. You play through the first area and up to I guess the first boss.

The combat animations look so bad/weightless from the video I've seen.

are you seriously answering that

>No romance options
went from a buy at 25% off to a buy at 50% off for me really quickly

have sex

>regular sword
>the one with the dogs

Attached: IMG_20190531_055934~2.jpg (628x895, 130K)

Who are you talking to retard

You can only romance Io, hence there are no options

Veil is your coat
Code is your style

wtf how do I get the hounds blood veil

>a male character in a code vein thread

Wow, a real unicorn.

Mia > Io, prove me wrong, you can't

>what are context clues

Mia has no milk

I made an edgy Suzuha

Really hope the full game has more clothing options because all the other customization is wasted without it

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It ruins the whole ensemble

Buy one from the anvil or kill the glowing red guy in the beginning level

Best way to level up? Beat the "final" boss and I'm only level 9. Recommended level for the Depths is 40.

Yeah it definitely needs some more clothing options. Some more faces too.

go to the depths and kill things

Still haven't proven me wrong

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The secret boss is tough. His third form is too much. When he started flying across the room and summoning ads I knew it was over

Leveling just increases HP and Stam so just go into the Depths and start going through that. Mobs there drop lots of haze anyway so leveling up is easy. And you're supposed to coop it anyway.

Beat the easy enemies and then run back to level up.

You're a fool then, user

Just like use magic to manage adds

>Stinger is the second lamest Blood Veil
>Bayonets are the worst weapons
>Has to stand still to shoot
>Dies to everything
>Can barely protect you
>Gift only make your attacks weaker
>Dresses like a prostitute
>Loves her brother more than you
>Dumb hat
>Milk truck
>Ivy is the best Veil
>Halberds are great
>Spins to win to shoot out blood from her halberd if she isn't spamming high DPS spells
>Dodges everything
>Always protecting and healing you
>Gift allows you to stand up to anything
>Knows her place is by your side
>Cool hood

>beat bladebearer again
>queen's steel x2

What are you supposed to do with these Awake items and old word materials?

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I made a cute short haired eyebrow-tan.
Wanted to make a Maya Fey but couldn't figure it out. Not that creative with character creations.

...Use Haze? Where you just holding onto Haze and not using it at all? You can level up to like 30 after like 10 mins of naturally playing in the Depths.

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>Dumb hat
listen here, you little shit

Awake items let you master a skill instantly, old world are valuables that can be given to certain people build your relationship and get rewards like one of the shopkeepers period blood that increases your max ichor.

>That boob jiggle.
I'm hesistant because PS4, but I want to believe

her hat is shit and so is your opinion

So does Io sound cute?

>is there co-op?
Might as well not be, FUCK souls co-op. For a game that's all about bonding with your partners, it's retarded that there's not constant co-op option.

So how do I cure dragon rot? Io is very sick

Shit lads

I'm already getting anxiety just imagining no more Code Vein threads with fresh screens & tits in the next few days.

The wait for release is going to be painful.

english or jap?

Just get it on PC

currently helping people to get all rewards

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There is no such thing as a dumb or shit hat except for these shitty stupid "hats" that are probably just stay attached to the head because of a hair clip or something I hate these things and I hope all of them are destroyed and removed from anime and games forever.

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how did you guy even got codes in the first place?

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She sounds dead inside, but happy to see you

>Buying Scamco PC games
Almost as bad as Kekmo games


english is nice
jap is also cute but she sounds more emotionless

by signing up for them, retarded aqua poster

go onto the bandai namco website and grab one

We actually paid attention and followed the game and didnt just hop on the trend because we saw a thread about it on Yea Forums

lmao ok hatlet

His ass

Sign up for the network test, i am downloading at the moment can't believe i actually got chosen

That only works for eu

use a vpn brainlet

>>Your character
>>Weapons you're using
Lost Zweihander and Sunset bayonet
>>Blood Veil
Ogre Claw
>>Readers choice
Invading Executioner

Attached: dirt2.jpg (1920x1080, 88K)

Wow that sounds incredibly fucking stilted. Thank god they included dual audio.

dumb aqua poster

I need a us code retard, eu get their codes instantly since it's an item at the store

Based post.

>buying PC games

>keep getting Queen Knight to low HP
>keeps spamming that stupid jumping move with the AOE bullshit

Am I doing something wrong?

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Now that the beta dust has settled, what’s the consensus?

Keep dodging to the side, that's how I won.

you can claim it in a EU PSN account you dumb nigger

Dude just roll away. The black mark doesn't do any damage and it leaves you with more than enough time to dodge and attack.
Blade Bearer's spinning fire balls seem a lot more bullshit

time your dodges better

You can block the other jumps, and the AoE one marks the path the + shape lines are going to shoot out of ahead of time, so just dodge the fuck away from the third jump then move out of the way.

i am on south america and got one

eyebrows are cute.

Game's alright. Not worth $60 imo. Backstabbing is janky as hell. Tutorial sucks ass. If the connection is bad, the game is even worse on local.

I don't have time to make an eu account dumb cunt

It's honestly shit.

Is there no hidden boss in this demo? Seems unlike bamco

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Well you have enough time to shit post on Yea Forums

then don't complain you absolute imbecile

It's pretty cool but it has a bunch of issues. Performance is pretty bad in the depths, especially during boss fights. Taking Mia with you is a fucking death sentence for your FPS. Bayonets need some work tho they're not as bad as people are saying. Boob slider needs to come back and the character creator needs some more faces and clothing options. General game feel could use some work as well. I can definitely see why they delayed it and honestly, they might need to delay it again. Definitely getting it tho.

There is. Took me 11 tries to finally beat him.
After beating the other bosses you return to the hub, where a cutscene will trigger into the memory world where you pretty much fight yourself
The code in your vein is corrupt

Are people really struggling with queens knight?
I'll admit the second teleport and his autism spin are bullshit moves but he has a lot of windup on al his other moves.

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Janky, but fun

I feel like if they delay it again after how badly they handled the last one everybody's goodwill is going to run out by the time they finish

solid 7/10
something you buy for $20 on sale and play when you have nothing better to do, then after you beat it you think "eh it was alright" then forget its existence

It's fine. It needs some serious polish on it.

His spin in particular is fucking crazy. You need to use every single I-Frame of the roll or else you'll get hit.

Pretty fun.
Adjust the hitboxes a bit, fix the netcode, and tune the numbers behind the scenes a hair and it'll be good I think.

I don't think that's an issue. This game has no normalfag appeal and everyone who'd buy it will buy it regardless if it gets delayed again or not. If this was something with a huge normalfag appeal I'd agree tho.

Anyone got a spare key for PS4?
Had to work overtime and I'll be busy mostly throughout the weekend sadly.

>Your character
>Weapons you're using
Lost broadsword
>Blood Veil
Queenslayer claw
>Readers choice

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What are the limits on the character maker? Can you make really tall or short characters? Really fat or fit?

I have a guaranteed crash when going into the dream world after the Oliver fight. On PS4. What do

If Weiss is here, you’re a dumbass thanks for the wipe

i need nude mods right fucking now RIGHT THIS FUCKING SECOND

1) Demonboii
2) Mostly just the lost sword, it's way too good. Sunset halberd for dogs and such
3) I think it's something gear, its backstab lifts enemies up and makes a ball of sawblades shoot out, it's really light too
4) Basically I just spam every melee and defensive buffs as often as I can, and roll around and mash square
5) I just won the tittymonster boss. Kind of easy?

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Is there no way to break the shield guys or stagger them? They're being super fucking assholes and can instaparry anything that isn't directly behind them.

See I would believe you except I'm level 80, killed every boss in the hub during the same run several times, and maxed all the gifts.
Ain't seen shit.

Just found out that you can combo into a drain attack if you do something like square, square, R1+X

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>He doesn't know
I'm so sorry you wasted all this time

did they not show the controls

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Finally beat the queen blade! (aka defending while companion and revenant player killed her)

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>tfw nothing to play for the weekend now

it took me a while to discover there's extra moves by holding R1

No height slider. There is an "overall" body slider that gives you fat everywhere or just skinny.

this turned out better than i was expecting honestly.
probably not going to get it full price, but i'll get it.

desu i used 2 handed weapons and the skills will just brute force through their shield desu

I love this game

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They quite literally tell you this in the tutorial. One of the first things. You can combo into drain with any attack.

I thought it was great and there wasn't anything wrong, personally. Maybe I'm just easily pleased in this area. I always wanted a anime looking Souls game and got exactly that. Can't wait for more variety in the full game.

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Enjoying playing it for free. Not sure if I'd buy. It needs polish.

One thing that REALLY bugs me is that it's unclear when you've landed the final hit on an enemy. They go back to neutral for a second and then play a death animation. In Fromsoft games it's always immediately apparent that the fight is over.

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There's only a physique slider which makes you thiccer but not by much. No height slider.

I'm waiting for the Saints Row / Soul Calibur -tier stupid shit people will come up with when the full game launches

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What is drain?

She reminds me of a lizard.

Where's the discord

God fuck I hate that I'm going to go full autist mode again because of this character creator.

>samefagging discord tranny

>Your character
My main character is the guy. Made the female one just for fun.
>Weapons you're using
Mainly Sunset halberd but I do use the heavy axe every once in a while
>Blood Veil
Rebel Thorn just because of the ranged charge attack
>Readers choice

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Here you go, user

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Are there good default characters to choose from?
Can we share characters after it launches for real?

How much your icky meter fills after a hit and/or how much ichor you get from a charged hit/backstab

How you get Ichor. Standard is holding X, combo is R1+X after another melee attack, and it also triggers after critical attacks

I beat blade bearer twice before I realized you could hold triangle to charge your heavy attack, or that R1+square gave you a different move

Would you mating press my vampire?

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How moddable will this game be?

with the force of a thousand suns

>everyone making waifus
Anyone made any ugly or joke characters?

looks like a dam alien

If I think this game's okay and I like Monster Hunter, should I get God Eater 3?

She looks like the cinnamon roll, so sure.

Yeah, GE3 is pretty good.

>Making ugly and joke characters in a srs story game
>On your first playthrough
That's dumb.

Whats your Codename, Yea Forums?

Oh god please why am I having so much trouble with blade bitch. Can I leave the map and come back or do I lose everything i've got? I've maxed out all my skills and shit but my +2 lost blade probably isn't enough to beat her.

anime souls game, any good?
hows the challenge and exploration?
replayability? ng+?


You can leave and go back

>first playthrough
It's a fucking network test/demo

Which is more alive, PC or PS4 and if the latter does it run okay on a base PS4?

Felt perfect for the theme of the game for some reason .

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Someone made a character out of mia's hats.
The accessories menu is extremely exploitable.
Shit like chuuni double eyepatchs.
You can place any item anywhere at any angle and size.

Combat is really slow

If you really wanna go tryhard you can grind out queen iron from the big enemies

So what's the network part of this test? Is there some kind of multiplayer?

I put in the request 5 hours ago, there's no way I'm getting a code

Both were pretty much DoA, the GE games don't have a big fanbase so just get it on PC.

you stole my idea

>replying to tripfags ever

Attached: 1555298366929.jpg (600x400, 57K)

It's not out yet

>Your character
>Weapons you're using
Juggernaut Sledgehammer / Zweihander
>Blood Veil
Queenslayer Thorn (not a lot of good ones yet)
>Readers choice

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Hot Coldwoman

Can't you just make a EU account and get the key from their store?

it feels like they literally just took the accessory system from Tales

>Can't be floaty if theres no air combat
You dont understand what "floaty" means in terms of game combat/feel.

>More faces
>In anime style
Thats an oxymoron if I've ever heard one.

Floatiness is not a thing for ground combat. The word you are looking for is weightless.

The demo contains the tutorial, what appears to be the first level/intro level, and an optional small, intentionally "Difficult" dungeon with several mini-bosses and a real boss.

Bosses you can fight there;
>Queen's Knight
>Argent Soldier x2 (1x spear, 1x greatsword)
>Angry fatso and Angry fatso 2 (2 fatties)
real boss
>Blade Bearer; 2 phases/2 hp bars

I'm very suprised by the quality of the game; I had expected very mediocre/"The Surge" tier, and it's much higher quality than LoTF/Surge, albeit very heavily in that God Eater aesthetic/anime vibes.

AMA if you want, i've played around in the demo for a full day or so, tinkered with most of what's available.

I want to mouthfuck this slut

Why's everyones eyes yellow?
And why the fuck am i not seeing any black sclera?

How can I know any of that besides character?
Also HOLY FUCK, them skindentation on those tiddy goddesses. one on left seems boring though.

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If something is weightless, it might also be called ______

But did you fight the secret boss

I saw some guy with 3 hats, one bright yellow, one bright pink, and one bright green all pointing off his head at different angles.


it feels awful, like Valkyria or Tales or Senran Kagura

is the combat good or shit like god eater?

anyone who uses floaty or weightless unironically is usually retarded anyway

>Beat Demo
>Turn off game instantly to go talk to Yea Forums about it
>They're talking about shit I didn't see
>Come to find out there's post-demo content
Who the fuck does this?

Would you mating press my cat?

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I have like 45-50 maybe, I have to grind up to 60 ichor every attempt since i'm playing mage, the only class I can get her to phase 2 with. I just have been grinding the mobs over and over thinking I couldn't leave and come back. I'm used to 'maps' in poe where they disappear if you use them.

are they still sending out codes? I just signed up today

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>How can I know any of that besides character?
by playing the game?

Is the combat as shitty as it looks?

>Here you go, user

Its by god eater devs so..

My first character was black sclera with yellow eyes

It's a network test, so they have to test it pretty extensively. Are you talking about the Depths? Or the secret stuff

>buying PC

yea but it's not a god eater game so did they at least try?

It's good like God Eater.

not with that face, sorry user


That's a nice ara ara

Gimme the secret stuff.

Probably not, I signed up to and not getting anything.

>accessory limits

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It's gay and hopefully PC mods will remove it

>MH but bad

I wonder what VA would suit this take-no-shit, semen demon?

>are they still sending out codes? I just signed up today


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Its alright.
Major problem is staggering.
You can reslly just stunlock everyone or stagger them a lot for free damage if you and your partner have high stagger weapons.
But fast enemies like milk bearer can really fuck your shit up if you have to fall back to heal because they're fast and relentless.
It kinda swings from you stunlocking enemies to rolling for dear life trying to get 1 moment
to heal

worst part about the character creator desu.
You should be able to do whatever you want.

She's kinda cute in an ugly sort of way so yeah I would.

It's there so consoles won't chug even harder

In case anyone was wondering the blood code unlocked after 10 successful multiplayer games doesn’t work in the network test.

Pretty much the last thing I have to check is the level cap, at 91 now but now sure I care enough to find out if it’s triple digit or not.

10/10 would call out from work again, will buy.

>One on the left seems boring, though

Attached: Pole_dancing_executioner.png (448x534, 320K)

>MH but bad
Why are you suddenly talking about World?

Which blood code?

No homo, I love you guys

>the blood code unlocked after 10 successful multiplayer games

>this is the average god eater fan
nice reading comprehension retard

Attached: 5f3.jpg (680x695, 34K)

>Your character
Might use the other character for a different build or play style.
>Weapons you're using
Lost Zweihander and Juggernaut Sledgehammer
>Blood Veil
Queenslayer Thorn III
Berserker, but I'm gonna try to level up Prometheus
>Reader's Choice
Rin, but ultimately I'm banking on Karen.

Attached: Code Vein.jpg (1920x1080, 570K)

>nice reading comprehension
Do you actually believe I misunderstood what you were trying to get at?

Look in your medals screen

It seriously, absolutely needs an "I need Ichor" command/voice line. I can't tell you how many times I spawn into a room and the host immediately runs into the boss room before I'm even loaded in. I'm not gonna fight a fucking boss with 6 attacks, you cunt.

console's face when it has to render fully accessorized waifus, another waifu, and a boss' shenanigans

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git gud

What an intelligent response


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Average tiddies and I fapped to too many abyssals to find her design cool/sexy. but if pole dancing is really in her moveset then that is a plus.

no but will pet.

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Show up ready, you can pull 66 ichor without a boss clear in less than 5 minutes and triple shot the faggot knights.

Git gud

>I was just pretending to be a retard
off yourself

It is in her moveset, there's videos somewhere.
She literally pole-dances and kills you.
It's as delightfully dumb as it sounds.

A here's me thinking veil. Zeal is pretty good

It's called a joke, autismo.

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I love pulling off counters and backstabs. Love it even more when their eyes glows.

Attached: backstab.jpg (1920x1080, 198K)

Anyone still got a code for na? Please

I lied, it’s a skill!!

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Can you parry Queen Knight?

I literally parried the other bosses to death but I can't seem to make that fucker get parried.

Acid SeaForce

instant flashbacks to this

Delete your cookies. Use incognito mode. Use a VPN. Did all that yesterday and I got an EU code although that was before the network test actually began

You can parry some of the moves, not others.
The normal lance swipes can be parried.
The massive charge with red swirly aura cannot.
The shield bash cannot.
Funsily enough, you can parry the second side-swipe from the fog following the downward plunge.

>he hasn't figured out weight limits
>he fat rolls in a game with quicksteps
>he didn't spec magic
>he doesn't know magic is the fastest nuke damage

>being this triggered

This game is way slower than Dark souls

describe the secret stuff my dudes!

now you're just baiting me
Quicksteps + Magic + Riflespear is the fastest combat since Sekiro
If you're using the unga bunga hammer you're gonna phatroll numpty.

They're memeing.
There's the 'depths', and that's that.

I went through the first dungeon and reached the hub, how much more content is there in the test?

and that's a good thing

I've played Dark Souls before this in preparation, and I assure you it isn't

Can we talk about the main theme and how it's pretty good?

If by pushed onto you you mean has no actual romantic interaction with you whatsoever but gets a bit more face time in plot scenes.

I think I gave her a fairly mid-toned voice, mostly because she was designed as another type of character originally.
I don't know how to use gestures so I can't hear the voice.

Technically there's about 3 hours left. Even more if you want to grind for all the weapons and stuff.

The boob slider never left. There was never a dedicated slider for that.

How the FUCK are you supposed to beat the guy that always holds up his shield without any cheap bullshit?

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shes so cute bros

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I like her duds/looks. Can't wait to see her when I get on, hopefully.

I just use my special attack that goes straight through his defense

Walk behind him.

He can't parry charged-up attacks, and he will stop holding the shield up if you're within range, he'll come after you, and you can either parry him or punish his swings.

What kind of dumbfuck are you?
Mook with shield is pretty basic arpg bullshit

is it even coming to PC? It isn't even listed on the website as a purchase option. Epic Store exclusive?

Only 10 male & 10 female voices? After God Eater, I expect the game to have 20 male voices & 20 female voices.

Io's design is bad, really bad.

It's coming to PC yeah.

>he will stop holding the shield if you're within range
He's not. He's always holding it up and won't attack until I do

walk behind him retard


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Roll behind him or let your partner hit him from the back


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>show up ready
yeah how do I show up ready when I get spawned in a match with 30/36 exactly? I'm confused.

>Io's design is bad, really bad

Thanks user.

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>the instant you realize you nearly followed him off
"totally meant to do that h-haha"

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The OST has been good so far.

What gifts should I be using?

luckily i got cat-like reactions haha, get it?

What the fuck, where is she at?

Can't wait to hear the Amber Colored Journey song

How can you tell whos a revenant and who's human?
Murasame the DFC shopkeep gives you some of her blood and item desc states that human blood excites a revenant and they can easily lose themselves too it.

Why is GE3 so goddamn expensive on keysites?

Senran Kagura didn't used to feel floaty or weightless.

Dunno. Isn't it Steam summer sale soon? Just wait and see if it goes on sale during that.

>tfw no tight bodysuit gf

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She's not in this demo
I don't think we've met any actual humans. Early information said they were raised like cattle for their blood

That suit is best for both genders

Yeah dude I'm still not convinced, their site doesn't list it as a game on PC, even though the Pre-Order retailers they can direct you to includes Gamestop. And Steam doesn't have it listed. Seems to me that after that last delay they may have scrapped the PC release just to at least get it out on consoles

Goddamn, Blade Bearer is some janky ass trash. Bitch moves around like it's a laggy session of Dark Souls even though I'm playing offline. Unrelated, but why does the mini-map look like some Commodore 64 shit?

idk. i kinda like how it keeps track of all the places you been walking to

Oh interesting. So the mask really is just magic and comes off to be replaced with another mask.

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she moves perfectly fine to me.
the minimap is retarded, it needs to have much fewer tracking dots and there needs to be a cap of like 250, because the entire map is covered with them.

Why is the backstab window so finicky, and when am I supposed to go for a parry? Feels like I keep doing it to early

you have a breath mask and a succ mask

Are there spats in this game

What are the polearm/halberd weapons like?
Any webms of their movesets?

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Best girl has spats

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Yakumo is best boy

cute and funny

So you can gift stuff to npcs in the test? Anyone know what npcs like what?

Don’t show up with 30/36.

Finish off a boss for a top off so you don’t have to reset.

based yakumo, savior of asses and p cool guy

Queen knight is bullshit
>can't parry
>can't backstab
>3-hit attack you can't dodge on the last hit

Is this some new meme?

Coco likes the tools and old coin. Baron is the pendant I imagine, iunno
>he doesn't know how to dodge the combo ender

the moveset on the one I used was

square = wide side to side sweeps
triangle = a drop straight down with one hand from the very end of its handle
r1 + square = a double spin
r1 + triangle = launch (this is universal on all weaps)

I don't remember what the charged triangle attack was

How new

How do you get the bartender??

I don't know, I've only seen it in the past few days.


Alright user as promised this was a huge bitch to make especially the fucking braided tail positioning that son of a bitch without making it look silly took up most of my time and I still think it doesn't look great

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I like Io and her big milkers but I want her to wear more cloths, like this.


You don't yet that's Rin's butt!

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Beyond The Stars

Played it for about 45 minutes. It's okay thus far, probably worse than all the Souls games and Nioh, but the guy in the other thread claiming it was as bad as Lords of the Fallen is out of his fucking mind.

>boost hammer in the back
I really hope we get to use that

looks pretty okay



can't believe they fucking censored mia

Attached: mia censored.png (1324x1371, 896K)


not babd

That's pretty good.
You could probably perfect it in the final game. You better write down your sliders.

Halberds are fun, though I do have problems with the sunset halberd's light attack taking so long

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>finish off a boss for a top off
how do you decide to not get brought into a player's world who hasn't killed all the bosses?

Wow that's pretty good!
don't forget the blue hair highlight at the tip of her ponytail!

How's the lost Bardiche?

Fuck you, give me the katanas for maximum chuuni

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>can barely beat bosses when im cooping
>easily beat them when im not
The minus two healing messes with my head, makes me play too passive.
Start ringing loser

Make sure you got Yakumo by your side, and just pray to RNGesus that she doesn't fuck you over in her second phase with her bullshit, random combo attacks.


How are you spawning with ichor spent?

>want to fucking play it
>but no PC version
at least I will have it upgraded by the time it releases

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It's the fucking passive for the mage, have you not gotten past the tutorial yet?

Missing the copious amounts of semen.

It's all right. Moveset is faster and more precise, but I prefer the Sunset Halberd's wide sweeps

Dodge into her when she does her combo to get out of the hit boxes

playing with other people also boosts enemy health like 2x higher.

would plow

I have 13 multiplayer clears and the mage buff, git gud

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Where do you even get it?

holy shit I need this game

Enemy drops m'dude

So is it best to just treat the Riflespear as a melee weapon?

You obviously haven't been here long enough then

Which enemies though

Attached: This+will+come+in+handy+thanks+_e2213e974a0624fd67e8de2c30c969e5.jpg (375x397, 50K)

Kill the Lost with Halberds

>how do you spawn in with less than max ichor?
yeah okay retard, glad to know this game is a piece of shit and they didn't think of the most basic scenarios to add voice lines for.

Enemies with the halberds? Not hard to piece together

didn't get into the test... any date for release?

>Start it up
>All the different shades of brown
>Can even make your anime character undead blue
Yes. YES!!

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I'm pretty sure that's not the issue.

They should've added a voice line just for you

There is literally a voice line that says “I need to rest”

Mash is cute !

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They only drop sunset halberds for me, i have 5 already.

>scalpers are selling codes on Ebay
>people are actually buying codes off Ebay

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That's hilarious.

we /revered luminary/ now

Just bait out an attack and then counterattack him

or roll behind him and backstab

Oh, are you looking for Lost Bardiche? Kill the ones in the first level. Look at what weapons they have.

Anyone make a decent looking milf-esque girl yet?
Go to the underground cave for the lost one.

I must've missed the map to the Depths, where is it?

So what kind of secret drops or unlockables are there?

There's a couple elemental weapons if you're clever enough to get them.
An axe with blood attack
and a greatsword with ice attack

Alright with cinnamon and satania out of the way I'll do 1 more anyone got any requests? It can be from a game or an anime.

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Someone just asked for MILF potential, so what about the 30 year old neet lady?

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Makoto Kusanagi.

Anyone else noticing an issue with saving and loading appearances? Sometimes saved ones just disappear.

Please make my wife Chino next

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Enemies drop their weapons
Sometimes you get regen potions
Clearing the invasion gives you pure blood and a 5,000 haze crystal
Bosses will drop an upgrade component for weapon/armor levels 4-6
Last boss will rarely drop upgrade competent for weapon/armor 7-9
Clearing 10 co-op sessions grants a skill to buff mages

One of your first classes gives you a skill to detect uncollected items so nothing is particularly secret

Makoto Kusanagi

>is this game on pc?
It will be, the game isn't out yet

So with this being a Network Test I hope that means they are going to do the full realese in a month or 2.
Because I really liked what I played and want to see how good it plays on PC.


Hei from Darker than Black.

Talk to Louis

its a bummer she got her hair cut

I think it's in September.

Is Yakumo's outfit just the GE3 MC's default outfit but not all worn and ragged?

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>One of your first classes gives you a skill to detect uncollected items so nothing is particularly secret
I used this in the starting area, and in the end there were like 3 things it detected that I was never able to find.

Right alongside Iceborne? But why?

This character creator is pretty decent at recreating edgier versions of anime characters

Will need to do some more tomorrow

Attached: Code Anime.png (1920x1080, 2.27M)

I can't fathom the minds of publishers.

>lock on
>throw a spell out
>it completely misses
>like it's thrown on to the opposite direction of her
>even if she's right in front of you or standing still you miss
Anyone else experience this bug with Blade Mommy?

There are some cliffs that you can jump onto, it’s based on proximity so I got fucked up in the room with the blood bead tree because it was picking up something from across the void that you can easily collect if you progress.

That FrakenFran is great!

>cast spell
> direct hit
> 0 damage
> happens 3 more times
“Network Testing”

I see. I was just avoiding the drop areas because the npc guy basically told me falling in was certain death. Didn't realize it was possible to jump some of that.

>Clearing the invasion
How many waves is it

Good taste

Attached: franpomf.jpg (206x200, 13K)

How do I clever?? I want ice sword

my dick wants to take that tight ass

absolutely fucking based

There are 2 or maybe 3 and they loop back onto the map safely, one is right before the ladder room before getting to the first blood bead tree. Another has a greatsword that can be bought in the shop

Maybe 6?? The last wave has one of the tall magic casting ladies like the one in front of the Queen’s Knight with the 2 dogs.

Since when do people refer to Aradia as Cinnamon Roll?

According to the date I have my copy of the image saved, since like July of 2018.


She looks like a scout NPC scouting various parts of the world on her cycle. She'd looks ready to wreak havoc out there.

I'll do major and hei since I haven't actually tried a male character gonna take a nap first
Sorry I don't wanna see my mistress Chino with tumors on her chest I like her as flat as an anvil

>that rubberbanding during co-op
>roll away from boss
>literally slingshots me towards him
>keep trying to roll away
>slingshots me to the left
>constantly getting rolled into the boss
>still manage to avoid the attacks somehow

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>Queen Blade
>take her down
>2nd HP bar
Fuck me

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>dying in the depths will sometimes randomly spawn you back at the base so you have to sit through 2 minutes of loading screens

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you're gonna want to be hitting the boss during the fight to keep your ichor up, I found the queenslayer blade to be really good at building it up quickly

That never happened to me and I've died hundreds of times at this point

Looks like she’d be part of the bad guy’s elite bad guys or something.

You forgot to rest at the Depths

Fuck it, I'm gonna grind like a nigger and straight up fucking mating press that Blade Bearer slut

Did you remember to rest at the mistle there?

Happened to me once but I'm sure it was because I went to home base, went back in and didn't rest at the rest point before dying.

Io’s bed is Aesthetic as fuck.

The final Boss had massive tiddy

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Magic melts that bitch just walk in with 66 ichor. Clearing any of the bosses fills your healing and ichor so the faggot knights are an easy top up

Gotta say the different r1 moves between types of weapons within the same family is nice. Lost heavy axe is pretty good too

Where the fuck are the oceanic players? Nothing gets picked up on distressed call

fuck that sissy magic shit, I'm gonna beat the shit out of her with the tube that you get at the start

Her aoe fucks him and the other AI up. Remember you can revive him.
Go around and kill all the other bosses for money and mats to upgrade your weapon. Also reminder that there is a second healing item that is a rare drop and heals you for more.
I'm currently set no restrictions for everything and it takes a while for pick ups.

That makes sense, but is also profoundly stupid on the Developers part.

>It's the developers fault I didn't rest at the location
The same thing happens in Dark Souls, user

Oh I was talking to the black dude since he was next to hint, thanks.

>game crashes during a cutscene after the first boss
>loading the save puts me back as the mistle before fight
>halberd I got during the first run doesn't drop again

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How do these beta things work? Is it just going to be gone/unplayable after the test period?

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Attached: You can do it.webm (1280x720, 1.29M)

Quick, which halberd is better? Sunset or Lost?

Do you need ps+ for the online coop?

Queenslayer Spear is best

And until that drops which is best between those two?

In Dark Souls 1, sure, but not in any Fromsoft game since then. From DS2 onward warping to a bonfire is consider the last one you rested at.

Sunset hits really wide, so it's good against multiple enemies. Lost is all around good, but the sword is better for that stuff honestly.

clothes are dapper

Please don't post my wife without my consent

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of course you do you idiot

Speed Wheed

started not too long ago

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Not him, but the Monster Hunter World beta didn't require it.
I would know. I've never bought PS+, but I played it with friends.

my character's name but in lowercase

No you don't. I haven't payed for sub since Old Hunters released, but played the stress test online just fine.
How else would they "stress test"

posting my girl

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it really is Chuuni Souls


Do the big Bast ladies ever drop their weapons?

Satanichia Kurumizawa McDowell

Give me the fucking release date

what the fuck is a QoS?

Where do you even get queenslayer equipment?

Anyone know a good free vpn to use to get an EU code?

if you haven't noticed she puts up a shield that blocks magic damage, one physical hit will get rid of it

Just buy the game on PC, god it run like shit on PS4


don't look it up

Not enough pieces of flare

You mean the thin ones? They might, but I've never seen it.

The fat ones do though, the sunset hammer.

>beat queen slayer with 3 total heals used with my boy louis
> try to help other people through summon
>they all die in the first 3 or 4 seconds because they either don't block or don't dodge her combo to get ez focus

seriously the only bullshit moves she has are in fire mode, and one's when she decides "lmao fire combo" before the cd on your dodge through hit 2 ends so you're forced 100% to take the hit, or when she does the fire AOE and it sometimes shoots out like 8 waves of 10 balls that home.

wait so I'm not allowed to use spades at all because it's tied to some cuckold shit?
Fuck off dude I liked the buttons and you're a fag

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Your waifu fucks black men, user

kys thirsty cuck, stop projecting your fetish onto other people

not even worth pirating

Yeah the thin ones

Made for BBC

worth pirating

I'm not the one that gave his waifu a spade button :^)

>homing fire
I just run towards her the second she starts casting something in an attempt to stun her. Usually works but I still get raped by that fire combo.

the buttons come in the three, the spade can't be changed.
I'll say it again, am I just not allowed to have spade imagery in anything now? Fuck off

How do I acquire Vestiges and unlock more powerful gifts?

stop replying to the troll and you'll stop being angry. eventually.

You're allowed, but don't be surprised when Tyrone starts flirting with her :^)

brb gonna commission art of this waifu getting BLACKED

>t. bioware drone

>dodge away from her dash
>fucking shockwave hits me
Her second phase is so gay, just random fire explosions and shockwaves.
You're getting unluckly, I made it through her first phase with my summoner only taking two hits and I one then I got fucked by the "lol all of your spells miss" bug and got two shotted trying to reset my lockon.
Defeating enemies, NPCs giving you blood but you can only unlock certain ones during this beta.

Make it fellatio blacked

>more faces

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while she does a peace sign

>summoned a magic lady to that fight
>she kind of kept her distance and shot big magic every now and then, while I defensive buffed everyone, offensive buffed myself, and then double teamed the boss with Yakumo
>I only got hit twice during the fire phase
>magic lady died during it, but Yakumo revived her
It was like a proper Souls co-op experience, really liked it

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you don't warp to the mistle though, you just get dropped in by the dude

Make the black guy Davis

also add user crying in the background

>you can only unlock certain ones during this beta
Some user was talking about a sidestep. Isn't that a gift? Which Code Owner has that?

You'd have to be more specific but they could be referring to the bayonet's dodge, a skill in Aset, or the teleport in ranger OR the Louis partner skill

It was , and looks like he meant Aset. Is it Shadowleap?

Hey you were playing with

How do you increase ichor?

Shadowleap is a withdrawl, could mean the mist move in Ranger or the teleports behind you attack which...shit I can't remember if it works iwth bayonet. I suppose it'd be leap if teleports behind you doesn't.

Drink blood

>the bayonet's dodge
I know you're just saying it's the bayonets dodge cause it's the only wep we can do it with with the content we have access to but
it's tied to the weight of the weapon/veil you have equipped, and which code you have equipped determines your weight allowance

have sex

>this game wont come out for ayear
should i get ge3 while i wait

can you make more than one file?
I wanna try the other gender next but I don't wanna lose my current file yet

Oh that thing. I was thinking the slide, I completely forgot about fast rolling. Now I feel bad

Maximum ichor is based on blood code. There is a gift the sacrifices HP to grant an additional 6 to your maximum.
To raise your base ichor you have to use your devour attack, parry, or backstab.

So, can you unlock all the skills in the Prometheus class?


Yes, you can have 3 different characters files

Your post didn't get any better the second time you posted it retard.