what are your thoughts on this site? Helpful or [insert shitpost]
What are your thoughts on this site? Helpful or [insert shitpost]
I tend to prefer being there.
as apposed to being where?
I mean it used to be helpful. I cant remember that last time i even looked at a walkthrough. Sometimes i'll google a question on a game and gamefaqs is usually in the first few results.
It's a helpful repository for codes and walkthroughs of older games. Many modern games have better wiki pages dedicated to them.
The message board can be hit and miss on information, the community has always been weird.
Been going there since 1997, so it's kind of a mild nostalgia spike.
lost all purpose after youtube had proper video guides instead of shitty advice like
>wiki pages
sorry but if I'm gonna look up walkthroughs or basic info on a specific aspect of a game I'd rather not read about circumcision
Only good for guides
My GameFAQs account is probably older than most of the zoomers on this board
A godsend when looking up guides for all kinds of games.
The message boards... I lost all hope after one of the site mods claimed that someone made over a thousand alt accounts to troll the Wii U board.
Yeah, nah. I'll take a text guide with the detail of a masters research study and comfy ascii art
There used to be guides by idiots that couldn't tell the difference between NSWE directions. Drove us crazy
I liked how there was basically a community of users just dedicated to making the mods mad, kind of like here.
and then there are those 5 min talk before the actual guide happens
[insert shitpost], obviously. What are you, an untermensch?
Neat guides. Message boards aren't good anymore
Despite CJayC being a lying bitch, GameSpot's mods actually did a lot to clean up the site. They regularly purge useless threads and edit the boards.
Overall, GameFaqs is the best place on the internet for real gaming advice. You could ask a single question here, or go through multiple threads with the answers to your question on GameFaqs.
Basically this. Before the advent of YouTube, gamefaqs was a godsend for walkthroughs.
Gamefaqs isn't all great anymore and the good trolls left.
You can't ctrl-f a youtube video.
guides are great; boards are retard garbage
I love gamefaqs layout. Simple and effective.
You'd be surprised. I knew someone who had +20 Alt accounts
Game winners was better
Makes sense that it would trend older. I've been going there since the very early 2000s. I still prefer text guides than any sort of video
Drink bleach and shoot yourself in the mouth, you fucking failed abortion.
Did I hit a nerve
It would be if most threads on gfags weren't
>Can I get the (item) early any way or do I have to always do this dumb ass section of the game full of QTEs?
>I don't know CAN YOU? :^)
>Quote Text: "I don't know CAN YOU? :^)" NICE!
>Quote Text: "I don't know CAN YOU? :^)" LMFAO
>Quote Text: "I don't know CAN YOU? :^)" OP: Look I just really want to know (thing) are you going to help me or derail the thread?
>WOW ok I was just being friendly but if you're going to be like that then why should anybody bother?
>OP: Do any of you know a fucking thing about the game or are you just a fucking Sissy_Fag96 circle jerk?
>You have received a moderation notice!
>You have been suspended for: 60 days on account of: flaming. You can appeal this moderation but it'll do you no good because it will be passed around to a bunch of faggots who will come up with literally any excuses to uphold.
GameFAQs as a site should burn and the people still using it should be lobotomized.
turned into garbage as soon as they added the quote feature
>he wasn't an OG GFAQs troll and knew not only how to avoid moderation but also successfully appeal the occasional karma loss
CE was SFW Yea Forums back in the day, and for that I'm grateful because I didn't turn out too fucked up
yet you're here
They have really great resources for Hyrule Warriors DE.
>tfw I still log into gameFAQs everyday
you still visit right?
modern games are so shit that gamefaqs or a wiki wont even have the info you need anymore
as an example, playing ac odyssey and want to know all the named unique gear so i dont scrap it
no info whatsoever aboot them.
>modern games are so shit that gamefaqs or a wiki wont even have the info you need anymore
You have it backwards.
To do what? Their game specific boards are usually dead as fuck. Unless you're overwatch or something.
>tfw over 5k karma and I aint slowing down
then find a list of all the unique gear in ac odyssey then faggot
Still useful for older games. Props to those who make fully-fledged HTML guides like pic related.
The boards are another story entirely, though. I recall going to the Dragon's Crown PS4 board and the sticky thread broke over infighting over a piece of information halfway through the info dump.
The guides are useful, but an annoying trend has popped up where fewer are being made in favor of shitty youtube videos. The boards can be pretty dead for anything not freshly released, but at least they lifted the ass-stick tier forum rules a few years back. I'm not really sure where they fall in the grand scheme of things now. Used to be it was babby's first vidya forum, and once people got old enough to get banned for offensive language they either took themselves too seriously and drifted to NeoFAG, or became wrapped up in offensive early-internet culture and migrated to places like here. CJayC lied, users died.
Worse still, not only did they leave but a lot of them turned milquetoast over at other sites as they got older. Forgot how to have fun, or why it was fun.
>had over 20 accounts on GFAQs
>troll various different forums (Halo 3, MW2, Rock Band 2, various Pokemon boards) with arbitrary tier lists
>one time made a several post long essay on how Modern Warfare 2 is actually the Citizen Kane of video games and how the subtle imagery will be spoken of for decades to come
erupts into multi-thread long argument
>get banned for having multiple accounts, with no expiration and no ability to contest
They don't make shitposting like they used to.
Anyone remember Black LUEsday?
Guides are great. Community is about as shit as anywhere else.
>all da guides are good!
The large majority of them are garbage.
bunch of snowflakes and rulefags. knowledgeable rulefags, but fags nonetheless.
1 thing I truly hate about this is those HTML guides is needing those damn page numbers just to see everything. Too many fucking guides cut off and gotta flip from back and forth all the damn time.
One some of them it becomes a real handful, yeah.
You can tell who's a gamefaq user when they copy the same message and change a word or two to spite a post they don't like.
They are alright but their message board archiving system is so stupid. Any message board that isn't being used constantly is filled with nothing but locked and archived threads. And they have so many message boards. For REmake 2, for example, there is one for each platform. PC users end up coming to the PS4 version of their game's board because everyone just defaults to the PS4 boards, since they usually start out the most popular.
They should delay the time it takes to archive based on the number of posts per hour that a board has, and possibly combine boards for multiplat releases.
Just got a message modded for the first time in a decade for using the term third worlders.
they're better than they used to be. They used to give you warnings for writing "F***" instead of "****"
Oh I know. People get away with a lot now.
>I still prefer text guides than any sort of video
I wish more people still had this opinion. I just want to Ctrl+F my way through a guide to find what I need in 3 seconds instead of skipping through a 5+ minute video.
extremely gay, literally
Helpful for the guides and the user ratings are the closest thing we have to an IMDB ratings system for video games. They're the best way to find obscure games.
They should introduce a weighting system though to weed out the users that only rate 1/10 or 10/10 - like the formula that anidb.net uses.
The message boards are like every other one on the internet - a fucking shit hole.
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I forgot to add - the HTML guides are fucking shit and they should all go back to text files. Everything is split into seperate pages which is a pain in the balls and you can't fucking ctrl-f to find specific info.
I'm part of the Macedonian Retro Game Mafia. We do business with gamefaqs users. Good trusting people.
its fine for most games, anything remotely popular is where the cesspool of garbage is
it's filled with gays?
or you're just saying that because the logo looks like GAMEFAGS?
Too much of a hug box
>They should delay the time it takes to archive based on the number of posts per hour that a board has
They started doing that recently user.
>Old gamefaqs
incredibly based, people would get incredibly autistic and write in-depth guides. For most games that were released before 2010, you can usually find a compilation of gamefaqs about every game mechanic, secret, and glitch in the game. Some guides were extremely shitty bait guides like but it's usually obvious as fuck. The good guides will usually have too much information for even the most braindead of enemies because of the autism of having ALL of the information. For some games, you'd be better off reading a gamefaq than going to the wiki.
>New gamefaqs
Absolutely useless. Most of the autists moved to just working on wikis for games since the site went to shit.
that's good to hear
This so much also that new search function where the merged faqs+boards+answers is fucking shit and now made it so you can't middle click the results to open in a new tab. SB needs to be hanged for this shit.
They still have the exact same taste in video games
Spoiler-free walkthroughs for certain games were nice.
>didn't log in for years
>log back in because of dragons crown
finding specific end game info on classes is impossible unless youre japanese
game is still active online though which is cool
A lot of the site is like a time capsule to the last decade that still gets posts. The system boards and the Smash Ultimate board though are basically Yea Forums lite.
basically and Gamefaqs is great for games that are picky as fuck with sidequests like Tales of Vesperia
It was the place to be before Yea Forums.
That Gamespot merger was some Eternal September-type shit, and it's never recovered.
>people would get incredibly autistic and write in-depth guides
i miss this so much
Yea Forumsros I don't know if I can handle all these underage redditfags for 2 months. This place is already bad enough when they are in school.
Modern Gamefaqs is still nice to have around for all the specific message boards. I wish IMDB forums were still around for movies like GameFAQs forums are around for games
>IMDB forums were still around
What happened to that anyways? Did you find a good alternative?
Any political discussion related to games is completely shut down if you aren't a far left faggot.
There is moviechat.org but it's nowhere as big or fast as imdb was. They took in all of imdb's archived posts from when it died and integrated them into their forums from the start.
So just like everywhere
>That year Draven made the entire character battle board have a complete fucking meltdown because someone who wasn't Link, Mario, or Cloud had the audacity to win
Film buffs are extremely racist.
I agree, attract should work on 2 to 4 % of same gender pokemon.
First internet forum I belonged to. Posted there exclusively for a long time. Made friends there. Chatted on AIM with them. Browsed LUE, found YTMND, Browsed YTMND, discovered Yea Forums from the "End of Yea Forums" YTMND. Came to Yea Forums. LOL God Hand Edits.
>13 years later
Tons of gays, once got suspended for criticizing gay people, threads constantly begging for gay representation, the forums are more cancerous than Yea Forums if that's even possible
I moved from ign to gamefaqs in 01 when ign made forums for subscribers only.
Yea Forums's okay for it, If i posted a political comment I'd get a few replies, 10% lefty reeing, 10% righty reeing, 50% telling me to fuck off to /pol/ and 30% willing to actually discuss the content.
Until a tranny janny comes along and tries to ban you.
I used it's guides a lot when it was younger. It's nice that all the guides are still there but it's a bit sad that people really don't bother making them anymore because really, modern games don't really need them with how straightforward they are these days.
ur gay
Still the best place for guides. Sure Wikis might list out stuff, but they ate engineered to drip feed information to you with shitty pagination and crap so that you have to see as many ads as possible. Even with an ad blocker its a hellish experience because you still go through threadbare pages. FAQs will always be king.
But every now and then someone posts a fucking huge 'mechanics' guide that has the probability of everything in the game and how to manipulate it. It was particularly astounding to read this stuff when you were a small child in around 2005 even if you couldn't practically translate it into gameplay.
They got replaced by wikis. Good luck trying to find a semi complete wiki for an unpopular game though.
Fags get the rope along with trannies
I occasionally come across a guide if I'm playing an older more obscure game. Very useful in that situation, but incredibly shit in any other. Definitely a nostalgia trip, but the forums now are filled with all sorts of literal faggotry that kind of ruins the nostalgia. Still see new posts with ancient jokes being made. It's fucking a fucking weird mix of all the worst parts of the old internet and all the worst parts of the new internet.
Theres a lot of tranny janny's on Yea Forums, who vets these people, I got a 3 day ban from Yea Forums (before the blue board shit) for calling black lightning Nigga-watt.
Got a permanent ban for talking shit about tranny's where their reason for the ban was posting child porn when i had not, which is disgustingly offensive.
I remember now, there was a time when I enjoyed helping people.
So go back faggot. I come here to escape you fucking retards not so I can come and hang out with you fucking niggerfaggots. If I wanted to be around a bunch of normalfags who wanted to hear their own opinion parroted at them I'd go there, but since I don't like any of you fucking idiots I come here. Why the fuck can't you little niggerfaggots figure that shit out? Assimilate or fuck off
>all that edge
Big yikes with a medium cringe for me dawg. This place isnt your secret loser club.
I still visit and post regularly. I recently achieved Sage level.
All of the forums I posted on from "old internet" have either banned me or just been shutdown (sans Yea Forums) but Gamefaqs is still around and hasnt booted me off.
It's also full of helpful resources for older games. It's a real treasure I hope stays around.
>muh sekrit club
This is why nobody likes you. They just pretend to like you.
Nobody even pretends to like me. I have sex though so im probably not allowed here despite being here longer than you.
>I have sex
No you don't
>being here longer than you
After then going ahead to introduce paid access, I can't see it lasting much longer.
The fact more and more people flagged CBS to let them know that they encourage lolicon on the boards and ban you complaining about it is what's forcing sailor bacon to try to prove its not a cost centre.
Ironically the fact that gamespot lacked the soul, is why gamefaqs is now a subsidiary of gamespot.
Still not as funny watching it burn as I thought. I miss the days cjayc would post the daily ban list.
My fiance is next to me in bed right now. I know that bothers you that we're not all raging incels like you. Faggot
>This place isnt your secret loser club.
Jokes on you, it's no secret that this club is for losers.
that's a pretty stupid abuse of power, but they do do it for free so I imagine not much vetting is done. Sometimes the very anons that you are arguing with are jannies and they hate your guts because you start slinging insults and projecting, even if they are doing the same shit to you. Fuck them, except when they're on your side. It's different every day of the week on every board how anal they are.
If I get banned I just get a new IP address from the cable co anyway.
>Trying to prove themselves to complete strangers on the internet
I wonder how small your penis is and how much insecurity you have trying to act like you are not a faggot.
There are a few boards where they are consistently anal, /lgbt/ you get banned for practically anything that deviates from the echo chamber opinions on transgender folk
I've been range-banned on my verizon phone from Yea Forums almost all year. From like early February til now, with a short 2-week period early this month where I could post with its mobile IP
Do jannies and mods track users by IPs? I swear it feels as if i get progressively more shitpost tier (you)'s and random bans as time goes on.
It's a good site, I used to post on the forums regularly during my cringy tween years. You'd find the board of some forgotten Atari game or something and make it your own personal board. Apparently foul language is allowed now, or at the very least not moderated as heavily as it was a decade ago.
>Sometimes the very anons that you are arguing with are jannies
Jannies and Mods should not have the privilege of anonymity
No idea, my bans are usually for unrelated stupid shit, broad spectrum butthurt leading to multiple people wanting to ban me.
This place gets more and more pathetic every day
they can see IDs like every board is /pol/
My penis is small though. You called that. I do have sex and had many partners.
what is the distinction between jannies and mods? Can't jannies only refer posts they want users banned over to mods and then the mods actually ban them over it? But they can still delete your posts willy nilly w/o bans?