How come Persona 4 was such an emotionally mature work compared to the edgy emo garbage that was Persona 3?

How come Persona 4 was such an emotionally mature work compared to the edgy emo garbage that was Persona 3?

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bad bait

For me 4 has a number of things that make me prefer it to 3.

I think the main thing was that I preferred the characters and how there was a bit more interaction with them. Whereas in 3 the team are pretty much individuals who happen to live in the same place and fight monsters together once in a while, the P4 party are all friends from the off, which contributes to the game's warmer, more positive atmosphere (the game's ability colour theme is yellow compared to P3's blue, which should tell you a lot).

You also interact with characters more now that each of them has an S.Link, a bunch of school scenes just hanging out as a group, and rather than just being generic corridors the dungeons and bosses in P4 are designed to reflect and explore a character's personality and issues.


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>my shiny turd is better than yours

The yellow color scheme in the original is way more sickly and drab than Golden portrays it, the game's not all sunshine

4 is the worst game in the series. Yes, that's including Revelations

How is it worse than 5?

I only know about 4 because I watched giantbomb play it when I was 18 or 19. I'd never play weeb games like this.

5 is the best nu-Persona game

>Persona 4 was such an emotionally mature work
>Cross-dressing beauty pageant

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That's not an answer.

OP is a prime example of this image being completely 100% correct to this day

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Really though, why isn't it seen as being creepy as fuck the way women talk about how much they like some particular smell a guy has? Or keeping articles of clothing around carrying that smell, sometimes years after the fact? It's creeper shit when a guy is sniffing panties, this is no different. Jesus fucking Christ, a woman I work with still has some t-shirt that belonged to her grandson because she likes to sniff it, and he died a few years back of electrocution.

>tfw looking back at the cast of P3 and seeing how many characters had no parents or shit parents

You're right, user, P4 is much better than P3.

SEES had it pretty rough. By the end of the game every member has dealt with shitty and/or dead loved ones, even the goddamn dog loses its original master.

Meanwhile in P4:

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PQ makes note of this, in case you haven't played it.

kinda when p3 was released everyone in that time was basically emo desu

(You), it's a fine game, but it's by far the worst of the nu trilogy

I'll never get tired of this pic. It really is way more accurate than it has any right to be

I liked 3 for its tragic themes, for its characters in search of a meaning in life, for them facing loss and death in their own singular ways.

I liked 4 for its feel-good atmosphere, its murder mystery plot and for its theme of accepting yourself and others for what they really are.

I liked 5 for... Kawakami, I guess? Honestly, this game did not resonate with me, even though it isn't bad. Most of the characters seemed weirdly and superficially written overall. Maybe I simply excpected more of the P4 "reach out for the truth" and self-accepting angle that what I got.

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I quit PQ at the end because the final boss phase did some bullshit where you need to spam revive items/abilities or you die in so many turns. I don't especially enjoy or remember the story at this point, other than the gif.

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so what exactly ARE the velvet room assistants?

Igor's sex slaves

I love Fuuka!

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dude, fat chick is ugly LOL
ha look at that UGLY incel trying to talk to Larry like he has a chance
ewww the teach wants to fuck you haha

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I really enjoyed Persona 4 compared to 3 and 5. I really don't mind their stories except I think 5's really not that good compared to 3 and 4. Persona 5 kinda seems like a repeat of 4 only the cast seems like a downgrade. Plus 5 takes away a lot of freedom for story reasons which just annoys the hell out of me.

I believe if you leave at least one person alive while others are dead the boss won't use that skill on that character? My mind's a bit hazy on that but I remember getting through that part somehow. I did find the mechanic to be bothersome but yeah if you stack up on revival items and abilities you'll most likely be fine.

is there a yukiko version

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Any one got the roulette theme mash up for p4?

p3 > p5 > p2 = p4

p4 is easily the worst in terms of story and characters but p2's gameplay is so much worse than it that they balance out. p4's characters are not convincingly written in any capacity, they don't talk or act like normal teenagers at all. just read chie's fucking line here. your sounds, your smells? nobody talks like this, atlus USA

P2 is a fucking SNOOZEFEST. But the story is so fucking engaging.

V. poor bate.

Chie is cute tho.


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