You're going to buy her game when it comes out in September, right bros?
Borderlands 3
No I'll probably get a review copy for free, but I doubt I'll play it.
Who the fuck said September? It won't be out till like next April minimum. I'll be taking the commiepill then.
Go away Randy
No, it looks like shit, and will play like shit just like all the other Borderlands games.
BL2 was GOTY though
September 13 is the officially announced release date
Anyway, hell no I won't be buying it in September. Fuck the Epic store. I'll probably pirate and then buy it whenever it comes to steam.
Probably, we shall see
Nope, not going to install Epic launcher on my system just for this. Sorry, not sorry.
Sorry Randy, Hideo is first
maybe I'll get your shit in Christmas
no it wasn,t borderlands was never good and will never be, cause gearbox
Good goy, give Gabe those shekels, Valve are a poor indie developer and deserves all your hard earned money
>sent out a bunch of emails with a fake email claiming to be a big youtuber
>literally all they did was ask for a link to my channel
>get review codes from like 8 different large publishers occasionally
>none of them have realized it because the channel I used actually does reviews of the games
Honestly surprised more people arent doing this.
That's enough. I think you've said more than enough. Don't fuck this up for me.
>I would rather buy a movie than a videogame
I won't have to, since my brother is getting it. On a console
I won't even pirate it
It's just a Diablo game where everyone is the Amazon
your meme is stale
trust me, I'm a meme cook
I wanna lick those abs
I'll pirate it and then buy it when it comes to steam... as a "complete edition" with all dlc... on sale...
Nah I'll still be playing pic related and daemon x machina by then. No time for rubbish