>plays Total War: Three Kingdoms, once
>plays Total War: Three Kingdoms, once
>white people
Fucking retard
Winnie the Pooh
I am so fucking confused did she just set up a recording for her own ass whoopin? Also
Man, the rural life seems rough
Made for ____ .
fake as fuck
Probably needed to prove she was being beaten to a court, because the guy intentionally wasn't hitting her face etc
Nothing about these people makes any sense man
god i hate asians
i dont know whether to laugh or is this domestic abuse
Comedy fucking gold
She deserved it.
How on earth do you find these videos?
Alright, fair enough but I have some questions:
1) Why post this on the Internet?
2) Why the "rural life"
3) Why Yea Forums - Video Games?
op is the kid
subscribed. Can't wait to see more.
What got into him? Does he just enjoy it?
based chinkoid knows how to handle roasties properly
take notes, cucks. this is why china is rising and the west is falling.
not even trying to sound edgy right now. its just the damn truth. like it or not, you're going to have to face the facts... and facts......... dont care about your feelings ;)
that youtube account probably has nothing to do with the video, they just grab videos and post
I am NOT allow domestic violate make peaceful enviroment for future children solve differential equations
if that were a white man, she would be fucking a negro and he would be recording.
Maybe she knows Yea Forums will protect her because of the type of "people" we've got around here.
get your eyes checked