>gets you fit
Why isn't this Yea Forums's game of the year?
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>WHIRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR is one of the work out songs and the first song you work out to
This game's amazing. Real Switch gem
I picked up the physical copy recently and I'm thinking of flipping it and picking it up digitally so I can play it every day without having to switch carts around all the time. Hopefully this goes on sale soon
This would be great with Nintendo Labo t b h
How sturdy is that thing? I imagine with all your physical movement it'd go flying off quickly.
I didn't think about that. I don't have one, so I have no idea how study it is
I'd rather actually box.
I'm assuming it's as sturdy as those smartphone VR cradles, and those things move around too much on your head.
This game's my first taste of taking care of myself.
It's awesome.
t. what is shadowboxing
It makes for fun a little workout and is a good way to practice your punches.
The game gives you decent enough drills, especially if you crank up the speed in some of the later workouts.
You can hit your heavybag and play a game afterwards. It's still boxing because at the end of the day you're practicing throwing punches.
EVEN if you want to your boxing gym 6 days a week, you could still do fitness boxing (shadow boxing) as a fun exercise in the mornings or night.
I boxed before I got this game. I box even more after I got this game. Quit being a faggot.
>>gets you fit
Found the problem
>anons ITT have actually played this
wtf, i thought this game was some random shovelware garbage
would this help me lose weight or what? i'm a brainlet when it comes to /fit/ related stuff
The only one that can help you lose weight is (You). This is just a platform that you can do slight workouts on though
I'm sweating like a pig doing this. It's gotta be doing something
>buy game
>"lol this shit is gonna be a waste of money, no way I'll get a work out"
>one song later
Good first song too
I will only get it once this becomes a big enough meme that other Yea Forums boys are buying it as well.
Oh no, it's legit.
I've uh... fallen out of it after my second month but I'm getting back into it now. I have to, 'cuz if I wanna make my dreams come true I have to be able to take care of myself.
I'll aim to work out tomorrow and make a thread after I'm done then.
Laura >>>>>>>>>> Martina = Lin > Sophie
fite me
Well shit. I hadn't heard of this game before but maybe it should be on my radar. I really enjoyed wii fit u so this sounds up my alley
Woah shit I don't think I can handle this game.
Why would I argue with someone who is right?
Sophie > Laura > Evan > Martina > Lin > Bernado
I know, who's going to choose a male instructor? Put them in there anyways
I bought it at launch and started with 30 min workouts; it was amazing and got me all sweaty and tired, which made me fall asleep easily, but I had to stop playing for around a week or two due to tendinitis and had to set it to 10 minutes when I could play again. Now I do 20 min workouts but they don't feel as good as 30 min ones, nor should I overdo it and risk my knees again.
My favorite workouts are Intermediate Combo 1 - 2 and Advanced Combo 1, all in high intensity.
Also, Evan and Bernardo are bros for life.
Oh lad if you're telling me there's fanart my dick is not gonna survive the trip to pixiv. Please tell me there's shit on sadpanda too
I might try this, or maybe get Just Dance or something. I need to get in shape and honestly I love dancing
More than you'd expect, less than you hope
Ah yeah, I played the ARMS public demos with motion controls and it gave me pretty significant wrist strain
Here's rule 34 I did NOT expect.
I already had tendinits, but I was feeling better and didn't think it would be bad for me to start with a long workout since I really like moving and did a moderate amount of exercise before being affected by patellar tendinitis.
>fit mommy whips me into shape
I'm in
Does this have a boxing mode like wii sports? I actually found that pretty enjoyable.
DESU, most people could not handle boxing from a physical workout unless they are young or played another sport. It's really taxing and I would say there is almost no athlete that can compare to boxers when it comes to fitness regiment
Too many casuals
Does it do non-boxing things?
I already do my 50 pushups 50 leg raises 20 pullups every day and want to diversify.
Because it sucks
I'm glad this exists.
>theres actually Laura fan art
i'm surprised
its all boxing
Is it better to get this or get a wii fit board and pirate wii fit u?
get a gym membership
Already have, but only for lifting, I want to do cardio at home
I mean it's not gonna turn you into an Adonis or anything but at least its a good little gimmick to make you sweat for reals daily. If you ain't gonna do it yourself you might as well get a motivation. And nothing says motivation like knowing that you just spent $60 on an autist flailing simulator because you want to see the tits jiggle on that brown qt with abs.
White one has better abs but
>fit mommy
Let's say it with the respect it deserves.
Fit BROWN mommy.
it's literally a blob outline with 2 solid colors and no facial feature and you call it cute. have sex
Bitch ain't even protecting her head.
>blob outline with 2 solid colors and no facial feature
>right guy_
>go into a game expecting fitness and health assistance
>get a /fit/ short-haired qt with abs
good god
Will this build abs?
Its actually made by the devs of WiiFit and the Wii Series
wew, now that you put it that way it's probably better not to get it. or at least not right now.
if it goes on sale for like 70% or up i might still get it as a ""joke"", but thanks for reassuring me.
Does stuff like this actually work? Obviously its cardio and shit and the game is just a method to entice you to do it. But assuming one actually did it every day would it be any more effective than just lifting some weights?
>feel obligated to stop playing my switch and take a break if my hands start sweat because I don't want my joycons to get sweaty
>people hold them while they're actually sweating like mad doing boxing
how do they do it?
It’s like Wii fit
Of course you can lose weight on it
You just have to do it constantly, eat healthy and get plenty of sleep
Fitness isn’t hard
Not being lazy is
they need to put wii fit trainer into the game. do that and i'll buy.
You're not gonna get muscle by doing cardio obviously.
You are going to lose fat if you do this while eating less than you already are and are consistent with the daily workouts.
I'd recommend buying some weights on the side or signing up for a gym membership if you want to add muscle on top of building a stronger heart/ burning fat.
Technically you're burning fat to build while lifting too but not getting the stronger heart part but you definitely will lose weight by doing the cardio if that's your goal.
Why not just get a Wii/Wii U and Wii Fit/ Wii Fit U?
Or just play with the generic brown haired main girl.
>decide to become /fit/ overnight
>lose 100 pounds in 10 months
>break my arm and can't into fitness
>sink back into my old ways while I'm recovering
>stay in my old ways after I heal and can't go back
not being lazy is hard, itai
Considering that it was made by the same poeple I don't get how they didn't add her as DLC or some shit.
Wanna fight?
>Considering that it was made by the same people
But it isn't? Imagineer made this.
I swear to Christ they were marketing this shit as "made by the Wii Fit people" on release
Happened to me when I broke my foot