You're going to buy her game when it comes out in September, right bros?
Borderlands 3
Juan Butler
Wyatt Cox
No I'll probably get a review copy for free, but I doubt I'll play it.
Ryder Jackson
Who the fuck said September? It won't be out till like next April minimum. I'll be taking the commiepill then.
Andrew Moore
Go away Randy
Cooper Jones
No, it looks like shit, and will play like shit just like all the other Borderlands games.
Juan Nguyen
BL2 was GOTY though
Kayden Flores
September 13 is the officially announced release date
Anyway, hell no I won't be buying it in September. Fuck the Epic store. I'll probably pirate and then buy it whenever it comes to steam.
Liam Roberts
Probably, we shall see
Nathaniel Roberts
Nope, not going to install Epic launcher on my system just for this. Sorry, not sorry.
Austin James
Sorry Randy, Hideo is first
maybe I'll get your shit in Christmas