What are you hoping for with Resident Evil 8, Yea Forums?
What are you hoping for with Resident Evil 8, Yea Forums?
ass and titties
Actual enemy variety/design
RE6 remake
Non humanoid enemies
>same mechanics/camera/gameplay as RE2 remake
>mcs are Jill and Chris
zombie arena shooter
Copy the gameplay from Re2make
Them to make RE4:2 or go back to fixed camera
is this the thread where we pretend it was announced/leaked?
just keep this piece of trash out
this. RE7 was an interesting change of pace but it was missing the fun & adventurous elements RE4 had
First person again and a continuation of the plot threads left with 7. Some more enemy variety of course and a game that's longer as well. Honestly 7 was a really good foundation so just keep building with that.
>Get's her own game, and its the worst mainline game
>Returns for a CGI movie, and its the worst RE movie period
>Even her creator hates her
She's RE poison.
RE4 was lightning in a bottle. You can't just recapture something like that again so I'd rather they didn't even try. Hell, they already kind of tried with 5. RE is at its best when it's running with inspired ideas.
I'd agree with this a year ago but then the REmake2 came out and now we can see what they can do and the foundation is there for a true successor to 4
leon + ethan quip party
Battle royale
Outside of the third person perspective they're really not that similar.
RE2 x RE4
Leon Kennedy rescues Leon Kennedy for the ultimate zombie apocalypse escort mission
Why must you make my soul howl in pain, user?
If it's first person nope also no steam no buy.
They should ape SH4: The Room and make exploration bits 1st person but shift the combat to 3rd person. I think it'd be cool if there was a feature where you could press your ear to a door to hear if there's something on the other side. Obviously this would be used for cheap jump scares but that's the point.
You want another re 7? good god kill yourself.
I love RE4 as much as anyone could love any game, but it's just the truth. The way I see it we might never get any game as good as it again, let alone an RE game. Be happy it happened at least. Shit is still fun as fuck.
That setting would be awesome. Spooky mountains are the best.
Cute. Twinks.
In tactical gear.
An entire unit of twinks.
Delicate cute girl who can barely shot a gun as the main character with Souls game difficulty
>not getting another game better than RE4
we've had quite a few actually m8
Resident Evil Outbreak File #3
Honestly. I want RE to remake RE3 and CV. Then make a new RE4 where they continue with the Zombie theme and disregard the parasites and mold bullshit.
The return of one man
More like RE1/RE7
Less like RE4/5/6
RE 2/3 are somewhere in between
Please make our MCs have a wedding and suddenly out of nowhere its raided by zombies. Then kill some iconic character and becomes the plot of the game.
Unironically want re6 gameplay back. That shit was fun and with fixes could have been even better. Too bad that type of gameplay was never done by anyone else after.
I'm hoping they stick to the theme of 7, a new unprepared cast with a new scenario they need to figure out on their own. but with maybe a cameo from a former cast member like maybe ada
I'd be up for another first person RE. They just need to keep changes they made in the RE2 remake, like making crippling zombies important, and actually involve zombies, and it would be golden.
no first person view. only reason i skipped 7.
RE7 was a return to form m8. RE2 remake even more so.
give it a try anyway someday imo its a dope game
Only good part about RE7 was that the old dad was based as fuck
Being called 8iohazard in japan
That it's more like RE4 than the shitshow that was RE2make.
Something like this
I think after the success of 7 and 2's remake, they know that the money right now is in slower paced horror.
I'd prefer something like this actually.
dingdingdingding we have a winrar
And this
Also fuck you, 2's remake was great.
And also like this
Leon will always have the best RE games because his personality is the best suited to survival horror.
He isn't a soldier like Chris so he's never about 'muh mission' and even when he has a mission he still goes out of his way to make sure there's as many survivors as possible.
Pure heart police officer is best husbando.
And why not some vehicle sections.
>Female protagonist
>Waifu tier female
>Naked Mods
Just let the series die already. So sick of these games having so many sequels. This is why the gaming industry is so dull.
Define waifu tier
who are those movies made for
>Returns for a CGI movie, and its the worst RE movie period
That's not Resident Evil: Damnation user.
Damnation had JD.
Resident Evil 4 again. That is what i hope.
Fans of the games who love anime and shitty kungfu/bulletfu movies
JD is why I couldn't stand that fucking movie. It was the most force thing they ever did in the CGI films
top right claire is only claire
Better level design. RE1 style where its more interconnected, i really did not like RE7.
Do they even turn a profit?
Action game with HUNK, regenerative health and melee moves.
>Resident Evil 8
Wait. Was there a 7?
I love Claire.
RE7 had some top tier bosses
>The garage fight where the you have 2 entirely different fights depending on who manages to get into the driver's seat with the keys
>The fucking chainsaw duel
>The cat and mouse fight with the mom
The last one had some pretty nice touches. I was playing with some friends, and there was a part in the fight where we saw her hand grab reach out and grab the side of a doorway before coming through. It was such a small touch but it gave us chills.
The only thing I didn't like about 7 was how forced Lucas was in the game, and the lore. I couldn't buy into the fact The Connections brought on him and made him a scientists.. even though he had no qualifications at all. It felt so shoe horned in.
A continuation of 6's autismo plot for more co-op setpieces and fun
Claire is the best
Honestly? I’d kill for this instead of what we’re all normally expecting. 3rd person OTS tactical melee combat with nigh unkillable zombies in a Excalibur setting, inspired by the Perceval part of the film. Revamped and salvaged Deep Down gameplay and no firearms or ranged weapons until a good way through. Make it a super origin story of the Spencer family
That was only for the Not a Hero thing though right?
During the base game, I don't think he's anything other than the psychopath son of the family.
> RE2 remake gameplay
> More enemy variety
> Zombies are in the game
> Less horror and more action, compared to RE7. More like RE2.
> Better level design than RE7. Large areas with branching paths, like the police station in RE2 and mansion in RE1
> A protagonist that has an actual personality, unlike RE7. Could be a new or returning protagonist, or even one of each. But for gods sake make me like and care about them. Ethan was a horrible protagonist.
No, that was the end game for RE7. They even explain it in lore files. He is the one running the salt mines, if you can believe it.
Leon became such a focused fighter. Some say he is wicked.
A labyrinth like area that is at least twice the size of the Baker estate along with some clever puzzles.
Well that is silly.
Oh well, the game kinda fell apart at the boat anyway. It wasn't completely terrible, but everything before it was the best part of the game.
Jill and Claire to be half naked at all times
Chris forcibly making Leon breed Claire, either by way of forced ejaculation or other means.
Ada to steal Leon's seed and gulp it down at the last second.
Ending is Claire and Chris taking turns sucking on a round of buckshot, putting the damned blood line to an end.
Also, I want Leon to punt Albert Whiskers into a wood chipper.
More survival craftan
The chainsaw duel was godawful. The controls way too clunky for close quarters melee combat in a tiny room like that. And you didn't even mention the best fight in the game, the fight against the big monster thing at the boathouse
I think RE7 was the right balance of action and horror.
Well, have more enemies, but don't necessarily make it more "actiony" if you know what I mean. 7's overall vibe in the estate was perfect IMO.
You might be right. I think the beginning is by far the best part. (and I even liked the ship section too) I just felt like Lucas was super lame as a plot device / character
RE7 had too many long on rails horror section with no enemies. I prefer RE2 in that regard.
I guess that's fair. Re2 certainly got you to the more open ended exploration faster than 7 did.
I can't fucking stop playing REmake 2. The game is too addictive.
>50 year old MC's
uuh no
>linear ots action shooter
>fun & adventurous
They've got to I think. Why else would they keep getting made right?
To finally find out who the fuck Jenny K is.
Probably died of old age by now if she was a head scientist in 1998... shes at least 60
Damnation was the only movie that I could call decent.
My god this stupid.
Keep first person, leave third person to the RE3 remake, and then they can decide where they want to go on their next trilogy (10-11-12)
Claire is the best part of RE.
They barely break even in the states but they make bank worldwide, over $1.2 billion.
That's a ton considering how shit they all are outside the first film
I want to marry Claire, have children with her, and grow old with her
The future of RE over the next 4-5 years should be, in this order:
>REV3 and new CG movie
>REmake 3
Not him, but my issue with 7's first person camera is how much it takes the emphasis away from movement. It's such a fun staple of the series and I don't find the Dishonoured/etc style block button shit interesting or fun at all. 7 looks like a great game, and I adore how it's a throwback to Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (it's my all time favourite horror movie), but I don't find the gameplay anywhere near as fun as I'd like to.
>Game ends with them tag-teaming Ada
>half naked
why stop there?
I feel you bro.
You move in 7 like you do in Dead Space except it's first person. And Dead Space movement is basically just like less tanky RE4 / RE5 (but not as free as RE6). Like you can strafe and move backwards (and aim + fire while doing so), but its so much slower than running straight forwards.
I don't like how when you are running around enemies you cannot turn your head to look at them without slowing down. Hopefully RE7 was their first person experiment and they're done with it. REmake 2 has a first person view mod and it works great anyway
Pants and no top are a kino combination. Bandages instead of bare boobs is S+.
I just don't enjoy it anywhere near as much. It's not as flexible or interesting to maneuver. There's a weightyness to turning and moving in RE2Remake that feels so right. Dead Space is a way more aggressive game than RE, I'm more likely to shoot to kill in Dead Space than use movement, so I don't compare the two.
I wish we had an outfit where she is only wearing her spats
>'Resident Evil 8' Will Feature Hook Man And More Bioweapons, Insiders Say
>According to known "Resident Evil" leaker, EVIL VR, on Twitter, some of "Resident Evil 8’s" enemies will be newly infected scientists. These scientists are infected with the zombie virus just like most "Resident Evil" games but haven’t turned yet. While they haven’t turned into flesh-eating zombies that fans know, these enemies are noted to be insane. Moreover, the test subjects for the virus such as humans and animals may also be fought in this title.
>Other information about "Resident Evil 8" is the return of the Hook Man from the “Resident Evil 4” trailers. This enemy is a person wielding a chain hook while being engulfed in black smoke. The smoke consistently obscures the enemy’s shape but is always seen to be aiming to hurt the main character, Leon S. Kennedy.
Claire is meant for marriage+family.
is that the same leaker who said they are outsourcing development of RE3make?
>play as an older gentleman living in a log cabin on the outskirts of a forest
>zombies and monsters begin to show up around the area
>now HIS residence is evil
>as the game goes on it is revealed that the player character is actually Billy
Nope, Dusk golem is the one who claims that.
a high quality chinese nude mod
I'd like to believe that, but has evil vr got anything right before?
I would say CAPCOM HIRE THIS MAN except then he would stop making nude mods
There were a ton of secrets in each level and it wasn't entirely linear.
First Person Perspective.
yo why this shit look like skyrim 2
pretty sure he's dead
that would be way too kino for Capcom
Resident evil 8 will be a decision making game like detroit become human or until dawn. Most of the game will be walking and making decisions.
I just want a buddy cop themed spin off game set in Raccoon City prior to the outbreak to investigate small crimes involving zombies.
no way fag
Resident Evil is about shooting. Save that for a new IP
That’s right my nigga
Resi 2 remake was the first time I enjoyed the series since 4
So more of that
god yes
Can nostalgiafaggots fuck off please? go fucking play RE4 then. Fucking obnoxious.
Back to first person
Ashley Graham is POTUS, but still chasing Leon's dick.
Now THAT is what RE5 should have been. Imagine that as realtime gameplay, would be a wild ride.
Psionic research that goes wrong, mindfuckery and unreliable narrator antics.
Top tier waifus and for god's sake NO first person
you can't even see what he's firing at
Just like classic Resident Evil
That movie was so fucking stupid, I'd love to watch it again
Witchcraft over hillbilly demons.
Return of cute girl and sexy outfits but thanks to the sjws and liberals at Sony Carlifornia that won’t happen
Mrs X chasing Leon in her saucy clicking heels!
RE2R has cute girls, sexy outfits and great bodies. They even show more skin than they were supposed to for Claire's classic outfit
I did, and it was fucking amazing. I want another one though.
RE being one of my favorite series, it's weird that I say this, but a Resident Evil 7-style FPS with a better story and more elements from the original.
Re4 original + re4 hd, 2 in 1 package, 4+4=8
For the second half to live up to the first half