Any good examples of games with actual differences between male/female characters?

Any good examples of games with actual differences between male/female characters?

Any examples specifically like pic related?

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Hey it hurts down there too for us but definitely not like a guy

Any examples of that being relevant, in games?

Spider poster

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Why is her crotch talking?

virgin detected

It hurts more for a girl than a guy. Guys are just wimps now.

retard detected

The original Mortal Kombat

As someone who has been both, this is untrue

>he thinks guys can be girls and girls can be guys
Michael Jackson was not white. Surgery doesn't change what you are.

IIRC, Sophitia in Soul Calibur has a knee to the crotch move that affects male and female characters differently

He had vitiligo, like hermaphrodism, it is a medical condition.

It you play as Hol Horse in ASB he does slightly less damage to women and Narancia

Yes, welcome to Yea Forums, Reddit

Fuck you, OP. You made this thread earlier and it became a shitshow. I know you’re just trying to stir up crap.

In the One Piece musou games, there's a crotch grab move that works on guys, but if you use it on a female enemy, it spanks them instead. I think it does the same amount of damage so it's mainly a visual difference, but still

This is the post right here. This is what started all the shit.
I bet you’re actually OP too.

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god hand has a special move called the ball buster which when used in combat causes the player character, Gene, to spin around, kick the guy behind him square in the balls with a "ding" noise to follow, a crowd applauding and puts them into a stun opening them for a pummeling. If you do this on a female opponent she responds with a taunt, Gene is made vulnerable, there's no ding noise and the audience lets out a "awww."

Dosn't Sanji get nerfed to fuck and back due to them implementing his turning to stone infront of female characters joke from the anime into a gameplay mechanic?

mount and blade has a few differences.

Sure it does. Retard.

Don’t take the bait.

Imagine just lightly tapping someone anywhere and they keel over. Talk about over-dramatic and unattractive. This is why men are losing respect.

Have sex with toddlers.

Bro if you believe that then I have a town in Italy to sell you.

What are some video games where I can experience this?

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Wait a minute... this isn’t a vidya thread.

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Discord trannies have been spamming shit like this lately.

Didn't you get your answer yesterday, hobgoblin?

Wait are you saying vitiligo / being born with several sets of parts is something other than a medical condition?

Is it a video game ?

>Fighting Muslim women

Women that lift are stronger than the average male.
They focus on the legs which increases overall strength and musclemass.
In a kicking competition between a woman that lifts and a man that doesn't the woman would win.

God Hand. Gene has a groin attack that stuns male enemies as they grab their crotch. Doesn't work on women.


If only that was the case. This shit has been going on for years...

tits or gtfo


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I just want my foot to lodge itself into a girl's vagina and then it slowly gets absorbed within until I am completely unbirthed and inside her womb.
