*ruins touhou forever*

*ruins touhou forever*

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Other urls found in this thread:


that's not UFO


marisa b

>best character cast in total
[x] doubt
The worst ones are always dumb shit that has to do with the outside world like Sumireko

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I like Sumireko though.

None of the mechanics it introduces last further than SA

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how does one shot type ruin everything

iirc there's a patch to fix it or just don't use the shot type you sperg

I don't know much about these games, played a bit of Subterranean Animism and the demo for the new game, but I just played a shitload of 15.5 and I really really like it.
These sprites are on another level.

>Subterranean Animism
That's a pretty bad one to start with, it's pretty difficult compared to the rest.

>Try MarisaB expecting it to be something like the Malice Cannon in IN
>mfw seeing all the bosses just exploding in a few seconds

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It's okay to have shit taste, like OP.

Play IaMP

My favorite Touhou is Mamizou, I already have accepted I have tastes people hate.

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Good taste
AoCF roll when?

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*resurrects Touhou*

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This. The steam ratings and sales broke records.

Might've been because it was the first Touhou that was easy for the west to buy. I wonder what the sales rankings are for the series as a whole are.

ULiL was fun until AoCF came which is straight improvement in all aspects.

Attached: sumireko.jpg (1280x720, 134K)

This. Touhou has been way too gimmicky since UFO and most of the time it doesn't work well.

Touhou has had gimmicks since PCB.

At the time HSiFS released ZUN said that it sold more than any other Touhou game (physical+steam sales combined). However, ZUN tweeted that more people came to his booth for the WBaWC demo than ever before. I'm expecting WBaWC to take the record. The "Touhou is reclining" meme is retarded. Mainline Touhou is more popular than ever. Doujins are still being pumped out too, just not being translated. That's the Western fanbases (the minority's) fault.

UFO is just the worse when it comes to gimmicks.
UFO is ironically hindered by the UFOs.

When will ZUN make Imperishable Night 2?

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*this slut ruined touhou forever*
sounds right.

Wrong pic

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Too difficult for most touhou fans

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Only if you're a masochist.

It's actually the easiest Touhou game ever made: you literally can't lose

Yeah but from UFO onwards it's more obvious.
LoLK Point Device is might as well a spin-off.

I want to get off clownpieces wild ride.

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The ride never ends

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What's the best official manga series? I've only read parts of Sangetsusei

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It really isn't, and it's still a stupid complaint anyways. The alternative is playing the same game with different characters every time, I'll choose gimmicks over that.


that one, WaHH and SSiB

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Forbidden Scrollery

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There's not much gimmicky shit with DDC, on paper it just extends on the item collection aspect. The main problem is that nobody test the shot types and bombs

The canonical loose pussy Touhou! Used goods-chan! Her fans are cucks!

>mfw always start with Hard
>never encountered this problem until I found people talking about it online and replay it again on Normal

Junko was the true bane for me.
Fuck Murderous Lillies and PDH.

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don't listen to the retards, FS is pretty mediocre with a shit ending. WaHH is somewhat better, and despite the amount of shit it gets SSiB is still the best but still not great.

who cares as long as she's up for sex at anytime

FS and WaHH are opposites.
FS is more interesting but the ending flopped so hard. WaHH is boring unless you want a bit of lore dump and cameos, but it got exciting near the end, well so far anyway.

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Just download the one of the patches, I upgraded my pc a while and literally did it in 5 minutes with some minor trouble shooting and it runs perfectly 60 fps full screen.

I think you need a file called d3d8.dll and drop it in your game file, search for it online.
it works for me on win 10

How would pic related hold up in Gensokyo?

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*ruins photography games*

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I just pretend that it never existed

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SA is only hard because of the shit ass shots

MoF isn't that bad once you patch it to fix MarisaB which is a bug anyway.
It's still one of the easiest game, though.

Stop playing Reimu

Even with ReimuA it's still hard.
In fact, you need to use more gimmicky shots to effectively solve certain spellcards.

thats obviously LoLK

Where are the teams and solo mode?

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6, 7, 11, 14 and 15 are the best to me.
8, 10, 12 are a little bit behind but still great. From the demo 17 looks to be in this category.
13 is decent, but 16 is the only one that feels meh to me.

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>using win 10

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Kill yourself for having such shit taste.

>stop liking what I don't like

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I have windows 10 and mine works, but only in fullscreen mode.

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SA MarisaB
Is it fun or overcomplicated?

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Broken-tier overpowered
I think Zun accidentally added a 0 to to the damage
All the bosses will die before their bullets reach you

What's your beef with HSiFS?

nevermind, was thinking about MoF
I'm an idiot

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Just use the vpatch bro

Reimu C is fun as fuck, she's essentially a more enjoyable version of IN Youmu.

It's my favorite shot type in the series.

It's great but the backward and perpendicular formations are pretty useless

Man even with Marisa B I still can't 1cc MoF. Stage 4 tears my asshole apart, even on normal.

have you tried playing the stage in practice mode?

a little bit. up to momiji just fucking rips me apart.

just bomb her

weird part with marisaB is that you're not allowed to bomb (if you want to take advantage of the glitch atleast). you want to stay in between 3.00 and 3.99 so you're only allowed 1 bomb most of the time

Backward is useful for some bosses.
I use it to clear one of Yamame's and Rin's spell once.

can't you just pick more P after you use a bomb?
you will probably have better chances surviving the small fires them Momiji

>EoSDnigger is a retard

>14 and 15 are best

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Touhou 17 has some of the weakest first three stages in the entire series. The first 3 stages of 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, and 15 are all better.

>I am Reddit
Thanks for telling us broski

>touhou 17
>weak first stages
fucking 15 had weak stages. Seiran/Ringo/Doremy are cute but they're not as interesting as Ebisu/Cow/Chicken. Only Doremy is the real standout one. Touhou 17 is shaping up to be great and iconic.


Yeah, I hope ZUN raised the difficulty in full version.
Though fixing otter would help

That's because ZUN accidentally made them terrifying in the demo iirc and had to nerf them.

15's stagge 1 and 2 are hype
Doremy really stands out with those bullshit non-spells though, worse than even Clownpiece

*saves touhou*

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I think that Violet Detector could have been a lot better, but I don't think it's inheritly a bad game.

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>no items Ame no Norigoto
>no items Constitution Bombs
>no items Fitful Nightmare

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S-she's fast!

>actually going for a full no-items run
only a madman would do that

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When the hell will ZUN add Reisen as a playable in another mainline game, how much longer must I play LoLK and nothing else

After Orin and Clownpiece becomes playable

TH14 is my favorite. Everything about it is great.

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Notice how Reisen wasn't invited as judge in Grimoire of Usami?
She is only one-time guest character in LoLK just like Aya and Cirno. She is not yet acknowledged as part of mandatory sub-playables. Who knows if ZUN gonna use her again for incidents not related to the moon.

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Aya and Cirno also had their own games, and the judges were all humans in the first place

>Notice how Reisen wasn't invited as judge in Grimoire of Usami?
I thought this was because she's a youkai, but yeah, this is concerning, however that doesn't mean she'll never be playable again. And she WAS one of initial playable characters in PoFV so there's that, too. At this point I just wish someone would ask ZUN directly, because waiting for something uncertain is torture.

How do we feel about him Yea Forums?

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ZUN rarely plans things more than one game forward, you wouldn't get a reply other than wakarimasenlol

Won lottery with his medicore game

Purest man in gaming

He just want to make good music and pretty pattern, yet either people worship him like god or condemn him for undeserved popularity.
He's just a simple man surrounded by controversy.

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has he ever uploaded his 1ccs?

>yet either people worship him like god
Nothing wrong with that though. ZUN is everything what man should aspire to be.

*flips control in your path*

I remember when I couldn't play that on Win7.
It unironically worked after I switched from a widescreen monitor to a standard LCD monitor.
Shwas weird.
I still don't have a widescreen monitor.

Shit ship, PatcheRemi is best

>Best Cast
>Best OST
>Told you to git gud and not use bombs as a crutch

Attached: Guncannon.png (1500x844, 865K)

>She's just a simple maiden surrounded by youkai.

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But MoF allows you to spam bombs nearly infinitely

And fuck your attack power in the process rather than being a get out of jail free card like in IN.

nigga MoF is THE bombspam game, only rivaled by PoFV. You get showered in power throughout each stage and encouraged to mash X at the slightest threat.

My wife ZUN is so cute.

But it showers you with power items and unlike SA, bombs deal shit ton of damage no matter the range to compensate for power lost

*has no sequel*

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Good, fuck Eiki and her AI.

It introduces S*nae.

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Well she helped me with my UFO and LoLK run

Wow the exact same shmup as the one that came out 2 weeks ago totally ruined that "series"

He's the only admirable man left on the planet

I just want another netplay partner pellet ballet, man.

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>worst score mechanic ever conceived
>worst bombspam
>easiest stage 5
I love the soundtrack though

Yeah sanae is easy if you know what i mean


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Even if ZUN replace the entire cast it would be still the same.
ZUN can't program AI for shit. Just let Tasofro do it and make the next Phantasmagoria a spin-off.

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At least Eiki can die

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It's so bad that it's the only 2hu I managed to 1cc on normal.

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You can carpet-bomb through stages themselves in MoF/SA, but you can't afford this shit on bosses while in 6-8 you just nuke bitches non-stop.

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How the fuck is WaHH boring

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>Minor incident happens
>Reimu and Marisa investigate with the occasional Kasen being shifty
>turns out the incident was nothing more than a minor annoyance and everything returns to normal
Repeat for 45 chapters or so. I'll give you that Reimu is entertaining being a dumb greedy little shit.

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>She is not yet acknowledged as part of mandatory sub-playables
That's because the playable characters were always meant to be humans.
That being said, expect Sumireko to become playable in a mainline game soon

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But that's Touhou as a whole my dude.

Damn it ZUN, bring back 2hu Doctor Who.

That would be true if Toby Fox didn't do the exact same thing in the West years later with a lot more competition (good music on a mediocre game that made it explode in popularity).

This applies to pretty much every anime and manga in existance without linear plot

th17 is already difficult enough as it is

Nigger pick otter and get 3 of them, you've essentially played easy mode.

You can with MoF though. 5 bombs, boss drop enough power for 1 bomb usually twice or thrice and bombs are almost always better DPS. It's still possible to dump 1 bomb per pattern

It's not that easy to get them though.
Except during boss dialogue

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Mountain of Faith might have taken a lot of steps back in gameplay, but damn the music and atmosphere is great.

Which official work is the most redpilled?

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>liking 14 more than 8

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Suwa Foughten Field is the best stage 6 boss theme for me and I don't get why people hate it.

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Official Game
Sanae B
Bad ending.

>5 bombs
Heh kid...
>arrives at bossfight with 8 bombs
>dumps them all
>evades a couple death with cherry border
>dies and finishes off the boss with 4 more bombs
Nothing personnel.

Attached: end19.jpg (640x480, 116K)

Dumbass moneygrubber Reimu is my least favorite of the manga personalities. I like her best when she's playing reluctant yokai denmother who manages to be both extremely patient and give off an aura that she's about to snap at any second.

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oh you are using hypers and bombs

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I've just noticed after all these years that this dumbass couldn't even get Reisen's hair color right

She's like that in SSiB too

She's like that in all of them to some extent. WaHH is the only one that turned her into a moron.

WaHH is the only one that shows her while she's lazying around, she's not that smart in FS and in SSiB Yorihime just tells her she's an idiot that barely knows how to use her powers

>WaHH is the only one that shows her while she's lazying around

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Is Reimu the number one nigger in Gensokyo? All she does is attack people for no reason, and beg for handouts.

That part is also in WaHH

Delete this post kudasai

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>y**kai niggers
>being a y**kai nigger
>for no reason

Attached: 918d3e2100fe8d00aa14377b3d576a4787e945ad.jpg (500x706, 124K)

Nah. Reimu actually puts effort for money

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Youkai aren't people so it's ok.

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The yokai did nothing wrong. All they want is to be left alone and live peaceful lives, but Reimu keeps attacking them for no reason.

Reimu is a fucking bitch sometimes and I love her.

Don't forget she also sells her body to old men. Especially her armpits.


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>easiest stage 5

For me it's Reisen

Yes, only sometimes.

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>live peaceful lives
Youkai don't have a concept of peace. Humanity is at perpetual state of war with youkai. They are the worst of pests, all human values are alien to them.

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Everyone in Touhou is a bitch all the time. Especially Reimu.

Reminder that the Kappa runs Gensokyo behind the scenes.

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Unironically based because all these years he's never sold out once despite every chance to do so. Just wants to get drunk and make shitty art with good music.

Name this Touhou, I bet you can't.

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Benben's cute little sister.

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Yatsuhashi Tsukumo
The joke's kinda get old

I need the whole set.

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>the kappa runs the economy
>the tengu runs the media
>the rabbits run the medicine facility
>the kitsune are probably government spies

People keep trying to guess the Jew equivalent but Gensokyo has more interesting situation where different kind of youkai competing with each other through different means over the ignorant masses.

Attached: gensokyo ruled from the shadows.png (869x1265, 1.93M)

Explain all of recent Steam releases, fangame ports and approved 2hu mobile game by big company then.

I keep posting the wrong pic for some reason.
Any here's the real deal.

Attached: kishinjou.jpg (300x225, 19K)

I don't get the hate for this game.

It's always been Yukari and her mafia boss rule of Gensokyo, keeping it stuck in the traditionalist backwater. Such is why Kanako is the hero it needs. Introduce modernity, give the humans better lives while telling the Youkai to bend the knee or get snapped in half, and pick up some sweet faith on the side.

1. He made his own games available through Steam so people can access it more easily, so it would be hypocritical of him to not allow fans to do the same
2. He wanted a 2hu mobile game to exist.

Didn't he support the new Touhou gacha game too?

It's just one LoLK shitposter.
Most people love the game.

That's pretty much how Gensokyo works. People like to meme about the youkai menace but there is too much hostility between the factions for a fruitful alliance. This is where Yukari and Reimu come in, working as impartial figures who make sure that no one will tilt the balance in their favor, and stopping factions like the Tengu, the lunarians and the oni from taking over the land.

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Yeah that's the mobile game I was talking about

Like I said, he wanted a mobile game to exist.
The game being gacha was only confirmed later, when ZUN first voiced his support, Aniplex didn't reveal any gacha elements. ZUN even stated he hopes the game won't be gacha, I think

>Yukari "I started a feud with the moon" Yakumo and Reimu "You're cutting into my profits" Hakurei

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Yeah Reimu hates all youkai equally, she just hates some youkai more than others depending on the situation

Well, except for Suika but that's more because that drunk is her natural hard counter.

She let Shinmyomaru live with her while she was waiting for the Hammer to regain it's power.

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UFO is best 2hu.

>the lunarians and the oni from taking over the land
If Lunarians or oni went nuts Gensokyo would be fucking crater.

It's still enjoyable, compared to the 13th and what followed this terrible game

*blocks lunarians from coming*
Eye am smart.

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Also people keep memeing that Kanako was a stupid failure for giving Utsuho nuclear power even though the decision is pretty much a success. In several instances after the incident, we can see a working nuclear reactor and it's energy is being distributed by now.

People overexaggerate the SA incident which won't turn as bad as people think or would be handled by Kanako herself if the protags didn't solve it first. After all the game is meant to introduce the modernization, not downplaying it.

Attached: okuu hell travel.gif (600x450, 761K)

Yes, Yukari tends to prefer peaceful solutions to problems. Her agenda is maintaining the status quo by working from the sidelines. The moon invasion was an unusually aggressive attempt at neutralizing the one faction that could genuinely endanger Gensokyo, it just failed because nobody is perfect.

Reimu, on the other hand, is more of a loose cannon who doesn't think too hard and just gets the job done (though there are incidents where she uses her brain a bit). She does maintain the status quo but in a more immediate (if not blunt) way, being violent but not lethal, as her ultimate goal is to not genocide all the youkai but neutralize them to maintain the peace. This makes her double as an ambassador esque public figure who brings all the factions together (if not because they are terrified of her).

In the end, one helps the other. Yukari watches out for the backstabs and conspiracies while Reimu does the heavy lifting and public interactions.

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Anyone has the Republican and Democrat summaries of the game plots?

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>mafia boss
Yukari is the paul blart of gensokyo

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The only thing ruining touhou is waifufags.

I doubt they are the only faction that wanted to take over and could do some serious damage. It makes you wonder how they are kept on their toes when places like Hell are going through constant disputes of power.

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Seriously, she had the full facility up and running by Soku.

I didn't write "to take over". I wrote went nuts.

While I won't say TD is a good game, there is nothing pain in the ass about the game. I can't see why people hate it.

The main mechanic is boring, the cast outside of Seija is boring, and the music is pretty forgettable. Coming off of UFO which was the polar opposite makes those flaws much more visible.

Yeah but you need my help

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>the elevator went up fast when you fight Suwako in story mode
Pretty kino

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I hate it due to those shitty and unbalanced game mechanics that this game has introduced and who are ruining my experience with this serie since then

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I don't think kobito is type of youkai, just small humans.

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Like what? Circular health bar?



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What's so unbalanced about TD?

Touhou Luna Nights is 25% off. Should I buy it now or wait for the Summer Sale, hoping that it will be at a bigger discount?

Here ya go

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Aya was fucking terrifying in FS. It felt like she was gonna just up and murder Kosuzu at any moment.

Wait until the extra content comes out user, which is in few more days.

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Aunt Yuugi is drunk again, what do?

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Kanako is a respectable leader but holy shit her mission is retarded. Technology would only bring humans to the same problems in the real world. There is no reason to pray for the gods for health when you already gave quality medicine for example. Modernizing Gensokyo would only kill all the youkai.

Thank you my dude.

That would be suicide, she's asking for the tanuki, Reimu/Marisa/Yukari and Akyuu to have an actual reason to scorn the tengu if she actually did that.

Yakumos and Reimu are the FBI, Okina and Dancers are the CIA
Then there's Kasen who's a philanthropist mafia boss they tolerate

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>imagine needing bombs to clear

m8, both MoF and SA have absurd amounts of bombs in a full run, like 40 at least. And when you pick the right types in SA those devastate the boss hard.

It's kind of stop-and-starty, other boss themes have better flow

I don't think what I do will have any effect on the outcome of what she's planning.

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Alright, will do.

Post spellcards that only you seems to hate

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If anything Yakumos are the CIA with Zashiki Warashi spies around the village while Reimu is the FBI.
We haven't seen how Okina and co' taking measures for problems yet.

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Yeah it's obvious she'd never try anything for real, but it still felt like FS captured that pants-shittingly horrifying tension that would come with being a human in Gensokyo and having youkai come into your house perfectly. Kosuzu panicking so much when she found out about her customer's true forms while they kept casually talking down to her was handled so well imo.

>only you seems to hate
So people actually like Most Valuable Vajra? Cool

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Isn't she aware of this? I swear I read a line where they incorperate the supernatural with their science to keep people from getting skeptical.

That spell card is really mild compared to most of the bullshit Shou puts you through. It's probably the least stressful part of a Hard 1CC.

Wait, there are people who fight Shou and not hate it?
This one for me

Attached: Th16SC040.jpg (388x452, 378K)

Not spellcard but I used to hate Patchy's laser.
EoSD was my first game and that was my first hard obstacle.

Sinker Ghost
It's not exceptionally hard but waiting through 90% harmless tedium with a huge difficulty spike in the last 5 seconds is pretty lame

Where is 15.5

The thing is I'm so used to micrododge and streaming that I dislike actually moving around the screen to dodge.
That Shou's spellcard in particular is simply intimidating with two fast-rotating laser that could trap me anytime while I dodge the small pellets.

Yeah this one is annoying too.

Here's your difficulty spike bro

Attached: hell.jpg (540x405, 40K)

That's every 2hu game.

>Ten Desires stage 4
fuck off seiga for forcing a 1 v 2

yeah but that's the hardest stage in the game

SA's 4 is a recline from 3 (then it spike hard again at 5), though it somewhat depends on shot types

Attached: 1551747073412.png (1000x961, 888K)

heaven's falls is piss easy, it's literally just streaming for 90% of the fairies and Aya is a pushover besides Illusionary Dominance. Virtue of the Wind God is harder than all of stage 4 combined.

Attached: 6ba1a6ff407e828168b06725a01f4bf1.jpg (736x736, 66K)

None of that contradicts what I said, It also doesn't give you as much p's as stage 5 & 6

>boss can heal herself

Attached: Th13Yoshika.png (238x480, 93K)

Boss is a qt3.14


Attached: 1494349394639.jpg (850x944, 295K)

Not that bad until they shoot curved lasers that also blends in with the background

Just how much do you like this song?

About 7/10, it makes me happy

Attached: DrVB480UcAAOBrA.jpg (2102x2409, 641K)

>Akatsuki Records

Attached: reimu smoke.png (586x598, 293K)

Why is stage 4 always such a big leap in difficulty in every game?

Tradition, just look back at old arcade shmups

Not in SA

Its usually when you stop dealing with unrelated small fry and really get into the meat of the incident

Yes it's more like a dip.

How do you rate Stage 3 bosses in terms of difficulty?

Doremy is definitely the hardest and I think Yuugi is up there. What about the rest?

Attached: this baku.jpg (834x960, 100K)

I really like it too and I can't stop listening to it.

Ichirin is not easy, fuck her last spell

Keine is up there too

I love the new PV with Tenshi

Attached: very good.jpg (530x750, 199K)

I really like it that way. The first three stages are usually a good warm-up.

I'll take it over IOSYS meme-tier songs any day

There was nothing wrong with UFOs. Shitters were just mad they had to put in effort instead of their lives and bombs just being handed to them

What's wrong with them?

Attached: 909797830.jpg (600x800, 54K)

End of demo and start of the real game

>the effort to get live/bomb is to deal with flashing UFO RNG

Attached: shame and regret.png (596x407, 155K)

Stack unique voice is not for everyone.
Some might say it's an acquired taste.

Crazy pole dancers!

Attached: crazy pole dancers.png (686x969, 377K)

Doremy > Yuugi > Keine > Ichirin > Alice > Kagerou > Kutaka > Yoshika > Aunn > Meiling > Nitori

I admit I haven't replaying the games so I don't remember much
Correct me if I'm wrong

Attached: sick dunk.png (508x616, 50K)

>fixes 2hu forever

Attached: 6748207.png (1240x1748, 1.58M)

I'll never get tired of her voice

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Attached: Eirin forever 17 years old.png (1031x581, 870K)

Thank god he stopped drawing fat Ran. I was so pissed off that the only person who would constantly draw fanart of that character would make her a sweating blob.

Wicked Hermit

Attached: a37886.png (2560x3284, 2.87M)

Yoshika a cute.

Attached: 578545874694.png (1500x2160, 3.31M)

Thick Ran is amazing you retrograde.

Attached: D6GtgsOUUAAFUnr.jpg (684x674, 114K)

I still fail to understand how the fuck that is "fat" for you.

He's referring to older Chanta posts that made Ran a fertility goddess. He got bullied by idiots like him and now he draws Ran with big boobs only.

Attached: Chanta progress.jpg (1400x1200, 249K)


I love Chanta Ran!

Attached: __yakumo_ran_touhou_drawn_by_chanta_ayatakaoisii__sample-c35dd339860e243bce78a2ac451cbf6c.jpg (850x1202, 193K)

How did he manage to get worse every single year

>guy picks up drawing just for his waifu and draws her hundreds of times per year
>decline of art
I hope Chanta never stops perfectly framing Ran's humongous wife-like energy.

Attached: 74423097_p3.png (2894x4093, 3.73M)

Nothing of those look fat!

She was thick, never fat

Attached: 51726433_p4.jpg (1024x1024, 118K)

Sorry, just shitposting.
I admire his dedication to his waifu, and he's made a lot of progress in just three years.

Attached: patch.gif (556x534, 176K)