What games will make feel like an autist?
What games will make feel like an autist?
your favorite game
Sonic games of course.
Sonic Adventure 2
I wanna go back to 2009
Any sonic game
Anything related to Sonic
Grindy MMOs ESL-kun
Why does pokemon get a pass from the association with Chris-Chan but not Sonic?
CWC transitioning to a woman answers so many questions and raises so many more. Are there any Christorians that can answer what made him do pic related?
Sonic affinity for autism is greater than Pokemon's. Pokemon's fan base is more diluted with regular fans than sonics
>Part 14 of the CWC documentary is coming out tomorrow
Are you ready, lads?
Anything you play will make you feel like yourself.
Here's a little lesson for you. ALL gaymers are autistic.
Let's take a look and see what types of autists play vidya.
>PVP FPS / Sports Games: Douchebags, Potheads, "Frat Boys," typically only holding a high school diploma or GED, lower than average, or average IQ, actually believe their KD makes their baby peens bigger.
>MMO, Dark Souls, some RPGs: Neckbeards, usually somewhat educated (mostly college), a little above or above average IQs, angry and will lash out at anyone who challenges their opinions about their genre, refuse to accept that Dark Souls is only "hard" because of its shit tier controls.
>Anything Nintendo: Huge consumers of basedproducts, drive Fiats, your typical gym DYEL, mixed education levels and IQ, masturbate furiously to anything Japanese and 2D.
>Anime games: 14 year olds and man-children (pedophiles). Not much else to add.
>Battle Royale: See Anime games.
>Indie Games: People who like to larp at being more intellectual and sophisticated than they actually are. Kind of reminiscent to that "one guy" in school who used to listen to shitty indie music because he thought it made him cool. Will shit on any game "mainstream" or triple A, but will play said games in secrecy as to not tarnish their projected image of being "sophisticated" and "intellectual." Mixed levels of education.
>Metrovania / Platformers: Higher education (similar to MMO/RPG type players) who like a challenge. Are appreciative of the "good ole" days when games were actual games and not expressions or displays of political activism. Can be elitists and as arrogant as the Dark Souls neckbeards, however.
Which are you?
there is nothing on earth that is as autistic as kingdom hearts. try that out.
Final Fantasy XIV
are those his mom's ?
I play more than one genre of video game, dipshit.
someone post the Author who made Sonic.exe's retarded rant
I never realized how big his dick looks in that picture?
Holyshit is it padded?
which one? there's so many now. it must be pretty fucking concise if there's a part 14.
(pic related)
Sonic is more important to Chris.
I hope geno doesn't drop the ball again, I'm looking forward