Jesus, why is California such a shithole in this game?
Jesus, why is California such a shithole in this game?
>in this game
Gee really makes you wonder
>Americas largest homeless population
>Also home to Americas biggest tech companies
>All wrapped in a care-free attitude of degeneracy
Its the closest we get to Cyberpunk outside of China.
Jokes aside the World of Darkness is just a terrible place overall.
>in this game
>Jokes aside
California is literally the best state, hot girls, easy money, cheap if you live in a comfy small town, I can smoke weed, people are friendly yall are just virgins
>in this game
And highest rates of street-shitting.
>in this game?
let me say this meme in your native language:
t. seething caliqueer
What California have you been living in? My California is filled with a bunch of self-righteous idiots (probably including me) who look down on anyone with "inferior views" to them.
>fat spic girls, easy AIDS, extortionate if you live anywhere outside of a small town, full of drugs, appropriate southern mannerisms despite hating the south
Thats everywhere though. Just replace fat spic with fat white, black, etc. And what do you mean about southern mannerisms? Is it the fat?
>be spic
>see california turn into a shithole from the age of 5 to 27
>move to texas
>see more spics showing up daily
ha ha... okay america... time to fix the problem. even as a spic, my parents told me what spics do, and how useless they are. they also hate illegals because it took them 7 years to be approved to move to the states, even though millions got in first, and illegally. how come following the law is always the option that punished good people?
>can't even buy standard cap mags
Wait'll you see it in real life
>car inspections
>jew taxes
>no guns
How's it feel my car can assblast your castrated prius and pollute the environment while florida never bats an eye.
California is Little Brazil.
Who cares about the homeless street-shitters and illegal labor, we have rich people in gated communities! And Google! Orange man bad!
>while florida never bats an eye.
You get raped by the ocean yearly, sometimes multiple times per year
That's why Californians are moving to Texas. California is a shithole state.
*shits in your path*
Thats why you don't live near the beach retard.
Do you think the hurricanes care?
Maybe if you live in Miami?
and Hurricanes are based. They only destroy areas that have the most blacks and spics.
>tfw Californians are the new poos
What a time
If only they could destroy areas that have people who capitalize non-proper nouns. Ah, to live in a perfect world.
That's because San Fransico is full of indians.
Same thing is happening in Melbourne.
>b-but muh integration, muh civic
t. spic that only knows america from drama shows
how's that human poop doing down the sidewalk from your front door?
fpbp. California is a shithole and the sooner I move from here, the better.
Imagine paying a premium to live around a non-white majority of people and while you always hear about California having great events and concerts from your favorite bands, the state is shaped and distributed in such a way that basically if you don't live in the Bay Area or around L.A., it'll take well over 3-8 hours to drive to either of those. The Bay Area has a huge swamp and river channels between it and Sacramento, so you gotta drive all the way AROUND it to reach either place. It isn't a straight shot.
To be fair, there are parts of California that cringe as much as the rest of the world at San Francisco/Silicon Valley's hellhole.
yeah now whos seething lmfao, im not even a liberal hahaha
Not me because there's no shit on my streets.
hahahahahah calicuck cope
I visited my american gf's family in Northern Cali and it was great, met a lot of people from the midwest there that said cali was a lot better. As a eurofag it seemed amazing to me.
post vidya related things that californians aren't allowed to own
Sounds like a hellhole on the level of Weimar Germany. I guess white men are going to have to wake up and destroy this.
>hot girls
Last time I went to a gun shop, I flipped through the shop's catalog. Every single gun had a "not for sale in California" disclaimer under it, besides one handicapped AR with one of those thumbhole stocks and a 5 round mag. Really cemented how much of a shithole it is in my mind.
Not like Seattle is any better for VTMB 2
>Have to break into safe injection site for a mission
>Step on random aids needle at a homeless encampment
>Get the plague and die.
Feels bad.
why does cali trigger Yea Forums so hard
The Indian population that gets sent here is substantially more educated than our population. Most people come here because they've got rich parents that don't want their children to have to wait to get entry into University in India.
>Any criticism against a shthole is being "triggered"
>accurately portraying California as the nerve center of communism
Nah, commie, go back to your think tank on how you can prevent white nationalism without banning the internet.
Probably because you were visiting a small piece of it my friend. The rest is uh, screwed to put it lightly.
>nerve center of communism
Old man yells at cloud.
see and the rest of the thread
>le old man
Old men lived in a good world, you are giving us shit.
>muh (((Simpsons)))
Kill yourself, commie.
>Old men lived in a good world, you are giving us shit.
They ruined the economy, globally and domestically.
California isn't even the most liberal state in the country. Hawaii easily takes that title.
I live South of LA in a city which is large, but not LA tier.
CA is big, with a lot of places. Orange county, Northern California, and some areas of Eastern CA can be considered as ideal places.
However, when people idolize CA, they think about L.A. which is the biggest shithole on planet earth. Nothing redeemable about that disgusting mess of a city. Niggers, spics, gooks, ghettos, it's 97% of the city. While 3% is nice, east asian and white areas.
Legitimately made me feel sick just watching that
Best weather.
Best food.
Best chicks.
Double-edged sword. Diversity gives you options. Any kind of girl or grub you could want down here. Can't be a 2/10 uggo, or this place fuckin' blows, though. Also can't legally own many guns. Seems like a decent trade, though.
I keep wanting to leave but then I look everywhere else and the money is nowhere as good
even after counting for change in cost of living it's still not as good
Kill yourself, jew.
>Jesus, why is California such a shithole in this game?
>in this game
There is a reason why some call it, in real life, Commiefornia.
well probably because Cyberpunk is literally set in there
2/10 uggo detected.
>Best weather.
so only apart of CA
>best food
just a stupid thing to say
>best chicks
Again, a stupid thing to say.
VTMB came out in 2004, the LA riots were still a thing people remembered and LA still had some really shitty (and majority black) parts. In that time the city has massively gentrified and built mass transit so now it's just very meh. It was a different time, figure back then you could still buy a shitty house in Compton or whatever because housing was affordable then.
Similar to Miami. I live in North Miami away from that disgusting chaos which is South Miami. Nothing but shootings in South beach, faggots, russians, hispanics, niggers, and bums that think they've lived the life and were close to god and know all things.
Are you a retard? Californians can own that, it's """assault""" style shit that's regulated (and even then you can usually find a way to have it legally). If you're going to shit on us at least do it right
t. Homo living in a luxury apartment 1 block away from skid row
Shut your worthless jewish mouth. You fucking demon.
>Commiefornia is literally a shithole, entitled dog-faced roasties, easy money if you're a welfare parasite minority and/or illegal, still expensive even if you live in the sticks (because Commiefornia taxes), can smoke weed (which is degenerate and you will hang when the day comes), people are opportunistic like Jew Yorkers but not as openly jewy-backstabby
You're done here. Go or begone forever.
Already underway.
California is some of the most beautiful land on earth. Too bad it's ruined by the presence of Californians.
Reminder that commies use the American south's "y'all" as a way to cozy up to you and pretend that they are 'salt of the earth'. The reality is that they're commies and they want to fucking kill you and subjugate your family for eternity.
Yeah, this is probably the most accurate summary on this tread.
Most of California's weather is tame by comparison to the states that surround it. Afraid of a little rain, user? You bring up a good point, though. The climates can differ from area to area. That's why I can go snowboarding and hit the beach in the same day with relative ease. Feels good.
Food in L.A. is pretty top notch. You have so many options for so many different types of food, you can half expect to find great eats on accident. Apply yourself.
they use "y'all" as attempt to act black.
Not until you accurately speak my true namーI mean....
>in this game
>blacks speak this way because they literally grew up in southern America
>this is originally a black thing
This is how you think, commie. You are going to fucking die, and the people will cheer.
>Wake up in the great state of california-stan
>Pay my alarmclock tax
>Look outside
>I can see 5 whole feet in front of my face, wow what a low smog rating today!
>Turn on the TV in my 5x5 luxury studio apartment, only $5000000 a week in rent!
>Listen to the news as I boot up my phone to pay my tv, phone, breathing, and smog taxes
>It's another mass shooting in some rural retard place called Virginia Beach
>Roll my eyes and wonder when the violence will stop
>Step outside and try my best to weave around all the shit and needles on the sidewalk
>Stop briefly for the bus and admire the states diversity as 30 mexicans shoot each other to death on the street
>Feels good to be enlightened and living in a diverse society
>Bus arrives
>Pay waiting tax
>Look for a eat and fine one next to a beautiful -4/10 xir
>Oh it must be my lucky day
>Strike up a conversation about the evils of capitalisem and drumpf
>Xir claps and applauds and tells me how hard it is to have a sea lion as a headmate
>I nod and agree and we exchange numbers
>Get off at my stop
>Pay conversation and bus exit taxes
>Finally my job! Glorious $11 an hour!
>First be sure to get my almond and avocado soilent one meal shake from a street vendor
>Only $500 for a small!
>Slurp it down as I walk into the callcenter where I catch Pajeet, Jamal, and Carlos discussing ways to exterminate white people
>Blessed and brave, stay strong brothers!
>Sit down and pay my agreement, sitting, and privilege taxes
>Finish an exhausting 3 hour work week, time to head home!
>Accidentally slip on some sidewalk shit because I think I spotted Tom Cruise at an antifa rally
>Fall into traffic
>800 car pile up
>Smile as I see another wildfire starting in the distance
>Pass out with a smile on my face as I continue to rapidly lose HIV+ blood
>Hope my parents can afford to pay my traffic, bloodloss, poo defacement, and death privilege taxes as darkness takes me
>What a beautiful day in California-stan
I'm not saying that "y'all" is an originally black thing, I'm saying that leftist faggots on twitter use it because they think it makes them in with blacks on twitter.
What kind of girls are you into, 'cause we have them. Asian, Latina, Nordic? Hell, you want wo(men)? Got those, too, if that's your thing.
>video game playing manchild thinks he won't hang on the day of the rope
Fair enough.
>California is literally the worst state, thot whores, shit money, expensive even in an empty town, everyone does meth, people are ate up and theres no virgins.
Nice pazda
Secede now, faggot.
Because it's a shithole in real life.
>muh food
Shutup, faggot.
I sincerely don't get why this is happened. What the fuck is wrong with SF?
How bad is stuff in WoD? Would they see our Detriot as a good city?
The great irony is that California doesn't even fucking make food. If they were to secede from the States, they would have a giant starvation problem on their hands. Boycott Hollywood.
The good thing about CA is that North Cali hates the south and everyone in South cali hates LA.
California is not unified.
Im from California and you're a dumb lying nigger
>muh food
Is a stupid thing to say regardless. You think I can't get your precious panda express in any other state?
Some would say homeless populations, but there's cities with as many homeless across USA where streets aren't shitted up so that's one theory off the list.
>California is not unified.
>muh turf wars
(((Hollywood))) runs the whole thing, you stupid 80 IQ faggot.
The US would be immeasurably better off if NYC, LA, and San Fran got nuked.
>hot girls
True in parts of LA and SD
>easy money
Not if you're trying to buy a house
>cheap if you live in a comfy small town
If you're in a small town, you won't have the above two
>I can smoke weed
Sure, but CA isn't the only state that lets you do this. Other states also let you have cool guns and cool cars
>people are friendly
Biggest lie ever
Larping nigger
Its the real world but worse. That's it. Corruption is everywhere. Murder is a common solution. Violence is readily accepted.
>The greatest difference between our world and that of Vampire: The Masquerade is the presence of immortal monsters pulling the strings of humanity. Violence and despair are more common here, because they need to be in order for the Kindred and others to continue their existences. The world is bleak, but escape is an ever-present commodity - perhaps too present. The setting of Vampire is a composite of its populace and their despair. The shadows loom longer here, and the night is more reluctant to yield to day. Corruption runs rampant, from the government through private corporations and into the various subcultures that revel in these culturally bankrupt times. It is a world of contrasts, of haves versus have-nots. It all looks very much like the real world, as seen through an extremely stylized filter that turns up the contrasts between dark and light. The technology and places are the same as ours right now, but the people who use it are different — darker, in personality and motive — and that changes how the world functions. GOTHIC-PUNK
>doesn't understand how food works
Good luck, commie.
>tfw I want to escape this Californian shithole but literally no where else in the world can match my current salary of 700k/year.
That's not what I mean. I meant when people insult CA, the only people who get insanely defensive and go >muh economy
are LA faggots and other degenerates.
yeah it sucks living with perfect weather year round and plentiful hot mexican girls
Why not work for a month and then go retire in Poland or something
>fails at greentexting
Get lost, you stupid jewish journalist.
I can't even tell which side you're on, probably not even from the U.S, which makes whatever you have to say, void.
That's pretty cool. You should stay there and never come near Texas or anywhere.
The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.
Permissiveness. They'll let you get away with anything. Might as well shit on the street.
If you're going to be a welfare society you need to maintain behavioral standards though force. The Soviet Union would give you a job and a place to live, but if you shat on the street like an animal they would break your fucking skull in.
You arent californian
Theres literally a place called "Jefferson" that has been trying to secede from California. North california is as red neck as east oregone and alabama.
Sounds like you would love Texas or North Carolina (not an insult)
Neither are you if you don't know there is farm lands with dumb rednecks here drive down the 99 sometime
Fuck retarded poltard nigger back to r3ddit,you belong in the trash with the rest of the alt-right neonazies. Go back to stormfront.
Am I seeing a weird looking Pikachu or Sonic?
You're so brave, living with a bunch of trannies and fags must be tough.
It's a hell of a lot cleaner than IRL California.
Make me, gaylord.
i see it too
Seethe more poltard,back to stormfront.
>dumb rednecks
Reminder that this is a jew that is looking down on you. The fire rises.
i lived in california for about 25 yrs and living there fucking sucked. nothing but stuck up asians and cholos. I live in texas for the last 2 yrs and already making more money than i ever did in california and have a career and making a living
>friendly people
big lie. Texas are more friendly than californians. My roomate is one of the kindest person i've ever met and took me in at a hard time in my life
>implying im a degenerate that smokes weed
tl;dr you're a faggot and california sucks minus the mojave area
Gotta do something with all the pajeets that tech companies hire
I get really depressed when I read about entire states being overran by foreigners.
Can confirm.
There’s also more syringes on the ground than blades of fucking grass since the police are not allowed to do their jobs because they are evil oppressors of those innocent drugged up EDPs who will just as soon stab you as look at you.
Fuck off poltard Nazi back to R3ddit or stormfront with your retarded nigger ideas of communism.
I get empowered knowing that there are anons willing to shut the jews' lying mouths forever.
I now defer to the audience and ask them: who looks more absurd between us?
That actually looks nicer than most streets in LA
We're forced to give the government 1/4 of our paycheck and the streets are fucking destroyed and no one obeys the laws.
Fuck off back to R3ddit you stupid niggerfaggot poltard
I live in NorCal and mostly because people aren't partisan outside of San Fran. A lot of people from San Fran and LA are moving to Sac and higher to get away from deadlocks and sabotaging people do in bigger cities. I don't understand how people like Ben Shapiro can gloat that their city is filled with homeless people, trash, and feces and them proceed to do nothing besides blame one side on his show. I'm glad that in my area a lot of people will at least pick up after themselves even in "ghetto" areas where the streets are worn down.
Norcal is pretty liberal. Even the "rednecks" are pretty liberal and mostly just like four wheeling and beer and not any bullshit politics.
it's the local government's willingness to let it happen. same thing is happening in Seattle right now.
It's actually pretty generous
just because LA is heaven compared to mexico it doesn't mean its the best place to live in the United States
>texasfag thinking his shithole is better than california
You're literally living in Mexico Lite. Shut the fuck up you retard. Both states are fucking awful.
1000 hours in MS Paint
Have you fags not see all the homelessfags in San Francisco? They literally camp on top of city call.
>hot girls
kek are you talking about the rich white girls who only go live on the beaches while everywhere else has fucking goblins with 10 pounds of makeup on?
Yes this is well known what about it
I live in houston it's mostly niggertown but theyre friendly niggers unlike the annoying ones in Los Angeles and yes I agree Texas is fucking awful but It's still a better shithole than commiefornia.
Yeah right,and you are a stupid niggerfaggot poltard that belongs in the trash with the rest of the Germany idealism and the manifest of Martin Luther.
You certainly sound reasonable.
>catholic 2.0 kike thinks he’s fooling anyone
Go back to raping little boys, Chaim
>hates Christ
You're not doing too good yourself, Mossad.
if you think that's bad, you should see it's current state.
Is that an actual name somewhere? Jeepers
>yall are just virgins
but I fucked your whore mother, me and the hombres took turns on a train
california women are real easy
>California is literally the best state, hot girls, easy money, cheap if you live in a comfy small town, I can smoke weed, people are friendly yall are just virgins
Literally none of that has been true for almost 30 years and the people still there are elitist asshats who are myopic enough to think that moving to a new place and voting to make it more like California won't turn it into another overpriced, dysfunctional shithole.
>t. Californian refugee born and raised in SF East Bay
>nice white areas
None of you faggots have ever visited SFV, Hawthorne, Simi Valley, OC, or any other chunk of the state that isn't literally Modesto. Every white area in this county is full to the brim with druggies, burnouts, and queers, and plenty of meth dealers and actual local gangsters recruit from all of the highschools in the area. In fact half of the nigger/spic areas in the county aren't even that bad beyond how filthy and homeless-ridden they are.
Look at this jew.
Now is when you speak your mind in local politics, you stupid faggot. If you truly believe in what you preach, then you might be able to cure your jewish neighbor.
I live in California. It's a fucking shtihole. It's the most hypocritical shithole you'll ever see.
>homeless encampments and families unable to afford even a fucking 500k trailer home are struggling to survive
I hate this place. The weather is amazing, that much is true, and the area is nice (because lol we're rich keep those faggot poors out of here and let us be progressive) but that's it.
California looked like one of the nicest places to live in the entire world up until the 80's or so.
It's a fucking horror show now and the scum who run it want the same for everybody else because they are so god damn evil.
Shut up, jew.
Northern California has some nice scenery (when it's not burning to the ground) but the entire southern half needs to feel the loving embrace of a nuclear bomb.
Yeah no, California is a shithole and has been for awhile.
>Vote Democrat
>Kikes get tons of kickbacks and invest in (((local))) businesses and infrastructure that never gets completed
>Vote Republican
>Corporate goons continue to slash actual infrastructural projects and invest nothing anywhere except for into tax breaks for other corporations trying to open up offices in the area
What should I do, oh /pol/ sage?
All that is so damn fake, cept for the weed part
>Been livin in this shithole since '96
>What should I do, oh /pol/ sage?
You're retarded if you believe either party is different. Just because blues say they love x and do y doesn't mean they're any different than reds, you mongrel.
>Now is when you speak your mind in local politics, you stupid faggot. If you truly believe in what you preach, then you might be able to cure your jewish neighbor.
>implying that'll do anything when the state Democratic Party will just """harvest""" enough votes to defeat any sensible reforms or if that somehow fails, have the state Supreme Court strike down the result as unconstitutional a la Prop 8
We're not talking about Hollywood goldmcshekelstein
>Vote Democrat
There's your problem, my double digit IQ friend.
I'm going to Vegas
The Northern and Eastern areas are still very nice if you can ignore that you live in a neo-feudal experiment hellhole
California is a huge state.
>calls someone else double digit IQ
>has the reading comprehension of a fucking brick
>"Time to work on local politics!"
>It won't do anything since we'll get fucked by any politician that runs
I swear it must be mandatory for you to get a lobotomy before you enter /pol/
>None of you faggots have ever visited SFV
That's because Street Fighter 4 sucks.
Post should have ended seven words in.
The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.
>be me
>go to SDCC
>wander around the gas lamp district
>some homeless guy in a wheelchair claims begs me to push him to his destination
>start pushing him around because he claims he's a vet
>push him for about 40 minutes, never tells me where exactly where we're going just literally going in circles
>I give up and start to leave. Homeless man starts flailing his arms saying we're almost there and don't give up now
>push him for 30 more minutes, same thing happens
>Leave him, he starts shouting obscenities and he didnt lose his legs to 'Nam cuz of this shit(probably lost 'em to diabetes instead)
>next day see someone pushing the same guy around
Fuck Cali. The homeless are literally the worst. They also have a bad habit of schizing in the middle of the street
Shit, meant 5. 4 is pretty good.
>Already was planning on moving into bumfuck nowhere Nevada so my job pays enough that I can actually stay in the green after rent/mortgage
>Tons of Californians are migrating east and I'm going to wind up surrounded by the exact same goons
Kill me
just say "lo siento no hablo ingles" and walk away
>Have to pay for some shit eater to inspect and have to follow emission controls
LOL Goodluck faggot
What's with the Califonia bashing? Is it a rallying cry for Republicans, who control about 48% of California including the shittiest areas like LA and San Fran or is it foreigners simply trying to attack one of the biggest states?
fuckin lol'd
Whoa wtf is wrong with SFV?
Van nuys/Sherman Oaks/Toluca Lake/Burbank (I can never remember if Burbank counts as "The Valley")
I love SFV but, I also grew up here. I mean once you start getting too far north into like North Hills area then you've gone too far so I'll give you that.
No it's cuz it kinda sucks
The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.
The USA is Brazil. A dual economy was the plan all along.
why do liberals keep leaving California if it’s so great?
That's because North cali has lot small towns that are not liberal shitheads. But God damn asians are taking over Sacramento.
>What's with the Califonia bashing? Is it a rallying cry for Republicans, who control about 48% of California including the shittiest areas like LA and San Fran or is it foreigners simply trying to attack one of the biggest states?
CA Republicans are almost as irrelevant as MD Republicans, except they don't even have a RINO governor to stop bullshit like the rolling blackouts that are going to be phased in this year.
People rag on CA because it's a state riddled with self-inflicted problems that has a collective ego the size of the sun.
Cost of living is a bitch
is that because of the higher taxes?
That's what happens when they vote against their own best interests.
>muh two sides of the same jewish coin
I hope you're a teenager, because the jews play both sides, you stupid faggot.
Where do I go from this shitty state, anons?
>Whoa wtf is wrong with SFV?
Meth and drugs everywhere, vandals and home invasions every fucking week, weather and pollution is unbearable every summer (Hello 110F weather!), gas prices are always higher, local chapters of spic gangs patrolling everywhere, literally nothing to do in the entire mountain bowl besides visit one of the dozens of strip clubs, public transportation is utter shit, and most of the populace are easily scared and antsy old white fucks that call the cops every time anybody suspicious walks anywhere (me and my friends got pulled over for suspicions of having firearms because some crone was upset at us for playing metal a little too loud). This shit goes from Woodland Hills to fucking North Hollywood. All 26 years of my life I've lived here and all 26 years of my life I have grown to hate it more and more.
CA Republicans are extremely powerful. Don't get it twisted. They have the power to keep policies from passing and control a large chunk of the tax dollars.
Sorry bro but I need to leave just as bad as you do.
No because of landlords trying to milk the prices and the fact every time someone tries to build an apt the landlords start bitching.
why the fuck are blacks in california niggers? my father made the whole family move down south to a black neighborhood and not one person has tried to steal my bike or beat the shit out of me
The Northeast. It's still the best part of the country all said and done. Just avoid New York City
>CA Republicans
>not jews
You're going to fucking hang in a public place, jew/
I'm in Vegas and this is true
Not true norcal has alot Republican out side of Sacramento.
Isn't purposely spreading STDs only a misdemeanor in cali now? So much for 'powerful' republicans, unless they also support that degeneracy.
Republicans run areas and seem to deliberately do shit.
And Prop 13 unnaturally incentivizing people not to sell off their property, and asinine development laws that make it expensive/impossible to build housing, and artificially high prices from greenwashing policies like forcing PG&E to deliver a certain percentage of "renewable" energy that inevitably leads to them just buying power from out-of-state, but yes taxes "help".
>waaaah, if you speak ill of muh Golden State, you're a Jew!
Bite me, I lived there up until 2 years ago and know exactly why I quit the place. What I don't understand is why most others in my shoes seem to think that repeating things in CO or NV or TX will produce different results
>CA Republicans are extremely powerful. Don't get it twisted. They have the power to keep policies from passing and control a large chunk of the tax dollars.
They literally do not have enough votes in the state legislature to filibuster anything, you mong. This isn't 1989 anymore.
You don't need state power to control cities
The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.
You go to Hell.
>Where do I go from this shitty state, anons?
Depends what you'd see as ideal state policy. If it's just some flavor of "the same as here, but without [X]" then do yourself a favor and just stay in CA instead of coming crying to Yea Forums in 20 years asking for another state to go to.
Otherwise, pick someplace that you like and where you can make a living, and vote for the things that make it appealing to you and its own, non-Californian place.
Its because of delusional fuckers like you that the Cali cancer metastasizes
Everywhere sucks if you're a socially maladjusted loser. Lived in California for years, and never had a problem. You can blame the state or the people, but most the folks in this thread sound like they've only experienced California through Yea Forums posts.
if CA was 95% non-hispanic white like it was in the past, it'd be a shining jewel.
The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.
CA fag here. Live near San Pedro.
I blame the state and the people.
Are you a socially maladjusted loser? 562 is treating me pretty great, bruv.
Nice try, but you actually live in Tel Aviv. Kill yourself.
I never said all of CA is shit because it isn't.
LA, imperial county, SF. SD is alright, doesn't cause many issues probably the best big city, which isn't hard to beat.
But seriously LA is the source of all wrong in this country, followed by NYC and Miami.
>"this is your home now, goyim"
>The Indian population that gets sent here is substantially more educated than our population.
If that is true why do they poop on the sidewalk?
Though I left Califonia years ago due to cost of living, I still vote for liberal policies so more states would be more like califonia since it's the best state in america. It's curious why people keep resisting though.
The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.
No he wouldn't.
Texas is turning into Cali-lite.
t. Texan
Yep, good ol' Downtown LA. I know exactly where this is. Crime is shockingly light, but it is filthy and utterly infested with homeless.
Honestly if big cities like New York weren't so fucking expensive I'd love to live in them. Everytime I visit I'm always enamored with the buildings and their histories, I like how you don't need a car, and I love how 24/7 everything is.
>called World of "Darkness"
>world is dark and dismal
I live in CA and hate it. For a long time I thought the human race was garbage, but I really think it's just Californians
Their state is so shit that they seep out into other states and ruin them slowly too.
nah man that's 90% of all humans. they piss and shit everywhere.
okay so im thinking of doing the malkavian playthrough finally but how should i fill out my stats?
my other two playthroughs were:
>first: toreador with max persuausion and guns
>second: gangrel with max protean and tanked everything
should I try melee with malk or is better to go guns? I dont plan on using auspex since I want to focus on dementation and maybe obfuscate. how should i fill my other skills?
Skid row, a hive of scum and villainy
How do I keep this game from crshin with the ENB mod and Unofficial patch?
Should I just remove ENB? Its already spread out among my files
>Travelled to San Francisco on a business trip last week
>"Maybe it's all memes, maybe it's not so bad"
>Get an Uber to the hotel
>Literally 3 minutes into the small talk the driver is ranting about how Orange Man ran on a platform of racism and misogyny
>I didn't even bring up politics
It's not all memes
It is that bad
The entire state has been seething since 2016
Also the homeless are fucking everywhere. You know how some zombie movies/games show the zombies as weird muttering creatures that stumble around aimlessly, then lurch towards you as soon as you get close? They're just like that, and they also smell like shit.
I hate living in California but that is where all of my support is, how the fuck am I going to attend college full-time and work part time to get some piece of shit apartment somewhere else? This state is fucking trash and I can't wait to bounce. Houston or maybe Boston if it isn't that bad.
it's such a big mystery why so many califags are moving out.
>spend all your life campaigning for """social justice"""
>create an antisocial dog-eat-dog hellhole with a dysfunctional justice system
San Andreas is literally a nicer city than real-life San Francisco.
>how the fuck am I going to attend (((college))) full-time
Learn a trade, you worthless fucking soiboi.
The only things keeping me from moving out of this state is the food selection and the rent in my area being dirt cheap because a former tenant got butchered. I dunno what other states match the palate choices and are quiet, only ever been to Colorado and Washington. Can anyone help
You are the enemy of humanity if you live in California, so the move is an easy choice.
>cheap if you live in a comfy small town
Its not cheap and its not comfy, literally every place in the state is full of heroin and meth addicts. The difference is that they have home to do drugs in small towns while the ones in the city are homeless.
Were it so easy. Certain jobs require a degree and I don't think I'd be happy doing HVAC or Electrical work. Government work.
>I dunno what other states match the palate choices and are quiet, only ever been to Colorado and Washington.
You sound like a cunt, so no.
Then move, you stupid faggot. The fewer people living in Commiefornia, the less power they have.