Yume Shikki friday Update

It's been a slow week, but some stuff has changed.

Latest Build:

>What is this?
Yume Shikki is a yume nikki fangame being made as a colaborative effort by various members of the Yea Forums board in a similar vein to Yume 2kki.

>How long has this been in development?
The original thread suggesting the idea was posted on Yea Forums on the 19th of april, development started a few days after this and the first build was released one week later on the 26th of april

>Can i help out?
Of course, you can join the development team via google docs here drive.google.com/open?id=1aBAAaipxu-snIAZdvh8rYXLNxtm5Bk-D , or you can simply help out by testing new builds and suggesting ideas. Even posting an old dream down below can help us get the creative juices flowing

As always devs will be hanging around responding to comments for a while after the thread is first up so feel free to ask us any questions you may have.

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Other urls found in this thread:



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>literally yotsuba


The slack link says its expired

>>literally yotsuba
That's the point, no?

Obviously, but it's a bad point.

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page 10 bump
Please update the slack link I want to help do shit

Overside on our end sorry, ill try to get it fixed asap but it appears only one person has permissions to generate a new one and they just went afk.


This thing keeps showing up in my dreams.

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thats just a furry

call a priest

Just fuck my shit up.

Attached: Capture.png (625x145, 18K)

it's your fursona calling to you, faggot

How about we put an SS uniform costume for Yatsuba that lets her get past the ice cream stand owned by the big nosed guy?

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how do you run this thing I'm dumb

Attached: 1535264775514.png (219x128, 3K)

You need to download the rpgmaker 2k3 rtp, which can be found here:


now it runs, thank you anons, is there something else that I should do or know before playing?

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That it's very early in development. So don't expect much as a normal player.

Never been a Yume Nikki guy but it's great to see Yea Forums working together on something. Keep up the great work

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You guys inspired me.

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I don't wanyt to be a cat...

what if you want to fuck a cat then


characters in these kind of games shouldn't talk
but that's in my autistic opinion

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I agree, but that's just a reference.

Here's the context.

Attached: 1556937320266.gif (299x235, 109K)

yeah that's fine

also killed a bird thing by accident. fuck

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what game is this?

this thing has no collision

Attached: noclip.png (644x504, 14K)

It's not a game, it's a gif someone made in response to one of our threads.

I'm really glad this is still going, I honestly didn't expect it to make it past the first week.

These are my favourite threads week after week. Thank you all so much for doing this. I plan to join you all after my finals finish.

No problem, thank you for the support.

proposing an area that's nothing but an image of goatse but it's really in the distance so when you first enter, you're like "what's that" and as you get closer and closer you realize it's just someone's asshole being gaped

We'll consider it for the meme world.

you guys aren't gonna do a stupid maze, are you? those things always suck

I'm cool with this if you do stylized goatse. Like in the style of the aztec monkey shit. Straight up meme jpgs would be lame even in a meme world.

For what it's worth, meme world is probably not gonna happen for a long time, so we have plenty of time to think about it.

straight up memes pngs would destroy some of the mood

Yeah, I agree.

>yume shikki
I thought you niggers were calling it 4kki

4 can be pronounced as "shi" in japanese

Attached: shi.png (654x143, 4K)

>I thought you niggers were calling it 4kki
That was just a placeholder title. Also, it's the same name as a really bad fanfic

>yume 4kki
>only 2 yume nikki games
really makes me ponder

>he doesn't know

Yeah, how could I forget such a classic game?

>only 2
that REALLY makes me ponder


tell me about a cool dream that you've had, user

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One time I had a dream that I walked into a bathroom that had concrete walls and ceilings, and it was just a endless hall of shower stalls with blue partitions between them, and deeper in there was a HUGE shower stall that had a conveyor belt, kinda like a car wash and you would pass by some scientists observing you if you kept going that way. It also turned out to be a wet dream but I'll leave that part out since it's pretty gay

That's the most interesting recent dream I've had.

I found like 3 flowers, where the in the fuck are the rest FUCK

I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sad

Will there be any Folgers coffee in this game?

When will the game be complete? When will development end?

A few nights ago I had a dream where all the flesh and bone on the top of my head were gone. It was just my brain, exposed. But that didn't frighten me. What frightened me was that my brain had loose strands of hair and eye lashes clinging to my brain . They had gotten clogged in my eyes and ended up on my brain.

It was a strange dream.

>When will development end?
Hopefully it wont, we plan on developing the game for as long as we can.

help I'm stuck in the Mcdolands dimension

Pay attention to the signs.

is there more after this?

Attached: spooky.png (638x478, 12K)

Turn back at 5

i was on a bridge thqt spanned across several sky scrapers and it was very wiggly, but instead of being scared of falling off i was amazed and astounded at how beautiful the sky was, i think i was lucid dreaming because when i looked down i woke up yelling and feeling like i was still on the bridge (swaying)

you can jump in place while sitting on the chair, is that intentional?

Cute as that four pun is, Shikki in japanese is a type of lacquer ware



some dumb question do i need to re-dowload the game when you guy update?

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What do you mean?

when you guy add new content does the game just update it automatically?


who the fuck asked for this
who the fuck would invest time in this

have you ever heard of fun?

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Shikki? Because shi = 四 = 4 channel?
Or do you play as a vampire killer who can see lines of death?

>Because shi = 四 = 4 channel?

>who the fuck asked for this
The people that are making it you retard. Community projects like this aren't "for" anyone other than those involved.

well what should i do then?

Delete the old one and download the new one.

I saw you post this exact thing a while ago, no good rest huh?



Yesterday I had a dream that I was investigating a dungeon
but early in the dream I died and dropped all my equipment
but then when I came back in I forgot to reequip it
so I ended up just running away from every fight after that
Pretty soon I had joined a party of adventurers but I dont remember anything about them
and the whole time I was trying to figure out what our goal was
there were these little hidden valves around the dungeon that my party was trying to find and turn but I had no idea what they were for and by that point I was too scared to ask so I just went along with it


is there an estimate how many rooms there are in the game?

There are 49 "maps"
and for what it's worth, here's the game's actual map. (warning, actual spoilers)

Attached: Current Map.png (783x714, 21K)

>get the "can" effect
>can now place a single can on the ground
>placing it by a door and walking through it makes you clip into the backroom world

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>makes you clip into the backroom world
What? The one from the corners and hallways threads?

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We're actually thinking of doing something like that.

does anyone else have constant dreams where your dead pets are just fine in them?
it's been years but in my dreams I keep seeing my dog, like I'm not in denial, I don't remember about him often, but some morning I wake up after a dream and be like "oh fuck that's right, he's not here"

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>sunny day in the city
>walk around, do shit
>black out, wake up in the middle of the night
>get out on the balcony to see giant snowy field
>notice that building i'm in is actually a cruise ship of sorts
>see something happening in frozen forever
>it's cirno and some random moonbitch having a feud
>jump out so i can talk shit and give life advice
>leave two to their bloodshed, returning to the ship
>it's moving away from the shore
>panic, chase it
>titanic goes fucking lightspeed without me
>wake up for real

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I had a dream where I fell in love with a Tanuki and cuddled him in his apartment.
Nothing lewd happened, and I don't know if that would make a good room for the game, though.

yume shikki is still fucking retarded because nips all say yon anyways
yone nikki would be better


this motherfucker is borked and wont move again

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I was in the theather laughing hysterically as my classmate, dressed as a ghost kept doing the sumo step thing while jumping sideways.

Always bump Yummy Forky

Move up a tile and try again.

too late, I already loaded an earlier save, also, loading saves is fucked and sometimes the "zoom" effect doesn't go away.
I'm sure you guys are already know about some of these bugs but I still feel it should be reported
great work on the game so far, don't get discouraged

One last bump