What Vidya character stands a chance against him?

What Vidya character stands a chance against him?

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Other urls found in this thread:


is that Evil Malcolm from Malcolm in the Middle?

Asura. Duh.


Nah, its clearly adolescent Jack from Supernatural

Basically evil Superman.


>His daughter tries to be his pal
>He throws an autism fit and tries to hurt her or make her cry
>Asura caves in his head with one punch

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Basically kid gets bullied and does the equivalent of shooting up the entire school except he's fucking Superman

Biggest understatement, He had a body in his basement pinned to the wall with the mom's whole chest and stomach area missing just because she didn't want him around her daughter whose hand he broke because she called him a creep for stalking her, he's psychotic and autistic.

Or Lucifer in a adolescent body

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Technically not his fault though. The alien race he comes from is evil and sent him there to "take the world". He was a normal kid until the ship brainwashed him.

I'm sure he's beat by some real gay shit in the movie so imma say most video game protagonists. how do they kill him

So hes /r9k/ new hero?

it's the kid from that new Spooperman movie

>dude what if Superman was evil

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They don't

el niño

nope he actually kills everyone including his parents, movie ends with him around the world causing atrocities, crashing planes, knocking down skyscrapers etc

Birghtbern the hedgeheg

>"lol, let's make a movie if Batman was evil"

stupid capeshit lover millennials

Well obviously he doesn't destroy the earth so what's the conclusion

They don't
It's a slow ass piece of shit that doesn't show it violence, doesn't develop character, and doesn't get to any point

Well that's pretty cool
Ignore me being retarded

kek, he was a saiyajin. The director is a fucking hack.

he destroys the earth

Literally Goku if he wasn't retarded and followed his original programming

nothing personnel, kal-el

That sounds pretty fucking dumb. Could be cool, though.

I'm okay with that might have been cool with a bunch of high scho bullies throwing rocks at him that are coincidentally kryptonite, killing him, as the Chads call him a cuck faggot

not like Dragon Ball isn't made by a hack either

apparently they're making a psycho justice league, movie ends with a conspiracy theorist taking about a "ocean man terrorizing boats", and a "woman with a rope murdering people"

>evil aqua man
I would watch the shit out of that

I don't believe you. I thought the planet was destroyed

Owlman when?

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It's probably something they'd have to walk back on if/when (probably when unfortunately) they do a sequel.

The BvS corner gag was really stupid. A dumb low-blow, even for Gunn.


Isn't this shit's logo just the Brand from Berserk?

Was this even passable?

Goku got hit in the head and lost his instinct, it's not that he was retarded.

>movie has no ultimate goal or lesson
>just ends with the kid killing his whole family and destroying human civilization
What was the point of it all? No payoff.

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user was lying lol, he didn't destroy the planet, he just went around doing pic related, mass murdering.

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>luthor frantically trying to invent something to counter the super human monsters
That would be actually interesting

Superman. Brightburn is literally just Earth-3: the origin story.

I want Superwoman to sit on me.

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>What vidya character can stand up to "X" thread
The answer is always Asura, people should just create threads with "Can "X" beat Asura?"

Bet the sequel has a Batman expy.

Question is, will he be the badass that finally takes him down, or will he be killed in seconds as a fuck you to the concept of normal human heroes?

Can Demonbane beat Asura?

Well so far, he's completely indestructable, only thing that managed to harm him the whole movie was the special alien metal made from his own ship. Basically, the kryptonite of this universe. And no doubt after finding this out, he probably gonna destroy that ship.


>neither of those characters are superwoman

>destroy the ship
>shards are scattered all over earth
good idea

>he probably gonna destroy that ship.
He did. With an airplane.

This is Superwoman.

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I wwant her to accidentally snap one of my ribs while we bang

>In a later interview with Collider, Yarovesky confirmed that the film's mid-credits scene, making reference to a half-man/half-sea creature terrorizing the seas, Rainn Wilson's character Frank Darbo / The Crimson Bolt from Super, and a powerful witch who chokes her victims with a rope that compels them to the tell the truth, was intended to set up a sequel, in addition noting that an alternate ending to the film featured Emmie Hunter's “Caitlyn — [ending] with her in a lab fastening a robot arm on her broken arm, and her just pissed off”, as well as mentioning “tons” of other such endings as having been discussed, as well as stating that “[i]f we were to expand the Brightburn universe in other installments and in other ways, we would probably be doing it in the exact same way, in total secrecy and then drop a cinematic trailer at some point that kind of teaches [one] what that new direction may be.”
This here is the Batman expy.

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great idea

This is also Superwoman.

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He's going to hurl it into the sun, dummy.

Actual Superman has had videogames, so yes. Actual Superman beats the fuck out of edgy nihilism Superman. We know this because it happens in Injustice no less.

Fucking FUCK I am tired of edgy superman subversions. ACHTULLY IF SUPERMAMB WERES REAL HE'D BE A TOTLA MONSTER LOL

Yeah cause that's real fucking original. Only seen it a million fucking times already. Holy shit the 'epic twist' loses it's fucking impact when the subversion is all you can do, no one can even attempt to do a straight superman film or story anymore. That fucking hack ass Zack Snyder even fucked up his solo films.

Jesus fuck I am mad. Maybe you nihilistic cunts should stop trying to tear down people better than you in your autistic fits of rage. NOOOOOOOOOO SUPERMAN CAN'T BE GOOD BECAUSE HUMANS ARE SHIT I KNOW BECAUSE I'M SHIT. And that's the truth - people make these stories because they're fucking SHIT and they cannot fathom a genuinely good person with power. In their edgy little minds anyone with power is automatically an asshole like them.

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That silly user
>metal that can hurt invincible kid
>Being destroyed by a plain plane
the sequel would be probably someone that take care of the clean up infing the strange metal and notLex Luthor finding out.

Seemed to work.

These three are all Superwoman.

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Cpt. Scott Miller, CTRG

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until people scavenge enough shards to make fucking weapons to kill him, yeah
though maybe I'm overthinking the writer's ability to write

Besides irredemable, moore's miracleman and injustice I can't recall anything like this.

Based Beta Ray Bill poster

Asura is not the most powerful video game character.

wasn't unbreakable kinda like that?

i don't think they're doing this after the poor box office this film had

>wot if we 'ad supermans, but we made 'im a baddie?
What's the point? Next we're going to have >wot if we 'ad batmans, but we made 'im a dummie?

Superwoman is a villainess from Crises on Infinite Earths. She's actually the Shazaam expy

way ahead of you

How tall is she? I would like to stuff my face in those pits standing up straight

It's basically any story that as a superman expy that happens to be a dick. The ones you mentioned, Homelander in The Boys, evil Hyperion, etc.

Max Payne

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They retconned that. Goku wasn't evil when he was sent to earth

>Justice League
I'm sure there's more

>What's the point? Next we're going to have >wot if we 'ad batmans, but we made 'im a dummie?
they did this too. Kickass, as well as this movie

To this day I still wonder if she turns into an Evil Mary Batson if she says the magic word.

Whats the rundown on Beta RAy Bill? Odin decides to give horseface robot title of Thor?

Crimson Bolt kills him with a single blow with his monkey wrench

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Pretty tall.

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He's an alien, I think. But yeah, Odin's like "you're pretty awesome, have your own hammer."

They didn't buy the rights to anything DC related and Warner has nothing to do with it so probably never
based something unlimited poster

Owlman? More like Owlmanlet.

I caught the last third of this film on cable once, it's so bizarre.

I thought it was more about the parents tbqh, wanting a child so bad, overlooking all the negatives in defense of that child, and slowly coming to terms with it maybe being a bad choice and maybe your child is just a shit. A real life issue with some parents tbqh.

>Can only name 5, one of them which just released
>Have an autistic meltdown

I kind of prefer this to how it usually plays out with superman becoming either an over protective dictator or a glorified mob boss.

The way sunsetrider does her hair and face makes me think of Ariana Grande.

>It doesn't change what is right
Isn't Beta Ray Bill changing what is 'right' by making his own definition of moral goodness and meting it out across the universe?

Ariana wishes she had a rack that nice.

It has the message that Looper should of had, kill the evil kid while you still can.

>What Vidya character stands a chance against him?
Kamen Rider

>Whats the rundown on Beta RAy Bill? Odin decides to give horseface robot title of Thor?
He was originally a minor character/one off enemy.

Beta Ray Bill is the last defender of a species whose homeworld died. His people loaded themselves into a sleeper ship and shot into space looking for a new home. But they would be defenseless while they travelled. So Beta Ray Bill offered to sacrifice his.. uh... alien version of Humanity to be genetically engineered into the ultimate warrior capable of operating in vacuum/space

This ship is on it's way to Earth so the aliens can colonize it (this is gonna kill all the humans btw) so Thor flies out to stop it and gets into a fight with Bill, who actually fights Thor to a standstill and due to his willingness to do anything to defend his people, can lift the hammer.

Because Bill is so based, Odin himself intercedes, redirects Bill's spaceship so his people can find him a new home, and grants him his own hammer with powers similar to Thor.

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Shut up Boco.

Is this any good now? I played it about a year ago and it was grindy as fuck and a lot of scenes were locked, I just wanted to see the lewds with a little bit of story

Not if he makes his daughter cry. Otherwise yeah


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SSR is transitioning the game to a new format while churning out bimonthly updates. It's still pretty slow but there's at least quite a few more dickings going on at last. Still disappointed that you can only clone a select number of girls instead of being able to clone them all so you can have a roster in the cells, a roster working Glamourslam, and a roster working the Meta Bordello.

Plenty of video game characters that have cartoon physics, even if you discount the actual cartoon characters like Popeye.

Evil superman would have been an awesome exploration of the terror of an all powerful malevolent being in the form of human and kratocracy in general, Id imagine them as a sadistic philosopher type who likes to soak in his superiority to the human race. Superman was supposed to be evil as the creators were jewish and the name was a (slightly incorrect) translation of the Nietzschean concept of the ubermench, that was also used by the nazis. Brightburn is just an edgy kid with superpowers in a generic slasher flick

>Fucking FUCK I am tired of edgy superman subversions
I want a GOOD Superman movie. It isn't fucking hard. Clark Kent as he has never been written in a film, is a big-hearted slice of boyscout. He loves his mama and pays his taxes. He isn't insufferable about it. He just knows to do the right thing and will sacrifice himself against all odds to do the right thing.
Nigga doesn't destroy a city if he can help it. He's there to protect the people.
Why on earth he has to be some Jesus analogue or a lifeless angry awkward mute is beyond me. He's a farmboy that just so happens to have powers, not the other way around.
A superman movie should be wholesome by the end of it. You should feel like you just ate a slice of apple pie.

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It's been out a week and made back three times its budget. Horror movies cost nothing to make.

Technically the parents would have lived if they didn't try to kill him. He didn't want to kill them. He was a twisted fuck, but he still loved them. When his father betrayed him you could see the shocked and devastated look in his eyes. The father was dumb as fuck though.
>know your child is invincible
>take him out to the woods to shoot him in the head
Dumb fuck, deserved death.

>DC Alts
Kingdom Come
The Eradicator
Cyborg Superman
Black Zero
Superman: Darkseid
Red Son
Justice League

Count Nefaria
Captain power

The Plutonian

>including his parents
What a faggot

Superman can defeat him since he's also a video game character

People overestimate how powerful Brandon is. He's nowhere near Clark strength at all.

Clark is so fast and powerful that he can even give Gods a run for their money.

The thing that's interesting about the character is someone with a human perspective grappling with godhood.

You forgot H'El

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Huh, anyway to skip to the lewd scenes without having to "play" the game?

Sailor Moon

This. Superman is compelling because he's a classic hero- if people don't understand that, then they're either dumb or privileged enough to not understand why people can find solace in him.

The OG superman movie was kinda like that least.

It performed below projections.

>He's a farmboy that just so happens to have powers, not the other way around.
He's not powers that just so happen to have a farmboy?

Has Yea Forums read prime? Do you guys want me to dump it? Atleast the first issue?

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Cpt. John Price, SAS

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Yeah and you can do that without being an edgy whiny fuck. Even fucking GARTH ENNIS, one of the three kings of comic book edge, loves Superman and understands what the character is about. He's fallible, and he makes mistakes, but his mistakes don't come from cockiness or being a jerk - they come from him caring so damn much he doesn't know what to do when things are out of his control and he can't help somebody.

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He was mentioned in the credits? I only heard about the Wonder Woman and Aquaman people.

>movie is about how a teenager can go crazy with power even if they're Superman
>except he's actually brainwashed the whole time so lol who cares
is it even scary

Meanwhile there's a trillion stories that play superheroes straight.

People who have trouble writing challenges for Superman constantly forget he doesn't go fucking all out from the get go. He has an almost pathological block on really cutting loose. DC animated is consistently the only portrayal to get this.


Why does Superwomen need such a fat slappable ass?

Not fucking Superman, though.

>Meanwhile there's a trillion stories that play superheroes straight.
Like fuck. Outside of the Marvel flicks, the comics don't play it straight anymore, the DC movies sure as fuck don't play it straight, none of the indies play it straight.

Yeah there's like a million marvel films, but they're still a drop in a sea of edge

Strong girls need strong glutes.

Does anybody have the page of Superman coming to Noonan's? I swear there's a page of that but I can't find it anywhere.

The film had a budget of 7 million, it already made it's money back and then some.

I want to be dominated by an amazon, is that weird?


Friendly reminder Superwoman in that depiction is Mary Batson, aka Billy Batson AKA Captain Marvel/Shazaam's little sister

Meaning Superwoman is actually a 14/15 yr old girl.

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never read action comics #1 i take it? Guy was a fucking dick

There are completed save games on F95

Don't forget the clown-themed vigilante mentioned in some newspapers

Didn't this movie straight up steal the brand of sacrifice from Berserk?

Yeah, but the sequel teaser stuff at the end definitely can't be done on a 7 million dollar budget and this film hasn't performed well enough to justify more money.

She's legal when she's Superwoman so it's ok.

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Basically the premise
>The alien race he comes from doesn't have either the time or compassion to raise the children themselves, so they send them off to god knows where (other planets I presume) to be raised by lesser beings until they're old enough then they are indoctrinated
The real mystery is, how fucked up does the race he comes from has to be, if indoctrinating him turns him into a psychopath who keeps photos of dismembered things in his book. Unless these were either his own already existing dormant habits, or his indoctrination just got fucked up somehow because iirc his mother did interfere with his "indoctrination" sessions once or twice. Then again that alien language sounded creepy and demonic af, maybe they're just evil. Or they might go all HP lovecraft on us, and the aliens turn out to be all powerful squid entities.

Being a super-duper pure-hearted good person like Superman isn't exactly rare in fiction, Superfags. Hell, even Superman occasionally acts like a jerk in his olden day comics. Edgy depictions like Brightburn and Injustice (because comic book morality is devoid of any sort of nuance) are generally dumb, though.

No but I have pages of him hanging out with Sixpack and Hitman

>The conversation begins with Superman explaining why he is in Gotham City, after some coaxing from Tommy. He had come to visit Batman to receive some advice and consolation. Superman had gone to rescue some astronauts from an exploding spaceship. He missed one astronaut, only finding him when it was too late. That failure weighs heavily on Superman, emphasized by the shadows covering his face.
>Superman admits to Tommy that he is only human and cannot always save everyone, but he also knows that is not what people expect. He says, “If I’m on the job, everything is going to be alright and everyone believes that.” It’s as much of a commentary about readers as the fictional population of Superman’s universe. People see Superman not as a character, but as a deus ex machina. He is so powerful that he has to be able to save the day. Yet that cannot possibly be true; Ennis and McCrea make it clear in their pages that Superman can fail. He is just a character and can be made to succeed or fail based on the whims of the writer.
?This allows for Ennis and McCrea to characterize him, too. Superman accepts he cannot accomplish anything, but is troubled with letting people down. His failure to live up to someone’s expectation is what he finds troubling. McCrea adds a clenched jaw and closed eyes to the words, “Superman let him down.” Considering the ridiculous nature of the scenario involving astronauts and flying men in space, it’s a very human moment with relatable grief.

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Even better

>BASED BILL is confirmed for future MCU movies
>they'll probably just turn him into a Drax 2.0 and litter his appearance with pathos based around him being a big evil looking monster
>they'll probably toss this line in and have someone cut him off in a Tony Starkish way, or just have him trip and fall mid speech because Marvel humor
It seems modern capeshit is on a spectrum (get it?) with the most extreme goof being something like Thor Ragnarok, and on the opposite spectrum being Zack Snyder's edgedark movies. Somewhere in the middle was The Dark Knight and Iron Man 1. Genuine efforts to make a good movie with compelling characters that have actual arcs not based around the typical tent-pole shit. I know its silly but I hope these movies return to that.

>Superwoman is actually a 14/15 yr old girl

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Isn't he some kind of humanoid virus?

Real superman is dumber though.

Then the guy he's talking to snipes and kills another guy.

this, Kamen Rider would win, easily.

The plutonian doesn't really deserve to be on that list, irredeemable actually goes through the trouble of explaining he was incredibly dependant on other's validation and had an incredibly egotistical worldview as well, among other problems that made him an overpowered time bomb. I'd even risk saying it's less "what if superman was evil" and more "what it superman had a terrible childhood with a terrible family"

Yeah but that's part of the joke. Superman is so nice - TOO FUCKING NICE - he has blinders and is too trusting

He's basically an anime protagonist

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The funny thing is that I think besides Thor himself, Drax would be a really good character to play off of Bill. The two of them both being essentially monsters, having lost their homes and reasons for fighting, and struggling to find reasons to carry on. They could potentially find kindred spirits in each other.

Iron Man 1 was pretty retarded. Tony Stark building his suit and flying to the middle east to kill terrorists because he got angry watching some CNN show was dumb.

I can't believe they made a 15yr old girl a sexual predator.

Wait, Joker's a good guy in Brightburn?

I mean kinda?

DC gods are weak as fuck compared to Marvel gods and cosmic beings.

What would you do if a 14 year old girl walked up to you, turned into a giant amazonian super woman, and forced herself on you? Keep in mind she can kill you with a single vaginal contraction.

>Iron Man 1 was pretty retarded. Tony Stark building his suit and flying to the middle east to kill terrorists because he got angry watching some CNN show was dumb.
he did that because he had PTSD. It pretty much followed the original ironman origin - tony stark gets crippled by his own weapons (it was land mines in the original though)

>marvel gods
Thor is a fucking jobber

I'm not talking about Zeus and Thor and those kinda Gods. I mean Gods as in people like Darkseid, Anti-Monitor, etc.

Superman is more powerful than all of them

That's the thing about that whole situation though: Tommy waits until Superman is out of (super) earshot SPECIFICALLY so that this never has to weigh on Supes' conscience. Superman is so fucking inspiring that a literal Hitman admires him and is a somewhat better person by his example.

And Superman naturally finds out the truth eventually, and there's a complicated feeling he has of both disapproving of and deeply respecting Tommy for having the courage to make tough decisions that people with superpowers never have to make. Ennis handles Superman really well: competent, but not perfect. Naive, but not stupid. He's a beacon of hope that brings out the best in other people, even bad guys.

Iron Man 1 is my favorite capeshit.

Can any Marvel god even touch the true form of Darkseid?


Realistically, what could you do?

its funny that the writer of My Hero Academia also got Superman just right too, All Might is so Superman that I'd consider him a canon alternate universe version.

>When his father betrayed him you could see the shocked and devastated look in his eyes.
You couldn't because the kid playing him fucking sucks at acting. If his character wasn't a sociopath he'd be Jake Lloyd levels of bad acting

But right there you are criticizing the concept, whereas the execution (atleast when watching the film) makes sense and works. You see how Tony Stark is losing his previous view of the world where he is seemingly free from any consequences. Where he recognizes that his actions actually have an effect on the world beyond him making money and reaffirming his belief in his own genius. So when he decides to take his work into his own hands and assume the responsibility to save those people despite them being people he doesn't know and never heard of, that's character progression. He's recognizing that people exist outside of his wealth and dick reach.

Jack Kirby.

She's still a (psychotic) 14 year old girl so you could probably outsmart her. Whatever you do you can't let her cum because it would destroy your dick and possibly the rest of your body.

All Might is basically Superman by way of Japan; which technically means he's Ultraman (right down to the time limit on his powers)

>Whatever you do you can't let her cum because it would destroy your dick and possibly the rest of your body.

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MHA's gone to shit with a few exceptions for the most part, but goddamn if it didn't do All Might vs AFO perfectly.

Thor is either "strongest god on earth" or far beyond that when he gets older in alternate stories.

I mainly mean the cosmic forces.

Literally every time someone picks up the hammer Thor has a big "YOOOO" moment.
Beta Ray Bill just has his own version of the hammer now.

yes some Gods are so strong that they eclipse their own universe, much like Darkseid.

I really do hate superheroes and comics

Characters like Superman are so overpowered that you literally can't beat them no matter what.
Fanboys and Haters will argue forever about "lol this guy can beat superman" or "superman can beat this guy".

In the comics it's all dependent about the writer of the comic though. So here's where it gets fun, if you add up all the various feats, powers and abilities of Superman you realize he's more powerful than every character in DC, Marvel, Image Comics, and every other form of media out there.

For fucks sake, he can punch a hole in reality and destroy all of reality with a single punch.
I wish people would stop comparing characters to him. You'll never win or lose.

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Heard you was talking shit like I wouldn't find out

This actually happened in a crossover comic

Is this not related to dc or actual superman? I don't see anything dc or warner brothers related on the wiki

Fuck forgot the picture

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It's not, it's pure nudge wink ripoff

Sol Badguy would just laugh at childish temper and one shot him and then send him to Dizzy to have him straightened out.

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If you can't see that, you're autistic.

Perhaps but he's a goddamn jobber, they even had Black Panther besting him, Black fucking panther besting a supposed god kek

I love hit man so much they really need to do a reprint of the trades.

That's not an understatement at all you moron. That's what 'evil' means.

Don't mess with Thor, bruh.

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why the fuck are they wailing on Supes for winning fair and square?

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show me proof

Shouldn't be an issue for you lmao

Because you don't do that. Not to him.

Superman is vulnerable to magic and otherworldly shit right?

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Oh Jesus fuck no, kirby is fucking cheating

Maybe, I don't know

Honestly that's one of the best scenes in any superhero movie because it's the power fantasy of seeing something fucked up in the world and wishing you had the power go fix it. 99% of the other content in capeshit films is people with powers only dealing with their interpersonal drama of supervillains targeting them specifically which is nowhere near as engaging.

>movie has no ultimate goal or lesson
There's so much fucking media that does this, it's getting real tiresome

just doom him

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LOL they're seething that Thor lost

How the fuck did i not know this existed? Was this undermarketed?

thanks for the spoiler
also it's just all plot
just like john wick


>movie where superman is evil
>no movie where joker is the hero

Non-super people have been fucking super strength women in comics all the damn time for decades and not once has anyone's dick been destroyed outside of gag comics mocking this very trope.

I think you're greatly overestimating the vagina here.
Shit, thing of all the babies super powered women have squeezed out of their snatches in the past. Every single one of those babies would have come out looking like soft serve ice cream if your line of thinking was correct.

If Superman can canonically control the strength of his orgasms so his ejaculate doesn't shoot out like a bullet that rips through Lois's insides and instantly killing her, Wonder Woman can control her vagina and her thighs enough during orgasm to not turn some poor bastard's entire pelvic region into a pancake.

You literally got 5 movies of that retard.

i would superman that ho

>tfw the TV literally says something along the lines of "refugees are starving and have no place to go, women and children are dying in their homes, the question on everyone's minds, who if anyone can help?"
>tfw its edited against Stark's look of growing determination/anger almost perfectly
Superhero movies are starting to forget that the concept most innate to the genre is that they SAVE people. Everything else, the action, the villains, they're all supposed to come second to that concept

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he isnt human
he's a fucking alien that needs to leave

superman is always holding back
this makes him a shit character
but what if he held back too much and the movie hammered that point into the skulls of the viewers

How with that 2-hour animation?

>but goddamn if it didn't do All Might vs AFO perfectly.
BnHA has never done good fights and this one was especially bad. You can't even care for the characters, as AfO is a generic baddy and All Might is generic good guy.
The fight literally boils down to
>No my punch too weak
>so I'll punch 1000%
It's fucking dumb and the people who liked that trash heap of a series should be castrated.

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Superman doesn't have any special protection against magic, but he's still Superman. Simple example: if Superman is hit by a magic sword that's still just basically a sword (ie: it's just a stronger sword, sharper, doesn't break, whatever), it's not gonna do anything to him. If Superman is hit by a sword that's magically enchanted to cut through anything, Superman is going to be chopped in half.

So he's not really vulnerable to magic, because you can shoot him with fireballs and ice storms all fucking day and it won't do anything because he's Superman. If you shoot him with an arrow that always kills it's target, he dies.

t. Lex Luthor

It’s like seeing a schitzo beat up a tard, you’d aid the tard because he’s a tard

What are Brightburn's powers, exactly?

>tard gets back up
>immediately decimates the guy

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He's Superman but an edgy teenager.

>He's Superman but an edgy teenager.

Specifically, what powers does he have?

Heat vision, super speed/strength, invulnerability,flight

>The fight literally boils down to
That's literally not what happened though. It was
>I'll trick him by punching with my right
>To actually punch him with my left
>but actually I'm gonna punch him with my right and the left is the fakeout.
You could at least watch/read what you're talking about.

What's this from my man. Also, how the new season of YOung Justice. I'm assuimging you know

>Heat vision, super speed/strength, invulnerability,flight

Any known weaknesses?

The metal that his spaceship was made of.

just the material from his ufo is able to cut him.

Superman's power set, but on an edgey teenager. The movie is literally "What if Superman was a fucking edgelord".

You do realize that still doesn't make it good, right?
Compare it to a majority of important Shounen fights and it just pales in comparison, both in terms of character writing within a fight and as a fight on its own. There's no actual choreography, none of the characters actually experience some form of growth, it just happens and exists for people to go "wow hype".
It's baby's new Naruto except worse. Because at least Naruto sometimes had interesting strategy.

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If the ship was weaponized against him, he could be killed, assuming he didn't become stronger before that, otherwise all users of magic on a master level could beat him.

>its another hero expy turns psycho comic
Wish it was about villains instead turning a new leaf and growing as a hero

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Your scenario represents power of love/friendship/guts wank. What actually happened was just trickery. Does that make it better? It's subjective. Just saying don't be a retard making shit up.

It does get weaponized at the end by his mother but even with lulling him into a false sense of security hes able to retaliate due to the super speed and drops her from the sky

If they make a cinematic universe from Brightburn it would be interesting to see how they actually defeat him and the other evil versions of the characters.

>It does get weaponized at the end by his mother but even with lulling him into a false sense of security hes able to retaliate due to the super speed and drops her from the sky

Damn. Now I really gotta see this movie

>DVD/BLU-ray release August 2019

Why can't they release the DvD/BLU-ray version a week after the movie premires in theaters? FUCK

No he’s braincels fuck you r9keks

just do what i did, nigga use rabb.it and a streaming site

So will bullying continue, or increase even higher after this movie?

>Inb4 bullying has to exist to weed out the weak from the strong to persuade the strong bullies into the army

Not him and don't watch Young Justice but the clip is from Crisis on Two Earths, direct to video movie that came out in the 2000s. It's good shit

Are you seriously, and unironically suggesting that I watch a shitty camcording of a movie? Are you retarded, or are you just stupid?

Bullying doesn't arise from any rational thought, idiot, it happens because kids/teens think it's funny at the time. That's it.

I can literally smell you through the screen. And for gods sake, shave off that neck fuzz.

You act as if Superman hasen't kicked the ass of magic users before lol. Magic is like a form of cheating and can throw him off sure, but it's not like he just faces a magic user and loses just because they have magic, he defeats them all the time. Hell one of his villains is a magic user.

>dude it's superman but evil
>turns out it's dragon ball but evil

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No they didn't, you idiot.

there's actual high quality rips instead of jose recording with his phone out there fucking troglodyte

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>alien ship crash landed in kansas
>literally taking in by two farmers
>has all of supermans powers
>his weird ass kryptonian symbols
It's not Dragon Ball. "What if supes took over instead" scenarios existed before Dragon ball was a thing.

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The kid was sent to take over the planet like in dbz, superman was sent as a refugee.

>one thing vs all the things that are directly copy paste from supes origin
Goku is a Supes rip to begin with.

Batman and his no yelling sock

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>Your scenario represents power of love/friendship/guts wank
A lot of anime fights that further characters don't do that though.
From Dragon Ball, I can think of many.
As an example, I'll choose Tenshinhan v Jackie Chun + Tenshinhan v Goku, which gets Tenshinhan to think beyond the Crane Hermit's school and find what he really wants in life and he only offers his friendship after the fight ended.
In the manga Akagi, there was a battle done entirely through mahjong and internal thoughts. This is one of the best battles in manga and anime history as it manages to take a man who is introduced as a remorseless serial killer into a sympathetic figure through his internal monologue and his sheer will to try and overcome Akagi. By the end of the night, he has become a completely changed man who just wants to seek out Akagi to have one last game, but Akagi shows disinterest in the idea of playing against an opponent who already lost and continues on with his own life.
It's really hard to put this into words since I'm summarizing a mahjong game that lasted 20 years in real life and took up a majority of the manga's run and deals with two of the best characters in the entire medium.
There's also fights that are just better fights in terms of actions, not just characters. Off the top of my head
>Yamucha v Shen
>Hisoka v Chrollo
>Goku, Gohan, Kulilin and Yajarobe v Vegeta
>literally any JoJo's fight in Part 5
>Rock Lee v Gaara
>Vegeta v Reccoome
>Goku v Kulilin
>almost anything in Dragon Ball from the RRA arc to just before the fight against Freeza

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That's nice. None of that applies to this though because I'm saying you were making shit up on how the fight went down,


I recall it ending with him being like "oh no my power going down" and then All Might ass pulling a "United States of Smash" then keeling over. I dropped the manga after the godawful Yakuza arc, so I don't exactly keep this shit fresh

>it happens because kids/teens think it's funny at the time. That's it.
>That's it.

Until it's too late and evolves into sadism.

They found him wrapped in a red blanket as well. Basically it's Supes, but not Clark Kent, this is what if Zod sent his son to Earth instead lol

>high quality rips

Never again will I watch a leaked beta version of a movie after that Wolverine movie.

Doesn't have super hearing, or super jumping, or super running.

>I made shit up because my memory is bad
Cool story bro.

Thumbnail makes me immediately think of Ron from Harry Potter

I was fairly sure that was accurate to the end of the fight.
It's still a dogshit fight if I can't remember it but can remember shit like Yamucha v Shen beat for beat.

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he was adopted though.

>My memory is shit so I'll make shit up but argue against it.
Making a really good case for how cool your story is bro.

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You never proved me wrong about the fight being bad though, so it still works out for me in the end.

>You never proved me wrong about an argument you were never trying to make!
Riveting tale chap.

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Hey that reminds me of spankety spankety spankety

Based retard?

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Literally hoo?

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He literally kills a chick by blitzing into her. And he was gone within a second of his father reloading the gun. Having super strength and being able to fly suggest he would be able to jump high lol. Though a very pointless ability to begin with when you can fly. He heard his ship calling all the way from the house.

Nah, you're a pretty unbased retard. This whole time I've been pointing out that if you're trying to make an argument you should try your best to be factual instead of making shit up and end up having people that know the facts of the matter call you out as a clearly biased idiot. For some reason you're too dense, autistic, retarded, or all three and were just incapable of understanding this point, instead yammering on with your insistence of being an expert on good fights.

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>He was a saiyajin
>a fucking hack
>Thinking Dragonball came before superman.

Sorry buddy, you're 50 years late on that one dipshit.

Well I am more of an expert than you.
You called a bland and forgettable fight from a series known for poor characters and even worse fights good.
I know I didn't misremember the ending of the fight, you chose something from the middle or the start of the fight that didn't make it sound any better. I know the fight ends with All Might going "hurrr I'm low on power" or the equivalent and then is followed up by him PUNCHING HARDER.
Which is the part I described in my original post. He didn't say 1000%, but that was just flair for my post.


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If they actually did it, I doubt they would ever introduce a hero, it would become a 'cinematic universe' of villains just killing everyone, and any hero would end up humiliated, ineffective and eviscerated, cause thats the tone these kinds of movies set

So, is it good? I saw the trailers. I just don't understand why the kid is evil. Like what's the point? You make him Superman, but then make him evil? Why?

>You called a bland and forgettable fight from a series known for poor characters and even worse fights good.
Can you point out the quote where I said that? Go ahead, I'll wait.

I'm glad Sony made this movie.
I'm so fucking sick of all the Disney happy endings. The "bad" guy needs to win more often.

Literally the Joker movie, you dumb nig


It's not good
The point of making him evil is so it's a slasher film with Superman as a nut job kid
It's supposed to be a movie that capitalizes on the horror behind the idea of a kid without empathy and full of cruelty, but give him the power to do anything without repercussions

? Who cares about cinematic universe shit? We've also got decades of Superman being a boy scout, he's been around for almost 100 years now.

kek, no

Alien programming, think Goku instead of Superman.

I ignored your dumb ass when your first post demonstrated you didn't know what you're talking about. You've been arguing for an hour like a goddamn moron with somebody who isn't even me.

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That isn't even me you moron. I jumped into this argument with How retarded are you that you can't tell anons apart?

You're arguing with somebody posting Akagi unironically, just ignore'em.

How is this movie supposed to be scary if the kid can just fly straight at anyone and obliterate them, rather than slowly creeping up for the kill like regular horrors?

>hurr durr you're the retard for not caring enough about me to recognize my posting style
Pray tell, how does one tell the difference between two people who have the exact same writing style and don't post images until now?
I'll just write you off as a schizo with a pass and leave it at that. Going to bed, I really do not care for this anymore.

Don’t know much about Kamen Rider, how does one get into it? Is there a recommended starting point in the series?

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Says the nigger who typed this unironically
>Well I am more of an expert than you.
Go to bed underage, it's past your bedtime.

The answer is always Kirby

Reminder that Chronicle was a better Brightburn than Brightburn.

user stop. You already outed yourself as a double retard. Now you're just digging a grave for yourself.

It's not good, lots of bad writing and bad acting. But I guess if you enjoyed LWA then you could like it.

There are a number, depending on your tastes really, and everyone has their own suggestions. The normal ones one recommends are
>Kamen Rider Black-Showa era, a classic
>Kamen Rider Kuuga-First Heisei era series, a solid entry and good for first timers
>Kamen Rider Double-Fun, light hearted, but hits the rhythm of a Rider series, and has a neat gimmick
>Kamen Rider Fourze-Very light hearted, but also a very solid series. Written by the same guy behind Gurren Lagann
>Kamen Rider Gaim-The themes are a bit out there for a first timer, but it's one of the best seasons. Also written by Urobuchi
>Kamen Rider Kabuto-One of the more well known and popular seasons, and usually recommended for first timers.
>Kamen Rider Drive-Simple but solidly written with a great cast

Another simple thing to do it look at the suits of each season, and pick the one you like and try it out. But stay away from Decade and Zi-O, they are anniversary seasons and deal with a lot of past seasons, continuity, call backs and fan service, and can spoil other seasons endings.

>implying I care what Yea Forums thinks

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If you had cared a little more you might have wound up at least mildly intelligent instead of HxHposter

Brightburn had better deaths. And evil superman more entertaining to watch than evil professor x.

Plus the costume is pretty neat.

Again, I don't care what Yea Forums thinks.
I can make myself look like the biggest retard ever, at least I'm being honest. Hiding is for pussies.
Also, I posted a Kurapika gif like an hour ago man, it's too late. I don't even go to Hunter threads, I just have gifs from the original anime

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You literally cared enough to insist on your being an anime fighting scene coinnoseur despite me not even arguing that in the first place.

any vidya character actually, I just have to imagine it have greater superpowers and declare it cannon.

Boom, that's how american capeshit function, you're welcome.

I said I was more knowledgable than somebody else who wasn't. I'm not wrong on that front either.

This, especially the Zi-O part. It literally spoils Blade's ending.

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Not knowledgeable enough to know how that one fight went, apparently.

How long does it take to learn to draw?
How do I start? can I take lessons somewhere?

I'd love to make my own graphic novel and put it on the internet for free.

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Still knew how it ended. I'm still not wrong about that, the only part I described, and it was still shit.

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>He literally kills a chick by blitzing into her
Super flight, user. Did you see him running towards her? No, he was floating.
>And he was gone within a second of his father reloading the gun
Again, being able to fly quickly is not the same as being able to run quickly.
>Having super strength and being able to fly suggest he would be able to jump high lol
Flying does not equate to jumping or running, you literal autist. Even the superman comic shit makes a clear distinction between leaping like a frog on crack and flying.

>This anime/manga ended with good winning against evil!
Wow. Shocker. Real genius memory there.

>He doesn't know

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I meant the part where he was running low on energy then punched harder and won retard.
Still, for a midpoint fight in the series, there are many things you can do.
Have him lose, have it end in a tie, have no clear victor, have one of them die, get an actually good power system going.
Many potential ideas.

Haven't seen the movie yet, but lemme guess, totally not Superman goes evil for being bullied. I know I'm right.

Shut up Lex. Go steal another 40 cakes.

You never stop learning, so you can't say how long it takes. The best way to learn is to practise by drawing things around you every day. A lot of aspiring artists copy photographs of people, sketch things outside of their window, or draw things like their own hands.

He acts like an incel around a chick and when she calls him a pervert he breaks her hand.
This leads the him killing her mother who wants to keep him away from her daughter, then he kills his uncle because his aunt is going to tell the Sheriff he's a psychopath, and he kills his parents because they try to kill him.
Also, his UFO tells him to take over the world.

It's like you weren't even paying attention. He just did a double dodgy ruse.

Duh, thats in the trailers. Though it seems the kid was already unhinged even before the bullying.

One thing missing from the rundown: Thor is about to fall into lava or something like that after Bill has knocked his ass cold and Bill saves him even though they're enemies, because he is eternally based. I think that's the tipping point for Odin to be like "hey this guy's legit"

The spaceship made him autistic.

And then Lady Sif gets soaked at that idea of Korbinite cock stretching her out and she hooks up with him.

Why the person who'm he's based off of of course!

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>Yamato seperates/divides things
>Yamato seperates Superman from his powers
>Superman's now-sentient powers are walking around

What happens next

She's already killed a super kid

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Literally any Disgaea character will mop the fucking floor with this teenage edgelord.

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Imagine arguing about illustrated kids books on a forum dedicated to kids toys.

The comics already answered that with the Eradicator.

It ascends to a higher plane of existence since it's no longer shackled by Superman's human based upbringing and mindset.

>Doesn't think Genis-Vell or Beta Ray Bill are cool as fuck
Eat a dick

you'd be left with a regular joe clark kent and a soome kind of formless alien that decides to go sunbathe for the rest of time.

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