Dota 2 vs League of Legends, which do you prefer and why?

Dota 2 vs League of Legends, which do you prefer and why?

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League because it's actually fun


Dota 2 is objectively a better game in literally every regard
Debate me

What makes you say Dota 2 is better?

play league of legends.

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Sona is a cuckbait waifu

play league of legends?

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both terrible games

>first post isn't "they're both shit"
Fuck you. Lol can be fun at times, special emphasis in at times.

Either way Dota is the better game of of the two. I mean lol have to make cheap shit in it.

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all characters are free
no forced meta
better balance, proven by pick/ban rates at TI vs Worlds
far more variety in hero design
far more freedom in itemization and more utility on items
less snowbally
characters are actually allowed to be impactful and powerful because no "wahh anti-fun" design
game doesn't constantly butcher its characters by """reworking""" them

DotA 2 is the better game in every regard. Only retarded faggots go for lol because they don't know any better.

Dota2, better game and has far more custom game modes

dota isn't fun unless you're playing with a full stack of friends that actually want to cooperate
league is more fun solo

That's only true if you're an ASSFAGGOT that can't pubstomp.

>can't play as a cute femboy in either game
What's the fucking point?

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>I mean lol have to make cheap shit in it.
*too many cheap shit in it.

>no forced meta
Just this makes it better.

the truth is that they're both good, but they're mobas so it's hard for people here to like them

uhh yes user that's my point
that was a list of positives

Dota has angry Russians. League has literal brain dead toddlers and faggy preteens. Il take the Russians

>dodge twice in hero select
>30 minute penalty and put in low priority queue
Uhh why do people like dota again..?

>what is ezreal

he's a hunkish twink not a femboy idiot

>shit up people's games and waste their time
>get punished for it

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>the truth is that they're both good, but they're mobas so it's hard for people here to like them
LoL isn't good and Dota isn't a moba

Because faggots like you get penalized and the game is safe to leave after you show up and quit before the game even begins

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dota feels too clunky and slow compared to lol; I can get a pentakill in lol by the time my dota character turns around

Dota is a strategy game, LoL is a top-down fighting game with light strategy game elements

Maybe I just don't like them

so lol is less of a strategy game because it's faster paced? makes sense...

no shit, dota's map is bigger than russia, by the time you find someone the game is already over

>so lol is less of a strategy game because it's faster paced?
No, it's less of a strategy game because its design puts less focus and power on that element. Don't be an idiot.

It doesn't have strong disables, it doesn't have much in the way of targeted abilities, it only has one forced lane layout and win strategy, it gives the player far less strategic tools and the focus is elsewhere. Strategically LoL is extremely shallow, but it makes up for that by having short cooldowns and low costs and lots of dashes and projectiles, hence "top-down fighting game."

It's less of a strategy game literally because it requires less thinking. Most heroes in LoL are press button to shoot thing with very little deviation. DotA has a lot more move/build/strat variety, neither game is inherently better or worse for it, but you're a fuckin retard if you think LoL has the same strategic complexity as DotA

LoL is trash, Dota is good

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They're both shit and a waste of time.
t. 5700 hours in Dota 2 and 1000 in LoL.

lol because my friends don't play dota and ASSFAGGOTS with randoms are god-awful, especially when half of them are russians and spics like in dota.

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>what are TP scrolls
"git gud" usually isn't a valid argument, but sometimes there are exceptions

I'll take the better, deeper gameplay and the ability to switch my server any time I want over games being decided by minute 12 and having three accounts to play in different places

both are complete shit now. I cannot understand how anyone can still play either of them.

Dota has been dumb since 6.8X and only been getting worse, LoL has been the same game rotating OP champs for years but it's a fun time waster.

You're forgetting the Chinese which are worse than the Peruvians.

I unironically got into League because I had trouble learning all the shit in the original Dota and others played were really upset to have a new player in their teams. LoL was fairly new and people were less hostile. Now it's about the same.

Not really. Lol isn't fast paced at all, games still take at least 15 bc Riot butchered it with patches and by then the game is pretty much decided and very hard to have a comeback. Another big issue; too onesided most of the time.

ARAM is the only fast paced thing decent in it. Since Twisted Treeline only exist to pissed off people and Nexus Blitz, even though is fucking great, is still "experimental" (AKA "we know it's good so we won't make it a main mode and we'll fuck it up as much as we can").

that doesn't make dota any less slow or clunky

This conversation is obviously talking about the pace of action, not the length of a game. Can you not read?

It does when you actually understand how it's designed and intended to be played. It's not a mashy action game like LoL.

Irrelevant since it still not fast paced.

>i am crying because they didnt make a wall for my games ;-;

In that context it's absolutely more fast paced than dota. I'm sorry but you're wrong.


don't care about getting good at Dota thanks, i can see its qualities but it's slower than a snail and my comment was sarcastic

>language barriers aren't an issue in a team game

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Dota is slow because it's tense. DotA is generally very low ttk while league has high ttk and everyone automatically has a get out of jail free card on top of another potential get out of jail free card if their kit provides. DotA has a lot of very small moments where a lot of things have lined up for the best play you've seen in a long time, LoL has 2-4 dudes moving forward and away trying to get off a potshot while 2 junglers are obviously sitting in the bushes waiting for the guy who overextends. You've seen one good League game and you've seen them all.

make friends that speak english dumbass

LoL was good till 2011.
Dota 2 was good till 2016

Now all of them are ass.

Yeah, I did. They play league, dumbass.

then no you didn't because he's clearly talking about dota friends you fucking moron

how is dota slow?

>People defending either game as if their opinions mattered

No one cares about you or what you think or how right you think you are when you're typing it. You could write a 50 page essay and no one would care. Please eat shit people who get so into defending shit

League is a worse game because it has less fundamentals than DotA 2. being good at DotA 2 transfers far better to League than the opposite.

turn rate feels like absolute shit and makes me want to tear my hair out

Turn rate punishes poor positioning more and it significantly aids the melee vs ranged balance because melees can't just get kited to hell and back by ranged

maybe he is shiting because no surrender buttom and comebacks mechanics, but he lol player the only thing that he understand is damage and defense.

Everyone look at this guy. He came into a thread about a game he doesn't play nor like, just to tell everybody that their subjective opinions are wrong, what a fucking gangster.

is this the average iq of a dota player? can you only talk in ad hominems?

I've never played DotA but I don't get how anyone can still play League. It started going to shit around the Rift visual update and it's only gotten worse since. The moment Lee Sin fags outcry got his nerf reversed, I knew it was time to kick that shit.

Didn't say your opinions were wrong. Turn on your brain and read the post again.

>projecting this hard

I meant real life friends, you know the ones that actually matter. Why would I make fake life """"friends"""" when I already have bros that want to play a different game? Not that I found very many people that I would want to play dota with on a regular basis anyway. Regular leavers, afkers, feeders and people who can't speak english. I only remember TWO people who were decent from the 60 hours I wasted and that was in a 3v2 game where everyone else left. So again, why would I try and make """"friends"""" out of these """"people"""" when I have friends that just want to play something else? nigger

>still no argument

>oh why he is atacking me with fallacies meanwhile i use fallacies too?

yeah and i can say, my iq is more high than yours thank you.

No argument in, no argument out.

I didn't use fallacies, learn to read my friend. Just because I said dota is clunky and slow doesn't mean it's shit. Dark Souls is also clunky and slow but it's a great game.
Try forming actual arguments instead of attacking the person.

Until Flash stops being mandatory on every single character at all times, it is a poorly balanced game which has never fixed the problems it had even on launch


how is dota slow?

>Stuck in a game for 120 minutes
Pretty slow.

clunky and slow its not an argument, its an opinion idiot. Arguments are based in facts not in feelings maybe if you only posses the brain to read the thread that is full of facts and real arguments that arent "oh no my doesnt like tum tum doesnt like" you will understand.

so you mean they take a long time, not that they're slow
shouldn't a game that takes a long time to finish mean that it is well-balanced? if both sides are equally skilled, then a whoever wins in a long game shows that it's indicative of skill not gimmicks

I vastly prefer HotS to both.

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imagine actually having taste this bad

I'm not him but objectively dota is slower then league. Walk time, turn time, cast time, are all significantly slower than their league counter parts.

Is there an ounce of truth behind your post? Is it the result of experience or assumptions? How would I know that you aren't someone burnt and biased by circumstance to trust your judgement on taste?
I like what I like and that cannot be changed.

I played HotS on and off throughout its whole life because I have friends who play all three games
It's incredibly simple and shallow, there's next to no variety with shared XP and there being next to no character building, every map just being "go here and teamfight when the map tells you to" instead of natural map rotation and objective control is boring as hell, and none of the abilities feel powerful or impactful in any way.

HotS is boring stinky doodoo and that's exactly why it died

>after all these years I'm still too afraid to leave the bot match kiddie pool

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DOTA 2, but only because it has Auto Chess.

>shouldn't a game that takes a long time to finish mean that it is well-balanced?
That's the dream.
>Game has been lost since minute 25
>Just dragged on and on and on and on and on and on
>Enemy team basically slow-teabagging and running away whenever we all meet up because they have mass map and farm advantage
>No way we can win at all
>Finally at 120 minutes the map is just so fucked that the game ends naturally, with or without the enemy pushing it to the end
>Toxicity and bitching rains in a flavored rainbow of languages
>Can't do anything about it because Valve autists believe "MUH COMEBAX" is a thing still, when it's just inconvenient.
The above is the actuality.

why did HoN die so fast?

I like it because it goes straight to teamfights and because that feeling of weakness makes me feel like I earn my success in battles. I'm going to use a food analogy because it's apt and because the subject is taste. If someone has genes that make olives, absolute perfection in fruit form, taste horrible and bitter, do they have bad taste for not liking olives?

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If you're talking HoTS, then that's silly. If you're talking DOTA2, then I'm right there with you. Though I've played literally 750 hours of Bleach VS One Piece in DOTA2 and find it far more entertaining than the fucking core game. Warcraft 3 better bring that shit back.

>walk time
no, leagues map is smaller
>turn time
turn time is instant with phase boots
>cast time
what does this even mean? you mean cast animation? does league not have cast animations? lots of heroes and spells in dota are instant cast, every item for example
>surrender button monkey
ok so you have no idea what you are talking about and is full of shit, cool. why even express an opinion when you have no idea what you're talking about?
>Can't do anything about it because Valve autists believe "MUH COMEBAX" is a thing still, when it's just inconvenient.
I literally won a game 3 days ago where my 5 stopped playing after 3 minutes and did nothing but follow my storm spirit, the guy he lost the mid lane to in a roll so I can tell you that comebacks do exist and, while not frequent, actually happen

>>Enemy team basically slow-teabagging and running away whenever we all meet up because they have mass map and farm advantage

If you can't stage a comeback under these conditions then you're a retard. Unless Icefrog completely destroyed Dota since the last time I played.

>and because that feeling of weakness makes me feel like I earn my success in battles.
That doesn't make any sense though, when the game is designed around heavier impact stuff it's not like only you have it, both sides get it.

HotS doesn't have that effect for me since it's just a big extended tickle fight and whichever side is up in levels just puts out more DPS through it. I never feel like I outsmart or outplay anyone because the game gives me so few tools.

user I love Dota too but all of his points about Dota's "speed" as far as mechanics go compared to LoL are completely true, there's no point trying to argue this

then maybe you can explain in what way dota is slow, because he seemingly can't

A game of LoL is decided by which team has the most people who have their lane matchup memorized and can micro perfectly. Something as small as controlling the creep wave better than the opponent can snowball into a ridiculous lead.
In Dota you can lose your lane and still contribute to your team with roaming ganks and levels because items and gold gain don't matter nearly as much.

I'll happily admit that I'm far from the best DOTA2 player, and people refuse to tell me the secret of a comeback, so if the enemy's ahead and I've been ganked to being forever behind and incapable of farm when combined with trench placement teammates who bitch if I 'steal exp' by leeching nearby, then there's no point to continue. HAVE TO BE A GOOD GOY AND WADDLE ABOUT AND BE A FUCKING PINATA FOR THE ENEMY TEAM BECAUSE OTHERWISE I GET BANNED FROM THE GAME YAAAAAAAY

He literally just did and I just defended it you idiot
All of those elements are faster in LoL

Lol HoTS

Imagine thinking LoL is good.

sounds like you need a big dose of git gud scrub
there's a minimap, you know. if you use the information you gain from it along with your brain you can deduce where the enemy is and thus where it is safe for you to be. if you can manage to master this skill 100% then you will likely compete at TI level
so, walk time is faster despite instant teleportation anywhere
turn time is instant despite instant turn time existing
and cast time is also faster despite instant cast time existing?

Yes I mean cast animations, cast animations are significantly faster in league, most spells are instantaneous and the animation is an after thought.

Turn time is equal with special item, compared to baseline with league. Hmmmmm I wonder what could be considered faster as a whole.

In both games you have to walk past 3 towers to get to your lane. Walk down a river to gank, etc. The game as a whole is slower. Yes the map is bigger, but that argument would only work if the core gameplay had the same walk times. In order to gank or make it back to lane it takes longer, making it a slower game.

The HotS problem is that when something comes out that gives tools, it gets nerfed due to crybaby whiners.
>Samuro, who took some skill to actually micromanage those clones
NERFED. Why the fuck would you even waste time on the characters' kits if you're going to nerf the shit out of them and make the old, still viable picks by comparison the choice to make? Kind of breaks up the whole 'hey, buy this new shiny thing!' mentality, when the new shinies get insta-castrated when they make a certain dollar amount in under a fucking week

Ah, there it is! The defining element of why I still can't figure out a comeback. It's impossible to improve, when the enemy is not only better, but matchmaking insists I can beat these superior foes when I have minimal skill despite invested time.
>There's a minimap. If you can use information from it along with your brain..
Then I get ganked by random assholes when I go to ward, since as the scrubmax, I'm designated ward bitch and often have to try to help in any way possible. Of course, this is always disastrous.

>no, leagues map is smaller
meaning that you can traverse the map much faster in LoL
>turn time is instant with phase boots
turn time is instant the instant you get into the game in LoL
>what does this even mean? you mean cast animation? does league not have cast animations? lots of heroes and spells in dota are instant cast, every item for example
Yes, the cast animations in Dota are exceptionally long compared to LoL. In LoL champions either have no cast times are extremely short ones, all item effect are also instant.

Idk why you are being so anal about this point, the guy even said it isn't a bad thing, it's just the differences between the games.

>It's impossible to improve
see, this is your problem and it's not the games fault.
>Then I get ganked by random assholes when I go to ward
well that can happen as a support, it's honestly your job to put you in harms way to protect your carries. if you die and he walks away scot free I can sympathize, but since we're talking low skill brackets here I'm sort of leaning towards blaming you for wards away from your team and then getting mad

If your real life friends play LoL, they don’t fucking matter

The base movement speed in LoL is actually insanely slow compared to Dota, that's one of the biggest thing that gets me.

LoL has a ton more mobility abilities and dashes which is what he was talking about, so LoL is faster there
LoL ALWAYS has instant turn rates and Dota only does for a few seconds on a cooldown only if you buy a specific item, so obviously LoL is faster there
LoL's cast animation times are significantly faster all across the board, so LoL is faster there

You are fucking stupid, this is incredibly simple logic

>meaning that you can traverse the map much faster in LoL
not when tp scrolls and bots exist
>turn time is instant the instant you get into the game in LoL
okay, don't see how this makes the game slower in any regard. if it really bothers you that much you could always get phase
>Yes, the cast animations in Dota are exceptionally long compared to LoL. In LoL champions either have no cast times are extremely short ones, all item effect are also instant.
only true for a very select amount of high impact spells, like doom or primal roar fe. a lot are instant or near-instant like echo slam
>LoL has a ton more mobility abilities and dashes which is what he was talking about, so LoL is faster there
like what? a 300 range blink? how long is that cooldown again?

LoL strategically is slower, lacking TPs, longer cast ranges, options and access to Blink Dagger - which make EVERYONE instantly fast where fights can pop from 0 to 100 in a single blink. Meanwhile Flash literally deters playing while on CD.

>not when tp scrolls and bots exist
The context is in the movement and mechanics, which LoL is faster in. As far as map rotation goes, Dota is faster and nobody's arguing against that.

>okay, don't see how this makes the game slower in any regard. if it really bothers you that much you could always get phase
100% uptime instant turn rates from the beginning of the game is faster turn rates than needing to buy an item and only getting a few seconds of it on a cooldown. Are you legitimately braindead?

>only true for a very select amount of high impact spells, like doom or primal roar fe. a lot are instant or near-instant like echo slam
No they aren't, the cast times are longer on average. This is exactly what people mean when they say dota feels sluggish or clunky. LoL's cast times are either a flat .25 seconds or instant, the vast majority of Dota's cast times are longer than that.

>like what? a 300 range blink? how long is that cooldown again?
Nearly every hero in the game has at least one dash or teleport built into their kit, often more than one. Please stop posting if you have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

I'm not even defending LoL, Dota is objectively the better game but when people say "LoL is faster" that is entirely true whether it be average game length or the pace of fights and moment to moment mechanics.

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LoL is a soulless Chinese """game""" for women and normalfags.

>DotA is fast than LoL
DotAfags have some kind of complex I swear. I wouldn't be surprised if I saw a one arguing that Dota has better fapbait. They'll refuse to concede even the most neutral of points if they weren't the ones to bring it up.

>game length
doesn't mean slow
>pace of fights
you're literally retarded, a whole team fight can be turned around in the span of a second
>moment to moment mechanics
like all the instant cast stuff in dota, right?
sure traversing the map in league is on average faster, probably. turn rate is instant? fine.
>LoL's cast times are either a flat .25 seconds or instant
is a straight up lie someone who doesn't know what they are talking about would say, but fine even there I can concede that dota has a very select few long animations. none of this explains why dota would be slow though, because the crux of both games is teamfights and neither game is slow in that regard

Dawngate because at least it died during the honeymoon phase so I can remember it nicely despite knowing it was an unbalanced piece of crap like League.

Dota 2 is better, league players can't deny.

>doesn't mean slow
It literally does, and I see you're ignoring the point on mobility and ability cost and cooldown because you know it proves you wrong
>you're literally retarded, a whole team fight can be turned around in the span of a second
Doesn't mean anything because that applies to both games, the point is LoL's fights are resolved faster since it has faster TTK and higher burst in everything but the very early phases of the game
>like all the instant cast stuff in dota, right?
There's barely any, if there's a cast animation it's not "instant cast"
I just told you Dota has longer cast times on average, that's a fact

You are empirically demonstrably wrong here, stop shitposting

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99% sure he hasn't played League for more than an hour. He's just desperate to bullshit out of plain facts.

neither they're both shit

I have literally never played league at all, league is literally not even relevant to the discussion. My statement was and has always been "how is dota slow" which none of you have yet managed to answer

>I just told you Dota has longer cast times on average, that's a fact
no, you said "the vast majority of Dota's cast times are longer than that" don't try to twist your own words in a vain attempt to correct yourself
>Doesn't mean anything because that applies to both games, the point is LoL's fights are resolved faster since it has faster TTK and higher burst in everything but the very early phases of the game
>higher burst
99% sure you haven't played dota for more than an hour

DOTA 1 > Launch DOTA 2 >Dota 2 Reborn (7.X) = League of Legends

DotA 2 has been going downhill since 6.82 when they've hard reworked the game to the point where they might as well just imported -em from dota 1

Are there actually fun tower defense custom maps for dota 2?


>no, you said "the vast majority of Dota's cast times are longer than that"
That means the exact same thing you absolute retard

>99% sure you haven't played dota for more than an hour
Not an argument

Are we done here?

I used to prefer dota because it had more tactical depth to it, but they kept nerfing tactics (HURR DURR RAT DOTA) because it isn't esports friendly even though there used to be a lot more interesting team comps and play styles.

But now its all about ricing for 20 minutes and then teamfighting and running it down mid, I used to love playing ganking heroes because I farmed other players, not creeps, but now the game punishes you for doing that because there is so much free and safe gold from the 3+ creep camps added to each side of the jungle, the constant nerfs to item prices and the general amount of free gold like bounty runes and deny gold on the field you can't play an early-mid game character anymore because there is no more early-mid game, just a ricing phase and a teamfight phase

And if I wanted my gameplay to be so rigidly defined i'd just go play fucking league

> My statement was and has always been "how is dota slow" which none of you have yet managed to answer
???? are you actually fucking retarded ????
Slow is a relative term, meaning that to call something slow is to compare it to something else. Everyone in this thread has been saying that Dota is slow in comparison to LoL, then offering facts to back that up while you damage control and offer non sequiturs.

>I have literally never played league at all, league is literally not even relevant to the discussion
And after all that you say this fucking nonsense? You literally admit that you had no idea what you were talking about in the first place? I hope for your mother's sake that you are trolling.

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DotA has sexier girls for sure.
>Ingame model viewer
>usable SFM
>sexy proportions on Lanaya

Meanwhile LoL models are made of unbaked moldy clay

Good post and exactly why I stopped playing Dota as well. Fuck esports balancing seriouslyl.

Literally git gud

I say dota because I can play dota without feeling bored as shit

League is so fucking slow the map is tiny as fuck with thousands of impassible terrain bullshit and bad LOS and even with the highest movespeed in the game (without abusing broken ass league bugs, which there are many) you still feel like you're moving slower then crystal maiden walking through upheaval

>Complains the game has no more depth
>"hurr git gud"
Ricing meta was boring fucking 10 years ago its boring now.

>I have literally never played league at all, league is literally not even relevant to the discussion.
You're in a LoL vs Dota thread you fucking mongoloid
And now you've straight up admitted you have no clue what you're talking about so you've conceded, that's all folks

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>ricing meta
You don't even know the meta, but you're probably from LoLs 15 minute farming game.

The community is more fun in dota
Russians, seamonkies peruvians can accept trashtalking like no tomorrow.
You wont get banned because of hurt feefees
Fun is allowed in esports
BM is allowed in esports
Game mechanics are more complex
Every hero offers varied gameplay
Actually good paid content although it's worse now

defend this lolbabbies

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neither because they're braindead games that lead nowhere

I have played thousands of hours of League of Legends, and never once touched Dota.
So the answer is Dota.
Because LoL is a horrible game in every single way, and not only does it make you angry instead of fun because of the many ways it, its developers, and its community eat royal shit, but it's designed to keep you hooked and suck up your life too.

Dota 2 is the better game. League is easier and the player base is retarded. To climb though /mute all until you hit high elo

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League was good. WAS being the keyword, since its inception it has become utter bland trash with no attempt at balancing whatsoever
I don't regret what money I spent on it for the time I got out of it, but as a game it is now vastly inferior to Dota