Comfy thread for Anthem bros. Cataclysm event looks hype as fuck and it's so close to release. What gear are you rocking so far, Yea Forums?
Comfy thread for Anthem bros. Cataclysm event looks hype as fuck and it's so close to release...
Thats still alive?
I'm still thinking about it. Not sure if I want to buy it yet.
This. Who the fuck is still playing Anthem?
Nice try community manager, now go post on Reddit.
I got the game I'm praying its comes back around, playing monster hunter world in the mean time
Go for it, user. Most of the bugs were patched ages ago and loot has been finely balanced.
I got 99 looter games, and Anthem ain't one of them.
Dead and shitty game. Hope bioware will die soon
>digital is $60
>physical is $40
Interesting pricing.
Really? Cause that sounds like a bold faced lie. In fact I haven't seen anyone who played Anthem actually ever say anything major was done. I just decided to look at the patch notes for this month and sure enough they are still fixing basic things such as keybinds and mission structure.
It's a dead game. They will never fix it before everyone stops caring.
>company destroyed by diversity hires and trannies
>not even trannies will play this game because of how bad it sucks
If you bought this, your an absolute retard
>no romances
>beta male virgin protagonist Freelancer
Shoulda had romances BioWare
For once, being woke had nothing to do with Anthem sucking.
It sucked cause no romances BioWare shoulda had romances BioWare
Not having romances is the least of Anthem's problems.
Freelancer is beta male virgin worst BioWare protagonist worse than Ryder
Can you imagine? Someone actually bought this piece of garbage for FULL price... Damn
My buddy shilled it to me and we hadn't played a game together in a couple years. I ghosted him after playing this pile of shit for 3 days
No this is a shill post
Reddit hates anthem more than Yea Forums
>tfw Fallout 76 is still full price
>Anthem is $30 already
I don't get it. I thought FO76 crashed and burned hard, but Anthem has a hell of an impact worse.
>ironic shill post
Pssst, it's just a regular shit post.
>Last twitter update is a month ago
>Roadmap says they're supposed to release a major content update last week
>there is no update
>there is nobody giving any news on anthem
LITERALLY a dead game.
Giggles were achieved
They did release an update, though. They updated us on the status of the Cataclysm event.
Can you imagine the morale in the Dev room of this game. Oof
Fallout 76 got its shit together and has been supported with constant free content updates. While it still isn't the best online game ever, many of its flaws were fixed with time. Anthem on the other hand hasn't added anything worth a damn and the devs seem to have all but given up on ever fixing the game. I give the game another six months at the absolute most before the "support" it is getting stops all together.
>"They let us know how work on an event is coming without giving us any of the content updates we were supposed to have months ago, so the game is alive and well guys! R-r-really!"
Is this game actually fun? All I heard about around launch was damage numbers 1000% being made up and the best guns being the default starter variants plus the nonexistent endgame loop being gated behind pointlessly long grind quests.
Me and my bros will get this when it's $5 and go through it together will not pay a cent more.
>LITERALLY a dead game.
This is the risk when you buy a "games a s a service" game day 1 because if it fails, they will just abandon it and all the allure of having one of these games goes with it.
I might try it when it goes free to play