World of Warcraft

I work for Blizzard as a low level developer for WoW, though I hope to move onto Classic+ servers if they're made because I find no joy in developing the "modern" game. The next expansion is already looking incredibly garbage. The Dragon Isles zones just look like rehashes of Northrend and Eastern Kingdoms areas. The dungeons are just straight hallways so far. They're introducing a new neutral race to try and counterbalance the elf majority - currently called Faeries. They are elfish humanoids with glowing eyes and animal ear and tail customization options (wolf, cat, rabbit, bear, etc) and insect wings. Tinkers and necromancers are being added but they're just reskins of mages and warlocks respectively due to how few people play them. Final boss in 8.3 is Sylvanas but you're just saving her.

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>best girl lives
That's all I care about.

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Why did you steal so much of your original content from Everquest? Oh, yes you did, I knew (not personally) many of the devs in power guilds on EQ servers.

Second question... why do Blizzard games look like fucking cartoons?

>Tinkers and necromancers
Tell me what kind of CC/silence do they have, and their duration please. (like mage has sheep 8s)
Two classes seem bullshit though considering it's the current Blizzard we are talking about.

they could add 10 classes if they wanted, every class is the same 3 buttons + different colored rage

I think it's a larp post. Faggot hasn't been back yet.

I heard that they gonna just copy some old classes giving them new style and calling it "heroic" class or something.
Basically Necromancer would be just reskinned warlock with different colored abilities but basically same. Killing 2 stones with one bird - giving out new content without having to worry about balance (because all balance people were already fired heh) and making retards to grind obligatory reputation and then level up from 1 over again.

Heroic classes DK & DH were both novel though

>Final boss in 8.3 is Sylvanas but you're just saving her.
She should be killed off screen by her own people and making way free for a new much more brutal Warchief who is going to be Lor Themar, I mean Blood Elves are the majority of the horde anyways. Fuck this bitch and how they butchered the lore, they should just remove Christie golden toghether with all her characters.
>rehashes of Northrend
This is actually horrible. Northrend zones are the worst in the entire WoW
>with glowing eyes and animal ear and tail customization options
Pandering to chinks.
>reskins of mages and warlocks

Everything sounds bad enough to be true.

Shut up. Blizzard is dead and no one cares about this shit.

>Using the extremely old Dragonrider Isles concept/creation in a new retail expansion instead of releasing it as new content for Classic post naxx.

that's an oof right there

Attached: thats bullshit but i believe it.jpg (500x304, 94K)

I bet this is closest to the truth, worked great for allied races.

>The Dragon Isles zones

Here is an idea how to fix this shit:
>No stupid boring azerothian zones. We have beaten the legion, the next expansion should take us directly into the nether, night aswell call it "Into the Nether".
The idea will be focused around fighting the rest of legion forces, Etherals, Void Lords and Time Dragons. Basically new zones should be entirely new zones
with weird interesting designs, similar to how Outland was to classic but much more interesting. One zone should be like a huge living eldrich being, other one
should be some large Etheral high tech city and so on, maybe add one zone where we are preparing to fight the infinite dragonflight with entire zone being
fucked by space and time, sawn together by literally every single random thing like volcano, then there is jungle nearby and it cuts off to the freezing area and so on.
Might aswell add some plot around searching for ways on the other worlds to find something to save Azeroth.

There are tons of possibilities to make it fucking cool. Why would you still doing some lame zones....

>Northrend zones are the worst in the entire WoW

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Time Dragons are naturally tied to azeroth as the dragonflights were born from the protodrakes of azeroth. Why the fuck would we fly off to space for time dragons you stupid retard.

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They will be on azeroth but in another timeline/dimension.

This is so stupid it might actually be true

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>Tinkers and necromancers are being added but they're just reskins of mages and warlocks respectively due to how few people play them

makes no sense to design and develop all the visual and sound assets (so prety much 80% of work needed to create a real new class) and then just make it a reskin of already existing classes, instead of simply putting some more work and having new real classes from the ground up

>instead of simply putting some more work and having new real classes from the ground up
user, they can't balance the classes that are already in the game for 10 years already and you want to add not one but multiple unique classes at the same time?
Also you are wrong, it is much easier to flip assets than to add new stuff. They couldn't even provide a 3rd talent tree to DHs, nigga.
If they can give us cash shop foxes with unique models they surely as hell can put those diversity hires for use and copypaste some necromancer abilities from diablo into wow somehow while keeping them identical to Warlock.

Bone Spear = Chaos Bolt
Incienerate = Bone shard
Blood Bolt = Shadow Bolt
Demons = Skeletons, zombies, Banshees
Dots = Lmao just dots but with different names
You don't even have to change anything for half of the abilities since they are identical, Drain Soul etc...

Because EQ was fantastic but flawed. SOE was also slow to react and didn't realize what they had on their hands. Blizz came in and did their usual magic of polishing a great, but not yet polished game.

Actual WoW dev here. Nice larp, faggot.

Dragon Isles is 2 expansions away, not the next one.
