Do we need more gay representation in videogames?

Do we need more gay representation in videogames?

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We need more gay shaming in gaming.

No. Fuck the mentally ill.

>Makes up LESS than 1/15th of the world

they make up less than 1/15th of the world
why are they bitching

What is wrong with people? America is so fucked.

Just make them all gay at this point desu

If it doesn't add anything to the character, then no

This. Get virtue-signalling out of games unless it serves an actual purpose towards the character development.

No. Gays should just stop being huge fags about being degenerates, and just start acting like normal people. How about that?

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I agree. It's not that we need more LBGT representation, it's that we need less of it to feel forced. Same goes for female and racial representation.

It's never good enough because fags unironically want EVERYONE gay. It wasn't a boogeyman made by the crazy Jesusfreaks all along.

gay, lesbian and whatever else there is only compromise only 3.5% of the entire US population , this fags need to shut the fuck up

It's not even a feeling anymore, nowadays it feels like developers are actually forced to pander to the vocal minority.

He's right, they make up far less than 1/15 of the population.

>character is straight
>normal, implied, changes nothing, personality has to be derived from elsewhere
>character is gay
>personality is that they suck cock
Totally the same thing.

Only in Japanese games, westerners need to tone it down

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Absolutely not

make all characters gay

Not really, Japanese games shouldn't be forced to pander either.

what about disabled culture? Theres not a single wheelchair user in wow, theres also no disabled access to stormwind harbor or gender fluid toilets there

These things dont fucking add anything to the game

We need to protect the babies from homo demons

>cant enjoy a piece of media unless youre represented
why is this such a big deal tho? if their bio changes a few words to liking men not women, what does that add


As a member of the LGB, I hereby announce that the T is not part of our group, has no logical connection to us, and should take a hike off a building's roof. The T is an insult to our collective and undermines our every step with its mental retardation. Thank you and have a nice day/evening.

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Exactly. They're simply adding token characters for the sake of looking progressive and nothing more. It's the kind of thing and executive would force into the game rather than another one of the characters that could be brought to their full potential by the development team.

The only reason LGBT has any relevant numbers in USA is because all homos around the world travel into USA, therefore USA's population of homos isn't representative of the world population. Some goes for other LGBT shit that goes to USA to their west coast LGBT Mecca.

Say this on Twitter with all the relevant hashtags

I mean, I know a really cool bi-sexual woman, and she's fine with just enjoying games as they are, instead of focusing on any of this outrage culture nonsense.

he's right, they don't make up 1/15th of the population of the world, they make up probably 1/50th

These people get most of their enjoyment over fake outrage and pretending to be more important than they actually are, not video games. They're like Yea Forums but with their names attached.

Because today's narcisistic selfie culture demands that you must be a part of what media you experience. It's also why you saw the rise of games with character creators instead of a defined character already built up, so that retards who are unable to relate to another human being unless it looks like themselves can actually enjoy the game.

I literally can't think of a single game that benefits from adding gays or trannys.

At the end of the day representation comes down to quality over quantity, if a character is a character who happens to be gay thats completely fine but if your character being gay is a focal or selling point like the kiss in the last of us part ii at E3 then there's a problem.

Games will benefit from a loss of potential millions from the Oil Baron Muslim market of 1.6 billion people, Chinese Scam Market of 1.2 billion, and that's merely the start.

Angry Goy 2. You murder lots of faggots.

Who says they're being forced?


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Should it also "add something" to a character for them to have blond hair rather than brown?

>I wouldn't be complaining if 90% of characters in media were black women.

Who says homosexuality even exists in Azeroth? What part of "fantasy world" do people not understand?

C'mon. No game developer should be forced to depict something in their game. Forced representation is bad for everyone.

Cis pride need more openly hetero males and females fucking eschother. We need a Cis pride month too. And a cis pride day every month thereafter so everyone knows we are cis and like the opposite sex :)

That comparison makes no sense because you can't tell someone's sexuality just from a glance

Sonny Kiss.

Who says homosexuality wouldn't exist in Azeroth? What part of "fantasy world" do you not understand?

I'm a gay, and we actually make up one twentieth of the world. I'm sorry for this asshat.

yeah because one person represents every single person from that background

no we need less and for all tranny fags to die

>In sum, gaydar really is a thing, in that people are generally good at perceiving sexual orientation from nonverbal cues. However, it isn’t a special talent. Rather, gaydar taps into the same “people sense” we use to quickly size up those we encounter in our daily lives.
>David Ludden, Ph.D., is a professor of psychology at Georgia Gwinnett College.

So long as some of them are cute, that's fine.

>being such human garbage lacking in your own personality that you need fictional media to produce a superficial personality for you that you can take from the shelf like cheap food and wear like a mask like the superficial garbage you are
... and LGBT retards wonder why society looks upon them as garbage retards. Your sexuality is not a value unto itself, doesn't give you any magical skills productive to society, nor does it contribute to your personality, it's a worthless superficial value not worth anyone's notice or attention you peabrained trash.

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It's far more likely to tell a fag from the way he looks than any other inclination.

Even assuming that gay people make up more than a 15th of the population this post doesn’t make sense. Why would that guarantee that every organisation had a number of gay members that is proportional to the number of gays in the population?

Also, why would it matter if straight people choose to interact with the gay content or not. This guy is literally advocating for it to be shoved down your throat.

You know him or something?

>Thing that is already the norm, represents the majority of the world population, and already expressed and represented in all forms of media
Wow what an intellectual you must be.

I'm not the one complaining that the "representation" doesn't line up with Liberal City, America, Earth circa 2019.

>>being such human garbage lacking in your own personality that you need fictional media to produce a superficial personality for you that you can take from the shelf like cheap food and wear like a mask like the superficial garbage you are
So like everyone else? Do you not understand the concept of demographic marketing?

to be fair whilst his point is retarded the thing that provokes his point is relatively easy to comprehend, having these parades and special months only presents LGBT people as something "special" and some people might interpret that as obnoxious, The events in and of themselves are counterproductive to the normalisation of LGBT people which should be their actual intention

>So like everyone else?
Not like everyone else. Everyone else deems their heterosexuality so irrelevant they don't even think about it as an individual isolated concept, you fucktarded peabrain.

Honestly the notion of wooden wheelchairs existing would make sense but it still cracks me up.

Yeah, the fact that the impolite vocal minority constantly try to force their beliefs down anyone's throat doesn't help either.

Hetero Pride is every month except for Gay Pride Month.

I agree. But who is forcing the japanese to put gay people in games?

What's counterproductive to LGBT normalization is decades of ostracization by society prompting the the necessity to find acceptance amongst their own and to reaffirm their self worth by instilling a sense of pride in their identity that much of the world demonizes them for.

The only place we need more gays is in the asylums

okay but can they not have their month when i have my birthday and summee has just began? gays are so selfish

Gay Pride shows exactly why people demonize them. Literally having orgies on the street around little kids. They are showing nothing respectable.

There are three LGBT characters in Overwatch. 76 is gay, Tracer is lesbian and Bastion is transgender and changes his identity as a whim. Fuck this bigot for not recognizing trans people.

>demand fag quota in developer team or sue for discrimination
>fags start whining for more representation, else face HR lawsuit
>nobody is forcing them
You were already proved wrong on the slippery slope, let it go.
Before you claim nobody is threatening, we had plenty harassment claims made to sneak more women and trannies in dev teams, like Riot Games for example, Rockstar is probably next: a faggot harassed a straight man and it'll be the perfect excuse for more women and africans in the team.

Straight Pride is also on Gay Pride Month.
In the Muslim world we either hang them or throw them off buildings.
In the Central and South American world we either hang them off bridges or sell them into sex slavery so they are out of sight of common spaces and society.
In Africa we pour lighter fluid over them and set them alight, sometimes throwing a few old tires in there as spicing.
In China we do a combo of the above.
In India we also do a combo of the above save for a special exception for trannies in a few villages in India.
In Eastern Europe and Central/Turkic/Slavic Asia, we just beat them up.

So media doesn't constantly portray, express and reaffirm heterosexuality through songs about sex and sexuality, movies about a characters sexuality, or forced love interests written SPECIFICALLY to make sure the audience is aware the character is heterosexual. You aren't very bright are you?

>All dykes and faggots make up less than 4% of the population
Aren't they actually over represented, what the fuck is this fag talking about?

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I kinda wonder if this “representation” thing is an exclusively American idea. As an Ausfag, I grew up almost exclusively with media made in other countries. Most of the films and TV shows broadcast here were made in America or England, and the kids shows were made in New Zealand and Japan. Not once did I ever worry about it I was being represented.

You could argue that I’m a white guy and that watching other white guys is good enough (which makes this entire debate even dumber if you ask me), but these days I consume more films made in non-English speaking countries than I do Hollywood movies. I have never watched a korean, Japanese, Hong Kong, Iranian, Lebanese, Spanish, Mexican, Russian, Polish, Greek or Italian movie and felt like I needed to be looking at more Caucasian people. If anything, it’s more interesting for me to consume foreign media because I get to learn about how people in vastly different cultures and social circumstances to myself live. Why the hell would I care about seeing “myself” represented?

If anything, shit like “Crazy Rich Asians” is way worse for “Asian Exposure” in popular media because the whole thing is written and marketed around the fact that the characters are Asian, rather than it just being a natural element of the story. Also, the “Asians” in the movie are the most Westernised Asians imaginable and are all clearly native English speakers from western countries. If you want to see a movie with an “all Asian cast”, just go watch literally any movie made in an Asian country.

Except homosexuals make up a super tiny minority of people so 1/15 is actually really generous. Niggers do this shit too.
>game set in ancient Nordic times
Fuck I hate minorities.

We might as well have a month for your eye-color, hair-color, blood type, favorite food, height, etc.

No, because people cannot write a gay person correctly and it ruins the game.

A well written character that just happens to be gay is fine.
A character that is written to be gay is what makes a bad character.

Some guy from Florida. He's been at it for a little while now, but he's actually starting to show results, which is remarkable.

Follow the conversation. We were talking about japanese devs

Nigger if you keep shoving your gay and tranny propaganda to kids I will still hate you no matter how much you whine "oppression". When you can act like a normal human being and not a degenerate no one will care.

This God fucking damnit. If some dude wants to take a dick up his ass it has nothing to do with me. Just stop acting like retards and expecting people to not be annoyed by you.


Then why does it seem that the mass majority of the LGBT pride/rights movement focused on the west when gay marriage is already legalised and the stigma is already fading when in other portions of the world their existence is institutionally discriminated against

They don't portray anything with the specific isolated intent of heterosexuality, because heterosexuality doesn't require intent, and it isn't worth thinking about. Which is why heterosexual shit comes off more natural than forced homofaggot shit which you treat differently because you treat it as a special entity that needs special attention unlike heterosexuality. It's your special snowflake mentality which is what makes you so fucking retarded that you can't grasp that the rest of society doesn't put equal value on what you put value - your sexuality. Rest of society doesn't think of their heterosexuality like you do of your own homosexuality, and that's what makes you fucking peabrain retarded homo. You assign value to something which doesn't have any.

Why is it that all slightly brown people cling to black characters? I had an Indian friend in school he LOVED Mace Windu, Morpheus and Killer B. I had a fried from Sri Lanka and it was the exact same deal - he would never stop talking about Barret from FF7, Kanye West and various black basketballers.

You are literally ostracized for not representing them in whatever trivial thing that's made, questioning their lifetsyle no matter how hamful it ls, not letting them around your kids, and plain old not wanting to hear how much they fuck and their in-detail sexual fetishes and fantasies. You have to walk on glass for their feelings and the media and government forces them on you like the make up most of the population.

>Why the hell would I care about seeing “myself” represented?
Because your demographic is the norm and what the vast majority of media represents. The same cannot be said for other minority demographics who may eventually start feeling left out when pretty much all media doesn't represent them.

>Then why does it seem that the mass majority of the LGBT pride/rights movement focused on the west when gay marriage is already legalised and the stigma is already fading
Because LGBT and Feminists are all mental retards who instantly jump into acting arrogant when a inch is given to them while forgetting they are shitting on the only part of the world which gave a single shit to give them rights and attempt to tolerate them. Sometimes the simplest answer is the only correct one.

Why are faggots so fucking annoying?
Nobody gives a fuck you like to suck cock, fuck off already

I swear I fucking hate these agenda pushing faggots. And this is coming from a person who thinks gay shit is cute.

The best way I could see someone do it is have the two characters' relationship grow throughout the game, like their personalities compliment eachother, they help eachother out during rough times, all that shit. It would probably help if the characters were actually attractive.
Like the "surprise i'm gay!" shit is so fucking stupid

I just think two dudes cuddling is cute goddamnit.

>You are literally ostracized for not representing them in whatever trivial thing that's made
In Japan? I doubt it

But you can.

Gays should be gassed alongside jews.

Japanese devs don't have quotas, they have stereotypes, like Sylvando. If a western game made Sylvando the whole company would be sued and bankrupted in a year.

Ironically having the occasional gay or trans character in a film or game used to feel natural and I didn’t think twice about it. Now that the LBGT community has made such a fucking huge fuss about it, those characters stick out like a sore thumb.

Transexuals marched along the same protests as gays, have the same enemies, also died of AIDS during the AIDS crisis, and turning your back on them because of internet posts by their worst representatives is exactly what the white house and conservatives wanted. You're backing out now that you have yours.

user's slippery slope point still stands. Nobody should EVER force someone to create or pander to someone against their will. It doesn't matter what country or culture you're from, forcing your beliefs on someone else is always wrong.

not the most eloquent way but you’re right. at the end of the day that’s all the sexuality boils down to and that really has no relevance in videogames nor is it necessary to tell everyone you suck cock and stigmatise a whole personality and culture to it which is brainwashing impressionable kids

The proportion of gays is estimated to be higher in western Europe than in the U.S.

Because faggotry is their entire personality. It is a black void. Even if someone had a small fraction of a personality, the minute they come out as a faggot, that all gets sucked away and all you hear is how much they suck dick or how much they want to suck thing, and you are never going to hear the end of it. It's like a virus.

>have a bunch of trannies marching alongside in a protest
>suddenly 40% of them drop dead right when i need them the most
Better not have them in the first place.

How is a guy named fag still on Twitter, I call someone a fag and I get immediate account deletion

That's too bad. Sylvando was a cool dude.

What we need is less twitter screencap threads

LGBT is ~5% of the population so 2/30 is actually over representation

The fact that is it specifically different from the norm that it inadvertently requires intent. You said it yourself, heterosexuality doesn't require intent because it's the default.

>the stigma is already fading
Judging by this thread, it clearly isn't.

because it’s obvious he’s actually a fag

Not defending the existence of a pride month, but it’s placed there because that’s when the Stonewall riots took place.
People only care about themselves and their plights, no matter how small theirs are. It takes genuine work, money, and effort to safely protest for rights in either of those countries, but it’s relatively cheap to do so in your home country where you’re protected from all that dangerous stuff as long as you’re “signal boosting” behind a computer screen.

I think you're forgetting where you are on the internet

It all started when Obama came out of nowhere and legalized gay marriage nationwide. Now every faggots thinks they are owned everything.

I'm so tired of gay white people and all their whining.
Fucking hell, they're so annoying.
Thank god when the Muslims take over they'll at least do us all a favor and get rid of all these annoying white faggots.

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You know that other countries have film industries beyond America, right? If you’re Chinese and want to watch a film with Chinese people you can go watch a film made in China. Mind blowing, right?

I live in japan. Do you think anyone here complains about lack of white oriole representation in Japanese film and television? No because that would be fucking stupid. If I wanted to go and watch a movie about white people I’d just see whatever the latest Hollywood film is. Even that idea is fucking dumb though because I never think “I want to watch a movie about Iranian people today” - I just watch good movies regardless of what culture the people in the movie come from.

I agree, but you shouldn't be so self-hating user.

obvi trollz0r
t b q h

The stigma is getting fucking bigger. I remember seeing people defending faggots years ago. Now I see the common man bashing them more than before.

the bitterest, razor edged pill of all

My game is set in a dystopian future where gayness was cured.

Okay but if owning the term fag is acceptable than obviously fag is not an egregious insult

no people like this unironically exist

At this point I'm embracing Sharia Law with open arms, just so they can throw all this fags and feminists off rooftops already

Why do all the worlds homos come to the US? Isn’t Europe more fag friendly or has it changed now the it’s full of muzzies?

But I'm black and I don't give a fuck if a character looks like me or not.
Hence why I watch tons of anime and read tons of manga.
I still talk about how western games needs more black characters just so I can watch westernfags squirm like the cunts they are. They deserve to suffer.

What the fuck are you smoking

it’s the same shit with the n word. they have this Stockholm syndrome for the word and keep it alive by using it themselves

I still don't understand why the Left defends that religion when they are literally everything they demonize Christianity for.

Because Liberals are literally fucking retarded

Incorrect. Heterosexuality doesn't require intent because it isn't assigned any value, the lack of value is what makes converting it into writing realistic and filled with variety.
On the other hand it's assigning special intent to sexuality thinking it has value which sticks out with mental retardation, because you then attempt to make it look perfect and shiny every fucking time and it looks fake and fucking retarded. Perhaps the problem with your retarded brains is that your project the materialistic value system onto your own sexuality - the smaller the quantity the higher the value. You literally objectify yourselves by assigning value to your own sexuality and therefore perpetuating it in your every day life like superficial retardation. Meanwhile Heterosexuals know their sexuality has no value onto itself, so they assign value upon more complex and deeper traits to assign individual value.
You are stuck in a loop of mental retardation peabrain where assigning value to your sexuality out of need makes you proportionally look superficial and tryhard poser retarded to general society, THEREFORE you defeat your very own purpose of trying to be treated like the rest of society. To be treated like normal people, you first have to act like normal people, and that means recognizing that your sexuality doesn't have any value, doesn't mean shit, doesn't contribute shit, and on the day you pass a week without thinking about homosexuality as a concept that's when you'll be like the rest of the normal people and heterosexual society.

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A fucking plant called reality, faggot.

Because they're not white.
Personally, I don't mind, since I'm not white and as such give no fucks about the suicidal stupidity of white people (read: white women).
Seeing them suffer for their stupidity is funny, if only white guys would stop defending women from the consequences of their actions.

Literally they have such a deep-seated and misguided rage toward modern Christianity that they'd rather have their wives and daughters raped in the name of the religion that opposes christianity

He's probably not white.
Believe it or not, most of us don't actually like you faggots.
Only white people unironically tongue faggot assholes.

Are you serious? The "common man"? Have you seen ANY gaming social media/journalism from the past 4 years?

Only if it's cute girls.

>less than 15% of the worldwide population
>the loudest when it comes to whining about things they don't need
>the best at shoving themselves and their lifestyle down everyone else's throats

I hope I don't die before everyone gets fed up with this silly shit and tells the trannys and the gays to tone this shit down a notch and calm the fuck down, your asses aren't that goddamned special.

Having to pick the lesser of two evils .. I'd pick slime takeover.

the sad thing is. I can no longer look and token character without feeling like it's a diversity hire. Even if the motivations behind the inclusion of the character is purely a creative choice not driven by the desire to appear virtuous. Shit sucks.

>gaming social media/journalism
Those aren't the common man. They can't even be considered "people".

>12% is less than 1/15

I’m pretty sure it’s just all about being libertarian, but it kinda clashes with their ideology about policing any potentially “offensive” content (which used to be a hallmark of the religious, conservative right).

>You do you, and I’ll do me, unless you doing you offends me

>we don’t make up 1/15th of the world’s population
You literally make up less than that. It’s like 3-5% or some shit. What the fuck

Because of all the faggots in white countries they think that the rest of the world is as full of faggotry as their countries are.

>3% of population is gay
>90% of Yea Forums exhibits gay behaviour
Finding that hard to believe

First reply in the chain: if anyone is forcing them, it’s probably the (domestic) yaoi and yuri audiences, who are usually content with their status as a niche and consume/create their own content that’s either original or based on the things they like. I’m hesitant to say “forced” though because companies know they’ll buy even with just a tiny bit of platonic chemistry between attractive characters. If they add them it might be pandering to those audiences, but it’s usually restrained and focused on stereotypes.
Companies more receptive to western audiences might have the same people at their door as, well, the west.

90% of Yea Forums is white zoomers, so it checks out.

Yeah, what I meant is that the media has been pushing the "diversity" message for literally years. Instead of doing actually good, informative journalism, these people just want to push agendas. It's tiring.

This. Literally only Amerilards care about this stuff. I have never heard anyone outside of America complain about representation in my life. It’s almost exclusively white women and white gay guys that complain about it too.

I used to be extremely anti-Muslim, then I realized that I'd rather see faggots exterminated than Muslims, since the former is WAY more annoying here in the US.
Plus, I'm not worried about Muslims doing anything to me since I'm not white, not a woman, and not a faggot.


>This. Literally only Amerilards care about this stuff.
UK, Canada, and Australia too.
It's the Anglosphere.
There's something rotten in the Anglo DNA.

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Fagnaros the fag lord

It makes perfect sense. Trapfags are repressed homosexuals. They seek out likeminded individuals in a safe space where they can't be easily identified by the greater population.

In some contexts you can. If you decide for whatever reason a character needs a spouse why do you need some special reason for that spouse to be of the same sex? Gay people just exist in real life, why can't they just exist in a game?
And before someone replies saying it's about having a ridiculous amount of gay people, that's not what I'm talking about. I'm responding to the idea that a character shouldn't be gay if it doesn't add anything to the character.

Being openly gay will literally get you beaten up on the street or bullied to suicide in Russia, though. Even though they keep telling the public they don't do that to save face, occasionally.

I cant believe the gays took ragnaros from us

no but cancer spreads any way since we never contained it when we had a chance.

fuck your twitter screencaps.

This never would have happened if not for Team Fortress 2. Classes never needed to be characters. Multiplayer games don't need story or characterization. You're on a team, your goal is to beat the other team. That's it.
Also this. No one has a problem with normal people who are gay. The ones that are insufferable are the ones whose identity consists solely of being a fag and obnoxiously demanding recognition for it.

You can literally tell if someone is a faggot just by looking at them. They are that transparent.

this are the assholes that claim for censorship of things they don't like?
honestly fuck them, and everything they represent.

Make your own faggot fucking game then, RPG Maker exists for a reason you lazy homosexual.

>two isnt enough
codeword for all gay cast for faggot pandering
and lefty points

I don't think anyone defends Islam, but they defend Muslims in the same way they would presumably defend Christians if they were being discriminated against. There's a difference between defending a religion and defending a religious person.

Yea, that's why they call it Islamaphobia and not Musliphobia.
Are all white people this stupid?

I think a lot of the hate comes from the fact that the extremist population constantly wants to take things away from games, rather than contributing to video games in a constructive way. Gives a bad impression on everyone under the LGBT umbrella.

They don't defend Christians, though.

I don't think anyone, fictional or otherwise, should be so open about their sexual preferences.

No, it's moreso because the "totally not extremists" pretty much never tell the others to shut the fuck up and fuck off.
They're content to sit back, keep their mouths shut, and do nothing, then whine when they all get painted with the same brush.
It's pretty typical for all of these groups.
Yes, the majority are like this, it is not a vocal minority, the silent majority is largely a meme.

yeah but can you can be gay without the whole personality and culture shit attached to it?

That's an outside problem which can't be solved by fucking with entertainment in counter-productive ways that i've outlined already or going full retard in the other direction, the shit being done now in the name of furthering LGBT tolerance ironically leads to inciting further fire where it didn't exist beforehand.
The only solution to that is educating people to not beat up gays and keep their opinions non-physical, and of course calling the police on physical assaults and the police doing their job like they do with any other physical assault report, and also restraining the more retarded parts of the LGBT who believe fighting fists with fists and hate with hate can accomplish anything except prolong the status quo or make matters worse. The entire point is that on physical level the education must be about physical interaction to eradicate assaults and bullying, and on the cultural level the LGBT needs to learn that the normal thing is to go a week without even putting thought into your sexuality and not converting your sexuality into an ideology and waging shilling wars for it, that's where the bad habits of religious organization or ideological madness enter your veins and then your cause is lost in the long-term.
Actually let me reformulate:
If you teach a country to not beat up people in general, gays will be covered by that formula.
You can find comparatives in European countries such as Scandinavia.
Countries where people fight less in general also happen to have less gays being beat up, while countries where people fight more generally have more gays being beaten up. So teach people not to fight IN GENERAL rather than selective by labels.