my dick cannot wait.
My dick cannot wait
Is this even eroge?
no, but it dose carter to my fetish
Remove that filth right now.
I'm excited. Preordered for Switch. Sony can get fucking fucked
I also pre-ordered. Can't wait for gameplay with tits. Especially growing titties.
>recently started watching pic related
>now this game announced
I wish I had known about breast expansion sooner. Top tier fetish
You're a good boy
that trailer end
fucking based
What's the name, fine sir? A patrician such as yourself can share such fine animation, can he not?
PC release when
Watch Seikon no Qwaser and Valkyrie Drive next
I'm not spoon feeding you fag
Manyuu Hikenchou. Have fun, user
goddamn user you need to learn some English
What's a dick cannon?
>Collector's Edition
Pre-ordered. Can't wait.
It's even better than you think
>Journo: This game, I can't play it in front of my family and friends in the living room, it's too embarrassing...
Hinata: Thank you for your concern. If there is no way for you to enjoy jiggling oppai. We will look after your needs as well. For those of you with this problem we introduce to you, Labyrinth Life.
>(Crowd goes Ooooo)
Hinata: Even if you are not a family, you can still enjoy this. By the way interviewer-san...(gets cut off, full question would be how many friends or family would watch you play this)
>Journo: Just me, Just me.
Hinata: Is that so? Then please make yourself at home(alluding to the journo joining the last family shown so he doesn't look so pathetic and lonely)
Anyone saying D3 aren't mocking the west, sony, journos and SJWs is retarded.
I usually spoonfeed people since I know a lot of anime off the top of my head and no how to use google. But not for that, next time just ask for sauce like a normal human being instead of "le gentlesir" reddit shit.
What's this?
>and know how to use google.
Maybe you should teach others that instead of spoonfeeding them.
That they put the center girls same pic on the title right next to her is so stupidly funny it had to be on purpose.
expanding tendies
You guys really have a stick up your ass about sources. Reverse image searching isn't always reliable.
Thanks man
>Switch getting Omega Labyrinth Life Uncensored
>Switch getting Omega Labyrinth Z localised and uncensored
Most of the time it is and most people doesn't know that we have a button for google search or that you can just right click the image.
>*plop* *plop*
it was a different time
a better time
Don't mention it.
>Switch getting Mary Skelter 2 exclusively
>it comes bundled with Mary Skelter 1, a previously Sony exclusive
>Switch getting Omega Labyrinth Z localised and uncensored
Fucking what? When? Physical release?
I can't pass this art
It's not happening, he's just being an asshole
Why is good BE shit so hard to find bros?
That's the twintail blonde from life.
mary skelter 1 is available for pc
They could just be using that image as a hint to Lige getting an English version. Especially considering it was posted 4 days before today's announcement
Fucking shit game made by webbs for masturbating chronic weabbos,what a retarded game made by chinks.Niggers that buy that shit doesn't get laid.
But the Switch version is a remake, being made with the updated mechanics and graphics of the second game.
Look at the outfit it's not the same
What the fuck even is this game
oppai mystery dungeon
Paizuri simulator
Banned in California
Mystery Dungeon with breast expansion mechanics.
>Japanese people
pick one and only one
>Niggers that buy that shit doesn't get laid
yeah... about that... maybe you shouldn't shit on this game so much, if you don't then you might not be so pathetic and lonely and you'd actually have friends.
I just don't understand the market for these games that are almost but aren't actually porn.
full porn is boring
I have a coworker who fails to understand that
It's possible to enjoy lewd content without actually wanting to masturbate all the time. I like sexy girls and I like video games. Why is that so hard for people to understand?
sounds pretty based. fuck snoy.
Can I get it anywhere other than play asia?
so can we make the flat chunni girls tits grow? she makes my dick rock hard.
>Why is that so hard for people to understand?
Can't wrap my head around playing shitty games because of sexy girls. Unironically just watch it on YouTube.
Is anyone actually going to buy it on PS4? What's the fucking point?
Sometimes you want to be aroused without masturbating. Most people don't masturbate in strip clubs.
>Niggers that buy that shit doesn't get laid.
shitty bait but imagine thinking the games you play, of all things, has any effect on on your sex life
Of course. It's the premise of the whole game.
>just watch it on YouTube
I know this is a hard concept to grasp for nu-Yea Forums but I actually want to PLAY the video game
Breast expansion is literally the central game mechanic.
He's just trying to make friends, user, he's not very good at it since he's so lonely and pathetic.
>giving a shit about Idea Factory shovelware
It's a shame that Sony didn't appreciate the joke.
What is that thing supposed to be actually?
A capsule holding an item.
this is actually fucking pathetic, wow
Hinata thought so too. That's why she mocked them.
Sony can eat my long but thin dick at this point. I bought a PS4 with no expectations of this ever happening. Deciding to change your policies toward censorship after so many people have purchased your product expecting to see a certain kind of content is a betrayal of trust. Sony has violated my trust and tarnished their reputation in my eyes. The PS4 I'd potentially my last Sony console
read and enjoy
Legit question
Why not just go on Yea Forums or whatever board has the anime degeneracy on it and fap instead of dropping $60 on these awful games?
Maybe if you perverts would stop buying them devs would either go under or be forced to actually make a decent game now and then.
This is fucking great. I just hope they don't think it's everyone in the west. I remember how pissed they were at westerners over the Star Ocean 5 censorship. I felt a little bad knowing that they may think we're all like this. I hate the people responsible for this shit as much as you, nip bros
How do you know they're awful? Why do you think it's impossible for a game to be good AND have fanservice in it? That's awfully small-minded of you, you know.
Because I like these games the way they are. It's also often not a matter of talent but their budget.
i love me some anime tiddie but that gameplay looks very lackluster
Fucking hell. SK is probably dead as fuck and I'm depressed
I like good games
I like cute anime girls
I like good games with cute anime girls
Probably because the games aren't awful. I mean Omega Labyrinth is made by a team who've been at this since 97.
They've had an established niche and decided they'd like to add more interactivity to their roguelikes. Now you have extra interactivity to improve your chances for rarer item drops during appraisals. Events that have interactivity in them. Now they're adding in some more for you to do during down time where you aren't in the dungeon.
Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean it's bad.
They do know it's not everyone otherwise there wouldn't be an A-E version of the game.
Didn't the lead dude already leave the company?
Im really hoping E3 shows something about the new witch system rumors. I want to pick one up and play this game (also Astral Chain and MUA3) but I don't know If I want the system as is.
ω γαμω την μάνα σου
Shame there's no loli this time around
The one in the 2nd game was nice
Yes and I don't blame him. Poor dude was having his art tampered with. I hope he goes on to make something great next but I'll certainly miss SK after it's inevitable death
I still can't believe that shit.
>Loli is a masochist
>Journos take it as she's being raped
I mean my god, they're fucking M's themselves and they can't even tell when one is being depicted.
Would you continue to work for a company ruled by trannies from Californa?
The fetish for patricians.
I'd probably cause like 50 suicides if I stayed.
This is the first game in the series to officially come out in English, yes?
Is there a possibility that would could ever see the other two released? I remember the bullshit with Sony and Z. That was fucked up
All I wanted was a SK RPG game man.
It would have been great.
That's going to happen anyway
So the Asian version is fully translated into English? In that case I'm heading over to play-asia right now.
I wanted a fightan game. Oh well
Based. Make sure you get it on Switch. PS4 version is butchered
>Finish opponent with super, it blows their clothes off
>Finish with super again and it's beams of light time
>>Finish opponent with super, it blows their clothes off
Art of Fighting?
more big titties please
This series has an oppai loli?
I love the text in this image:
>touch a lot of boobs, don't worry about what people think [adult version]
>get no tits and pay anyway, play in front of everyone [family version]
So does this pretty much play like Pokemon Mystery Dungeon? I like those games a lot
Only in Omega Labyrinth Z
cute girls
thanks friends
Yep, if anything because of the lewd there's a few more interactive elements but the base gameplay is the same as PMD
Of course. I didn't care much about these games before, but after reading about all the problems they had with Sony regarding their previous game, and how they make fun of Sony in that trailer, I feel they deserve some support. Switch is the true home for these kinds of games now.
I can't believe she said that on live TV
>PMD gameplay
>interactive titty jiggling elements
>blatant 'fuck you' message to Sony and censorship in general
>works on US consoles and in full english translation
Sounds pretty fucking based desu. I honestly think I might go to playasia and preorder. never ordered from there before though. anything I should know?
Nothing really special. You'll have to pay shipping but that's expected for Japanese shit. I have a few games coming in from them right now
>I can't play this video game in front of my family ;_;
what? what is the fucking thought process here that leads to this being an issue
any issue with redeeming preorder dlc? Do I have to make a jp account on my switch or something?
Are they gonna get /d/ tier big this time? It's been pretty tame so far by 2d standards
Probably. There's no reason not to have one though.
That said I've also never bought anything on my jp account so I don't know the first thing about how to do that.
Is this exclusive to play-asia? Either way they're getting my cash for the limited edition
>can't play video game around family
>wait until you're alone
>play video game
desu I just need my mystery dungeon fix
I'm just happy that the series lives on. They're also fun games. Good times to like big tiddiea
Then how will people know what a gamer I am? I have to tell everyone in my circle that I play games constantly.
Think of it like the situation where journos said "Sekiro needs an easy mode so disabled people can play it"
They're making shit up so they can get their way. The journo even admits he's got no one to play the game in front of.
the best part about the sekiro thing was that there were several disabled people that came out and recorded themselves beating the game because of their faggotry
>PS4 version cheaper than the Switch version
Oh, SB.
>Code Vein coming out with lots of big soft anime tiddies
>This game turning the tiddy content up to 11 and making fun of censorship in the process
>Both look like decent fun games
It really is a good time to like big tiddies.
>woke up to the email from play-asia today
Immediately preordered the limited edition on Switch. Don't even care much for the genre but the fact that they made a literal babby version for ps4 means they earned my money. Things like this to happen so the nips rise up and make Sony stop the shit they're doing lately
It really was but that's the point of that line from the journo. He's presurring them to make a game that can be played in front of others(in hopes the actual game will be censored) instead he gets called pathetic and lonely, mocked for being unable to enjoy jiggling oppai and outed as a liar who tries to use others for his own ends.
The only thing is senran kagura dying which is a shame, but such is life. Still have yet to try out code vein, I do have the code for it as well
And I'll be buying Code Vein on my Xboner to boot. PS4 collecting more and more dust each day
Mystery dungeon games are one of my favorite genres.
I’m also always thinking about sex, I just preferred if it was about asses.
Boobs are good too I guess.
>Start playing Kyonyuu Fantasy for the tits
>Wind up staying for the worldbuilding and political intrigue
Will we ever get more translations? Shamsiel best girl btw
Tit only games suck.
Is the gameplay good?
I disagree with you put I respect you
Do you like Mystery Dungeon/roguelike games?
The ff2 should come soon, no shamsiel though
It makes sense. It would be shitty to charge the same for less
Yes but they're a dime a dozen.
PC for me.
>PS4 collecting more and more dust each day
Mine is basically a glorified blu-ray player these days.
Waiting on PC Port Announcement.
>Mystery Dungeon
>Rogue Like
Do these things interest you?
so the asian version is the one I should be going for? (as opposed to the jp version) that's what will work on all region consoles and have english subs?
Yes. The one that says multi-language.
Why are you so afraid of nipples, Japan?
>playing kusoge just for some pics
No thanks, I'd rather just read mmf big breasts small breasts lactation femdom doujins.
It's just Cero being Cero. I'd much rather deal with that than the prudes we have over here
Flat asses are a sin, but breast expansion > ass expansion, personally.
>mystery dungeon game w/ titties
what other games do this? pic related is the only one I can think of. I feel bad I never snagged these games back when they were a thing.
That's nice, user
This is one with more interaction and ways to improve things like rarity of items during appraisal and increase how much EXP you get from certain events. This one also has some relaxing gameplay for when you're outside of the dungeon where you can make and decorate your own flower garden.
So it depends if that interests you or not.
>no nipples
what's the point, literally
kamidori alchemy meister ie the greatest game ever made
t. troglodyte
Not sure about other media, but the ESRB is the least strict overall when it comes to games compared to other countries.
>mystery dungeon
I'm not explaining this shit again. Read the thread, mother fucker
the gameplay is pretty fucking similar to mystery dungeon
I wasn't talking about the ESRB when I was referring to prudes
You’re right.
Without nipples breasts have no point
This game looks great. Preordered for my Switch as the Playstation version is censored
>meanwhile at Sony
Go Watch Queens Gate and then play the spinoff game on PSP featuring Tekken and KoF girls.
I could never get this to run
Is this somehow connected to Omega Quintet?
>the boobs expanding, causing the areolas to stretch out wide and puff outwards with erect nipples
have you tried not being shit
literally all those girls look the same and identical to like 99% of anime girls ever drawn. If your dick can't wait for that then you need to get some better taste desu
This getting a physical release?
No, unfortunately
I want Kanadeko to get another game
New image is far better
Im looking forward to top left pony tail and the ara ara just under her
Man of good taste
I'm looking forward to the cute chuuni
The VSC Rating Board has ruled that the video game, Omega Labyrinth Z, will not be issued a UK Certificate of Classification.
This refusal is relevant to physical product only (disc, cartridge, etc.) Under the terms of the Video Recordings Act (1984), the VSC Rating Board is required to consider the likelihood of any game causing harm to the user and, subsequently, to wider society by the way in which the game deals with and portrays images of criminal, violent or horrific behaviour, illegal drugs and human sexual activity. The grounds for this decision are as follows: - The likely harm being caused to a viewer or potential viewer, e.g. children or young people.
The game is explicit in its setting within a “school” environment and the majority of the characters are young girls - one child is referred to as being a “first year” student and is seen holding a teddy bear. The game clearly promotes the sexualisation of children via the sexual interaction between the game player and the female characters. The style of the game is such that it will attract an audience below the age of 18.
There is a serious danger that impressionable people, i.e. children and young people viewing the game would conclude that the sexual activity represented normal sexual behaviour. There is a constant theme of sexual innuendo and activity throughout the game that suggests behaviour likely to normalise sexual activity towards children. As a means of reward gained by successfully navigating the game, the player has the means to sexually stimulate the female characters by using either a hand held remote device or touch screen software.
The VSC Rating Board believes this content in a game, which would have strong appeal to non-adult players, is an issue which would be unacceptable to the majority of UK consumers and, more importantly, has the potential to be significantly harmful in terms of the social and moral development of younger people in particular.
breast expansion is the single greatest fetish known to man
Good night fuckers. This wage slave needs to get back in his cage. It's been ill
god bless a fellow man of integrity
Not gonna lie, I'm not a big fan of the character designs.
They look so basic and uninspired.
The new artist is a massive downgrade though his new Key Visual drawing is at least a little better.
>tfw leafland and probably can't even get the regular one without customs raising an eyebrow
>tfw living in leafland
It's not nearly as good as the previous one was but at least its better than in the announcement.
Imagine living in the UK lmao
This is why they should've released an Asian English version before Sony went racist with Japanese devs.
I need to get a Switch. That or I hope it comes to PC.
I bet most of you guys didn't know that they actually made a manga to celebrate the release of the first one. Some nice artists made contributions
Is this going to come out on the eShop or do I need to pre-order if I have any intention on ever playing this.
>no argument
I didn't. Nice they got Bkub though.
>doesn't make an argument
>expects one in return
t. trogboi
Doubt it'll sell out completely but literally everything comes out on the virtual shops these days, you'll need an account from somewhere in asia (probably china) which is easy to make and also a eShop card for that region
Yeah, I think it was mostly doujin artists that made these small stories
Makes sense for that to happen. Do you have the full list of artists?(it's probably another 1 or 2 pages)
There is no chinese eshop.
Thanks user
Alright, thanks for clarifying.
Not yet at least. Didn't they say Switch might come out in Winnie the Pooh land?
Not often you get a worldwide release at the same day as Japanese date with these niche games.
Asia-English releases same day as the Japanese version almost all the time.
Feels like a major downgrade to Omega Lab Z
Why did the art become so bland
And really those graphics on the PS4? This is PS2/PSP era qualitits at best.
Switch is the main version of the game. They took out half the game to get it on PS4.
Oh yeah, there has been more of those robot games of these asia english releases? I've only bought Bullet girls and Moe chronicle from these releases. And that original SAO for Vita but that was Bamcos own digital release that they proudly brought to Vita
The graphics are fine for the game they're aiming for.
Dip the white one
H-How big can they grow in the game?
woooooh.... i want to sex anime girl...
It is supposedly available in Taiwan and Hong Kong,but the Taiwan store is not available and Hong Kong's store is completely empty. Do they have switches, but no eshop?
Why not just play an eroge though, is the gameplay good enough to justify it?
Why does it have to be an eroge? I don't always want to jack it to porn, sometimes I just want to look at sexy anime girls while I play games. Not to jack off to, just to enjoy them.
Just stop user. I've tried to explain this to them before. It's futile.
She's easily my favorite design and it saddens me greatly we don't get her game
>if high schoolers play this game, they may have sexual thoughts about other high schoolers!
wow thank you for protecting the children the UK
Yeah I know right. Those highschoolers belong to the dicks of old men and muslims.
Is the word NINJA still illegal?
That's not from Z.
No it fucking isn't. Are you retarded?
What do you think the gameplay is then? The genre is literally a roguelike which certain groups summarize as Mystery Dungeon gameplay.
Would you guys happen to know anything about gal gun or bullet girls? I'm thinking of getting something with cute/lewd girls for vita, how's the gameplay in these games?
Haven't played Gal Gun but I can talk on Bullet Girls
BG1 - Pretty janky controls, tight time limits, bitchin OP, stripping mechanics are integral to the gameplay and will change how you approach taking down enemies. Final Boss is pretty tense and will not be a walk in the park
BG2 - Improved controls, looser timelimits but still has strict-ish limits on SSS rank, guns feel better to use, new moves like backwards and forwards dives that can be combined with shooting. Far better boss fights and stages. Each girl gets a unique melee attack and a special skill(mines, smoke bombs, katana strike, etc.)
I recommend BG2 first since it's better overall and has two campaigns but 1 is pretty fun if you can get past the jank. You should be able to get both for dirt cheap even through PSN(Got BG1 for 800 or so yen and BG2 for about 1500).
BGP plays a fair bit differently since the stripping mechanic isn't the focus anymore but the controls are the best in the series.
But what about the global standards?
That only matters to pathetic and lonely people that try and use other people for their own means.
Thanks. BGP still has plenty of fanservice right?
Oh it does, The interrogation scenes are more intense in each iteration(BGP has tentacles and slimes groping the girls). In terms of gameplay BG1 and 2 have fanservice when you take damage and the enemies take damage. In BGP outside of boss battles there's only fanservice when you or your partner take damage.
>What do you think the gameplay is then?
Kamidori is an SRPG. It's about as un-roguelike as it gets.
>200+ replies
>literally 0 info about gameplay
yeah hard pass
Worth noting that BGP runs like absolute shit on the Vita while the other two run just fine.
>Saeri pre haircut artwork exists
Based user, thanks for sharing.
It's a roguelike. Like every roguelike in the universe, it plays exactly like Rogue but with some ancillary pointless gimmicks.
what part of "mystery dungeon" is giving you trouble.
read the thread
Does anyone know any other anime with breast succin?
so it's pixelshit with sometimes high res jpgs popping up
yep hard pass
okay retard. go back to your smash thread if you just want to shitpost
It's mocking gaijin "journalists".
>Hey guys kotatsuJeff here for another game review. This time I'm reviewing Violent Semen Inferno. When I first bought it I thought it would be fun for the whole family, so I brought in my grandparents and my wife's 3 children to watch, but it turned out to be pornographic??? This is a MASSIVE oversight in the game, and should be censored to accommodate for my stupidity. Please make every game for children 4 and up, because video games are for children.
>thread is started with "my dick cannot wait"
>dude where's the gameplay discussion
...I didn't check the reply and thought you meant OL not Kamidori. I'm sorry for my retardation.
Same. Fuck sony, fuck California, and fuck niggers.
>those copy and paste faces
This is an embarrassment.
it's anime dude, it's all same face. If you took out the wild hair color and styles, all anime girls would look the same.
The key visual was made far too early, the improved one is such a jump in quality you'd think it's a different artist entirely.
ALSO since everyone kinda got side tracked.
IT IS H2 Interactive doing the Asia-English version. They did the Bullet Girls Phantasia translation for reference of their recent work.
Short version, where they good?
Does anyone know any other anime that has breast succin?
Yes, very much so, it wasn't machine translated for one. The translation was solid, easy to understand and follow, minimal errors. Didn't release the game broken.
They were pretty damn solid.
What's the gameplay like though? I haven't seen any webm of it
Watch the info trailer
You learn plenty about the game as a whole
>shit cast
>way worse character designs
>no loli
But I wanted OLZZZZZZZ
that said, I hope this game is good.
Titties and dungeon crawling roguelike mystery dungeon stuff. Looks like fun, but you never know with these games.
gameplay is like pokemon mystery dungeon
Are there any good roguelikes on steam right now that are comparable or worth playing? Im in the mood all of a sudden.
I think there's a decent touhou one. There's also an eroge one I downloaded out of the blue one time(un-translated at the time though) had scenes with tanuki, jellyfish, kappa, etc.
Can't remember the name but you could probably find it on dlsite then grab it of sukebi.
Touhou one is Touhou Genso Wanderer
You could also always emulate any pokemon Mystery Dungeon games or Izuna the Unemployed Ninja
it will always amaze me how anyone thought that this looked okay. there's several different ways you could censor shit, and they went with those ugly as fuck sunbeams. A lot of them make the scenes look worse than they actually are too
Even Black bars or pixels would have looked better. Hell at that point put then in Burkas. They're not being subtle about their intentions anyway
That's the point. They did it out of anger.
They were one of the first hit with the censorship, you can only imagine their reaction when they were told "You need to speak to some gaijin about your title and that it will need to be censored further even though your one month to release"
The Devs: U fuckin' wut m8?
Tangledeep is pretty cool if you're looking for something new. Also One Way Heroics Plus (the old one).
DoomRL is a classic, and free.
As soon as I get home I'll preorder it, too bad it takes a week or two to get here when it releases but I'll happily take it. Might play that touhou one in the meantime, I should have time in the summer for my backlog
My NIGGA. This is getting an asian eng release on Switch? Fucking pre-ordered.
Legit question, how is this game awful? Fucking kys faggot.
If you are truly new to BE you need Chichi Miko. Its actually translated too.
What a retard, probably a hundred eroge with the same shit as this except you don't get blue balls
>Faggot so used to instant gratification he can't get it up unless you skip all the build up
>a week or two
Where you at? I ordered a CE from playasia to the states, and got it the actual day it was stated to release.
Still, a week or two could be a lot worse. I see people going with the cheapest Mandarake shipping only to get their shit months later.
I intend on playing the first and second games first. Mainly because those are on vita and I have a vita. The third game is only really on switch and I'm still saving to buy one. I hope these games are good and not just fap bait.
I like this image
I want to also but I can't read runes yet
Some of you anons are cool. I wish we could be friends
>le degenerancy maymay
Why don't you just go back?
>only one girl has short hair
>Shes a chuuni
And now don't give me shit like "but the main girl has short hair", no. She has 2 long strings of hair in her front.
Easy skip since none of the girls speak to me
Finland, the faster shipping options pretty fucking expensive so I'll have to go with the cheaper ones. Plus I'll have to pay some import tax for it, playasia packages never go through unnoticed. Maybe if the marked the value lower it might pass but not sure if they do that. At least they have an option where you can pay the taxes before so it should make things a bit quicker. Anyway, I'm just glad it exists.
You like low angle shots? They are pretty delicious with big tiddies
Theres people who wants the tease user-kun if you just want a cheap fap just watch a video or something
>perfection is the same
Now don’t tell the retarded liberals that
>You like low angle shots?
Yes. Have more?
Not too many in my phone
>ask for more
>posts my favorite Senran
What are the odds? You're a good boy
Funny switch owners in such a low place they have stopped to this being their shitposting ammo.
The only problem with this game is that the "Z-cup" is more like an "M-cup" and that offends me.
Mystery dungeons are inspired by rogue (according to the guy who made the first mystery dungeon game) but are their own thing. As in you would call things like rogue roguelikes you would call things like the first mystery dungeon mystery dungeons.
I'm not really sure what you're trying to say but if you're talking about the censorship then yeah I'm pretty pissed about it. I own a PS4 by the way so this isn't about console wars shit. Sony is fucking up and they need to be called out for it
>Valkyrie Drive
Speaking of, hope the game gets a port to Switch. I refuse to buy a dead platform, Vita, for it.
Nice grammar, retard.
That game have a really ugly arstyle.
The Vita version is fucked anyway. Mine crashes in the dressing room all the time
How are they able to get a quality translation ready for a simultaneous release? Why doesn't that happen for any niche games coming west?
I have been saving up money for a month and im finally at 400, I live in leafland, and I have been planning for a while to get myself a ps4, I dont really mind the censorship much and I have a lot of games already purchased on psn that I could play, Im just wondering should I scrap that plan and get a switch? honestly I would like you're thoughts on this if anything
Doesn't really look good. I don't like Mystery Dungeon and I don't like that type of gameplay at all. The Graphics also look garbage, a fanservice game has to have at minimum! sexy in game character models like Senran Kagura, Valkyrie Drive, Bulletgirls etc. Not this Chibi shit. Pic obviously not related, I don't expect low budget fanservice to have graphics like that.
They're allowed to work on the game during development, most western companies aren't for whatever reason plus they only do subs no dubbing required
Such is the nature of this game, the genre is not for everyone that's for sure.
Dubbing seems more of an US thing anyway, PQube usually doesn't bother with the dubs either.
I guess the other thing is they have to agree to have it ready and done for same day release with Japan so they're under the gun and can't fuck up. Plus they're only 2-3 hour time difference at most.
Pretty sure H2 are Korean
They have experience already from Bullet girls so it should be fine. Man I should play that game already to see what kind of translations they do.
I'd say it's about the same as an IFI translation of one of Compile Heart's non-meme games(e.g. Mary Skelter)
Hmm, that's fine. If I don't notice the localization sticking out too much then it's generally fine.
The Tekken bitches are fucking hideous
Concvince me to spend my saved money on a switch instead of the ps4.
Looks like a fucking generic VN
There are thousands of moege that look better than this shit
>on vita: super trash no games webshit KUSOGE lmaooo
>switch port: wooooo wooooo baseeeeeed fuck snoooooy*fart*
You haven't either seen the gameplay or you don't know what vns are
I was excited when I heard the announcement, but none of the characters appeal to me at all unlike a lot of the girls from Z. Really disappointing and basically kills my interest in the game.
>their tits don't get big enough that they become immobilised
Hmmm nah, weak garbage. Get this normie shit away from me.
Breast Expansion is the best fetish.
>It's a fucking mystery dungeon game
It hurts.
The Spiral Chaos games are fun
>0 doujins of Rio
Do people actually buy this shit? Why not just watch porn instead? These "games" have absolutely trash gameplay and they aren't even real porn. It's just shitty softporn you can't even beat your dick to.
The gameplay is fine, what is wrong with the gameplay?
A post from a very intelligent person I'm sure
Yeah, it's a fun game with a fanservice twist that is pretty much made for me.
is there any more to this?
The gameplay is what I'm looking for. Mystery dungeon games are good. I don't understand the idea that something sexy has to be full blown porn to be enjoyable.
Redpill me on mystery dungeons.
As a pokenerd who tried out Blue when it came out, the pretty lacking character progression and commitment to each dungeon as part of a larger game basically made it feel like a version of roguelikes while removing the anchor of fun: short, pretty wildly varying runs.
How good will the english subs be? Never got an Asia English version of a game before.
Depends. The one's I've tried are fine but I've heard some can be pretty bad
Some people apparently can only live in extremes and can't enjoy a little but of something
mystery dungeons are more along the line of dungeon crawler, rather than roguelike
Its main attractions are wildly customizable characters and a steady progression, with a nice gameplay loop of crawl - get item/lvl - be stronger - beat the bosses. the only different is it use the tile-based combat of roguelike instead of traditional turn base RPG combat, which make people mistake it as a roguelike
>niche game is irrelevant and wouldn't sell at all
>company try to censor game because of thing
>people get's mad and game becomes more popular, creating even more demand for thing
every time
>Wildly customizable characters and steady progression
So two things almost entirely missing in the PMD game I played.
Nice. Still fap regularly to the scene where shotas pin her down and suck her tits
>Seikon no Qwaser
>Valkryie drive
No. Fuck this cock teasing piece of shit. Wasted potential up the fucking ass.
PC when?
Do you even know what that means or did you not read my post? Which one is it retard?
>pure projection
You're retarded
BGP felt like a massive downgrade in terms of gameplay.
Hope they make a proper Bullet Girls for Switch.
You sound smart
Who is this?
So as a PCfag who doesn't get this or the new Chocobo Dungeon, what good mystery dungeon options are there without emulation besides Tangledeep?
he's typing with one hand, leave him be
Chiharu Kousaka from Bullet Girls 2.
I played Gal Gun on PC and it really isn't balanced for mouse control
Is the game even good? If it is as shit as Etrian Odyssey Mystery Dungeon then I don't want it, tits aren't enough.