>boss simply won't die
Boss simply won't die
>boss shows you a good time
still one of the most memorable boss fights ever
>Sister Friede
wtf happened to metal gear? Boomer here, only played the first one. How did it turn into full weeb?
this fight had so many memorable and hilarious part
>jack doing his retarded over-the-top movements
>senator just cuntpunts him the fuck off
They took the cyborg ninja angle and rolled with it.
fuck you, why'd you remind me of that boss just as I have successfully swept all thought of them from my mind, as my kind always have.
>Claims to have played the first one
>Doesn't remember that it was already full weeb
Why would you LARP as a boomer of all things?
First one as in NES? Revengeance is the only one that is full weeb. The rest of the mainline titles have still just been Kojima waking Hollywood