Post normie vidya memes

Post normie vidya memes

Attached: kill me.png (500x749, 216K)

Attached: SO RELATABLE.png (640x343, 228K)

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I dont get whats wrong with this one

haha I love child abuse

Its accurate, relatable and contains a woman instead of a wojack, therefore by newfag law it isn't based.

this one made me laugh

Wojaks are terrible. Only other thing that comes to that cancer is frog posters.

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Attached: That is Pretty High.png (853x704, 39K)

Based, post more of these

Based mom showing interest in her autistic son's hobbies

Child abuse would be supporting your child's delusions and allowing doctor's to cut their cocks off

There is literally nothing wrong with not wanting your child to be a tranny

post the ones with the girl who isn't the mom

Does his mom have 546 STR? haha

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I can't tell if she's being nice or passive-aggressive.

I hate salmon

>YWN experience this

Attached: 1556276662903.png (863x707, 35K)

>actually defending tranny degeneracy
well then

Attached: u08vz0vjdt021.jpg (635x960, 91K)

Because it isn't

My mom in a nutshell

uhhhhhh can I get a round of applause?

Attached: sbYimmk.jpg (538x382, 61K)

very controversial opinion

All kids leave home some day, it says so on TV

A movie is playing on tv, four kids are walking down railroad tracks.
...I better go too.

Nothing is really wrong with it, it's just a normie meme.

>implying this makes 40%ers' case any better


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I thought black people were poor underprivileged minorities

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Attached: 1558494133977.png (946x696, 199K)

no but you can get a round of water on me

Attached: water.png (540x400, 221K)


You should kill yourself, which I suppose it's statistically l likely that you'll do.


i feel like the only way to properly read this joke is in gilbert gottfried's voice

Exhaled slightly heavier than normal through my nose.

i got a real kek from this one, thanks user, i needed it

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>been a while
"a while" would be like 5 years

Attached: facts.png (498x762, 397K)

Oh yeah. I guess I do that too. Is that the joke?

Every time I see this or think about it I laugh like a fucking retard, it's just so tone-deaf that it almost seems like the author made it ironically as satire. Absolutely fucking hilarious

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k-zone still exists?

Attached: 1543887252571.png (872x704, 48K)

Thank you, I needed this. Idk what the fuck is wrong with this place right now, but this image sums up all threads

>"statistically likely"
The word "likely" means "over 50%"

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that because most of them die from an infection

Attached: this.png (1409x4759, 404K)

That's gay ass fuck

These always kinda give me a warm fuzzy feeling. A parent who doesn't understand their child's interests but supports them all the same is nice

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>no source on these claims

Still 40% is alot

Shut up grizzco

Attached: 1543883917899.png (853x704, 34K)

This is SO me!

Attached: rjci386obhgz.jpg (700x812, 86K)

Likely isn't a statistical term, you retard.

Why? they are delicious

Attached: Garlic-Butter-Baked-Salmon-12.jpg (640x960, 63K)

How am I supposed to read this shit, Antman?

Attached: 5BEF6071-8157-44D1-8D6F-F302C148E030.jpg (400x174, 19K)


that clothing makes zero fucking sense

Okay, but it still means it's less likely for a tranny to kill itself than not.

Attached: 1543887438289.png (853x704, 35K)

Fucking phone poster,cant bring the whole pc when diltating in the women bathroom

Damn, beat me to it

fuck off, normalfag
and something isn't a meme just because you say it is

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When I was in Japan, I bought my dad one of these of Bulma. I wanted him to put on his desk for work, he works for IT at a university, but said that people would think its sexist, so instead he keeps it on his dresser. My mom likes it, though.

Hate is a strong word, and I actually love it smoked and raw.
But regular pan cooked or especially baked salmon? Nope. Literally the only food I don't like too.

Would you ever refer to something that has a higher probability of not happening than happening as "likely"? No, you wouldn't.

By opening it
Dumb fucking scalefag retard

The fat incel who made this wants to fuck his mom. Sad.

Attached: 1543887562237.png (853x704, 58K)

Actually I’m sitting at my computer with my cock out, and I have mommy JOI videos open in multiple tabs, thank you very much.

Yeah, I would. If a tranny has a 40% chance of killing itself, then that's a pretty likely scenario.

Attached: 60387807_2181182838662277_151920406373072896_n.jpg (640x738, 37K)

>outing yourself as a mobile poster
go back

meme has been the go to word for image macro for so long now that meme might as well just mean image macro these days

Keep projecting, Oedipus

>draw naked girl
>erase nipples and draw lines on the arms, legs, and chest
that's not how you fucking draw clothing

Attached: 1543887623250.png (853x704, 35K)

Then you're an ESL and I can't help you. Either that or you're horrible at math.

>glass her
I laughed.

Oh, fuck... that actually happened to me when I went back to plat Dark Souls 3.
>What the fuck was I even doing?
>Did I do the quests right?
>Did I even tried the DLCs?
in all 10 character slots. I had to delete one and make that slot the completionist one.
good thing it's still very active, so it will probably be easier to get the tokens for the rewards needed to complete the game.

Attached: Visible Confusion.jpg (342x360, 12K)

Sure thing retard

Attached: gun.png (854x655, 630K)

Your parents are pretty based.

Attached: 1543887686149.png (872x704, 36K)

retard tranny retard

Well, that is a nicely crafted doll, I agree.

Never thought I’d see the day when Yea Forums rejects mommy porn

retard tranny retard

well the remaining 60% have usually been thrown off roofs

What's the joke of these comics? Femoids are stupid and it's bad to correct them when they say dumb shit?

doom guy in smash would be pretty neat

weird to see the mom's body gets special treatment of varied line weight and everything else doesn't.

>I laugh like a fucking retard
makes sense considering that's an edit

Attached: tumblr_nl4acfTcz11uoy2m4o1_400.jpg (400x398, 52K)

Actual kino.

Attached: 1544336688994.png (853x704, 18K)

Gamer boy and casual girl otp

Nah, but it does seem likely that you're an autist on top of being a tranny.

psst open the image in an alternate tab and delete the little "m" in the search-bar and then reload the image

this is just one punch man.

All i've got of this

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oh how nice of her

Attached: 0087F59E-B08B-4580-BB97-50E005605625.png (825x1080, 794K)

well since your a tranny phoneposter I will give you tldr since it might save your life (assuming you haven't cut off you balls), essentially redditor cut off his dick and then realized tranny shit was a hack science

>different fonts
>changes fonts mid sentence
>different centering for each point

lad. piss poor.

user that's an edit

>being an unironic incel

you think the mom is getting that girl ready for a threesome with herself and her son

I'm just a regular celibate.

Attached: 14463217_1779519258972569_4145632939806109746_n.jpg (960x960, 131K)


You first faggot

I didn't even open the image, the thumbnail alone is enough

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>you should put up with retards so that you can get your epic peepee-feel-good time
Die, manwhore

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i'm rolling i have to know which one i am i feel like a normalfag


Attached: 62de333b2fe85cd0fb7527a3b6d2178c.jpg (1280x770, 347K)

I love big old mommy milker, I have a whole folder of mommy milkie
but you, you are lying, there no fucking way you're in a computer right now,
you must be watching the pic from your shitty Jewish iPhone.
If you were on laptop or pc the pic wouldn't fit the screen and just continue being long and you will be able to scroll down
but you, you are an iPhone so you can't scroll down, because iPhones are the shitty jew thing (that goes to the other phone company too)
not only that you are using my fetish porn to fit in by pretending not to be a tranny
but you are saying that you have a dick
that is not true, since you killed the dick a long time ago
do not respond to this post,I dont want to hear a single word coming from your mouth

Attached: liar.jpg (578x343, 34K)

if you swapped characters in the second panel it would actually be relatable

Tldr; mentally ill person cuts off his dick and balls thinking he can become a woman at the advice of other mentally ill people. He regrets it as it doesn’t solve his problems and now he has a gaping rotting wound where his dick used to be.

virginity only has value if you arent ugly

So this artist isn't trying to pass this joke off as his own, right?

>dorkly watermark in corner
didn't even need to look at the rest

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sex only has value if you're a slave to sensation and instant gratification


more games need recap slideshows like DQ11

no its different because this is gameplanet and not the duff brewery

>let me explain my shitty joke for you

>mommy with Rez and “special controller”

>no but you can get a round of water on me

Attached: 1543423460516.jpg (2000x1087, 442K)

40% is a very high amount, especially compared to the average person

>have several games i haven't played in like a year because i gave up
>now i dont remember how to play them
>restart the game

every single ufcking tiime

Are there any porn of this mom?


I like the look of grim determination in his eyes





I can read that shit on my Galaxy, what sort of broke ass phone are you using?

yiff in hell

Attached: 02.png (712x629, 370K)

I think Oxford University did a study on whether video games make you violent and found the opposite. Sure you can google that.

They are poor because they keep spending their money on stupid bullshit like that

You can't say that and not link it, its against the rurus

Then they wouldn't have a fucking save game

It's not just AN edit, it's THE edit

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Each region is a country not a continent, fucking retarded normies.

Sauce me up brother.

Can't post it. This is a blue board.

I'm definitely not a tranny. The jury is still out on whether or not I'm an autist.


Attached: 1545445072716.png (800x4067, 1.09M)

its not his head, if you look closely you can see he punches up when he jumps

Attached: ackchyually.png (680x680, 102K)

Comedy genius


you can post a link to it, jannies usually don't mind

Attached: 1406137689607.png (347x1920, 753K)

Now there's an insult I haven't heard in a while. I never thought I would actually miss cuck, but soiboy and discord tranny are even more retarded.

I had this exact experience when I was younger
he never invited me back

why are normies like this