Reminder that there is no reason for you to even consider getting MW4 when Insurgency and Squad exist

Reminder that there is no reason for you to even consider getting MW4 when Insurgency and Squad exist

Attached: 0bcqzwvstp031.jpg (1920x1080, 639K)


both of those games are shit lol

what happened to insurgency 2's single player content

vanished apparently, to my dismay

Scrapped to focus on the multiplayer, it would've been just another linear scripted fps campaign but with an indie budget so good riddence

Loving Insurgency. The .50 is way too much fun.

Insurgency and Squad are tactical, light Mil-Sims. CoD is Hollywood action movie-tier with fast paced TDM and leveling up and unlocking shit being the primary reason to keep playing. Apples and oranges.

completely different audiences my guy
I regularly play Rising Storm 2, Squad, and INS Sandstorm but COD is a different beast and I like it all the same

>5 players
oh no no no no

Do either of those games have single player campaigns?


spotted the shill for a dead game with only a thousand players max

Insurgency is as realistic as Battlefield, it's 100% an arcadey shooter

Attached: CUTE FEET.webm (960x540, 2.87M)

Yikes! Activision is really going all out with the shilling this time

blowing arms off of people is entertaining

Attached: Insurgency Sandstorm Screenshot 2019.05.31 - (1920x1080, 3.77M)

Both are very different types of FPS from CoD

Insurgency is basically CoD with actual rules

It really isn't

the damage model is completely different
not even hardcore CoD compares, I know you milsim autists hate insurgency but give it a rest

>Insurgency: 2 bullets kill
>CoD: 3 bullets kill


Reminder that instead of each other, you could be shooting Zeds.

Attached: 8563568256.gif (480x270, 2.3M)

Yikes! Imagine liking a dead game and getting this defensive when people point out active player count correlating this reality

CoD hasn't have 3 hit kills in a decade

>Reminder that there is no reason for you to even consider getting MW4 when Insurgency and Squad exist
Spoken like an out of touch mp-fag.

Spotted the Tripwire shill.